April 5, 1951
Front Page
Red Cross Quota short Nearly $100.00
March is designated as Red Cross month and Mrs.
Fox with her corps of workers has been attempting to raise a quota
of $450 for the town of Fayette and Westfield towndhip. To date
there is a shortage of nearly $100. Bad weather and roads have been
a handicap. In an appeal to the to the people for help in making the
quota Mrs. Fox said:
"If you are one of those who haven't been
contact or if you've decided you should contribute more why not see
me or leave the money at the bank this week? do you want the man in
uniform or the victim of disaster to feel you are not baking him?
Surley this territory can raise '$450."
April 19, 1951
Front Page
First Methodist Church
Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Electa Circle of W.S.C.S.
meets in the home of Mrs. A. J. Fox with Miss Harriet Ranney serving
as a hostess.