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Many thanks to the
Jefferson-Scranton Alumni Association for the huge
undertaking of updating this list for the All-School Reunion. Also,
thanks to John Meyer for transcribing and submitting the data. 1920: Helen Albert, Mada Anderson, Alice Banning, Helen Beaszor, Edna Deal, Robert Deal, Margaret Delaney, Ruth Ecklund, Beulah Gymer, Burdena Henderson, Bessie Hills, Kathleen Hills, Clair Jenkins, Velma Knowles, Catherine Maurice, Roy McKinney, Opal Molle, Vava Pittman, Blanche Price, Alta Sailer, John Schoppe, Florence Thomas, Alta Thompson, Whitfield Wilcox, Ira Young 1921: Erma Beebe, Victor Brunner, Iva Butler, Alberta Cook, Elva Cook, Helen Custer, Claude Dillavou, Jean Dunlop, Dean Franklin, John Freund, Roscoe Graham, Marguerite Hamilton, Virgil Hammar, John K. Johnson, Opal Johnson, Francis Kelley, Lloyd Knapper, Thelma Kraft, L. May Mattson, Alice Minnihan, Opal Pirie, Gustava Price, Kenneth Quinn, Dorothy Rohovit, Frank Shaffer, James Shaffer, Kathleen Shultz, Ralph Smiley, Mary Ellen Sutton, Kellogg Thomas, Lillian Williams, Margaret Wilt, A. Wayne Winey, Nellie Young 1922: Bertha S. Babb, Ruth Baker, Virgil Buchmiller, Harold Carlisle, Ruth Dunlop, Saidee Fleming, Bernice Gregory, Jessie Hatcher, Gladys Horan, Paul Jenison, Donald Keys, Bernice Knowles, Philip Lawton, Kenneth MacDonald, Bessie Merriam, Olive Morrison, Vivian Oliver, Loren Patrick, Frances Paugh, Helen Paugh, Thelma Rake, Cecil Rote, Josephine Rutter, Ruth Shultz, Lucille Smith, Helen Snively, Mabel Teagarden 1923: John Albert, Margaret Andrew, Marguerita Arnold, Desales Baker, Roberta Barr, Clara Beaty, Francis Beazor, Francis Bennett, Mildred Cairns, Dorothy Calvert, C. Arthur Elliott, Marjorie Elliott, Margaret Flack, Doris Forbes, Eleanor Gamble, Ruth Grauer, D. Dewight Harned, Marion Harned, Charles Hird, Doris Howard 1924: Ralph Anderson, Homer Barr, George Bartholow, Howard Beebe, Wilma Bodenstein, Marvin Brown, Vera Cadd, Gladys Carter, Marie Carter, Ralph Carter, Iva Clark, Glenn Clark, Virgil Cook, Lucille Ganoe, W. Irl Grauer, Grace Hammer, Marguerite Higgins, Madonna Hills, Serena Howard, Dorothy Jack, Florette Kendall, Phyllis Lawton, Eva Loomis, Bernice Lower, Loris Marker, Doris Mears, Paul Morden, Dorothy Myers, Roy Potter, Helen Rex, Charles Schoppe, Donald Schultz, John Shearman, Lucille Smith, Ruth Smith, Isabelle Sonnie, Ruth Swan, Ruth Treband, Foster Try, Virgil Tucker, Lyle Wilson 1925: Lucille Baker, Blanche Battles, Hazel Battles, Ted Berry, Velma Blackburn, B A Bowley, Ferne Brannen, Ivadell Brunner, Doris Davis, Isa Davis, Beryl Dillavou, Leonard Eckert, Marie Edwards, Elizabeth Elliott, Harold Fleck, George Franklin Jr., Dorothy Gose, Walter Gouger, Ethel Hampton, Edna Hartwigson, Vera Hartwigson, Vava Hays, John Hennessey, Charles Hills, Helen Hird, Otto Jackson, Vera Jackson, Josephine Kelly, Raymond Kieler, Lyle Kirkham, Nettie Knowles, Mildred Malloy, Priscilla McCartney, Mae McKinley, Madeline Minnihan, Victorine Minnehan, Evelyn Mornaville, Harold Morsin, Helen Orchard, Norma Pence, Garnett Pirie, Wayne Potter, Eugene Quinn, Orville Radebaugh, T. W. Rake, Charles Reiman, Leon Rohovit, Lewis Rohovit, Anna Rote, Royal Russell, Marshall Sayers, Vera Simkins, Clarence Smith, Dwight Smith,, Lucille Smith, Irma Teeples, Winnie Waldo, Vera White, Abram Williams, Verna Wright 1926: Lillian Anderson, Myrtle Andrew, Mable Ausberger,
Bessie Babb, Walter Babb, Don Berry, Leona Bowley, Edna
Broders, Keith Carlisle, Ralph Cook, Hilma Danaher, Cleone Dillavou,
Catherine Dolan, Anna Doyle, James Dunlop, Florence Elliot, Leo
English, Edna Floyd, Miriam Gamble, Mary Gilligan,
Lloyd Gregory, Catherine Grisier, Gertrude Grisler, Viola Gymer,
Darrell Hanna, Wilma Hanson, Cecil Hicks, Naoma Huston, Helen
Jackson, Ruth Jenison, Alton Jensen, Keith Jones, Lawrence Kendall
Jr., Maxine Kendall, Robert Luther, Warren Marker, Robert Maurice,
Warren McMahon, Florence Mengedot, John F. Miller, Frank Milligan, Vera
Motter, Quwray Oliver, Gladys Outtrim, Ferrol Pence, Douglas
Peters, Willard Porter, Fern Potter, Clara Quirk, Carl
Schroeder, Elaine Seaman, Dorothy Shearman, Harold Shearman,
Elwyn Shultz, Helen Smith, Ray St. Clair, Bernard Stover, Roquel
Sturdivan, Freda Tarbill, Mable Thornton, Laura Wheeler 1927: Azalea Arnold, Islo Ashmore, Bernice Baker, Margaret Baker, Vava Battles, Helen Beebe, Laura Bell, Alberta Cairns, Helen Cavalier, Charles Condon, Elva Cudahy, Oleata Dagit, Ada Davis, Fern Deal, Catherine Dunlop, Mildred Edwards, Duane English, Sophia Floyd, Jessie Forbes, Dorothy Grauer, Bill Hamilton, Harold Harper, Elda Hartwigsen, Ivan Haston, Frances Hasty, Marvel Hicks, Geraldine Kelly, Beatrice Kendall, Bonnie Knapper, Clarice Lacock, Charles Lindsey, Vida Metheney, Edward Miller, Ela Miller, Fern Miller, Lione Miller, Kenneth Monthei, Mable Morden, Ruth Nellis, Ruth Orchard, Wayne Patrick, Myrtle Peterson, Pearle Pirie, Chester Price, Beechie Roberts, Margaret Rohovit, Dorothy Sayers, Robert Schiefer, Lucille Schoppe, Bill Shuey, Opal Stougard, Clarice Talcott, Thelma Tucker, George Watt, Darlene Williams, Pearl Young 1928: Vestal Abram, Vivian Barr, Dorothy Brock, Ona Brown, Helen Clark, Madeline Coler, Francis Cudahy, Roscoe Davis, Walter Delaney, Ellen Gilchrist, Helen Gouger, Jean Grauer, Beverly Halford, William Hanson, Lillis Harbaugh, Romayne Huffman, Harry Irwin, Viola Kaufman, Naidene Kinsman, Virginia Lovejoy, Don McKinney, Margaret McNary, Bob Milligan, Lyle Monthei, Rex Monthei, Evelyn Morain, Mary Moranville, Anneta Morris, Beatrice Myers, Evelyne Peters, Eva Potter, Pauline Probst, Verlee W. Purvis, William Quirk,, Velma Raaz, Claude Rose, Helen Shearman, Cleopha Simkins, Frances Smith, Andrew Stougard, Margaret Stream, Burnice Sturdivan, Doris Waldo, Vernon Walters, Florence Weaver, Florence Whitver, Norman Wiggins, Raymond Wren, Erma Wright, Florence Youngblood 1929: Eldon Ashmore, Thelma Battles, Edgar Beazor, Dorothy Beebe, Bob Carman, Margaret Cockerill, Frances Cole, Thelma Cudahy, Carl Eckert, Robert Eckert, Charlotte Greiner, Cecelia Harkins, Leona Harkins, Dean Hastings, Margaret Hills, Ford Jensen, Juanita Kames, Alice Kellogg, Leo Kieler, Margaret Louk, Jean Maurice, Carolyn McCully, Merle McKinney, Helen Minnihan, Edna Monthei, Dorothy Osborn, Edwin Otto, Estelene Passell, Emerald Pirie, Mildred Polly, Catherine Pulliam, Pauline Robbins, Rita Robbins, Dorothy Seaman, Pauline Smith, Verna Smith, Faye Stotts, Freda Stotts, Chester Tucker, Ivan Waldo, Enid Wiggins, Lumund F. Wilcox, Ruth Zeller 1930: Nadine Aldrick, William Brian, Viva Bucher, Paul Burcham, Parker Burroughs, William Cobb, Katherine Condon, Leo Cudahy, Daryl Dugan, James Dunlop, Ferne Eckert, Emma Elliott, Rosemonde Everly, Durward Fish, Rose Mary Gibbons, Amy Goodrich, Albert Hamilton, Dorothy Hamilton, June Hanson, Donald Houver, Florence Huffman, Betty Jenks, LaVerne Karber, Ken Knight, Carmen Lantis, Irene Leonard, Dean Lindsey, Josephine Lovejoy, Benjamin Magill, Richard Malloy, Ardys Matthews, Vava McDonald, Forrest McDonald, Paul Mears, Virginia Mears, Viola Michael, Naomi Mooney, Lloyd Morlan, Dorine Motter, Eileen Nally, Faye Purvis, Monica Quinn, Pauline Radebaugh, Joe Rogers, Clarence Rohovit, Vava Sanderson, Leonard Scharff, Dorothy Scott, Florence Smith, Fern Smith, Jean Sowers, Roma St Clair, Darrell Stevens, Paul Stoline, Orville Stream, William Talcott, Alice Thompson, Dean Thompson, Ralph Whitver, Harley Wood, Paul Wright, Jack Wright 1931: Dorotha Albright, Kathryn Ayers, Lillian Baker, Delmar Barnes, Lavon Barrett, Everette Brown, Beth Ellen Brown, Marguerite Calvert, Cecil Calvert, Marvin Clements, Daisey DeMitt, Dorothy DeWitt, Loran Durlam, Gwen Earhart, Gordon Elliott, Mildred Elliott, Marguerite Ferrell, Cecil Flack, Jane Forbes, Liddie Gibson, Leila Goodwin, Virginia Grauer, Roberta Halford, Marie Hamilton, Wayne Hasbrouck, Paul Hawley, Dorothy Henderson, Doris Henderson, Constance Jackson, Vivian Johnson, Margie Karber, Elizabeth Kelley, Elden Kirkham, Claude Knapper, Marvin Lyon, Eleanor Lyon, Eldred Maloney, Paul McCully, Floyd McDowell, Eugene Melson, Fred Morain, Helen Morlan, Francis Nelson, Ben Osborn, Oledo Owen, Eldon Owens, Ida Potter, Gertrude Pulliam, Virgil Raaz, Marie Reeder, Herbert Robinson, Howard Ruliffson, Paul Shain, Dean Smith, Irene Steward, Walter Stidwell, Melvin Stoline, Audrey Tucker, Margaret White 1932: Kathryn Ashmore, Cecil Baker, Kathryn Baker, Laurine Baldridge, Yvonne Barnes, James Brunner, Charles Buswell, Romaine Calvert, Clarence Clements, Dorothy Cole, Doris Condon, Juanita Davis, Carl Denhardt, Dorothy Elliot, Lambert Forbes, Paul Fritch, Gladys Gilchrist, Madeline Grimes, Luthera Gustoff, Ferrill Hamilton, Ruth Hastings, Inez Hasty, Margaret Hasty, Anna Hicks, Donald Hobbs, Doria Huff, Hazel Karber, Vern Knight, Thelma L Larsen, Bernadine Larsen, Dorothy Leonard, Marjorie Marker, Art May, Lois Jane Mayer, Pauline McCormick, Harriet Mears, Vern Miller, Mona Mitchell, Virgil Nally, Howard Nelson, Helen Passell, Beulah Pirie, Ida Price, Dean Raaz, Vivian Radebaugh, Bernice Reiman, Paul Reinam, Robert Rohovit, Margaret Rose, Doris Sanderson, Dick Seaman, Raymond Smith, Dorward Smith, Corwin Smith, Ruth Strait, Blanche Sutton, Darwin Tucker, Donald M. Walrod , Cecil Weaver, Albert Whitver, Marvin Wilson, John Wilson, Mildred Wilt 1933: Edythe Bauman, Lois Beazor, Barbara Bennett, Richard Brock, Zoe Brown, Frances Brunner, Verna Buchmiller, Nelson Carmen, Claire Coburn, Deona DeWitt, Irene Dozier, E H Dunham, John Farrell, Louise Finch, Cyril Finn, Lowell Gose, Donald Hamilton, Leota Huffer, Esther Huffman, Matilda Kunecke, Zala Lyon, Ferl Magill, Marvin Marks, Mary Alice McCally, Francis McEwen, Walter McEwen, Gordon McHugh, Cyril McNamara, Doris Merriam, Kenneth Morain, Robert Moranville, Dorothy Munsell, Juanita Munsell, Roy Nelson, Dorothy Outtrim, Margaret Parsons, Evelyn Peterson, Waldon Porterfield, Zeta Potter, Lucille Reese, Minnie Roberts, Jay Shriver, Rex Smith, Allen Sutton, Ruby Tate, Vernon Thompson, Alice Turner, Elon Walter, Keith Weaver 1934: Ada Annunzio, Henry Annunzio, Malcom Bane, Nina Battles, Alta Bauer, Russell Black, Mildred Blackburn, Sam Brandt, Marjorie Brown, Ethyl Chorpenning, Forest Clements, Eldon Coil, Eugene Coler, Ivan Coombs, Jerry Cudahy, Jacob Custer, Pauline Dozier, Virginia Draper, Marguerite Elliott, Rebecca Farley, Gilberta Florman, Ray Gans, Zelpha Gardner, Orville Golden, Nora Goodwin, Corinne Hastings, Ellen Hasty, Harold Hobbs, Russell Holt, Lowell Johnson, Ruth Kirkham, Opal Langfitt, Howard Lindhart, Ernest Lyon, Virginia Marker, Jane McCartney, Howard McLain, William Minnihan, Frank Minnihan, Rosalie Mooney, Merle Outtrim, Betty Perkins, Virginia Peterson, John Pierie, John Quirk, Mary Raaz, Harold Rake, Rita Raver, Emily Rometsch, Rowland Rushmore, Dale Sailer, Norma Sanderson, Art Shearman, Robert Smith, Ernest St. Clair, Nelda St. Peter, Elsie Stevens, Evelyn Stevens, Georgia Stogsdill, Keith Sutton, George Taylor, Vance Taylor, Mildred Walter, Paul Waples, Wilbur Washburn, Wallace Washburn, Kendall Wright, Kathryn Wright 1935: Joyce Averill, Geneva Baird, Irene Baker, Dean Baker, Lucille Baker, Wayne Baldridge, Elizabeth Barker, Cecil Barrett, Lucille Brown, Margaret Burroughs, Maxine Calvert, Alice Carman, Darlene Dobson, Horace Dunham, Charles Dunlop, Vernon Durlam, Wendell Elliot, Geraldine Elliot, Wilma English, Dorothy Finch, Dean Graven, Delbert Halford, Ivan Hasbrouck Jr., Jeanette Havidic, Harold Hobbs, Jean Holmes, Dale Huffman, Darlyne Johnson, James Kearney, Don Knapper, Verne Lamb, Norma Lindhart, Maxine Louk, Gertrude Lynn, Richard Lyon, Doris Lyon, Pauline Mallett, Mary Jane McCaffrey, Ruth McDowell, Thomas McNamara, Carman Miller, Harvey Murdock, Jean Myers, Freda Nelson, Adelma Olson, Francis Osborn, Ward Ottrum, Earnest Phillips, Barbara Piper, Delbert Price, Ruth Ramey, Warren Raver, Kathryn Seery, Lloyd Smith, Sylvester Smith, Ben Smith Jr., Dewey Stevens, Cleo Stogsdill, Catherine Van Horn, Zatha Welch, Marian Whitver, Elaine Wood, Ruth Wright, Howard Youngblood, Beth Zeller 1936: Joy Barker, William Beckner, Lola Beebe, Jay Brandt, Theone Brant, Lillian Cobb, George Cross, Jane Davidson, Delma DeWitt, Darline DeWitt, Georgia Dunlop, Henrietta Dunlop, Clara Ferrell, Florence Ferrell, Doris Flack, Darwin Flack, Ruth Florman, Marian Fowler, Loren Gans Jr., M. Charleen Garrels, Naomi Gilbert, Ernest Goodwin, Norman Gore, Doris Greiner, Leslie "Jake" Greiner, Avis Hawley, Mary Hawley, Glenn Johnson, Caroleen Johnston, Melvin Karber, Catherine Kearney, Kathryn Klinsman, Darlyne Lawson, Edna Layton, Louise Leonard, Mary Lyon, Arlene McGrew, Doris McNary, Frances Morehead, Dean Morlan, Leo Murphy, Ronald Murray, Paul Nally, Leonard Neidigh, Leland Owens, Delbert Price, Gerald Reberry, John Reeder, John Rees, Wayne Robertson, Viola Robertson, Irene Sutton, Everett Talcott, Beulah Taylor, Mary Whitson 1937: Doris Baker, Clarence Baker, Susan Baldridge, Virgil Bamsey, Darwin Barnes, Mary Beckner, James Brandt, Jay Brandt, Marion Brown, Grace Cofer, Evelyn Collins, Willis Collis, Dorothy Conroy, Bernard Cox, Betty Cudahy, Beulah Davis, Ruth Denhardt, Jean DeWitt, Anne Isabelle Dittert, Harriet Donovan, Mariem Dunlop, Eugene Evers, Marion Forbes, Maxine Francis, Virginia Gore, Betty Gylling, MaryHackett, Duane Halford, Helen Hamilton, Sheldon Harris, Jean Harris, Pauline Hasty, Roy Hillyer Jr., Mildred Jaques, Maisie Johnson, Kenneth Kinsman, Joyce Lindhart, Gretchen McCartney, Delbert Meyers, Madelon Miller, Armen Miller, Marian Minnihan, Fred Monthei, Don Munsell, Marjorie Murdock, Evelyn Olson, Vida Ott, Lillian Piper, Lillian Pollock, Verna Pollock, Lolita Porterfield, Gladys Potter, Wayne Raaz, Velma Radebaugh, Polly Reberry, Beverly Richards, John Richards, Vera Sailer, Wilbur Sanders, Earnest Sanders, Dorcas Schoppe, Werner Selene Jr., Dorothy Shriver, Lois Van Kirk, Ralph West, Zetta Whitson, Hazel Whitver, Anne Wiggins, Maurine Wilt, Jeanne Wood 1938: Marjorie Anderson, Victor Annunzio, Jeanette Baker, Helen Baker, Rolland Barnes, Alice Baumann, Ruth Black, Norman Buchmiller, Jean Carson, Phyllis Clements, William Coffey, Florence Coon, Elizabeth Cox, Bernice Crow, Mary Custer, Lloyd Davis, Greta DeWitt, Marcella Dillivan, Dale Dobson, Vernon Dunham, Eugene Durlam, Jean Eble, Maurice Eigler, Elinor Farquhar, Alma Foster, Charlotte Garst, Ruth Gilchrist, Ellis Goodrich, Don Grant, Frances Greif, Marjorie Greiner, John Grimes, Jery Hanson, Claude A. Hays, Margaret Healy, Jeane Jongewaard, Fern Kelley, Zena Kellogg, Naomi Kersey, Alice Kester, Frances Kollasch, Betty Kollasch, Mildred Leithhauser, Russell McBride, Margaret McCormick, Charles McCuen, Maurice McNamara, Nedra Mears, Gladys Monthei, Douglas Moranville, Elsie Morris, Pauline Motter, James Nally, Beth Naylor, James Olson, Jim Outtrim, Phyllis Owens, Betty Pangbum, Kathlene Peters, Wayne Pevestorf, Raymond Pirie, Robert Puffer, Helen Raaz, Jeanne Raver, Eleanor Reeder, Harriette Richey, Duane Rohovit, Helen Schilling, Vermyl Shick, Nancy Smith, Alice Steward, Glen Thompson, John Thornton Jr., Elmer White, Marie Wright, Art Wright, Rex Wright 1939: Betty Ames, James Andrew, Wyona Blaznitz, Claibel Brooker, Hazel Brown, Frank Byrd, Earl Cairns, Eugene Coil, Sheila Cox, Eldon DeWitt, Freda Dobson, Bertha Dowd, Elva Ferguson, Richard Finn, Harold Flack, Keith Fleck, Thomas Gamble, Keith Gimson, Evelyn Greenlee, John Griffiths Jr., Charles Hale, Jay Haupert, Dean Hays, Ida Higbee, Billy Hillyer, Shirley Holt, Floyd Hunter, Max Jacques, Gladys Johnson, Bob Jongewaard, Aaron Kelley, Marion Kennedy, Virginia Kersey, Betty Kirkham, Mary J. Kirkpatrick, June Linder, Marvin McCain, John McCarville, John McGlothlen, Warner McHugh, Mary Mears, Grace Moore, Vivian Munsell, Louis Murphy, Robert Olson, Jim Parr, Alice Price, Jeanne Richardson, Ramona Richey, Alice Riley, Donald Robertson, Margaret Robinson, Harry Rose, Velma Safley, Paul Sailer, Harriett Schoppe, Douglas Shriver, Wayne Smith, Thelma Taylor, Edna Taylor, Jeanne Tesdah, Carl Thompson Jr., Marjorie Upton, Richard Van Horn, Kathleen Wilt, Ruth Witter, Doris Young 1940: Bill Barker, Helen Bartlet, Helen Bartley, Evert
Baumann, Thomas K. Black, Tom Brandt, Lowell Buchmiller, Dick Buzard,
Frank Byrd, Barbara Cameron, Twylia Clements, William Condon Jr.,
Catherine Coyne, Roy Cudahy, Gene Daubendiek, Leland Delp, Betty Dillavou,
Richard Donovan, Barbara Dunlop, Ronald Dunlop, Vernon Eagle, Glen
Farrell, Ellen Finn, Sue Foster, Tom Garst, Arch Gilchrist, Orin
Goodrich, John Goodwin, Eulalie Grant, Jim Graven, Jean Gylling, Robert
Hackett, Jay Hasbrouck, Lenita Heath, John Jaquis, Robert Jaquis,
Kenneth Kersey, Alice Lane, Josephine Littell, Jim Luther, Tom
Lynch, Gladys Marsh, Leona McGrady, Grayce McHugh, Ruth Mears, June
Mears, Lyndell Miller, Marjorie Miller, Phyllis Mitchell,
Bernice Mobley, Ralph Morris, Hollis Mounce, Lucille Munsell, Helen
Murphy, Naomi Oberkamper, Jessie Orchard, Ervin Orin, John Piepel,
Richard Porter, Thelma Raver, Florence Reese, Keith Richardson, Don
Robertson,, Dorothy Rosa, Duane Safely, Sarahetta Sanderson,
Catherine Sayre, Edward Schilling, Eugene Smith, Clyde Smith,
Josephine Stevens, Arline Stoll, Bonnie Tasler, Anna Taylor, Bud
VanKirk, Marjorie Washburn, Nadine White, Ida White, Doris Wright,
Virginia Young, Robert Young 1941: Clovergene Averill, Betty Mae
Barnes, Verle James Bennett, Doris Virginia Blaznitz, Merle Cairnes,
Betty Jo Callaway, Treva Calvert, Lyle Cairns Clopton, Margarete Louise
Delp, Charlet Louise Devoss, Richard Joe DeWitt, Francis Martin
Dittert, Wendell Jesse Durlam, Wayne Fay Durlam, William J. Ecklund
Jr., Richard Fredrick Elliott, Olive Ione Engleen, M. Ardis
Ferguson, Nellie Jean Gilbert, Betty Lois Gilroy, Warren
Young Gore, Patricia Ann Hunlock, Eleanor Hope Jongewaard, Eldon
Lawrence Karber, Marvin Kelly, Paul LeRoy Knapper, Vivian Jane
Leonard, Betty Jean Maloney, Loren Douglas McNaught, Harold Lloyd
Millard, Harold Henry Jackson Morris, Keith Mounce, Warren Keith Noel,
Floyd LeRoy Olsen, Marjorie Parr, Stewart Aldrich Peacock, Bethel
Leone Perkins, Edna Pauline Price, Maxine Elizibeth Pruter,
Evelyn Jane Reeder, Warren Dean Reese, Peggy Lee Rhodes,
Barbara Elaine Rhodes, Eleanor May Rydings, Edwin Howard Ryerson,
Betty Grace Sayre, Pauline Mae Simmons, Theona Irene
Slininger, Hazel Marie Smith, Martha Alice Stevens, Gloria
Ann Stewart, John Leslie Stewart, Thomas Seymour Tallen, Harold
Richard Taylor, Charles William Try, Norman Eugene Tucker, Robert Rust
Turner, Norman Eugene White, Richard, Berry Young, Goldina Vadore Zwicky Note: In 1990, the Jefferson Consolidated School merged with Scranton Consolidated School to form the Jefferson-Scranton school system. |