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David L. MaasDavid L. Mass received his education in the public schools of Milwaukee, where he lived until he had attained his fifteenth year. He then removed to Greene county, Iowa, making his home near Cooper for two years. At the end of this time he removed to Guthrie county, where he spent the following eight years. His friends and associates were much interested at this time in Dakota lands and the inspiration which he received from their enthusiasm led to his removal to that state, where he spent three years in agricultural pursuits. He then returned to Franklin township, Greene county, and in 1902 purchased a farm of H. Smith on sections 9 and 16, Willow township. This land consisted of two hundred and forty acres, and Mr. Maas, with his usual enterprise and energy, went to work to add all the improvements necessary. He built a barn fifty-six by sixty, fenced his entire place, tiled the land and followed the pursuit of general farming and stock-raising, making a specialty of white faced cattle and Chester White hogs. The land is under a high state of cultivation and the farm is complete in all its appointments, so that Mr. Maas is ranked among the practical and progressive farmers of the township. David L. Maas was united in marriage, in Greene county, in 1881, to Dora Leiffert, a native of Germany and a daughter of Henry Leiffert, who came to this country and settled in Greene county, Iowa, about 1875. Mr. and Mrs. Maas are the parents of seven children: George, Charles, Elsie, Alice, Elmer, Harold and Walter. Mr. Maas is an active republican and is at present trustee of the township. He is a member of the organization of Modern Woodmen and is a thrifty and successful agriculturist, whose prosperity is all the reward of his own efforts. He began life empty-handed in this county but has met with success, acquiring a handsome property and owning at present a pleasant home, and he enjoys the friendship of all those with whom he has come in contact. |
Transcribed from "Past and Present of Greene County, Iowa Together With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Prominent and Leading Citizens and Illustrious Dead," by E. B. Stillman assisted by an Advisory Board consisting of Paul E. Stillman, Gillum S. Toliver, Benjamin F. Osborn, Mahlon Head, P. A. Smith and Lee B. Kinsey, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1907. ![]() Site Terms, Conditions & Disclaimer |