Historical Sketches of Iowa Baptists, 1886
S. H. Mitchell
by Burdette Co., Burlington, Iowa
Chapter XXIII,
North-Eastern Iowa - 1855 -
Dubuque Association.
Distinguishing Features - Turkey
River Association Goes Out,
Circumscribing the Field - 1855
to 1869.
Allamakee, Clayton, Delaware,
Dubuque, Fayette, Howard and Winneshiek Counties)
Prior to 1855 all the
Baptist Churches in Iowa north of the Iowa River, and of a line
running through Des Moines, with the exception of two or three
churches in Boone county, belonged to the Davenport Association,
excepting also an unassociated church at Waterloo with 20 members,
and one at Toledo with 15.
August 30, 1855,
messengers from the churches north of the south line of Jackson
county and of counties west, met at LaMotte, Iowa, for the purpose
of forming a new Association. Rev. T. S. Griffith of Dubuque
preached a sermon from Psalm XC:17. Rev. John Bates of Cascade was
chosen Moderator, and M. A. Clark clerk. The churches represented at
this meeting were Bear Creek with 19 members, Bellevue 33, Cascade
65, Delaware 36, Delhi 61, Dubuque 54, Fairview 44, Kingston (West
Cedar Rapids) 16, LaMotte 60, Linn
Grove 17, Makee 38, Maquoketa 103, Marion 91, Quasqueton 24,
Rossville 34, Shellsburg 22, West Union 20, and Yankee settlement
26; total 769. The venerable Joshua Currier was at the time pastor
at LaMotte. Other pastors were Luther Holmes, Bear Creek; John
Bates, Cascade; C. D. Farnsworth, Delhi; T. S. Griffith, Dubuque, O.
S. Harding, Fairview; O. A. Holmes, Maquoketa; J. V. DeWitt, Marion;
A. G. Firman, Quasqueton; James Schofield, Rossville; Richard King,
Shellsburg and George Scott, Yankee Settlement. A. G. Firman was by
request of the Quasqueton Church ordained at this meeting. Thus was
launched up on the sea of trial and of gracious ministry thirty
one years ago the Dubuque Baptist Association. Two things strike us
as of special interest in the Commencement of this history:
First, The large
extent of territory for the cultivation of which the new
Association became responsible, comprising,
substantially, all that part of the State north of the
(now) main line of the North Western Railroad. Second,
The number of prominent brethren connected with it. How
has the subsequent history of Baptists in Iowa, and in
the country at large been affected by the labors and
influence of Brethren Bates, Griffith, Holmes,
Schofield, Currier, King, Dewitt, Scott, and others
whose names are connected with the early history of this
Association! The second
meeting of the Association was held at Dubuque, October
3, 1856. In the absence of the brother appointed to
preach the annual sermon, Rev. G. J. Johnson of
Burlington preached, Rev. John Bates was Moderator, Benjamin Rupert, clerk. Strawberry Point was added to the
list of churches, and D. M. Root of Delhi, J. Woodward of Cedar
Rapids (Kingston Church), D. Rowley of Quasqueton and J. H. Parmelee
of West UnionQuasqueton and J. H. Parmelee of West
Union, appear among the pastors. Rev. Samuel Hill, post |
Rev. T. S. Griffith |
office Waukon, appears also as pastor of the Makee Church. He came
from Massachusetts and it seems, returned to that state in 1857. N.
B. Homan seems to have been ordained about the this time and is
pastor at Simmon’s Creek, which is a new Church with 21 members.
Among the delegates from the Strawberry Point Church are the names
of Alva Bush and James Sunderland, familiar names to Iowa Baptist
since. Dubuque mentions having paid $900 during the year to
Burlington University, and that one of her members has been licensed
to preach and is studying at that institution. Baptisms reported
this year 59, churches 21, members 948. Correspondence is opened
with the Cedar Valley Association, organized this year on the west.
There appears to be an unassociated church at Hopkinton with 20
members. There is some evidence of revival.
Rev. Charles E. Brown |
Rev. James Sunderland |
The Association met
at West Union. Rev. C. E. Brown, Moderator, James Sunderland, clerk.
Brother Baldwin preached the introductory sermon. The Hopkinton and
Oran Churches were received. But in the meantime the Linn
Association has been formed on the southwestern border, and the
Marion, Linn Grove, Simmon’s Creek, Fair View, Quesqueton,
Shellsburg and Kingston churches unites therewith, leaving in this
Association 16 churches, 54 have been added by baptism, 90 by letter
and there are 622 members. There is an unassociated Church at
Epworth with 16 members. James Kay is pastor at Hopkinton, L. M.
Newell at Makee Church, J. H. Ross at Oran and Horace Holmes at Bear
Creek. Rev. H. R. Wilber appears as a visitor from the Des Moines
Association. Horace Holmes seems to have been ordained this year.
The Fourth
Anniversary was held at Strawberry Point. Rev. L. M. Newell preached
the sermon, Rev. O. A. Holmes, Moderator and James Sunderland,
clerk. Rev. J. Y. Aitchison is pastor at Delhi, where he reports 24
baptisms. He is also pastor at Manchester, and the Manchester, Erie,
Westfield and Hardin churches are received into the body. Yankee
Settlement and Fairfield churches reported extinct. It has been a
year of unusual revival and prosperity. Churches 18; pastors 10;
baptisms 138; membership 862. Cascade reports 20 baptisms, Delaware
11, Delhi 24, Dubuque 44, and Strawberry Point 15.
Sunderland writing to the State Convention, mentions “some
remarkable manifestations of Devine power, not only in conversions,
but in leading converts to scriptural views of his kingdom and
ordinances.” Churches were “organized where there had been
previously neither Baptist minister nor members,” and “converts have
sent for a distant pastor, been baptized and formed into a church,
upon which Salvation has continued to fall, evincing the power of
the Word and Sprit of God to awaken the conscience and lead men into
all truth.”
June 10, 1859,
the Association met at Masquoketa. Rev. J. Y. Aitchison preached the
annual sermon, Rev. James Schofield Moderator protem. This, if we
mistake not, is the father of General Schofield and of Rev. J. V.
Schofield of St. Louis. Jesse Clement of Dubuque was elected
Moderator, James Sunderland clerk. Five new Churches are received,
viz. Monmouth, North Bend, Iron Hill, Plum Creek and Spring Brook.
Three of these are the fruit of revivals the present year, and the
other two of the previous year. A striking feature of our history is
the number of small Churches organized, never to attain to anything
more than a most precarious existence, and in a few years to
disappear from the records: while on the other hand, the vitality
and tenacity of life of many of these feeble interests is a marvel
of grace. And even where they do not abide, who can measure the good
that may grow out of the work of these fleeting years? There are now
23 Churches, 120 baptisms reported, and a total membership of 1021.
The largest part of the baptisms are among the new churches just
received into the body. Monmouth reports 18, North Bend 12, Spring
Brook 40, and Iron Hill 11. There are but 9 pastors within the
bounds of the Association. These are John Bates, James Schofield,
Luther Holmes, S. Morton, and Charles E. Brown. Rev. T. S. Griffith
has removed to Keokuk and became pastor, and Rev. C. Billings Smith
has succeeded him at Dubuque, and Rev. O. A. Holmes left Maquoketa a
year or so ago and is pastor of an unassociated Church at Webster
City. Rev. George Scott is this year without charge at Strawberry
1860. The
Association met at Delhi. Rev. George Scott preached the sermon,
John Bates Moderator, Jesse Clement clerk. Two new Churches are
received, viz. Sand Spring in Delaware county, and Waterville in
Allamakee, the latter with 5 baptisms and 11 members apparently
never reported after this meeting. There are now 25 churches and
1025 members. The trial time is coming on, only one church reports
more than 5 baptisms. Vernon Springs with Rev. Charles E. Brown as
pastor reports 22. New pastors this year are John Cummings at
LaMotte and Maquoketa, H. G. Davenport at North Bend, and Alva Bush
at Westfield (afterward Fayette). Also John Williams at West Union.
In the meantime, during 1860 the Turkey River Association was
organized, taking from the north part of this field 12 churches with
352 members. The Dubuque Association has reached its highest point
as to numbers up to the time of writing this sketch, but not
necessarily in usefulness. Rev. Dexter P. Smith is the agent of the
State Convention.
Sister Elizabeth S. Aitchison, wife of Rev.
J. Y. Aitchison, died in October 1860. Her maiden name was
Frazee. She was born in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. She was
baptized in Davenport by Rev. E. M. Miles, about 1854. Was
married about 1857. “Had lived for six years a highly
consistent Christian life, and for three years and eight
months a loving spouse and helpmeet to her bereaved husband.”
Her end was peace. |
Friday, June
17th, 1861, the Association met at Cascade. Rev. C. B. Smith
preached the sermon and was elected Moderator and Samuel Skemp, of
Dubuque, clerk. By the organization of the new Association, on the
north, cutting down the territory of this about one-half, the number
of Churches is reduced to 16; reporting 62 baptisms and 595 members;
though in the Convention records, for the year 1861, the number of
members is 683. There is frequently a discrepancy between the
numbers reported in the Association and in the Convention Minutes.
This may be accounted for by the changes that have taken place after
the Association, and is more likely to occur when the meeting of the
Association is early in the season as is the case with this. Rev. T.
W. Clark, who has lived at DeWitt, in the Davenport Association
since 1857, is preaching at Spring Brook and reports 20 baptisms.
The Waterford Church, in Jackson county, and Worthington, Dubuque
county are received this year. Elder Cummings requested, for
Maquoketa, the privilege of withdrawing to unite with the Davenport
Association. The matter was referred to a committee who reported,
“that as the Association had been divided, the Maquoketa brethren be
requested to remain with us and strengthen our hands.” The report
was adopted and the Maquoketa Church has remained for a quarter of a
century, one of the strong supports of the Dubuque Association. The
Civil War having broken out, and become the all-absorbing topic of
consideration, Rev. J. Y. Aitchison read a circular letter urging
especially that our patriotism be supplemented by prayer. Rev. James
Hill of Cascade is pastor of the Worthington Church and reports 3
baptisms and 10 members.
1862. Met at
Spring Brook. Rev. John Bates preached the sermon, George Scott
Moderator, John Bates clerk, D. O. Montague treasure. Churches 15,
pastors 7, baptisms 66, total memberships 580. Rev. Elam D. Phillips
is pastor at Spring Brook, and they report 29 of the 66 baptisms;
also at Maquoketa where 12 have been baptized. Rev. John Bates
writing of this meeting, voiced the Missionary and the Christian
that he was when he said, “Brethren, we need more of the spirit of
God, more of a Missionary spirit, individual zeal, and enlarged
benevolence in sustaining Sabbath Schools, and a better support
could and ought to be given by the Churches to those ministers who
labor in word and doctrine. Let us take heed that we are not
absorbed too much in war. We are Christians as well as patriots.
The first honor is to be self-denying and ready to die as martyrs in
the cause of Christ; the next honor is to be self-denying and ready
to die as patriots in the cause of our county.”
Met at LaMotte
Friday, June 12, 1863, sermon by rev. James Kay, John Bates
Moderator, Jesse Clement clerk. Churches 15, pastors 8, baptized 41,
total membership 648. At this meeting the writer of these sketches
first met with the Dubuque Association as agent of the Iowa Baptist
State Convention. On his way to LaMotte he stopped over night with
the family of Elder John Bates at Cascade. Brother Bates had gone on
to LaMotte a day in advance. On entering the home we found it
wrapped in a cloud of sadness never to be forgotten. Intelligence
had just been received of the first great assault on the
fortifications at Vicksburg. A breach had been made in the walls and
the company to which Brother Bates’ eldest son, Samuel, belonged had
fallen within the fortifications upon the repulse of the Union
forces. Whether the noble young man had met immediate death or
awaited the tortures of a rebel prison was wholly uncertain. We have
never witnessed a deeper sorrow nor borne with more noble Christian
courage. In the grief-stricken home were two beautiful young ladies
who afterward became the wives of two of our Foreign Missionaries,
Mr. Tympany and Mr. McLaurin of Canada. At this meeting the 2d
Dubuque Church appears upon the records with 44 members, and Rev. A.
Chapin soon after becomes pastor. The name of the 1st Dubuque Church
continues upon the records for two or three years without any report
and then disappears. H. G. Davenport is preaching at North Bend, J.
Z. Zimmerman at Spring Brook, and E. D. Phillips at Maquoketa.
Lieut. Samuel Bates, 21st Regiment Iowa
Volunteers, son of Rev. John Bates, “was mortally wounded on
the memorable 22nd of May 1863 at Vicksburg, and died in a few
days. |
1864. Manchester
is the place of meeting. Brother Phillips preached the sermon, Rev.
A. Chapin Moderator, and J. Z. Zimmerman clerk. Rev. H. Samson has
succeeded E. D. Phillips at Maquoketa, and H. H. Half is preaching
at Delhi, and Rev. T. W. Clark at North Bend. Rev. J. Y. Aitchison
has closed a very successful pastorate of six years or more at Delhi
and Manchester, where he has baptized over 50 into the two Churches,
which number now (1864) 43 and 38 respectively. It has been a year
of very limited spiritual fruitage, and great destitution. Only 11
baptisms are reported, 14 churches, and 550 members.
Mrs. Williams, wife of Rev. John Williams,
one of the early Missionaries of the Convention died in 1864 |
1865. This year
the Annual meeting was a Cascade, Elam D. Phillips Moderator, Jesse
Clement clerk, T. H. Bowen treasure. Rev. H. Samson preached the
annual sermon from Job 19:25. There are now 13 Churches, 9 pastors,
28 baptisms reported, and 588 members. The Cascade and Manchester
Churches show the only signs of revival. Cascade reports 12
baptisms, Manchester 13. The decease is reported of Rev. Luther
Holmes of Monmouth. Born in Vermont, he had removed first to New
York, where he was converted, under the ministry of “Father John
Peck,” and united with the Baptist Church at New Woodstock, Madison
county. He afterwards removed to Ohio, and in or about 1853 to
Jackson county, Iowa. He had been in the ministry about 16 years.
Rev. John Bates, after 14 years labor at Cascade, has removed with
his excellent family to Canada. At this meeting it was voted that
one Church, each year, beginning with the oldest in the Association,
present a brief history, to be, if practicable, printed in the
minutes. Brother Carlos Wilcot, a Licentiate from Fulton, Illinois,
is preaching at Spring Brook. Rev. E. D. Phillips has removed to and
is pastor at Manchester, and Rev. James Kay has succeeded Brother
Bates at Cascade.
1866. Maquoketa
entertains the Association. Rev. A. Chapin preached the sermon,
Moderator James Kay, clerk Jesse Clement. The Delaware Center,
Masonville, and Epworth Churches are received. The history of the
Cascade Church appears in the minutes. About 1845, Ira Blanchard of
Delaware county began to preach once a month. A Campbellite minister
coming about the same time, a Church was formed called the Baptist
Christian Church, evidently intended to absorb the elements, Baptist
and Disciples, or Campbellites as they were known. As might have
been expected, this organization did not survive, and on the 16th of
May, 1846, the Baptist Church of Cascade was organized with 9
members. Brother Blanchard continued to serve the Church as pastor
until 1850, when he removed to California, where he died in 1852. He
was assisted at various times at Cascade by Elders Morey of Iowa
City, T. H. Archibald of Dubuque, and Charles E. Brown of Maquoketa.
In July 1850 Rev. John Bates, just from Ireland, became pastor and
continued in faithful labor for 14 years. In the year now under
review, 1866, there have been in the Association 69 baptisms, of
which number Cascade reports 28, Delaware Centre 12, Masonville 16,
and Manchester 8, the whole number of members is 643. Among the
pastors appear Rev. James Hill at Epworth and Worthington, J.
Carrington at Delaware Centre, and Isaac C. Jones at South Fork
(Sand Spring).
1867. Dubuque is
the place of meeting. Rev. James Kay preached the sermon, Rev. E. D.
Phillips, Moderator, Jesse Clement is still clerk. Brother Phillips
is about to go to Home Mission work in Nebraska, where in 1870 or
1871 he appears under commission of the Home Mission Society at
Tecumseh. He soon after removed to Eastern New York, where he is
still serving in the “Kingdom and Patience” of our Devine Lord. Revs
J. Carrington and Isaac C. Jones also soon removed to Nebraska.
Brother Jones served the Home Mission Society at various places from
1866 to 1871, and Brother Carrington was under commission of the
Society at Peru in 1871. It is interesting to follow our Iowa
brethren thus and trace their activities into other states. In the
year now sketched, Rev. N. Whitmore has been preaching at LaMotte,
J. C. Johnson at Epworth and Wm. E. Reed at North Bend. Maquoketa is
without a pastor. Rev. H. Samson having resigned more than a year
ago. This meeting is noted for the number of representatives of our
Denominational Societies present. Revs. G. J. Johnson, S. M. Osgood
and Thomas Powell are of the number. A period of great activity and
large planning has followed upon the close of the war, and claims of
the different Societies are being warmly and successfully pressed.
1868. The
Association gathering is at Delaware Centre. Rev. A. Chapin,
Moderator, Caleb Saddler, clerk. Rev. J. F. Childs, being present in
the interest of the State Convention, preached the opening sermon,
both appointees being absent. The Association mourn the decease – on
the previous 4th of July – of Rev. James Kay, pastor of the Church
at Cascade. Brother Kay was born in Lancashire, England; was for a
time on the city mission staff of the City of Manchester. Coming to
this country in 1858, he became pastor of the Little Church of
Delaware, in Delaware county, Iowa, preaching also at Hopkinton, and
at Sand Spring. In 1864 he succeeded Elder John Bates as pastor at
Cascade, where he labored with great acceptance until laid by his
last sickness. He is much lamented and greatly honored. “His life
was holy, his ministry a great success, his death triumphant, his
memory blessed.” There were this year 15 Churches in the
Association, 25 baptisms reported and 673 members. The history of
the Maquoketa Church was given. Organized in 1848, the first pastor
was Charles E. Brown. He was succeeded in 1851 by Rev. George Scott,
and he by Rev. O. A. Holmes in 1853 or 1854. Brother Holmes
continues 5 or 6 years, and 1859 removed to Webster City to begin
many years of most useful service in the newer fields of the upper
Des Moines and Iowa Valley Associations.
In May, 1859, the
house of worship of the Maquoketa Church was entirely destroyed by
fire. The lot had to be sold to pay a debt, and dark days set in.
The day of adversity was set over against the day of prosperity. But
the Church, though cast down, was not destroyed. The last year of
Brother Holmes pastorate the Church had reported 115 members. In
1861 they were reduced to 74. Subsequently they prospered again and
were able, in 1867 or 1868, to purchase of the Presbyterians a
comfortable brick building, in which again to “keep house for the
1869. The
Association met again at Cascade. Rev. William Aitchison, Jr.
preached the annual sermon, and was elected Moderator, and Carlos
Wilcox, of LaMotte, clerk. Fifteen Churches, 9 pastors, 44 baptisms
reported and 623 members. Maquoketa with Henry L. Field ordained as
pastor and 17 baptisms to report, and North Bend with 20 baptisms
indicate the only revivals. Worthington has completed a house of
worship. Delhi is building, and Monmouth is gathering material.
Manchester has given up the hall which they have occupied for four
years, but which is used through the week for a dancing hall. They
are discouraged, but have secured another room and are struggling
Brother Carlos
Wilcox has been ordained at Spring Brook, and is preaching also at
LaMotte, and Rev. J. A. Abbott has been ordained at South Fork
Church (Sand Spring). Rev. John Brown has become pastor at Cascade,
beginning some time in 1868. The history of the Delaware Church was
given this year. Organized June 30, 1844, by Rev. Ira Blanchard. Its
subsequent pastors were John Bates (supplying the Cascade), Luther
Holmes, Hiram Barden, C. D. Farnsworth, and James Kay. This was
always a small country Church, never becoming strong; it
nevertheless occupied a prominent place in the pioneer religious
work in this region. It is located on the line between Delaware and
Jones Counties at Delaware Centre, now bearing the simple name