Military Records |
Roster of the Men and Women from Fayette
County who served
in the Army or Naval Service
(including the Marine Corps) of the United States
or its Allies from the State of North Dakota in
the World War, 1917-1918. |
Anderson, Elmer. Army #4,307,175; registrant, Richland county;
born in Clermont, Iowa, Apr 18, 1889, of Norwegian parents; occupation,
bookkeeper; inducted at Wahpeton on Aug 1, 1918; sent to Syracuse, N.Y.;
served in 39th Company, 10th Battery, Recruit Camp, Syracuse, N.Y., to Aug
29, 1918; Chemical War Service, Lakehurst Proving Ground, N.J., to
discharge. Grades: Private 1st Class, Sep 23, 1918; Corporal, Dec 1, 1918.
Discharged at Lakehurst Proving Ground, N.J. on Dec 16, 1918, as a Corporal.
Previous Military Record: Three years in Co I, 1st Infantry, North Dakota
National Guard. (Vol I pg 68) |
Forland, Ray C. Army #none; registrant; born, West Union,
Iowa, Dec 2, 1886; inducted at Bismarck on March 29, 1918; sent to Camp
Grant, Ill.; served in 161st Depot Brigade, to death. Died of pneumonia, on
April 18, 1918. (Vol 2 pg 951) |
Frame, Otis Harrison. Army #509,275; registrant, Kidder
county; born, Arlington, Iowa, Dec 24, 1888; occupation, farmer; inducted at
Steele on May 9, 1918; served in Co D, 24th machine Gun Battalion, to
discharge. Grade: Private 1st Class, June 17, 1918; Corporal, June 24, 1918;
Sergeant, Oct. 3, 1918. Discharged on Feb 13, 1919, as a Sergeant. (Vol 2 pg
969) |
Hafner, Paul R. Army #2,788,419; registrant, Griggs county;
born, Oelwein, Iowa, July 29, 1891 of German-American parents; occupation,
clerk; inducted at Cooperstown on May 24, 1918; sent to Camp Lewis, Wash.;
served in 25th Company, 7th Battalion, 166th Depot Brigade, to Sept 26,
1918; Company A, Recruit Camp, 8th Division, Camp Fremont, Calif. to Oct 27,
1918; Company C, 43rd Battalion, US Guards, to discharge. Grades: Corporal,
Nov 4, 1918; Sergeant, Dec 7, 1918. Discharged at Camp Lewis, Wash., on May
18, 1919, as a Private. (Vol 2 pg 1164-1165) |
Hass, Glenn. Army #4,417,563; registrant, Dunn county;
born in Fayette, Iowa Oct 24, 1895 of German-American parents;
occupation, farmer; inducted at Manning on Sept 5, 1918; sent to
Camp Grant, Ill.; served in 161st Depot Brigade to discharge.
Discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa, on Jan 10, 1919 as a Private. (Vol 2
pg 1267) |
Hathaway, Dexter LaVerne. Army #3,084,565; not a
registrant, under age; born in West Union, Iowa Nov 21, 1897 of
American parents; occupation, farmer; enlisted at Aberdeen, S. Dak.
on July 2, 1918; sent to Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; served in Supply
company, 35th Infantry, to discharge. Discharged at Camp Gatun,
Canal Zone on May 16, 1919 as a Wagoner. (Vol 2 pg 1270) |
Helgerson, Louie. Army #4,726,501; registrant, Divide
county; born in Clermont, Iowa April 9, 1889 of American parents;
occupation, clerk; inducted at Crosby on Sept 25, 1918; sent to Camp
Custer, Mich.; served in Co F, 77th Infantry to discharge.
Discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa, on Jan. 28, 1919 as a Private. (Vol
2 pg 1309) |
Huston, Allen James. Army #85,279; registrant, McLean
county; born in West Union, Iowa, June 23, 1895 of American parents;
occupation, mining engineer; enlisted in Co A, 1st Infantry, North
Dakota National Guard, at Bismarck, on Aug 9, 1917; served in Co A,
1st Infantry, North Dakota National Guard (Co A, 164th Infantry), to
discharge. Grades: Cook, Oct 27, 1917; Private, Sep 15, 1918;
Corporal, Sep 25, 1918; overseas from Dec 15, 1917 to Feb 26, 1919.
Discharged at Camp dodge, Iowa, on March 11, 1919, as a Corporal.
(Vol 2 pg 1461) |
Jorgensen, Gordon Levern. Army #2,704,799; registrant,
Bowman county; born in Norway, Iowa, Sept 13, 1895 of Norwegian
parents; occupation, farmer; inducted at Bowman on Jun 24, 1918;
sent to Camp Dodge, Iowa; served in 166th Depot Brigade to July 13,
1918; Co A, 351st Infantry to discharge; overseas from Aug 16, 1918
to May 31, 1919. Engagement: Defensive Sector: Center (Alsace).
Discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa, on June 7, 1919, as a Private. (Vol
2 pg 1605) |
Jorgensen, Peter LeRoy. Army #4,415,213; registrant,
Bowman county; born in Norway, Iowa Apri 25, 1897 of Norwegian
parents; occupation, farmer; inducted at Bowman on Sep 5, 1918; sent
to Camp Grant, Ill.; served in 161st Depot Brigade, to Sep 27, 1918;
sent to Camp Grant, Ill.; served in 161st Depot Brigade, to Sept 27,
1919; Motor Transport Corps, Camp Hancock, Ga., to discharge.
Discharged at Camp Hancock, Ga., on March 15, 1919, as a Private.
(Vol 2 pg 1606) |
McGoon, James F.L. Army #3,949,031;
registrant, McIntosh county; born in Hawkeye, Iowa, Jan 25, 1897 of
American-Scotch parents; occupation, farmer; inducted at Ashley on
Aug 26, 1918; sent to Camp Lewis, Wash.; served in 166th Depot
Brigade, to Sep 10, 1918; Bakery Co No 421 to discharge. Discharged
at Camp Lewis on Dec 21, 1918 as a Private. (vol 3 pg 2013) |
Scothorn, DeDello Clay. Army #208,458; not a
registrant; born, Oelwein, Iowa, Feb 19, 1891 of American parents;
occupation, clerk; enlisted in Headquarters Company, 2nd Infantry,
North Dakota National Guard, at Bismarck, on July 24, 1917; served
in Headquarters Company, 2nd Infantry, North Dakota National Guard,
to Oct 9, 1917; 2nd Motor Truck Company, 116th Ammunition Train to
discharge. Grades: Cook, July 25, 1917; Private, Nov 17, 1917;
Sergeant, Nov 26, 1917; Ordnance Sergeant, Sept 14, 1918; overseas
from Dec 14, 1917 to April 25, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa,
on May 10, 1919 as a Sergeant. (Vol 4 pg 2897) |
Simpson, Clare T. Army #486,953; registrant, Emmons
county; born Fayette, Iowa July 6, 1886 of American parents;
occupation, clerk; inducted at Linton on May 10, 1918; sent to
Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; served in Co H, 55th Infantry, to Aug 23,
1918; Co C, 103rd Infantry to discharge; overseas from Aug 3, 1918
to March 23, 1919. Engagements: Offensives -- St. Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne.
Defensive Sectors: Rupt and Troyon (Lorraine). Discharged at Camp
Dodge, Iowa on April 2, 1919 as a Private. (Vol 4 pg 2966) |
Smith, George Washington. Army #3,125,281; registrant,
Wadena, Minn.; born in Eagle Grove, Iowa, May 4, 1897 of American
parents; occupation, farmer; inducted at Wadena, Minn. on May 25,
1918; sent to Camp Lewis, Wash.; served in 166the Depot Brigade to
June 19, 1918; Co L, 363rd Infantry, to March 3, 1919; Co A, 316the
Ammunition Train to discharge; overseas from July 5, 1918 to April
20, 1919. Engagements: Offensives -- Meuse-Argonne; Ypres-Lys.
Defensive Sector: Aubreville (Lorraine). Discharged at Camp Dodge,
Iowa on May 7, 1919 as a Private. (Vol 4 pg 3007) |
Smith, William Harold. Army #4,038,724; registrant,
Ransom county; born in Alpha, Iowa Sept 19, 1893 of American
parents; occupation, farmer; inducted at Lisbon on July 24, 1918;
sent to Camp Custer, Mich.; served in 160th Depot Brigade to Aug 20,
1918; Battery C, 42nd Field Artillery to discharge. Grade: Private
1st Class, Dec 10, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa on Jan 28,
1919 as a Private 1st Class. (Vol 4 pg 3021) |
Stramer, Mathew John. Army #85,260; not a registrant,
enlisted prior; born in Norway, Iowa on March 11, 1894; occupation,
barber; enlisted in Co A, 1st Infantry, North Dakota National Guard,
at Bismarck, on May 8, 1917; served in Co A, 1st Infantry, North
Dakota National Guard (Co A, 164th Infantry), to Oct. 6, 1918;
Headquarters Company, 164th Infantry to discharge. Grade: Corporal,
Nov. 1917; overseas from Dec 15, 1917 to Feb 26, 1919. Discharged at
Camp Dodge, Iowa on March 11, 1919 as a Corporal. (Vol 4 pg 3126) |
Swindling, Frank. Army #2,858,030; registrant, Morton
county; born Jefferson, Iowa Dec 3, 1888 of German parents;
occupation, farmer; inducted at Mandan on April 29, 1918; sent to
Camp Dodge, Iowa; served in Co L, 350th Infantry to May 16, 1918;
Headquarters Company, 357th Infantry, to April 29, 1919; Co L, 357th
Infantry to discharge. Grade: Corporal, Nov 14, 1918; overseas from
June 20, 1918 to June 7, 1919. Engagements: Offensives: St. Mihiel;
Meuse-Argonne. Defensive Sectors: Villers-en-Haye and Puvenelle
(Lorraine). Discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa on June 16, 1919 as a
Corporal. (Vol 4 pg 3177) |
Wombacher, Archer H. Army #4,035,704; registrant,
McKenzie county; born in West Union, Iowa, Sept 14, 1890 of American
parents; occupation, farmer; inducted at Schafer on Jul 22, 1918;
sent to Camp Custer, Mich.; served in 160th Depot Brigade, to Aug
20, 1918; Battery A, 40th Field Artillery, to discharge. Grades:
Corporal, Oct 7, 1918; Sergeant, Oct. 16, 1918. Discharged at Camp
Dodge, Iowa, on Jan 28, 1919, as a Sergeant. (Vol 4 pg 3517) |
Young, George William. Army #46,251; not a registrant,
over age; born in Oelwein, Iowa, May 12, 1878, of English-American
parents; occupation, laborer; enlisted in Co D, 1st Infantry, North
Dakota National Guard, at Minot, on Jul 11, 1917; called into
federal service, World War, on Jul 15, 1917; served in Co D, 164th
Infantry, to Jan 9, 1918; Co B, 18th Infantry, to discharge;
overseas from Dec 15, 1917, to Mar 15, 1919; wounded, severely, Jul
20, 1918. Engagements: Offensive: Aisne-Marne. Defensive:
Montdidier-Noyon. Defensive Sectors: Ansauville (Lorraine); Cantigny
(Picardy). Discharged at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, on Aug 8, 1919, as a
Private, Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, 50%. (Vol 4 pg 3544) |
~source: Roster of the Men and Women who
served in the Army or Naval Service (including the Marine Corps) of
the United States or its Allies from the State of North Dakota in
the World War, 1917-1918.
Prepared and Published under the Direction of Brigadier General G.
Angus Fraser the Adjutant General of North Dakota. By the authority
of The Legislative Assembly of North Dakota. Bismark 1931. 4 Volumes
~transcribed by S. Ferrall