November 7, 1946
Front Page
Shakespeare Club Met At Home of Mrs.
The home of Mrs. A. J. Fox formed the setting
for the seoncd meeting of the Shakespeare Club. After each member
had introducd her guests, Mrs. Root intrudoced Mrs. Margaret Jayne
Collett, who presented the afternoon's program.
Mrs. Collett explained her reasons for
choosing "Beach Red" for her presentation, adding some interesting
sidelights of the author and his reaction to present times. Her
cutting of the book, which followed, was powerfully given , a
dramatic and telling indictment of war.
The hostess, assisted by Miss Grace Meyer,
served tea to the guests and members. Mrs. Root poured.
The next meeting of the club will be with
Mrs. Forrest Doughty on November 7. Mrs. V. T. Smith will present
"Deborah," a novel by Marian Castle.
November 21, 1946
Front Page
Misses Mary James, Grace Meyer, Mildred
Haefele and Mrs. A. J. Fox were Waterloo visitors Saturday.