Corner-Stone Jefferson
1878-1919 (Non-Inclusive)
*Proxy - indicates he attended the Grand Chapter, annual convocation as
a proxy (ex. GCh,HP*-78 This man attended the Grand chapter as a
proxy High Priest in 1878)
C - Chaplain
CH - Chaplain of the Host or Captain of the Host
Co - Conductor
DGHP - Deputy Grand High Priest
G - Guard
GC - Grand Chaplain
GCH - Grand Chaplain of the Host
GCh - Grand Chapter of the State of Iowa
GG - Grand Guard
GHP - Grand High Priest
GK - Grand King
GMFV - Grand Master First Vail
GMSV - Grand Master Second Vail
GMTV - Grand Master Third Vail
GPS - Grand Principle Sojourner
GRAC - Grand Royal Arch Captain
GS - Grand Secretary
GSc - Grand Scribe
GT - Grand Treasurer
H - Herald
HP - High Priest
K - King
m - appears on the member rolls for indicated year
Mc - Master of Ceremonies
OHP - Grand Council of the Order of High Priesthood for State of Iowa
Pr - President
PS - Principle Sojourner
R - Recorder
RAC - Royal Arch Captain
RSMD - received Royal & Select Masters degree in the indicated year
S - Secretary
Sc - Scribe
Se - Sentinel
Ss - Steward & Sentinel
T - Treasurer
Vp - Vice president
Key to actions:
Ad - admitted
D - died
Di - dimitted (left the lodge to join another or became non-affiliated)
Dr - dropped (dismissed)
Ex - exalted (raised to a higher degree)
Exp - expelled
Re - reinstated
WWI - served in World War I
Su - suspended (possibly for non-payment of dues or unmasonic-like
Key to years:
78 - 1878 annual report (10/1/1877-9/30/1878)
79 - 1879 annual report (10/1/1878-9/30/1879)
80 - 1880 annual report (10/1/1879-9/30/1880)
81 - 1881 annual report (10/1/1880-9/30/1881)
82 - 1882 annual report (10/1/1881-9/30/1882)
90 - 1890 annual report (10/1/1889-9/30/1890)
17 - 1917 changes in the membership for the year ending 12/31/1916
18 - 1918 changes in the membership for the year ending 12/31/1917
19 - 1919 changes in the membership for the year ending 12/31/1918
(included the WWI Roll of Honor)
Key to notes in parentheses:
- (name) a name in parentheses is
another spelling for the same person found in the books. I probably
didn't catch them all, but these are the ones I am very sure of.
In many cases, the surname was spelled differently within the same
reporting period, and sometimes on the same page.
-(memorial, pic, bio, obit) the books contain one or more of these
additional items for the person indicated.
-(date) a date in parentheses following a death notation, indicates
date of death as recorded in the books.