Mathew Spautz,
sergeant, Company A, 168th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in
action near the River Ourcq, northeast of Chateau-Thierry, France.
During the advance of July 30, 1918, while in command of his
platoon, Sergeant Spautz showed extraordinary heroism, leading his
men on in advance, having three times been knocked down by enemy
shells. After having been wounded by machine-gun fire, he still
continued to advance. He was finally killed while doing his utmost
to advance.
Emergency address: Michael Spautz, father, Davis Avenue, Dubuque,
Residence at enlistment: Dubuque, Iowa (Dubuque co.)
Official Register, State of Iowa 1921-1922, Twenty-Ninth Number,
Military Decorations of Iowans in the World War, pg. 360-376
~ Transcribed
and contributed by Sharyl Ferrall.