Bits & Pieces
Search For Elopers -
Latimer Business Man With Family Runs Away With
Sixteen Year Old Girl - Turns Property Over To Wife
Hampton, Sept. 13--O. C. Foughty, a business
man at Latimer, eloped with Miss Anna Jensen, a charming little country girl of
sixteen years, who lives near Latimer. They left Latimer Saturday night and
since that time the relatives of the girl have been searching for the missing
couple. Foughty is a barber at Latimer and is a married man, having a wife and
two children. For the past six months his wife has refused to live with him
because he mistreated her.
Foughty and Miss Jensen have
been seen together several times during the past summer and he had said that he
was going to leave the country but no one expected that she would go with him.
Miss Jensen was a very popular girl at Latimer and during the past two weeks had
spent her evenings at the church where they were holding revival meetings. On
Saturday night she was there as usual and sang in the choir. As soon as church
was over Foughty and she left town, driving hurriedly away. It is thought they
drove to Mason City or Clear Lake and took a train from one of those points.
Foughty locked up his barber shop and mailed the key to the door to Sheriff
Wolfe, saying that he was going to leave the country and wanted to turn over
everything he had to his wife and children. The family of the girl are very
indignant and are endeavoring to locate the whereabouts of the couple. Foughty
was formerly a resident of Hampton and engaged to the barber business. He
married his wife here in the year 1898.
Source ~
Times-Republican, Marshalltown, Iowa