Military Holdings ~ |

Dubuque County October, 1863
Contributed by Julia Krapfl ~ |
"He (Governor Kirkwood)
delivered himself of his usual bravado about the draft, told what
he was going to do if any resistance were offered, and generally
deported himself as would be expected of a filthy, low-lived creature
accidentally elevated to power. There isn't a humble laborer in
Dubuque who by hard toil bridges over his week's indebtedness
by his week's income that has not more honor, more decency, more
respect for his word, more sense of obligation to his oath, and
who is not better fitted for governor of Iowa than Samuel J.
Kirkwood. * * * There does not live a man in Iowa so rich
in lucre and with such an utter poverty of character as the blustering,
sweltering and doubtless cowardly governor of Iowa. He is a pitiful
partisan without a redeeming trait."
--(Dubuque Herald, October 3, 1863)
In September, 1863, the Dubuque Herald favored
the organization here of a lodge of the Knights of the Golden
Circle to oppose the action of the Union Leagues; but Bishop
Smyth opposed this step by advising all Irish-Catholics
not to join the proposed organization. At this time there was
great suffering here among the families of soldiers. The following
resolution introduced by Mr. Cort was passed by the county
board: Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to examine
into the propriety of this board making the necessary provisions
by the issuing of bonds or otherwise by the county for the payment
of $300, either in whole or in part, for the relief of such persons
who are not able to pay the amount required by the conscription
act if drafted." Carried, 14 to 4.
A large sum for their relief was raised by
a gymnastic parade of 100 ladies and gentlemen under the auspices
of the Ladies' Aid Society; it was held at City Hall; 25 cents
was the price of admission and a large crowd attended.
"The Dubuque Daily Times says that the
resolution of the county board of supervisors to exempt poor men
from the draft is a weak scheme to make the county pay their exemption
fee for them. That is just what the board meant to do and no poor
man who knows his interest will fail to support the board at the
polls. Mr. Knoll, Mr. Cort and Mr. O'Brien,
who are running on the Democratic ticket, voted for it, while
Mr. Miller and Mr. Bonson, who voted against it,
are running on the Republican ticket. Every man in Dubuque county
who votes the Republican ticket votes for the draft and against
the exempting of drafted men by a tax. Every man who votes the
Democratic ticket votes for the conscription to be paid by property
and not by blood. Now, which ticket will the poor man vote? Which
ticket should he vote?"
--(Dubuque Herald, October 11, 1863)
In September, 1863, Dr. N. B. Mathews,
of Peosta, was captain of a Union League company or lodge. The
Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society netted at the State Fair here in
September $503.90, The Dubuque Herald denounced and derided the
colored regiment that was at this time being formed in Iowa. The
old ferry-boat Peosta became Gunboat 36 in 1863. A home for soldiers
was established in the fall of 1863 at a meeting held in the Congregational
church, of which George L. Mathews was chairman and D.
N. Cooley secretary. Doctor Guilbert, from a
committee previously appointed, reported a plan, which was adopted.
The board of control were Mrs. D. N. Cooley, Mrs.
Solon Langworthy, Mrs. J. W. Robinson, Mrs.
F. W. H. Sheffield, Mrs. L. D. McKenzie, Mr. J.
H. Thedinga. Mr. H. L. Stout, George L. Mathews
and L. A. Thomas. Mrs. Hancock was one of the vice-presidents
of the Woman's State Sanitary Society. A large quantity of supplies
was sent to the Chicago Sanitary Fair. His friends here presented
Colonel Dorr with a fine horse. The west storeroom of the
Tremont House was converted into the Soldiers' Home; the hotel
furnished the meals, which were paid for by the society. When
D. A. Mahony undertook to lecture to the Teachers' Institute
at Epworth in October, opposition was encountered and he was informed
by a strong delegation that he was not wanted. The society asked
the county board for $200 down and $100 per month for the soldiers
and their families. Mr. Bonson, of the board, moved that
$190 be paid at once and $90 a month thereafter as requested;
on this motion the vote stood as follows: Yeas--Bonson,
Hetherington, Metcalf and Miller; nays--Bucknam,
Cort, Donovan, Duggan, Heber, Kile,
Macomber, McAleer, McCarron, Moore,
O'Brien, Squires, Sweeney, Wilder
and chairman. Later the amount was fixed at $100.
"This the board has been compelled to
refuse, because if the county should once commence giving aid
to associations formed for the dispensation of charity there would
be no end to the applications made to them. They have therefore
wisely abstained from making special appropriations, but at the
same time have given the superintendent of the county poor additional
instructions for relieving the wants of those in need wherever
such cases are found, and the charity will be dispensed to soldiers
as freely as to others."
--(Dubuque Herald, October 23, 1863)
"Whereas, The board of supervisors of
Dubuque county at their last session were respectfully solicited
to make an appropriation of money for the use and benefit of the
Soldiers' Home in this city, by a petition signed by the officers
of such association, which petition clearly stated the objects
and aims of the enterprise, and "Whereas, This board with
only four dissenting votes refused all aid, except upon the conditions
that it be expended in the support of paupers and under the direction
of the county officers having in charge this duty thus compelling
our sick, suffering and destitute soldiers to receive such aid
as common paupers, or be denied it entirely; now, therefore, believing
as we do that this action of the board of supervisors is ungenerous,
ungrateful and unjust and justly merits the scorn and contempt
of all patriotic men and also demonstrates more clearly than language
can the real intentions of the board, which we believe to have
been the proscription of our patriot soldiers who have suffered
and endured so much to transmit to us the inheritance bought by
the blood of our fathers, that we take this opportunity to tender
to all our soldiers our warmest gratitude for what they have done
and are doing to crush this wicked rebellion and make the flag
of our country honored and respected at home and abroad, and we
pledge them our constant aid and sympathy in sickness and health,
and we also pledge them that the Soldiers' Home in this city shall
furnish all reasonable comfort to those sick, suffering and destitute
soldiers as long as there is one dollar in the treasury subject
to our control; therefore,
That an order be drawn on the city expense fund for $100 for
the support of the Soldiers' Home in this city and that the same
be delivered to the mayor of this city, who is the president
of said board, to be used in such manner as in his judgment may
become necessary."
These resolutions of the city council of Dubuque
were denounced by Aldermen Mulkern, Quigley
and Kiene, the former of whom moved that all the preamble
be struck out. Those voting yea were Christman, Kiene,
Mulkern, Quigley and Treanor; nays--Cummings,
Mathews, Russ, Schmidt and Stout.
There being a tie, Mayor Thedinga voted so that the whole
series was adopted.
"The Hypocrites.--The Copperhead farmers
of this county, who bring their grain and other products here
to sell, heap the foulest abuse on the administration and all
connected with it, as only ignorance can abuse that which it doesn't
understand. When they receive their pay they won't take anything
but the "Dirty Greenbacks," as they call them, to carry
home. This a fair sample of the shameless hypocrisy of the party
which controls the politics of the county."
--(Dubuque Daily Times, October 30, 1863)
"About two thousand hard-fisted, hard-working
honest men who helped to make Dubuque just what she is and without
whom her merchants could not live a month, who clog her granaries
with grain and her markets with produce, are the subjects of this
petty slanderer's abuse. The very life and trade of Dubuque city
is thus attempted to be rendered contemptible and driven from
her. We ask the merchants of Dubuque what they think of it. We
know some of them whose advertisements appear in the Dubuque Daily Times
regularly, who depend entirely on this 'ignorant class' of 'shameless
hypocrites' for their trade."
--(Dubuque Herald, October 31, 1863)