Fayette County IAGenWeb |
Military Records |
West Union Argo-Gazette West Union, Fayette Co., Iowa
Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1918 Page 1 column two |
Arthur Johnson Says The Flying Game is the Only
Life—Will Remain In Service |
Call Field, Wichita Falls, Texas Dear Pat:— I have
some spare time tonight, so will answer your letter that I
received at Camp Dick.
I was transferred here the 31st of
October, held, in detention five days as a precaution against
influenza and started flying as soon as was released. A bunch of
50 cadets were sent here, and as this was a field for officers
advanced training, we are the only cadets here.
certainly get good treatment, lots of special privileges, good
eats and fine quarters. The field is about five miles from
Wichita Falls, and is connected with town by a trolley so we
have no trouble getting to the city. The town people are very
nice. They take us automobile riding (especially the girls) and
invite us to Sunday dinner, dances and anything that will
entertain us.
About this flying game, Pat it's the-only
life. I've never had so much pure, unadulterated pleasure in all
my born days as I have had in the short time that I've been
here. We start flying at 6:45 a.m. Each instructor has four
cadets to teach and they get about forty-five minutes in the air
everyday that the weather permits. I've had seven and a half
hours so far and when I get 12 hours, I think they will let me
"solo" or fly alone. They have a rule here that no one can solo
before he has had twelve hours duel training, regardless of how
good he is. It surely is some sensation to get up there in the
air and sail around or loop or sideslip. I feel just as safe in
the "old ship" as I would running a Ford around on the ground.
The hardest part is landing for when a fellow "cuts the gun" and
"noses her over", the ground comes up to meet him in a hurry,
and he must level off at the right time so as not to drop ten or
fifteen feet or run the nose into the ground. The latter is
sometimes dangerous.
Today our commanding officer called
us up to the assembly room and Read a telegram he had received
from Washington. It was to the effect that all the cadets who so
desired might be discharged to civil life or continue their
training until it was completed, then being discharged, given a
commission, and placed on the reserve list. About thirty five
out of the fifty put in application for discharge, but I think
I'll see the old game through, now that I've put in six months,
and then mostly for the pleasure I get out of it I don't know as
it will be any opportunity to benefit my future, for there will
be at least 10,000 aviators turned loose and any commercial
proposition will be taken up instantly, so all I can hope for is
the satisfaction I get in flying and knowing how to fly. The
only thing I'm sorry about is that I didn't enlist as a
"doughboy" and go to France. I can't see where I've done
anything to help win the war, and I feel like a slacker.
Well, Pat I'll have to go to bed. We have to have eight hours of
sleep, before flying the next day, so I'll have to start pushing
the pillow into my ear, so it will have been there eight hours
by the time I get up (5:15) tomorrow morning. Let me hear from
you when you have time.
Always your friend ARTHUR