Fayette County Leader
January 26, 1922
Neighborhood News
The Civic Improvement association held its annual
meeting for the election of officers Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. John Graf. Officers elected were: President, Mrs. Graf;
Vice-president, Mrs. G. C. Denniston; secretary, Mrs. J. D. Parker;
Treasurer, Mrs. C. R. Carpenter. Mrs. A. E. Whitney was appointed to
fill vacancy on executive board caused by the resignation of Mrs.
Gra. New members appointed on the executive board: Mrs. M. M.
Elder, Mrs. D. M. Parker, Mrs. A. J. Fox, Mrs. W. C. Denniston.
The Adult Bible class met last evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis. the company gathered early and at
6:30 a fine picnic lunch was served cafeteria. the table was
prettily decorated with a large birthday cake cut in sixty pieces,
in the center. There are fourteen members of the class whose
birthday occurs in January, and each one was presented an individual
birthday cake, elaborately decorated with frosting and candies and a
lighted rose candle. After this ceremony a program was given,
consisting of music by the quartet, Prof. Crain and wife and Prof.
and Mrs. Van Ness, with Mrs. Tireman at the piano, readings by
Misses Fern Chittenden and Ruth Chapman. This was followed by song
service led by Prof. Crain. a most delightful time was enjoyed.
Those who received the birthday cakes were: A. A. Carter, Mrs. J.
Fawcett; Rev. W. W. Robinson, M. M. Elder, James Whitley, Mrs. Etta
Roberts, Mrs. A. B. Curran, J. Pritchard, J. M. Davis, Mrs. Fred
Chittenden, Mr. Ritchie, Mrs. J. Doughty, Mrs. G. O. Stone, Mrs.
Charlotte Fox. Immediately preceding the luncheon the class
presented Mrs. A. B. Curran a bouquet of lovely carnations.
G. O. Stone, Mrs. Charlotte Fox. Immediately
preceding the luncheon the class presented
The Week's Doings
A joint installatin of officers of Pleiades
Lodge A. F. & A. M. and O. E. S. Chapter took place at Masonic hall
Wednesday evening, Jan. 18. With P. W. M., H. I. Robinson installing
officer, and O. W. Stevenson, Marshal, the officers of Pleiades Ldge
were installed as follows: E. J. Bray, W. M. A. B. Carter, S. W.;
Henry Salisburgy, J. W.; J. W. Burget, Secretary; R. A. Strayer, S.
D.; E. N Humiston, J. D.; W. J. Brown, S. S.; George Brown, Tyler,
C. R. Carpenter, treasurer-elect, and Harold Humiston, J.S.-elect,
were not present. E. J. Bray presented H. I. Robinson a P.W.M. jewel
as a token of appreciation of the work done during his term of
office. At the close of these ceremonies, P.W.M. Mrs. D. J.
Rosebrook, assisted by Mrs. E. J. Bray, inducted the officers-elect
of Fayette Chapter O.E.S. into their respective offices for the
coming year. Mrs. Helen Fox, W.M.; J. W. Crain, W.P.; Mrs. Arlie
Bray, A.M.; Mrs. Rose Thompson, Secretary; Mrs. Maude Finch, Con.;
Mrs. Bessie Smith, A. C.; Mrs. Emma Clothier, chaplian; Mrs. Amanda
Hunt, Marshall; Mrs. Jessie Hathaway, Organist; Mrs. Florence
Holmes, Adah; Mrs. Gertrude Pinch, Ruth; Mrs. Minnie Humiston,
Esther; Mrs. Rose Caudle, Martha; Miss Letha Mouser, electa; Mrs.
Olive Rawson, Warder; W. E. Hunt, Sentinel. In behalf of the Chapter
O. W. Stevenson tendered Mrs. H. I. Robinson a Past Matron's pin in
appreciation of he service, as Worthy matron. a bountiful picnic
lunch with ice cream and coffee were served and a social hour
enjoyed There were about ninety present.