I & J
History of Franklin
County, Iowa by I. L. Stuart. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub.
Co., 1914.
Transcribed by Don Turner, former coordinator of this website.
John Ingebretson
![]() John Ingebretson & |
![]() Mary Hanson Ingebretson |
On the roll of Franklin county's honored dead appears the name of
John Ingebretson, who from 1878 until his death in 1901 was
closely and honorably connected with agricultural interests here,
becoming during that time an extensive landowner and a
representative farmer. He was born in Cook county, Illinois,
February 18, 1854, and is a son of Ingebret and Annie
Ingebretson, natives of Norway. The parents came to the United
States, in the early '50s and settled in Cook county, Illinois,
where the father died and left the mother with her children. She
afterward removed to Lafayette county, Wisconsin, where she
passed away.
John Ingebretson spent his boyhood in Wisconsin, acquiring a public-school education. In 1878 he came to Franklin county, Iowa, and entered the employ of D. W. Mott, for whom he worked until his marriage in 1880. He then purchased one hundred and twenty acres of wild prairie land on section 5, Richland township, and began the work of improving this property, carrying it forward ,with characteristic energy for many years. He provided the place with a good residence, substantial barns and out-buildings and laborsaving machinery and made it a valuable and productive property; giving evidence everywhere of the care and supervision of a practical and progressive agriculturist. From time to time he made additions to the property and at his death was an extensive landholder owning five hundred and sixty acres. At all times he kept in the front ranks of progressive agriculturists of the community, and his labors therefore brought him substantial returns.
On the 19th of February, 1880, Mr. Ingebretson was united in marriage to Miss Mary Hanson, who was born in Gratiot, Wisconsin, March 27, 1862, a daughter of Martin and Bertha Hanson natives of Norway, now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Ingebretson became the parents of eight children: Julia M., who lives at home; Alfred S., who is married and is operating part of the family homestead; Melvin, at home; Bessie M., who is engaged in teaching; Clara H. and Orville H., at home; and two children, who died in infancy. Since her husband's death Mrs. Ingebretson has had charge of the homestead and has added to it extensively, her holdings now comprising twelve hundred and eighty-eight acres, one of the largest and most valuable farms in the township. She and her children operate this property, and they have become widely and favorably known in agricultural circles.
Mr. Ingebretson was a devout member of the Lutheran church and
gave his political allegiance to the republican party, being at
all times active in the support of movements for the general
good. When called to his final rest in 1901 he left a record that
is well worthy of emulation.
N. A. Inglis
N. A. Inglis, holding a prominent position in financial circles of Hampton as cashier of the Franklin County State Bank, was born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, March 7, 1869, a son of David D. and Matilda (Weed) Inglis, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of New York. When the father was nineteen years of age he went to London, England, and there engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years. He afterward was sent to Japan, where he had charge of the business controlled by a New York tea and silk importing house, and he remained in this connection until 1876. After spending one year in Scotland he crossed the Atlantic to, America and made his way to Wisconsin, settling in Delavan, whence in the following year he came to Hampton, Iowa, turning his attention to the mortgage and loan business in partnership with J. F. Latimer. In 1881 the partners organized the First National Bank with Mr. Latimer as president and Mr. Inglis as cashier. Seven years later the concern was reorganized as a private bank and it was so conducted until 1898, when both partners retired from active life, selling their interests to H. L. Harrison and N. A. Inglis of this review. David D. Inglis continued to live in retirement until November 4, 1910, when his death occurred. His wife survives him. To their union were born three children: N. A., of this review; Charles A., and Ruth V.
N. A. Inglis was educated in the public schools of Hampton and in those of Davenport, Iowa, after which he attended the Iowa State Agricultural College at Ames and later the State University of Wisconsin at Madison. He bought his father's interest in Inglis & Latimer's Bank in 1898 and in partnership with Mr. Harrison conducted this as a private concern until August, 1905, when they consolidated with the Franklin County Bank, organizing the Franklin County State Bank. Mr. Inglis is cashier of this concern and fulfills the duties of this responsible position in a farsighted and able way, winning recognition as a capable and discriminating financier.
On the 5th of October, 1893, Mr. Inglis married Miss May Clemmer and they have become the parents of four children, David Donaldson, Winnifred, Norma Ruth and John Charles. Mrs. Inglis is a native of Minnesota and acquired her preliminary education in the public schools of that state, later graduating from the Wisconsin State Normal School at Platteville. Previous to her marriage she engaged in teaching at Hampton.
Mr. Inglis attends the Congregational church and is connected
fraternally with the Masonic lodge and the Knights of Pythias.
His political allegiance is given to the republican party, and he
served as city treasurer for one term and for four years as a
member of the city council. His judgment on everything relating
to banking and finance is considered sound and reliable.
Edward Iverson
Edward Iverson, who was born in Norway, May 5, 1858, now owns a valuable farm in Morgan township, Franklin county, where he is engaged in general farming and stock-raising. He is a son of Erick Iverson, who is more extensively mentioned in connection with Ole Iverson.
Edward Iverson at the age of ten years had to depend upon his own resources. Thus it is the more commendable that he has succeeded and attained prosperity. In 1885 Mr. Iverson acquired title to one hundred and sixty acres on sections 26 and 27, Morgan township, and he has added since two hundred and forty acres to this farm, now owning four hundred acres of valuable land. His is one of the best improved farms in the section. Mr. Iverson is up-to-date and modern in his methods, and his success must be largely ascribed to the good judgment which he has used in the cultivation of his land. He has put up a number of substantial farm buildings and also has erected a silo of two hundred tons capacity. In addition, to his farming he engages to a considerable extent in stock-raising and derives a gratifying income from both sources.
On April 28, 1885, Mr. Iverson married Miss Andrina Iverson, who was born in Green county, Wisconsin, and who is an adopted daughter of A. O. Sime. Mr. and Mrs. Iverson have four children, all yet at home: Amos Julius, Martha Annette, Elmer Theodore and Alma Rosetta. They also have taken care of a boy whom they reared, Elmer Arendt.
Mr. Iverson is interested in public affairs and has served as
township trustee and school director. He is a member of the
Lutheran church and in politics is a republican. He is one of the
leading farmers of Morgan township and has contributed toward
raising agricultural standards here. He is greatly admired for
his sturdy qualities of character and has many friends.
Ole Iverson
Norway has furnished many of the successful agriculturists to Franklin county, among whom is Ole Iverson, who was born in that country November 29, 1855. He is a son of Erick and Marie (Nelson) Iverson, both natives of the land of the midnight sun. They came to America in 1870 and, making their way to Iowa, located in Oakland township, Franklin county. The father died February 17, 1904, having survived his wife since January, 1871. To them were born seven children: Iver, Nels, Christian, Gertrude and Bertha, deceased; Ole, of this review; and Edward, of Morgan township, this county.
Ole Iverson came with his parents to America when about fifteen years of age, having received most of his education in his native country. He turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, working for three years as a farm hand and receiving ten dollars per month in compensation for his services. He then bought in partnership with his father eighty acres of land on section 8, Oakland township, and later added thereto forty acres. He has since been successfully engaged along agricultural lines. He has put up a number of substantial buildings, and his place is evidence of his careful methods.
On January 10, 1882, Mr. Iverson married Martha Nelson, a native of Norway and a daughter of Ellef and Bertha (Peterson) Nelson, natives of Norway. The parents crossed the Atlantic and in 1872 settled in Green county, Wisconsin. There the father died. The mother in 1882 came to Oakland township, this county, where she passed away on September 21, 1907. They were the parents of twelve children: Nels, of Oakland township; Peter, deceased; Christie, the widow of Lars Golackson; George, of Green county, Wisconsin; Annie, the wife of Amos Bayston, of Orangeville, Illinois; Carrie, who married Phillip Maybauen, of Hardin county; Sarah and Ole, of Green county, Wisconsin; Martha, the wife of our subject; Thomas, deceased; Ellef, of Popejoy; and a daughter, Martha, who died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Iverson had three children: Eda Matilda, born in 1882, who died August 26, 1908; Berdelia Marie, who was born September 2, 1883, and for some time taught district school, now being the wife of Alfred Schwab; Nettie Amelia, born June 10, 1885, who became the wife of Alfred Thompson, by whom she has a daughter, Marvel Leota, born November 24, 1908. Mr. Thompson died June 26, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Schwab have one son, Walter Orland Schwab, born November 4, 1909.
Ole Iverson is a republican and for seven years was road
supervisor. He also has served for some time on the school board
of Oakland township. His religious faith is that of the Lutheran
church. Mr. and Mrs. Iverson are highly esteemed by all who know
them, and such success as has come to him is well merited, for it
has been achieved through energy, industry and honesty.
Charles Frederic Johnston
![]() Charles F. Johnston & |
![]() Delle Haecker Johnston |
Charles Frederic Johnston, a prominent attorney and banker of
Franklin county, is the sole proprietor of the Citizens Bank of
Sheffield, a private concern which was organized in 1899 and is
one of the leading institutions of the county. He has likewise
been a leading figure in local politics, representing Franklin
county in the lower house of the state legislature during the
twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth general assemblies. His birth
occurred on the old Johnston homestead a mile and a half east of
Hampton, January 17, 1866, his father being James J. Johnston, of
whom extended mention is made on another page of this volume.
Charles F. Johnston spent his boyhood on a farm and acquired his early education in the district schools, while subsequently he attended the Hampton high school, from which he was graduated with the class of 1887. During the winter of 1885-86 he taught in a country school. Following his graduation he studied law under D. W. Henley, who later became a member of the firm of Henley & Bedell and afterward was the senior member of Henley, Bedell & Andrews. On the 26th of September, 1888, Mr. Johnston came to Sheffield and opened an office of his own. In 1889 he pursued a law course in the State University of Iowa, passed the examination before the supreme court of the state and was admitted to the bar in 1891. Throughout the intervening twenty-two years he has been successfully engaged in the practice of law at Sheffield, Iowa. He served as mayor of the city in 1890 but resigned this office and went to Hampton, where he was engaged. in the practice of law in association with J. W. Luke for one year. During his absence his brother, G. A. Johnston, had charge of affairs at Sheffield. His success in a professional way affords the best evidence of his capabilities in this line. He is a strong advocate with the jury, and concise in his appeals before the court. Much of the success which has attended him in his professional career is undoubtedly due to the fact that in no instance will he permit himself to go into court with a case unless he has absolute confidence in the justice of his client's cause. Basing his efforts on this principle, from which there are far too many lapses in professional ranks, it naturally follows that he seldom loses a case in whose support he is enlisted. Mr. Johnston is also the sole proprietor of the Citizens Bank of Sheffield, a private concern which was organized in 1899. His brother George A. was associated with him as partner in its conduct for several years until his death February 7, 1910. Since March, 1911, W. H. Reynolds has been cashier of the bank, which is one of the leading institutions of Franklin county and one of the foremost in the state for a city the size of Sheffield. It has been built up and managed on a sound, conservative basis and is recognized as a safe and solid institution in every particular.
In 1892 Mr. Johnston was united in marriage to Miss Delle Haecker, a native of Franklin county and a daughter of Henry and Barbara Haecker. She was graduated from the Hampton high school with the class of 1888 and followed the profession of teaching prior to her marriage. She is still a faithful worker in the cause of education and was named a member of the Better Iowa School Commission by the state superintendent of public instruction. Her cooperation is ever given on the side of mental and moral uplift and her efforts have not been without result. By her marriage she has become the mother of three children, namely: Charles Frederic, Jr., who is a member of the freshman class at the University of Wisconsin in Madison; Winifred, who is seven years of age; and one son who died in infancy.
As stated above, Mr. Johnston has been a prominent figure in
local political ranks. He represented Franklin county in the
lower house of the state legislature during the twenty-fifth
general assembly and acted as chairman of the elections
committee, also helping to make the new 1897 code. While a member
of the lower house of the twenty-sixth general assembly he served
as chairman of the railroad committee of the house of
representatives and was strongly recommended as speaker of the
house. In 1898 he was appointed deputy revenue collector for
fourteen counties in the northern half of the state, ably serving
in that capacity for six years or until 1904. He is identified
fraternally with the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of
America, while his religious faith is indicated by his membership
in the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he has served as
president of the board of trustees for fifteen years. Both he and
his wife have spent their entire lives in Franklin county and are
among its best known and most highly esteemed residents. At this
point it would be almost tautological to enter into any series of
statements as showing Charles F. Johnston to be a man of broad
intelligence and genuine public spirit, for these have been
shadowed forth between the lines of this review. Strong in his
individuality, he never lacks the courage of his convictions, but
there are as dominating elements in this individuality a lively
human sympathy and an abiding charity which, as taken in
connection with the sterling integrity and honor of his
character, have naturally gained for him the respect and
confidence of men.
James H. Johnston
James H. Johnston and family
James H. Johnston, a representative of a well known pioneer
family of Franklin county, owning today one hundred and sixty
acres of the homestead in Mott township, upon which he was born
November 22, 1864, is a son of James and Elizabeth (Bradfute)
Johnston, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Ohio.
They came to Franklin county in 1855, and the father engaged in
farming in this part of Iowa until his death, which occurred
August 17, 1897. His wife survives him. In their family were
seven children: John E.; David Franklin, of Manhattan, Kansas;
Ralph W., of Lincoln, Nebraska; James H., of this review; Charles
F., a banker of Sheffield; George A., deceased; and Jennie E.,
the wife of E. A. Beemer, of Reeve township.
James H. Johnston was reared upon his father's farm and acquired his education in district schools, spending the time when not engaged with his books aiding in the operation of the homestead. When he was twenty-eight years of age he bought a quarter section of land in Hancock county, Iowa, and after operating this for five year sold it and. moved to Madison county. There he farmed upon one hundred and sixty acres of land for six years and then moved to South Dakota, purchasing a half section in that state. He remained there three years, finally selling his property there and returning to Franklin county. Here he bought one hundred and sixty acres of the old homestead in Mott township, and this property he has since operated, carrying forward the work of improvement and cultivation along modern and practical lines. He engages in general farming and stock-raising, occupations with which he has been identified since his childhood, and he is meeting with that success which his ability and experience command.
On the 17th of September, 1890, Mr. Johnston was united in marriage to Miss Emma Paul, a native of Ontario, Canada, and a daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Lee) Paul, the former a native of Ireland of Scotch ancestry and the latter of Canada. The father spent his entire active life engaged in farming, and his death occurred in Canada. His wife survives and makes her home in Saskatchewan. Eleven children were born to their union: Emma, the wife of the subject of this review; Margaret, who married William Arthurs, of Ontario; John, deceased; Thomas, of Toronto, Canada: Annie, the wife of John McDowell, of Ontario; Joshua, a resident of St. Cloud, Manitoba; Richard, who lives in Brock, Saskatchewan: Elizabeth, the wife of George Shea, of Brock; Helen, a trained nurse residing in Chicago; Victoria, the wife of W. D. Stacy, of Chinook, Alberta; and John, of Brock, Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have become the parents of nine children: George F., who was born July 31, 1891; James Paul, born July 16, 1893; Arthur E., born February 8, 1895; Ruth, who was born October 16, 1896, and died in August, 1897; Thelma, born June 18, 1898; Elizabeth, born February 25, 1900; Thomas L., born October 23, 1903; James H., Jr., born November 1, 1904; and John E., who was born February 15, 1908, and died February 22d of the same year.
Mr. Johnston is a member of the Congregational church and
gives his political allegiance to the republican party. He is
well known in Mott township and throughout the county and
occupies an enviable position in agricultural circles, having
fully demonstrated his worth and his progressive spirit.
Andrew C. Jorgensen
Since 1894 Andrew C. Jorgensen has been connected with agricultural interests of Franklin county and since 1900 has owned and operated his present farm of one hundred and twenty acres on section 11, Hamilton township. He was born in Denmark, June 24, 1872, and is a son of Rasmus and Karen (Jensen) Jorgensen, also natives of that country, both of whom have passed away. In their family were eight children: Karen, the wife of C. Johansen, of Denmark; Ane, who married Peter Jacobson, of Morgan township, this county; Peter; Sophie, the wife of H. P. Christensen, of Denmark; Stene, who married Jens Sorensen, of Denmark; Andrew C., of this review, Anna, deceased; and Hans, of Denmark.
Andrew C. Jorgensen remained at home until he was twenty years of age and then came to America, locating in the vicinity of Cedar Falls, Iowa, where he engaged in farming for one year. In 1894 he came to Franklin county and here in 1900 made his first purchase of land, buying one hundred and twenty acres on section 11. Upon this property he has since resided, carrying forward the work of improvement and development. He has erected a number of fine buildings upon the place and now has an excellent barn, forty-four by sixty-four feet in dimensions. The equipment is modern in every respect and the entire place is kept in excellent condition, being under the care of a practical and progressive agriculturist. Mr. Jorgensen engages in farming, stock-raising and dairying and has met with gratifying and well deserved success along all lines.
On March 8, 1902, Mr. Jorgensen married Miss Karen Miller, a daughter of Peter Miller, of whom further mention is made elsewhere in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Jorgensen have become the parents of five children: Dagny, who was born December 26, 1902; Alfred, born July 20, 1905; Folmer, born January 9, 1908; Frode, born January 2, 1911; and Valborg, born March 2, 1913.
Mr. Jorgensen is a member of the Lutheran church and gives his political allegiance to the democratic party. He is one of the most progressive farmers in this part of Franklin county and occupies a high place among the men whose work has influenced agricultural advancement in this section of the state.
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