Fayette County Leader January 22, 1920
Front Page
Today and tomorrow the town is to be canvassed
to raise funds for the benefit of the Fayette Volunteer Fire
Company. It is hoped that everyone will give liberally as the cause
is a local one and deserving of all the help that can be given. The
men who will do the soliciting, and the territory assigned to them
are as follows:
Mechanic Street, F. Saunders and H. A. Pond;
King street, Allen Carter and A. J. Fox; Main street, R. Borwn and
P. Davis; Washington and North J. W. Burget and Ed Knight; Alexander
and Union, P. Reid and F.Payne; Water street ease of Main, J. S.
Briggs and C. Oelleymounter; Water street west of Main, h. Robinson
and R. Humphry; Jones street, L. W. Sampson and Charles Earle.
~ Front Page ~
At a regular meeting of Fayette Chapter O.E.S.
held on Thursday evening, Jan. 15, took place the installation of
officers for the ensuing year, with Mrs. Cynthia Rosebrook
installing officer and Mrs. Arlie Bray, marshall. The following
elective and appointive officers were inducted into office: W. M.,
Mrs. Janette Robinson; W.P.E. J. Bray; A. M., Mrs. Gertrude Hartman;
secretary, Mrs. Rose Thompson; Con., Mrs. Bessie Thompson; A. C.,
Mrs. Helen Fox; marshal, Mrs. Minnie Holmes; organist, Mrs. Jessie
Hathaway; Adah, Mrs. Maude Finch; Ruth, Mrs. Ruth Claxton; Esther,
Mrs. Rose Caudle; Martha, Mrs. Bessie Smith; Electa, Mrs. Lavon
Birdsell; warder, Mrs. Gertrude Bachus; sentinel, W. E. Hunt. The
treasurer Mrs. Emma Clothier, and chaplain, Mrs. Hattie Bentz, were
unable to be present.
At the conclusion of the installation a
sumptuous picnic supper with delicious coffee and ice cream was
served to about ninety members and visitors. After supper an
impromptu program was given, opening with a very interesting talk by
Dr. D. M. Parker. this was followed by a reading by Mrs. Collett,
"Have you H-ear-d a-bou-t Hair-y?", a reading by Miss Marie Falb,
"Fritz Courtship," and a piano solo by Miss Maurine Linn. Mrs. Mary
Moscript, P. W. M., gave a fine talk complimentary to the officers
on their work. A social hour followed and a delightful time was had
by all present.
~ Transcribed and contributed by Crystal A. Bingham, MSOT, OTR |