Page 38
F. A. Harriman, Attorney at Law
E. P. Andrews, Attorney at Law
Taylor & Evans, Attorneys
J. M. Hemingway, Attorney at Law
Page 39
Secret Societies (cont) and Schedule of District Court,
11th Judicial District of Iowa, for 1901
Anchor Chapter, No. 69. Meets 1st
Wednesday each month.
T. E. B. Hudson, Sec.
A. W. Bead, Treas.
A. F. & A. M. Anchor Lodge, No. 191. Meets 1st Friday
in each month.
J. M. Snyder, J. M.
E. B. Brandon, Sec.
A. W. Bead, Treas.
E. S. Patterson, S. D.
T. W. Purcell, J. D.
Page 39 (cont)
Secret Societies (cont) Eastern
Star, No. 191. Meets 1st Monday in each month.
Mr. J. W. Luke, J. M.
Mr. T. H. Coble, A. M.
Mrs. L. P. Holden, Sec.
J. W. Bailey, W. P.
Good Templar, I. O. G. T., Hampton
Lodge, No. 123. Meets every Tuesday evening.
W. F. Bugby, C. T.
Minnie Seer, V. T.
Mystic Workers, Clover Leaf Lodge, No.
219. Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
G. E. Sargent, W. M.
W. F. Bugby, Sec. & Banker
G. T. McCrillis, Att'y
Ancient Order of Red Cross. Meets
Monday evening.
G. E. Sargent, Pres.
A. T. Fowler, Sec.
Judges J. R. Whitaker, W. S. Kenyon,
and S. M. Weaver for counties Webster, Hamilton, Story,
Boone, Hardin, Franklin and Wright.
Page 40
High School Building
B. H. Mallory, Lawyer
John Y. Luke, Attorney at Law
H. C. Liggett, Attorney at Law
D. W. Dow, Attorney at Law
Page 41
Directory Of the Enterprising Business and Professional
Men of Hampton, Iowa 
Abstracts of Title - Robinson
Bros, Taylor & Evans
Agents - Insurance - Clark, A. L., Coldren, E. L.,
Mallen, J. M., Myer, W. H., Myers, O. F., Myers, I. A.,
Robinson, T. J. B., Parks, D. W.
Agents - R.R. and Express - Runyard, A. R.,
C.G.W., Coolidge, M., Iowa Central, Boehmler, H. E.,
Adams Ex., Parker, S. J., Wells Fargo Ex.
Agents - Real Estate - Coldren, E. L., Coble, T.
H., Harriman, H. A., Mallon, J. N.
Agricultural Impements - Jeffers, W. P., Roemer
Bros., Soper, A. M.
Attorneys - Andrews, E. P., Dow, D. W., Harriman,
F. A., Hemingway, J. M., Liggett, H. C., Luke, J. Y.,
Mallory, B. H., Taylor & Evans
Banks - Bank of Hampton, Citizens Bank, Farmers
& Merchants Bank, Franklin County Bank
Bakers - Raper, Chas.
Barbers - Bailey, F. A., Buckingham, J. M., Hunt
& Hickethier, Palmer, G. D.
Books and Stationery - Adams, Miss May, Baldwin,
E. V., Dohrman, L. H., Funk, E. M., Harriman, O. B. &
Page 42
Directory (cont)
Books and Stationery - Marschall
Bros., Ross, J. A.
Boot and Shoe Dealers - Boehmler, H. E., Faatz, F.
L., Patterson, E. S., Poole, C. H.
Boot and Shoe Makers - Roberts, Cyrus,
Schoenleber, Christopher
Blacksmiths - Hansen, O., Hobbie, C. S., Skow, H.,
Smith, C. E.
Bottling Works - Fowler, F. P.
Bowling Alley - Smith & Ohlerking
Bicycling - Birdsall, R. W., Haney, C. H., Hobbie,
L. W., Beed, Chas. & Son
Brickmakers - Hunt, John
Bus Lines - Holmes Bros, Shearer & Loss
Carriages and Wagons - Hobbie, C. S., Jeffers, W.
P., Roemer Bros, Soper, A. M., Tobey, T. P.
Carpets and Matting - Gray, Henry, Patterson, E.
Commission Merchants - Wingert & Lamos
Clothing and Furnishings - Holub, M., J.
Schlesinger Estate, Stephens, T. S.
Coal and Wood - Reeve & Beebe, Shane, L. E.,
Smith, G. F. & Co.
Contractors and Builders - Boutin, C. W., Curtis,
Ed, Roberts, W. A., Sargent, G. E.
Cigar Manufacturers - Kratochvil, F.
Crockery, China and Glass - Haney, C. H., Poole,
C. H., Ross, J. A.
Creamery - Juhl Bros.
Page 43
Directory (cont)
Dairy - Ray, Bert
Dentists - Musser & Ingham, Ryder, G. A.,
Warner, R. T.
Druggists - Baldwin, E. V., Billingsley, B. F.,
Funk, E. M., Harriman, O. B. & Son, Marschall Bros.
Dressmakers - Wallace, Miss Essallie, Wheeler,
Miss Adelaide
Dry Goods- Clock, H. A., Gold, Wm., Marks, W. F.,
Meyer, A., Patterson, E. S., Poole, C. H.
Dye Works - Cunningham, W. T.
Electric Plant and Sundries - Hampton Electric
Light and Power Co.
Flour and Feed - Franklin Mills, Wm. G. Beed,
Furniture - Gray, Henry
Grain Buyers - Pohl, J., Northwest Iowa Grain Co.
Groceries - Coonley, J. E., Howe, F. C., Holden
Bros., Marks, W. F., Meyer, A., Poole, C. H., Spencer, L.
Hardware and Cutlery - Beed, Chas & Son.,
Graham, J. A. & Son., Smith, F. D.
Hides and Tallow - Keefe, Wm. & Son., Marken
& Fisher
Harness and Saddlery - Bailey, J. W., Ott Bros.,
Shroyer, V. E.
Hotels - Hotel Hampton, Phoenix Hotel, Hotel Rule
Justices of the Peace - Coldren, E. L., Parks, D.
Jewelers - Haney, C. H., Thomas, H. O.
Page 44
Franklin Roller Mills, Wm. G. Beed,
Page 45
Directory (cont)
Kodaks - Barrett, C. F.,
Birdsall, R. W., Funk, E. M.
Laundries - Hampton Steam Laundry, W. P.
Hutchinson, Prop'r
Livery, Feed & Sale Stables - Clark, C. B.,
Grimes, S., Phelps, T. J., Prescott's 10c Feed Yard,
Shearer & Loss
Lunch Counters - Clemmer, C. C., Denton, M. L.,
Miller & Wolf, Raper, F. S., Robinson, C. S., Warner,
G. W.
Lumber Merchants - Reeve & Beebe, Shane, L.
E., Smith, G. F. & Co.
Meat Markets - Keefe, Wm. & Sons, Marken &
Machinery - Jeffers, W. P., Roemer Bros., Soper,
A. M.
Merchant Tailors - Luhring, Wm., Struck, A. L.
Marble and Granite Works - French, T. A.
Milliners - Bates, Mrs. O. B., Bentz, Mrs. J.,
Dow, Mrs. D. W., Whitcomb, Mrs. E. L., Root, Mrs.
Mills - Franklin Roller Mills, Wm. Beed, Prop'r
Newspapers - Globe, Recorder, Chronicle
Opticians - Haney, C. H., Haecker, L. E., Powers,
J. C.
Photographers - Barrett, C. F., Birdsall, R. W.
Plumbers and Steam Fitters - Wescott & Raymond
Pantitorium Club - Bates, O. B.