December 12, 1945
Miss Jennie Smith of Hawkeye was a week end
visitor at the Mrs. A. J. Fox home.
The Circle meeting of the W.S.C.S. will be held
at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18, as follows:. . .Circle Naomi,
hostess, Mrs. A. J. Fox; devotions, Mrs. E. J. Potter; magazines,
Mrs. A. J. Fox will leave today for a visit in
the home of her son Lt. Comdr. K. G. Fox, who is stationed at Great
Lakes, Ill.
13, 1945
Randalia News
All members of the Widows' club, with the
exception of Mrs. Charlotte Vaughn, Mrs. Harriet Bacon and Mrs.
Rhoda Van Sickle, were entertained Sunday at a picnic dinner at the
home of Mrs. Mayme Severson in celebration of her birthday. Guests
were Mrs. Henry Hettler and Mrs. Helen Fox, Fayette, Mrs. Mellie
Frye, Mrs. Marjorie Sewell, Mrs. Ruth McComb and Richard Scannell.
Mrs. Ruth McComb baked the birthday cake. An interesting program was
given with Roll Call, "The Most Outstanding Christmas event in my
life." Mrs. Severson received many cards and gifts.