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Franklin County IAGenWeb free genealogy records |
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Note: Links for the older updated items will not be updated if a page is relocated in the future. If you encounter a non-working link, please use the site search engine on the home page of the Franklin county IAGenWeb site to find the item you are looking for.
May 2017
New Database! Cemetery transcription: Pleasant Hill cemetery, Grant twp. burials - compiled by S. Ferrall (5/13/2017)
New Database! Cemetery transcription: Pleasant Hill cemetery, Osceola twp., burial list, historical info. & a bit about the cemetery association - compiled by S. Ferrall (5/9/2017)
New! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - 270 gravestone photos from Pleasant Hill cemetery, Grant twp. - contributed by Harold Pohlman (Apr/May 2017)
Updated! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - 500+ gravestone photos from Pleasant Hill cemetery, Osceola twp. - contributed by Harold Pohlman (Apr/May 2017)Obituary Board - check for newly added obits. Browse or search the entire board. Please consider sharing the obituaries you have among your piles of accumulated genealogy records. It's easy to contribute an obituary. The submission box is at the bottom of the page .... enter your name (full, or just initials), your email address (optional), the name of the deceased, type in the surnames from the obit, type the obit & source in the text box, enter the verification code as instructed then click "Submit".
April 2017
New! Death Records: Franklin co. deaths, 1937-1941, from the SSDI - contributed by Janelle Martin (4/1/17)
New! Directories: persons drawn for jury duty, 1876 & 1877 - from S. Ferrall (4/1/17)
Updated! Franklin co. Misc. Marriages - from S. Ferrall (04/01/17)
March 2017
Updated! Photos of Herbert E. Boehmler (taken at different ages), were added to the Hampton Rotary Club page & to his compiled biography on the Bio Board - from his g-granddaughter Sandy Boehmler (3/21/2017)
October 2016
Updated! Photo Albums: two photos, both of unidentified women, were added to the unidentified people album -from 'Aaron' (10/22/2016)
New! Cemetery records: Hansell / Ingham twp. cemetery burial list and remarks - compiled by S. Ferrall (10/10/2016)
April 2016
New! Cemetery records: St. John's Lutheran cemetery burial list and remarks - compiled by S. Ferrall (04/11/2016)
March 2016
New! War of 1812 and Blackhawk War veterans who are buried in Franklin co. - compiled by S. Ferrall (03/30/2016)
New! Biographies & photos of 6 of the last surviving Civil War soldiers in Franklin co.: G. Autry, L. Conner/Connor, A.D. Gibson, E.J. Stonebraker, O.G. Reeve & W. Savidge - from S. Ferrall (03/20/16)
Updated! Reeve-Winegard marriage (1929) added to Franklin co. Misc. Marriages - from S. Ferrall (03/20/16)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. Added several names and service notes - from S. Ferrall (03/20/2016)
New! A photo of school girls in an Ackley school, c1899 was added to the Photo Albums - contributed by 'Kate' (03/07/2016)
January 2016
New! County and Community histories - the Franklin co. chapter from "The courts & legal profession in Iowa", 1907; historical and biographical - from S. Ferrall (01/13/2016)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. Added several names and service notes - from S. Ferrall (01/13/2016)
New! Cemetery transcriptions: Old Chapin cemetery burial list and cemetery history - from S. Ferrall (01/09/2016)
New! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - 300+ gravestone photos from Old Chapin cemetery - contributed by Harold Pohlman (January 1-3, 2015)~*~*~
December 2015
Added! Surname Registry: Ron McMenimen is researching the McMenimen family. He states: "The McMenimen's came from Ireland via Pennsylvania and farmed in West Fork Township Section 1 & 2 from the late 1800's until the 1970's. The 1908 Plat has the name as John McMannie. Several generations of McMenimen's and relatives are buried across the county line in Dougherty, Cerro Gordo county in St Patrick's cemetery." Visit the Franklin County Surname Register for Ron's email address. (12/29/15)
New! County and Community histories - "How Alexander Got It's Name", 1928 news article; and "Alexander Diamond Jubilee, 1885-1960", news article - from S. Ferrall (12/10/2015)
New! Biography & photos of Oney F. Sweet - from S. Ferrall (12/15/15)
New! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - 320+ gravestone photos from Morgan twp. cemetery; 360+ gravestone photos from St. Peter's UCC cemetery; 100+ gravestone photos from St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery; 15 gravestone photos from Redding cemetery; and 360+ gravestone photos from Zion Reformed cemetery - contributed by Harold Pohlman (throughout December 2015)
November 2015
New! Cemetery transcriptions: Towle cemetery burial list & notes; Shobe's Grove cemetery burial & photos and updated transcriptions for Way Side cemetery (H. Pohlman & S. Ferrall Nov. 13-15)
Updated! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - added 290+ gravestone photos from Way Side cemetery; 200+ gravestone photos from Trinity Lutheran cemetery; 80+ gravestone photos for Hansell cemetery; 430+ gravestone photos for Mayne's Grove cemetery; 20+ gravestone photos for Towle cemetery and photos of Shobe's Grove cemetery - all from Harold Pohlman (Nov. 2015)
Updated! Spanish-American War Honor Roll, added Peter Halfwassen and service notes - from S. Ferrall (11/15)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. Added several names and service notes - from S. Ferrall (throughout November)
October 2015
Updated! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - over 400 gravestone photos were submitted for St. John's cemetery, east of Coulter - from Harold Pohlman
Updated! Officers for 1876/1877 were added to the AF & AM directory, Anchor Lodge #191 & Kedron Lodge #241 - from S. Ferrall (10/06/15)
Completed Database! Transcriptions of all 172 biographies from "Who's Who in Iowa, 1940" have now been completed. Surnames K thru Z are now online. - from S. Ferrall (10/03/15)
August 2015
New Database! Biographies from "Who's Who in Iowa, 1940" are being transcribed. Surnames A thru J are now online. - from S. Ferrall (08/02/15)
June 2015
Updated! Franklin co. Misc. Marriages - from S. Ferrall (06/27/15)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. Added several names and service notes - from S. Ferrall (06/27/15)
New Database! Soldier burials Hampton cemetery: War of 1812, Civil War, Spanish-American War & WWI. This database is accessible via either the Miltary Records Index or Cemetery Index.
April 2015
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. Added several names and service notes - from S. Ferrall (04/13/15)
Updated! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Hampton City cemetery, added additional burials - from S. Ferrall (04/13/15)
February & March 2015
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. Added several names and service notes. - from Linda Linn (03/05/15)
New Database! Coulter cemetery burials - over 250 burials, dates & family info. - compiled from many sources - from S. Ferrall (02/16/15)
New! Coulter Cemetery Society, misc. officers & members - from S. Ferrall (02/16/15)
New Database! Iowa State Atlas - 1904, Franklin county — Descriptive and Historical - from S. Ferrall (02/15/15)
New! Added a news article "Bronsemas do their bit for their country" to the military records - from S. Ferrall (02/15/15)
New! Biographies & photos of John H. Darrah, William D. Evans & Thomas J.B. Robinson - from S. Ferrall (02/15/15)
Updated! Dan Kiley has updated his email address on the surname registry. Dan is researching many Irish families who settled in Franklin county.
October & November 2014
Completed database! All of the 'S' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed. This completes all of the biographies from the book - from S. Ferrall (11/27/14)
New! All of the 'M' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (10/15/14 & 10/20/14)
September 2014
New! All of the 'K' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (09/10/14)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county - from S. Ferrall (throughout September)
August 2014 - One of Jim Brower's vintage photos, Will Bates residence ca1912, Hampton, was placed on the home page of the website.
New! Compilation of pre-civil war soldiers who lived, died or are buried in Franklin co. - from S. Ferrall (08/24/14)
Updated! Franklin co. photos - several Hampton street scenes from the early 1900's were added to the Hampton album - the Jim Brower collection (08/12/14)
New! All of the 'J' and 'W' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (08/01/14 & 08/21/14)
New! Added Mulligan Post #102 G.A.R. to the Franklin co. G.A.R. page - from S. Ferrall (08/01/14)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county - from S. Ferrall (throughout August)
July 2014
New Database! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Holland cemetery burial list - from Toni Pralle (07/19/14)
Updated! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Hampton City cemetery, added additional burials (throughout July)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. Added surnames Bryan, Ferris, Fritz, Gillett, Hogle, Kline, Pease & Stinson - with notes. (throughout July)
Updated! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - Bryan, Ferris, Fritz, Hogle, Kline, Pease & Stinson gravestone photos were submitted for Hampton cemetery & Wilde for Hillside cemetery, Sheffield - from Steve Hanken (July 2014)
June 2014
Updated! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Hampton City cemetery, added additional burials (06/26/2014)
New! All of the 'H' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (06/17/14)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. Added surnames Campbell, Craighton, Ferris, Galer, Gibson, Henderson, Reeve, Soper, Shafer & Staley - with notes (coordinator, 06/17/2014 & 06/26/2014)
New! Database of Franklin co. men who served in the Spanish-American War, extracted from the Roster and Record, 1911 - contributed by Karon King (06/02/2014)
May 2014
New! All of the 'G' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (05/28/14)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. Surnames Ferris, Galer, Reeve & Shafer and info. were added to the D-Z file - from Steve Hanken (05/10/2014)
Updated! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Hampton City cemetery, added additional burials (05/10/2014)
Updated! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - Ferris, Galer, Reeve & Shafer gravestone photos were submitted for Hampton cemetery - from Steve Hanken (05/10/2014)
April 2014
New! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Wayside cemetery burial list and Wayside Cemetery Society - from S. Ferrall (04/12/14)
New! Biographies of: Albert Butterfield, Daniel W. Dow, Florence A. Jones (+photo) and Charles & Delia Flanagin - from S. Ferrall (04/09/14 & 04/10/14)
New! All of the 'D' and 'I' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have now been transcribed & - from S. Ferrall (04/08/14)
March 2014
Updated! World War I Honor Roll, added several names & info. - from S. Ferrall (03/10/14)
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. This database is getting a new look. Lots of information was added to the B & C surnames - from Linda Linn & S. Ferrall (03/10/2014)
New! All of the 'T' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (03/09/14)
New! 1905 Iowa State census card register, Geneva township (excluding the village of Geneva) - from S. Ferrall (03/05/2014
February 2014 - One of Jim Brower's vintage photos, Reeve St. Bridge ca1914, Hampton, was placed on the home page of the website.
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, soldiers who were born, lived in or are buried in Franklin county. This database is getting a new look. Lots of information was added to the A & B surnames - from Linda Linn & S. Ferrall (02/27/2014)
New! All of the 'N & O' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (02/26/14)
New! All of the 'L' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (02/15/14)
New! Directory of Franklin county mills - from S. Ferrall (02/10/14)
January 2014
New! All of the 'R' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (01/25/14)
Updated! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Hampton City cemetery, added several additional burials - from Ashley (01/03/14)
December 2013
Updated! WWII Honor Roll - Edward Van Every of Hampton awarded Distinguished Flying Cross - from S. Ferrall (12/13/13)
New! All of the 'E' biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (12/06/13)
New! Biography of Nicholas J. Rhutasel & family - from S. Ferrall (12/03/13)
Updated! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Hampton City cemetery, added several additional burials - from S. Ferrall (12/03/13)
November 2013
New! All of the Ba-Bl biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed. This completes the surnames starting with 'B' - from S. Ferrall (11/11/13)
October 2013
New! Biographies of John H. King and Horace E. Thayer - contributed by Lyn Lysne (10/07/2013
New! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Hampton City cemetery, over 600 compiled burials - from S. Ferrall (10/07/2013)
September 2013
Updated! Civil War Honor Roll, WWI Honor Roll & WWII Honor Roll - lots of new records added! - from S. Ferrall (09/17/13)
August 2013
New! All of the F, P & Q biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (08/25/13)
July 2013
Updated! Franklin co. photos - One of the previously 'unidentified' photos now has a name and has been moved to the 'identified' persons album. He is Benjamin T. Foley. Read about Benjamin in the album. - from Ron Holland & Don Turner (07/23/13)
June 2013
New! All of the U, V, Y & Z biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (06/09/13)
May 2013
New! All of the "C" biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (05/18/13)
New! Biography of: Julia Stark Evans - contributed by S. Ferrall (05/03/2013)
April 2013
New! Added to the Personal Websites page "Montgomery Family Genealogy" and "The Family of William J. Montgomery" - from William Montgomery (04/20/2013)
New! Biography of: Herbert Edward Boehmler - contributed by Sandra I. Boehmler (04/20/2013)
New! Alexander Cemetery Society, 1928-1940 - from S. Ferrall (04/15/2013)
Updated! WWI Honor Roll - coordinator (04/10/13)
New! 1905 Iowa State census card register, Scott township - from S. Ferrall (04/06/13)
March 2013
New! Biography of: John Nelson Montgomery - from William Montgomery (03/30/2013)
New! All of the "Bo - By" biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (03/25/13)
Updated! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - Abbas gravestone photo was submitted for Marion Center cemetery - from a researcher (03/19/13)
New! All of the "A" and "D" biographies from History of Franklin & Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, 1883 have been transcribed - from S. Ferrall (03/17/13)
Updated! Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - Heitland gravestone photos have been submitted for Oak Wood cemetery - from a researcher (03/13/13)
February 2013
Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - Oitzman gravestone photos have been submitted for Hampton City cemetery - from Mike Oitsman (02/21/13)
New! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Lindenwood cemetery, compiled burials - from S. Ferrall (02/06/2013)
Updated! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Alexander cemetery - additional burials added (02/06/2013)
January 2013
New! Directory - A.F. & A.M. -from S. Ferrall (01/14/2013)
New Database! Directory - Hampton Rotary Club 11th Anniversary -from S. Ferrall (01/14/2013)
Surname Registry - Dave Montgomery has registered his surname interest - Damm / Dam - Peter Mathias Dam emmigrated from Denmark c1870 and settled in Latimer, Marion twp by 1885. His son John L. Damm & grandson Earl Peter Damm spent many years in Franklin Co. in and around Latimer and Coulter. You'll find Dave's email address on the Surname Registry page - contact him if you'd like to exchange family information. (01/03/2013)~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~Update Log January 1 - December 31, 2012
Note: Links for the older updated items will not be updated if a page is relocated in the future. If you encounter a non-working link, please use the site search engine on the home page of the Franklin county IAGenWeb site to find the item you are looking for.
December 2012
Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - gravestone photos have been submitted for Hampton City cemetery
Updated! Franklin co. Misc. Marriages - from S. Ferrall (12/19/12)
New! Franklin co. photos: Lutheran Hospital, Hampton, a vintage photo & some history - from the collection of Jim Brower (12/19/12)
Updated! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Alexander cemetery - additional burials added (12/18/12)
New! Franklin co. photos: Johnson - Lathrop Album - from Carole (Lathrop) Myers (12/17/12)
New! Franklin co. photos: Coonley Hotel, Hampton, a vintage photo & some history - from the collection of Jim Brower (12/17/12)
November 2012
New! I've started transcribing the biographies from the 1883 Franklin co. history (a long-term project). Added to the site today are bios for Adams (2), Argent, Canfield, Floyd, Lee, Potter, Pool, Ross & Tidd. - from S. Ferrall (11/28/12)
New! Franklin county G.A.R. & Soldier's Memorial Hall, photos, biographies, history - from S. Ferrall (11/04/12)
Updated! Civil War Volunteers Honor Roll, added additional names - from S. Ferrall (11/04/12)
October 2012
New! Franklin co. photos - 3 new Albums: Hampton Album, Church Album & Courthouse Album; plus some bits of history - from Jim Brower & S. Ferrall (10/17/12)
Updated! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Alexander cemetery - additional burials added - from S. Ferrall (10/14/12)
September 2012
Updated! Franklin co. Civil War Pensioners (09/26/12)
Updated! Towns, Townships & Maps page , added the 1875 plat from the Andreas Atlas (09/26/12)
New! 1905 Iowa State census card register, town of Alexander - from S. Ferrall (09/19/12)
August 2012
Surname Registry - Toni Pralle has registered surnames: Bahls, Bailey, Cooke, Latham, Peters, Prescott, Rodemeyer, Walker, Ward, Wolfe & many others (08/26/12)
Iowa Gravestone Photo Project, Franklin co. - gravestone photos have been submitted for Alexander, Hampton, Lindenwood, Meservey & Westfork cemeteries
Updated! Spanish-American War Honor Roll, added a letter from Major S.J. Parker - from S. Ferrall (08/18/12)
Updated! WWII Honor Roll, information added for S-Sgt Orval Burman - from S. Ferrall (08/18/12)
Updated! Civil War Volunteers Honor Roll, added many records & links to their gravestone photos - from S. Ferrall (08/15/12)
July 2012
Updated! All of the remaining 1914 biographies have been added - from Don Turner (07/17/12)
Updated! Spanish-American War Honor Roll, adding additional soldier names, news articles & other misc. records - from 'LA' & S. Ferrall (07/11/12)
Updated! The biography of George D. Thompson was added to the 1914 biographies - from Don Turner (07/11/12)
Updated! The missing "M" surnames were added to the WPA graves survey index (07/09/12)
New! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Alexander cemetery - over 570 burial records (still incomplete, but a good start!) - from S. Ferrall (07/01/12)
Updated! Civil War Volunteers Honor Roll & WWI Honor Roll (07/01/12)
May 2012
New! Biography of: Charles Livingston Clock - from S. Ferrall (05/13/12)
Updated! Civil War Volunteers Honor Roll, adding the records of Charles L. Clock, William H. Richards & John Vincent (photo) - from S. Ferrall (05/13/12)
New! County and Community histories - added the establishment, formation, organization, description, early settlers of Franklin county ... includes brief transcriptions from several sources. Also new: a brief history of Hampton (05/07/12)
Updated! Towns, Townships & Maps page (05/06/12)
Updated! WWI Honor Roll, added entries for Sherwood A. Clock & Dick Stoffers (05/06/12 & 05/08/12)
New! Alumni of Iowa State College who gave their address as Franklin co. as of 1914 - from S. Ferrall (05/05/12)
Updated! Civil War Volunteers Honor Roll, updated the record of Thomas J. Herman - from Linda Holms (05/01/12)
New! Biographies & photos of: George W. Burrows, Wilbert E. Harriman & Charles F. Johnston - from S. Ferrall (05/01/12)
Updated! A 3rd biography (from 1899) was added to the 2 previously posted bios of Hon W.F. Harriman - from S. Ferrall (05/01/12)
April 2012
New! Franklin co. Civil War Pensioners (04/23/12)
Updated! Civil War Volunteers Honor Roll, CW veterans who lived or died in Franklin county (04/23/12)
New! Franklin co. Cemeteries: Marion Center cemetery, compiled burials - from S. Ferrall (04/22/12)
Updated! WWII Honor Roll, information added for Pvt Louis P. Rieken - from Linda Holms (04/20/12)
March 2012
New! 1893 special census of the town of Hampton - full transcription - over 2600 names! (03/29/12)
New! Franklin county Marriages 1855-1869 (03/27/12)
New! World War I Soldiers born in Franklin co. who served from North Dakota (03/27/12)
Updated! Civil War Volunteers from the 1883 History of Franklin co. (03/27/12)
New! Added to the Document board: Marriage licenses issued March 1943 & Chandler-Klinefelter marriage license 1932 (03/27/12)
New! Biography & photo of Hon W.F. Harriman (Biography board 03/8/12)
Updated! An index for the 1914 biographies has been created, the biography & photo of Aeilt Brass was added and all of the pages given a fresh look. (03/07/12)
February 2012
New! Biography & photo of Dr. P.V. Peterson (Biography board 02/2/12)
Updated! Spanish-American War Honor Roll, additional names & information (02/12/12)
Updated! WWI Honor Roll, additional names & information (02/12/12)
Updated! WWII Honor Roll, additional names & information (02/12/12)
January 2012
New! Honor rolls for veterans of the Spanish-American and World War I have been created. Please honor your veteran ancestor on these pages! (01/25/12)
Updated! Cemetery index page, added Pleasant Hill cemetery aka Grant twp. cemetery (01/18/12)
New! Newspapers of Franklin County, a compilation of county newspapers, also a biography of Tom W. Purcell and the Hampton Chronicle (01/17/12)
Update Log December 2011
Franklin county was adopted - Sharyl Ferrall is the new site coordinator.*WPA graves survey Franklin co., added to Cemetery & Burial Records (12/20/11)
*Look-up Volunteer page (12/19/11)
*WWII Honor Roll, additional names & information (12/13/11)
*Added to the Document board: Hudson family & Westfork cemetery, Heike A. Rust documents & Joseph Bray/Alice Beckwith family (12/12/11)
*Township maps (2) were added to the Towns, Townships & Maps page (12/12/11)
*Royal Arch Masons (RAM) 1874-1890 was added to Directories & Gazetteers (12/06/11)
*1856 Iowa State census records - Morgan, Reeve & Washington twp transcriptions were added to the site (12/06/11)
*Local resources page (12/06/11)
Update Log 2006-October 2011Note: There are no links for the following items since most have been moved from their original location on the site.
October 1, 2011
Added BIRD to surnames page
Added Fanselow family picture to Groups pictures page
Added 5 Alexander homestead pictures and 1 Coulter homestead picture to the Unknown pictures pageJuly 9, 2011
Modified email for Lookup volunteer Don Woodley.
Added back of picture on the Unknown Pictures page with inscription that requires translation from DanishMarch 28, 2011
Added picture of Unknown page from Suzanne Holst.August 13, 2010
Added index and block listings of Oakland Valley (Oak Hill) Cemetery and link from Cemeteries PageSeptember 20, 2009
Add WWI Veteran's Flag picture and note to Military WWI Pictures page.February 13, 2009
Add the following names to the Surnames page: Ahrenkant, Daniels, Vierkant, Wolfenberger
Add Hudson Family page and Ahrenholtz/Vierkant Family page.
Add pictures to the Unknown page.
Add pictures to the People page for the letters A, C, and VOctober 29, 2008
Add name index by first letter of last name - on the 1908 Plat Map page.April 24, 2008
Corrected email address for Dan Kiley entries under Surnames and Lookup Volunteers
Added Name Index for Plat Maps for Grant Twp, Lee Twp, Oakland Twp, Osceola Twp, Page 42-43 Towns of Hampton, Geneva and Burdette, Page 46-47 Towns of Sheffield, Faulkner, Alexander, Bradford, Hansell and Latimer, Page 50-51 Towns of Popejoy, Coulter, Oakland, Dows, and Chapin. This completes the individual township indexes.January 24, 2008
Added Name Index for Plat Maps for Geneva Twp, Hamilton Twp, and Reeve Twp.January 11, 2008
Corrected W. A. Harriman to Henry A. Harriman on 3 picture captions per message from his great-grandson..
Added HANSEN to the Surnames Page.October 30, 2007
Added page images from 1934-1935 Burdette School Reunion Book.April 29, 2007
Added Lookup Volunteer Jenny Rasmusson for Hillside-Hampton Cemetery book.April 21, 2007
Added Name Indexes for Plat Maps for Ingham Twp and Morgan Twp.April 3, 2007
Added a Birthday Postcards page (not genealogy, but some beautiful birthday cards from 1912)March 12, 2007
Added Name Indexes for Plat Maps for Mott Twp and Washington TwpJanuary 11, 2007
Added Name Indexes for Plat Maps for Marion Twp and Scott TwpJanuary 5, 2007
Added Name Indexes for Plat Maps for Clinton Twp, Richland Twp, Ross Twp, West Fork Twp, Wisner Twp.December 29, 2006
Added pictures to Groups, Unknown Persons, People letters A and T, and created the page for Pictures of Places.December 15, 2006
Added the 1908 Plat Map images from the Standard Atlas of Franklin County Iowa.