Military Holdings ~ |

Dubuque County April 1863 ~
Contributed by Julia Krapfl ~ |
Early in 1861 Lieutenant Sessions, of
Cedar Falls, in a speech at the public park in Dubuque, called
the Dubuque Herald a secession sheet and declared that the office
ought to be mobbed. For this the Dubuque Herald denounced him through
the Iowa State Journal as a coward for advising such an
attack on a defenseless newspaper office. On March 8, 1863, two
years after the above event, the editor of the Dubuque Herald (local
editor probably Armstrong or Hutchins) stopped at
a hotel in Cedar Falls and while there was approached by Lieutenant
Sessions, who demanded an explanation of the article in the
Iowa State Journal. Not receiving a satisfactory explanation, he
proceeded with his fists to take revenge then and there. He struck the editor
several times in the face, bringing the blood, and a crowd rushed in, shouting
"Give it to him; he is a Secessionist." The editor was pretty thoroughly cowed
and was severely beaten to the evident delight of the shouting crowd that had
hastily gathered. About the same time a squad of soldiers at Waterloo took an
agent there of the Dubuque Herald and ducked him
repeatedly in the river to show their distaste for that newspaper
and for the alleged disloyalty of the agent.
About this time there arose all over Iowa and the Northwest a
general demand from all persons actively and earnestly engaged
in putting down the rebellion that the course in opposition to
the prosecution of the war should cease in Dubuque, city and county.
The Dubuque Herald, though still outspoken and apparently defiant,
began to modify its tones of severity and instead of howling as
before vented its wrath and hate in ominous growls.
On March 18, 1863, the Dubuque Herald passed from the control of
Stilson Hutchins to that of Patrick Robb,
Esq. Mr. Hutchins and Mr. Mahony took charge of
the Philadelphia Journal. At this time (early in 1863)
there were several deserters in this county and they were shielded
by their relatives and neighbors. When the officers approached,
warnings were sounded. Lieutenant Downey called for recruits
for the Seventh regiment, whereupon the Dubuque Herald of March
4 said: "The business of obtaining recruits is, however,
'played out' here just at present; so we think Lieutenant Downey
will not be troubled with a very large muster roll for some time
to come." This open and manifest opposition to enlistments
was not lost upon the Dubuque Daily Times and the Union leaders. The
Dubuque Herald, with Mahony, Hutchins and Armstrong,
was the strongest secession sheet in the state, if not in the
West. All three possessed unusual ability. Hutchins made a fortune
of several million dollars by 1911.
Mr. Mahony published a book in April, 1863, entitled "Prisoners
of State," in which he related his experiences while confined
in the old capitol prison at Washington. The Copperheads here
cut out the heads off Liberty on the copper cents, made pins of
them and openly wore them---copper head. At an open meeting of
the Union League at Julien Theater on March 21, H. H. Heath,
D. E. Lyon, John O'Meara, and G. Grosvenor
delivered speeches. It was at this time that many Democrats began
to disapprove of the severe course of the Dubuque Herald and its
supporters and sided with those who favored a continuance of the
war. The Dubuque Herald received a setback which was probably the
cause of the reorganization of its editorial staff. Lieutenant-Colonel
O'Brien sent seventy recruits to the Seventh cavalry late
in March.
"It has been very hard to impress upon a certain class of
the community a true conception of the designs of the party in
power. Plainly and unequivocally, readers of the Dubuque Herald,
its members are determined either upon your subjugation or a revolution.
What else do you think that their midnight meetings betoken? For
what other purpose are they being provided with arms? Now from
the lips of the governor we have the admission that such is a
fact. This was done, he said, 'because secret organizations of
disloyal men had banded together to inaugurate rebellion and civil
war in the state. If the citizens now refuse to heed our warning,
absolutely refuse to place themselves in a position of safety,
they must not reproach us when they pay the penalty of their apathy.
We say to them, organize everywhere, organize in every school
district, no matter how few or many. We have done our duty. We
have placed before the people a knowledge of the dangers which
beset and threaten them."
--(Dubuque Herald, April 12, 1863) |
J. B. Dorr, Jesse Clement, Edward Langworthy,
E. R. Shankland, H. Knowlton, Thomas Gilliam,
D. Leonard, F. Hinds and Colonel O'Brien
and others went to Waterloo April 15, 1863, to attend the formation
of a Grand Union League of the state of Iowa.
In April, 1863, the editors of the Dubuque Herald, at the request
of several subscribers, ordered from New York eight Colt's revolvers
which were to be sent by the American Express. Upon their arrival
here they were detained by J. B. Henion, collector of the
port of Dubuque, who apprised Mr. Hutchins, of the Dubuque Herald,
of what he had done. The box was marked "current funds,"
and Mr. Hutchins was refused possession by order of the
collector. Mr. Hutchins wrote a formal note demanding to
know the reasons for the detention, and was answered that such
was the order from the government, and the act containing such
authority was cited and language quoted--"until further orders
no powder of any description and no arms, large or small, will
be permitted to pass into the state of Iowa * * * except such
as are moving under military authority." The Dubuque Herald
accordingly said: "The arms were kept from our possession
by virtue of no law, but in express contravention of law and,
without employing force, we were and are powerless." * *
* The game is too transparent to win--too bold to deceive any
sensible man. Its purpose is to put the Democratic party at the
mercy of armed Union Leagues. We saw at Fairfield on Monday forty
armed Union Leaguers drilling on the public square. What does
it portend? We are no alarmist. Nothing do we so much fear and
desire to avoid as war at home. We cannot stand still and be bound
hand and foot. We will not! Our only defense is to provide against
outrage, and that we will provide against it these men may be
sure. Upon them will be the responsibility of the assault; but
when it comes, when we are reduced to the alternative of the conflict
or subjection, we shall not hesitate in the choice. We can get
arms in spite of them. We advise all to provide for their security
without delay, and in the fear of God, but not of man, we warn
these conspirators to cease their wicked efforts."
--(Dubuque Herald, April 26, 1863) |