April 19, 1928
Local News
The Shakespeare club met with Mrs. A. J. Fox
Thursday afternoon. Roll call, Iowa. The "Silver Cord" was read by
Mrs. Kerwin, Mrs. Lyford, Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Deming. Election
of officers results as follows: president, Mrs. C. R. Carpenter;
vice-president, Mrs. A. J. Fox; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. O. W.
Stevenson; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. E. Dorman.
April 26, 1928
Front Page
Put on Annual Play Before Crowded House
Last Friday Night.
Almost a record-breaking audience greeted the
Senior class of U.I.U. last Friday night in the gymnasium when they
presented their play, "The Ship." The play was somewhat sad, being
based on the conflict of two stubborn wills, possessed by a
ship-building father and his son, who refused to following in the
footsteps of his parent in the ship-building enterprise.
Giving in, at last, to his father's demand that a
Thurlow should accompany the finest product of the yeards on its
first voyage, the son was drowned when the ship was sunk, and thus
the father was made to realize the emptiness of victory in a selfish
desire. This saddening note of tragedy was in a measure offset by
the excellent work of the cast in its presentation. The class of
1928 may well feel proud of its representatives in the Thespian
Kenneth Rawson took the part, of the obdurate
father and Vaytard Hurmence appeared as the equally resolute son.
Both were excellent. Wilma Finch and Marion Humiston as the wife and
daughter of the elder Thurlow completed the family circle with
skill, and the part of the grandmother was well played by Grace
Miller, who really starred in her character. Robert Fox was a
realistic soldier, Fred Lyford was good as a friend and lover, and
Naomi Smith did well in the part of a maid.
The cast will undoubtedly meet with a most cordial
reception when the play is repeated at commencement time.
The Juniors, as usual, presented a take-off on the
Senior characteristics as a curtain-raiser, and met with the usual
success which a pleased audience accords such performances.