Charles Scott Dodge Jones was born on September 23, 1832 the
first-born child of Josephine and Gen. George Wallace Jones. He
attended Western Military Institute in Kentucky and studied under
Bushrod Johnson, future General of the Confederate Army. He then
studied law and opened up a practice on the northwest corner of
Sixth and Main in Dubuque in the late 1850’s.
In April of 1859 Charles’
father, who had been defeated in his pursuit of his third Senate
term, was appointed “Minister to Bogata” by President Buchanan. He
decided to take Charles with him:
son Charles, who was my Private Secretary, the moment I told him in
Dubuque that I would take him with me, went to the bookstore and
bought a Spanish dictionary, grammar, exercises, etc., and began to
study the language; but he never acquired facility in speaking it as
I did.”
General Jones described his son “as modest and unassuming as he was
brave and intelligent. He always took the highest honors at his
school, at the Western Military Institute, at Blue Lick Springs,
However when Jones got to Bogata he found an unexpected problem and
had to defer
“…presenting my credentials formally because I was
officially informed that the treaty between the United States and
New Granada (now Columbia) had not been ratified by the Congress of
that country; and I sent my son back as the bearer of my dispatches
to my Government with the information that the treaty was not yet
ratified and to learn what I should do in that emergency, as
President Buchanan had informed me a day or two before I left
Washington for Bogota that he would not allow me to go at all if he
thought the treaty was not ratified by the Congress of New Granada,
as it had been by our Congress.” |
Unfortunately Charles arrived at the coast two days too late to
catch a steamer to New York and had to wait two weeks for the next
one. While staying at a “poor hotel” he contracted Chagres Fever, a
type of malarial fever that occurs along the Chagres River, from
which he never fully recovered.
Charles’ father, George wrote to his good friend Jefferson Davis
from Bogota on the 22nd of February, 1861
“…I tremble at the thought of
receiving other dispatches, &c., lest they shall announce the
existence of civil war. My prayers are regularly offered up
for the reunion of the States and for the peace, concord and
happiness of my country. But let what may come to pass, you
may rely upon it, as you say, that neither I nor mine will
ever be found in the ranks of our (your) enemies. May God
Almighty avert civil war, but if unhappily it shall come, you
may (I think without doubt,) count on me and mine, and hosts
of other friends standing shoulder to shoulder in the ranks
with you and other Southern friends and relatives whose
rights, like my own, have been disregarded by the
Abolitionists. I love Iowa and Wisconsin for the honors
conferred by them on me, and because I always served them
faithfully, but I will not make war with them against the
South whose rights they shamefully neglected. Nor will I ever
sanction any effort to coerce the South to submit to the North
in reference to a question (Slavery) with which the North has
no right to interfere…” |
On the
basis of this and other letters that Jones had written to Davis he
was arrested and jailed when he returned from Bogata. For two months
he was held at Fort Lafayette until President Lincoln ordered his
release on February 14, 1862. Eight days later On the 22nd
Jones was released from prison after giving his pledge to render no
aid or comfort to enemies in hostility to the United States. For
General Jones, this essentially ended his storied political career.
After his sojourn in Bogata, Charles returned to Dubuque and resumed
his law practice. It also appears he may have been “recruiting”
soldiers in Dubuque for the Confederacy and sending them off with
letters of introduction. Unfortunately a letter of recommendation
for his friend Daniel Quigley to a Southern Rifle Company was found
on the battlefield at Shiloh by newspaper reporter, Franc Wilkie who
“Charles, a handsome, petted young fellow, was . . . Southern in his
proclivities, but being rather disinclined to action, he undertook
the politic role and remained at home in Dubuque, and claimed to be
rather inclined to be loyal. He was getting along nicely as a
loyalist when I found this letter at Shiloh. I was malicious enough
to send it to The New York Times for publication. The
reception of a copy at Dubuque sent young Charley in post haste
southward. He became private secretary of the Confederate President
and remained in the South till the close of the war.”
Charles’ brother George had remained in Kentucky after graduating
from Western Military Institute, and at the start of the Civil War
joined the Confederate Army.
After his letter was exposed, Charles headed for Richmond and called
upon Jeff Davis’ administration to help his cause in obtaining a
commission in the Confederate Army. On November 4, 1862 he sent a
note to the Secretary of the Treasury, C. G. Memminger applying
“…for the appointment of clerk in your department and respectfully
call your attention to the card sent to you on yesterday by His
Excellency, the President.” He listed his address as “Mrs. Watkins
(on) Grace St. North side 4 doors from 4th “
A few months later, Charles’ old teacher from Western Military
Institute, Bushrod Johnson wrote to Sec. of War, James A. Seddon
from Tullahoma, Tenn. on March 24, 1863.
“Sir. Having learned that Charles S.
G. (sic) Jones. Esq. Of Iowa has made his way to Richmond Va. I
desire to recommend him in a special manner to your notice.
“Mr. C. S. G. (sic) Jones is a son of the
Gen. G. W. Jones former senator in the U S Congress and more
recently Minister to Bogota. I have been long and intimately
acquainted with Mr. Jones and I esteem him very highly for his fine
abilities and many excellent qualities. He received a military
education in connection with a regular college course, under my
supervision and he has since added the study and practice of law. He
is anxious to serve with the army in the field and I would
especially recommend him for the position of Assistant Adjutant
General which I think him peculiarly qualified to fill and should he
receive the appointment I shall be pleased if he can be assigned to
duty with me. My present Asst. Adjt. Genl. Capt R. B. Snowden is
recommended for promotion to Lt. Col. of the 25th
Regiment on account of distinguished services. If this promotion is
made at the war Department a suitable vacancy will exist to which
Mr. Jones might be assigned. I have the honor to be, very truly...B.
K. Johnson, Brig Gen CSRA”
Attached to the letter was a note from H. T. Foote:
“I take great pleasure in stating that I
know C. S. G. Jones Esquire well and his merits and qualifications
are such that I feel a deep interest in the success of his
application for promotion.”
Jones also added a small note to correct the General
“Genl J. has mistaken my initials in
writing CSG instead of CSD.”
Apparently afraid that Jeff Davis may not have known who Bushrod
Johnson was Jones wrote to Jeff Davis on May 21, 1863:
“To His Excellency Jefferson Davis,
President of CS.
“Sir- lest I may be prevented from having
the honor of an early interview with Your Excellency I take the
liberty of enclosing herein a letter of recommendation From Brig.
Genl B R Johnson of Hardee’s Corps at Tullahoma; and respectfully
ask Your Excellency to do the great favor to add a word to Genl J’s
letter which will ensure the immediate and favorable notice of the
“Genl B R Johnson is perhaps, unfortunately
not well known to the President and I trust it will not appear
presumptuous in me to assure Your Excellency of Genl J’s exalted
character as a gentleman and his unobtrusive (manners) and intensity
as a man. He graduated at West Point and served faithfully in the
Mexican War. After which he expended years of labor and care in
maintaining the Western Military Institute in Kentucky and Tennessee
where he labored zealously as President of the school and an
efficient teacher of the higher mathematics and tactics. Many of his
students are now able officers in our Western and South Western
armies and I feel that if half his merit was known he would be
ranked as one of the principal benefactors to the South. In point on
Military Service Genl Johnson is one of the oldest Brigadiers in the
army and it is to be regretted in his modesty and the lack of
political influence has kept him from attaining a corresponding
rank. I hope his letter and your generous kindness will expedite my
going to the field.
“I beg to assure your Excellency of my
sincere and deep felt gratitude for you favors in the past to my
father, my brother and myself and that I am anxious to serve the
country which affords us such a happy asylum in these times of
abolition violence and despotism…
respectfully and gratefully…C S D Jones”
On Aug. 12th President Davis added the following note to
Jones’ letter:
Sec. of War, for attention. Mr. Jones
is the worthy son of our friend Geo. W. Jones of Iowa. He has
a brother in the army. JD |
days before Davis received the May letter from Jones he again sent
another one to Davis from Richmond on 10, Aug 1863.
“Mr. President: With very great reluctance,
I am compelled by unfortunate circumstances to obtrude upon your
attention again.
“In consequence of a renewed attack of
Chagres Fever on the 8th July and of the great physical
debility and nervousness following it, I am now almost unable to
perform the severe manual labor required in our office, of numbering
4800 notes from 8 to 3 o’clock; and in view of the present high
rates of living in this city which has (deposited) me in a basement
room-a situation highly unfavorable to health it seems to be plainly
my duty to make an effort to secure a change which may improve my
health and sooner put me in a condition to serve the Government
whose protection and patronage I have the honor to enjoy. Let me
assure you, Sir, I long for the strength and opportunity which will
enable me to show at once my devotion and gratitude.
“A word of recommendation from Your
Excellency to the Sec’y of War or some other personage under Your
Administration will secure for me a position and livelihood till
blessed peace comes and the hateful foe shall have retired and
abandoned his bloody purposes and gone home to mourn the loss of
liberty and prosperity there.
“Do not, Mr. President, consider me
unmindful of the severe labors and grave cares which press upon your
attention, nor wanting in the highest respect and reverence due to
your exalted station and character: but I approach Your Excellency
with something like the confidence I would my own
father-recollecting your generous kindness to me when I first called
upon you after making an escape from the abolition draft and other
Yankee persecutions
“Please pardon this liberty and
encroachment upon your valuable time and patience.” He then added “a
copy of a letter which is on file in the War Dept, to show my
qualifications. As this letter testifies, I have been long anxious
to enter the army, but this unfortunate recurrence of the Fever may
postpone that happy day for several months.”
Finally on Sept. 7, 1863 Jones was appointed Captain in the Adjutant
General’s Dept. reporting to Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson. On Jan. 2,
1864 Jones was appointed Asst. Adj. General to Johnson who was
commanding Buckner’s Div. About four months later on April 21, 1864
he was appointed Asst. Inspector General to Johnson.
On May 16, 1864 while serving as Asst. Adjt & Insp. Gen on duty with
Johnson’s Brigade Jones was captured at Drewry’s Bluff probably
during the Confederate counterattack that drove back Union forces
which had captured the outer works.
He was
imprisoned at Point Lookout and then sent to Ft. Delaware.
Ironically, Junius Hempstead was also a prisoner there. Jones’
malaria flared up again at Ft. Delaware and he was admitted to the
prison hospital on two occasions. The first time was on the 15th
of July, 1864 and twelve days later he was returned to the prison
barracks. The second time was on the 3rd of August of the
same year and he was returned to barracks nineteen days later.
Jones was
“declared exchanged on 4 March 1865” and from examining many other
records this means he was included in a “humanitarian” exchange at
the end of February 1865. He was paroled at Fort Delaware on the 27th
of February 1865 and delivered to Confederate authorities at
Boulware’s & Coxes Wharves on the 2nd of March. There he
was formally declared exchanged and, therefore, legally able to
return to duty.
He was soon writing letters trying to find a new job in the
Confederate Army. General Bushrod Johnson’s brigade had been merged
with another since Jones was captured and someone else was holding
the job of Inspector General. So on March 22, 1865 General Bushrod
Johnson wrote a letter on Jones’ behalf to General Cooper, the
Adjutant and Inspector General:
“Capt. Chas. S. D. Jones (this time
Johnson got Jones’ initial D right) Asst Adjt & Inspr Genl was
assigned to duty with my brigade by the War Department in September
1863. My brigade was then at Missionary Ridge in Tennessee. He
served with that brigade until the 16th of May last when
he was captured by the enemy at Drewry’s Bluff. He was exchanged on
the 4th inst. During his captivity my old brigade was
consolidated with Archer’s Tennessee Brigade; and I understand that
the Asst Adj & Inspr Genl of Archer’s Brigade is assigned to duty
with the consolidated brigade. Capt Jones will in that case be
subject to assignment and I would respectfully recommend that he be
assigned to duty at Richmond if there is a vacancy there for him; if
not I would recommend that some appropriated position may be given
to him at some post of with some command. Captain Jones is an
industrious faithful and gallant officer and of a most exemplary
moral and religious character. I trust his case may receive special
attention and favor.”
(signed) B R Johnson, Major General.
Jones also wrote a letter to Jeff Davis on March 25, 1865 from Mrs.
Gronch’s house on the corner of 11th and Clay in Richmond
and included a copy of Johnson’s letter:
“To His Excellency Jefferson Davis
“Dear Sir: The enclosed communication from
Maj. Gen’l Bushrod Johnson …will explain why I have been compelled
to trouble you and will, I trust, be a sufficient apology for
obtruding my humble interests upon your kind attention so soon
“I beg to assure you, sir, that it causes
me sincere regret to be obligated to add even my poor little
concerns to the great weight of public cares and anxieties which
rests upon you at this momentous time.
“When captured last spring I lost my horse
and my wife’s cousin Mr. M. S. Thompson…was just about to leave
Clarksville, Va. with a good horse and equipment which he intended
to give to me as a present when he was captured with two horses on
the 21st Jan’y last. Having been so unlucky and having
written to my mother for the money necessary to buy another horse, I
desire to be assigned to some post duty at least until I can secure
another outfit for the field-though the facts of my having a wife
and infant to take care of in these days of high prices and great
scarcity and that I am still a sufferer from the Chagres or Isthmus
Fever of which I had a severe attack last summer in prison at Fort
Delaware, furnish still stronger reasons for asking this favor and
will not fail, I’m sure, to excite the kind sympathy of yourself and
Mr. Breckinridge.
“My good father Geo. W. Jones of Iowa is
still on his parole and subject to the taunts…of the abolitionists;
and the occasional assistance I have been able to obtain from my old
home has been received from my mother, clandestinely through persons
coming to the valley of Virginia.
“If you can conscientiously do so, I would
ask you to do me the favor to send this application to Gen.
Breckinridge with whatever comment you may be pleased to add.
I am, Sir, with great respect, your humble
and grateful friend and servant, G. S. D. Jones.”
Jeff Davis added a note to Jones’ letter just two days later on 27
“Secty of War, with a request for special
attention-Capt. Jones is the worthy son of a gallant father."
It is hard to imagine the amount of micro-managing that Davis did
during the war. It would appear that he had to approve all officer
It is also hard to imagine Davis’ thoughts on all the requests he
received from Senator Jones’ two sons.
The loss of Richmond on the 2nd of April in 1865 and the
subsequent surrender of the Confederate forces under the immediate
command of General Robert E. Lee one week later essentially ended
Captain Jones’ service to the Confederacy.
George R. G. Jones was born on May 4, 1837. He followed his
older brother, Charles to Western Military Institute and he
apparently met and married a Kentucky girl. She died from unknown
causes shortly after their marriage.
Modeled on the Virginia Military Institute, the Western Military
Institute had about 150 students and seven professors in 1855
when it moved it’s entire campus from Georgetown, Kentucky, where it
had operated since it’s founding in 1847, to Nashville. Students
undertook a military curriculum, and were required to wear uniforms
and conduct themselves in accordance with the rules of military law.
Future Confederate General Bushrod Johnson was a professor at the
Western Military Institute from 1851 to 1855, and served as
its headmaster when it moved to Nashville and continued in that
capacity until the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. All of
Bushrod’s cadets joined the Confederacy.
George had
stayed in Tennessee after graduation and when war broke out he
applied to the governor for a drill instructors job in the Army.
Governor Harris wrote
from Nashville on July 30, 1861
“Upon written application of
Brig. Genl R. C. Foster I hereby appoint George R G Jones a
Drill Instructor in the Provisional Army of Tennessee with the
rank of first Lieutenant and order him to report for duty to
Col Hieman.”
(signed) Isham Harris, Governor
A few months later, George was stationed at Fort Henry when he
received a letter from his old teacher. Bushrod Johnson wrote to
Jones from Camp Truesdale, Tenn. on Nov. 11th, 1861.
“Capt. Geo. R. G. Jones, Fort Henry--My
Dear Sir:— Yours of the 25th inst. has just reached me; I am very
glad to hear from you again. I have been much occupied here with
still, uncertain prospects. I am under orders of Governor Harris in
charge of this post, but as soon as troops are mustered into the
Confederate service and organized into regiments, my authority over
them ceases. However, the officers here do not seem disposed to let
me leave under any circumstances.
“Gov. Harris has authority from Jeff. Davis
to appoint drill masters. There are some three here, but none of
them can drill cavalry. We have one cavalry company that needs
instruction. Perhaps you had best apply for the appointment.
“The troops here do not get on well in
consequence of contradictory orders. A few days ago we expected all
would be disbanded for want of guns. Now we expect Tennessee to
supply arms; but the recruiting has stopped in consequence of the
Governor’s late Proclamation. Had it not been for this, we would
have had about 4,000 troops here very soon. There still seem to be
indications of a purpose to assemble here 5,000 men; but all is
uncertain. You can watch the action of Legislature of Tennessee. If
it orders more troops to be raised, the number here will be
“I have been thinking of going home for the
winter. If I do not have something to some purpose from Davis in two
or three weeks, I shall return home for good. Petitions for my
appointment have been signed and forwarded by the men and officers
of this camp, in addition to many petitions from Nashville. There
are, however, too many wire-working political competitors for
Brigadier General’s appointment for me to be sanguine of success. In
fact I only desire to do my duty.
“You might wish to write to Gov. Harris in
a week or so, to see if he will not appoint you instructor at this
camp; by that time matters will be settled in regard to increase
forces in Tennessee. I can scarcely advise you to do anything now in
regard to this command, all appears to be so uncertain. The
probabilities are, however, strongly in favor of their being armed
by the State. If that were certain, you might apply at once for the
place of an instructor. Our forces are estimated at about 1600.
“I am sorry I have to write in such a
hurry. I may write again soon.
Yours truly, B. R. Johnson.”
Rust Johnson was born on Oct. 7, 1817 in Belmont Co. Ohio. He
graduated from West Point in 1840 and fought in the Mexican War.
After resigning from the Army he became a professor of engineering
at Western Military Institute.
Both Jones brothers received their education and military training
under Johnson, so it is not hard to envision that he had a big
influence on their lives.
He wrote
letters of recommendation for both brothers and helped them acquire
commissions in the Confederate Army.
Bushrod Johnson wrote Jeff Davis on Jan 1st, 1862 from
“Sir: I take the liberty of recommending to
your consideration George R.G. Jones, son of Hon Geo. W. Jones
formerly United States Senator from Iowa late Minister to Bogota,
now a prisoner at Fort Layfayette.
“Geo. R. G. Jones enjoyed the benefit of
nearly four years instruction at a military college mostly at the
University of Nashville. He afterwards spent some time in the German
schools. Very soon after the opening of our present war he left his
house in the North and from principle embraced the cause of the
South. He has been mainly employed as instructor of Tactics first
with Gen. Zollicoffer’s command. He has well drilled the regiment of
Infantry commanded by Col Heiman stationed on the Tennessee River
and has lately been drilling new troops at Fort Donelson. He is well
qualified to give instruction in infantry tactics from the squad
thro the battalion drill. He is industrious, energetic and zealous
in the Southern cause. I know of no young gentleman whose services I
would esteem more valuable than his to any new regiment just
entering the field for service. He is also well qualified with the
duties of the camp. His habits and moral character are excellent and
he is perfectly reliable and trustworthy.
“In the organization of our troops men from
the entire neighborhood or county unite together forming companies
and regiments and elect generally to office the best known and most
popular men of the command without much regard to military
qualifications. Mr. Jones is among strangers here tho he numbers
among his fiends some of the best families of this part of our state
and will be recommended by some of our most influential citizens.
His worth is acknowledged by all who know him and his appointment to
a place in the army would meet with much favor. There are several
regiments that now desire to secure his services as instructor of
tactics; the Colonels of which are not able even to command the
place of Adjutant to give to him. If he could be commissioned as
Lieutenant and assigned to duty as instructor where his services are
most needed he would undoubtedly render valuable service to the
“He would also make a good artillery
officer if such a place could be assigned him. I take pleasure in
giving my unqualified testimony in favor of Mr. Jones and hope he
may receive from your hands the appointment is which is is best
qualified to serve the country.
Very respectfully, your obed. Servt B R
A letter
from the executive dept at Nashville on Jan 2, 1862, written to Sec
of War Benjamin by Tennessee Governor Harris also recommend Jones.
“Sir: allow me to introduce to you, George
R. G. Jones of this city. He is a young gentleman of character and
moral worth of thorough military education and the son of Hon Geo W
Jones late U S Senator from Iowa, who as you know always ranked
amongst our truest and most trusted friends in the north and who is
now in prison in consequence of his fidelity (to) the constitution
and the southern cause.
“Mr. Jones is an applicant for a
Lieutenancy in the regular army of the Confederate States and to be
put on duty in either the Artillery or Infantry Corps. If appointed
I have no doubt he will make a gallant and efficient officer. I
shall be much pleased if consistent with your sense of duty to see
the appointment confirmed upon him.
Respectfully,” (signed) Governor Harris
The next
day, on Jan 3rd Jones wrote to Sec. Of War Benjamin:
“Sir: enclosed you will find some
letters handed me by some friends to be forwarded to you for
you consideration. You will observe that they indicate a
desire on my part to enter the Regular Army of the
Confederate States. I have been in the services since the
beginning of this war but have occupied really no position. I
hope now to secure a commission thru’ you from the President
so that I may remain in the service during and after the war.
I am very respectfully, your obt
servant, GRG Jones.” |
Prior to
Tennessee’s succession Governor Isham Harris asked (then) Major
Bushrod Johnson to lay out fortifications on the Tennessee River to
protect the state from invasion. Johnson chose Fort Henry. While it
was not an especially good choice it was probably the best that
could be had under the circumstances. The problems were two-fold; it
was on low ground and subject to flooding and there was high ground
overlooking it making it possible to shell the fort rather easily.
Brigadier General Lloyd Tilghman, a West Point class of 1836
graduate was sent to command Fort Henry and also Fort Donlelson a
dozen miles to the East on the Cumberland River.
On February 6, 1862, an army under Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and
gunboats under Flag Officer Andrew H. Foote attacked Fort Henry and
Tilghman was forced to surrender. Prior to doing so, he led the vast
majority of his garrison troops on the 12-mile road to Fort Donelson,
and then returned to surrender with a handful of artillerymen who
were left defending the fort. Jones had been appointed Captain of
Heavy Artillery and remained at the Fort. He had seventeen cannon,
eleven of which commanded the river and six defended the landward or
east side.
The biggest factor in the defeat of Fort Henry was not the naval
artillery or Grant’s infantry; it was the rising waters of the
Tennessee, which flooded the powder magazines and forced a number of
the guns out of action. On the 5th the Union ironclad
Essex steamed toward fort Henry and fired a few rounds at Jones’
men. He held his fire until the boat turned around and then Jones
fired two rounds from their only large canon, one of which struck
the Essex damaging the captain’s cabin. The next day,
Tilghman evacuated everyone but the gunners, leaving him with about
eighty men.
At 11 a.m. seven Union warships steamed toward the fort and opened
fire about a mile away. Jones and his men fired back and the battle
raged for about forty-five minutes until their one big gun, a rifled
128-pounder, exploded killing or injuring all its crew. A few
minutes later, the big 10 inch gun jammed putting it out of action.
Then a Union shell hit one of the 32-pounders and killed or maimed
the gun crew.
But the fight was not entirely one-sided. One cannon shot hit the
Essex in the boiler and scalded thirty-eight men and disabled
it. By 1 p.m. the Fort had only two workable guns and Tilghman
decided to surrender. He climbed the parapet and waved a flag of
Two hours later, General Grant and his infantry arrived and he
assumed command of the fort. Tilghman was imprisoned at Fort Warren
in Boston and was not released until August 15, when he was
exchanged for Union General John F. Reynolds.
Jones was sent to Johnson’s Island near Sandusky, Ohio and was
exchanged about five months later.
On Feb. 14, 1862 in a letter from Ft. Henry, Dubuque’s Capt. Edward
Van Duzee, 12th Iowa Infantry, wrote the Times:
“We took over sixty prisoners, and among
them were Brig. Gen Lloyd Tilghman and Capt George R. Jones Jr., a
son of Gen G. W. Jones, Senator from Iowa, lately, and now a denizen
of Fort Lafayette. I saw and conversed with him sometime. He said he
was a citizen of Tennessee and had been for several years. He was
quite cheerful, and I think was quite willing to be taken prisoner.
He told me that there were but sixty men in the Fort when our boats
opened fire, but this cannot be true for we took sixty prisoners in
the fort, and found four killed besides. Today, also, we have
discovered that they tried to conceal the number of killed by
throwing many bodies into the ditch that surrounds the fort, and
which is now (filled) with water. Nineteen bodies have already been
found and the ditch is being dragged, and more will probably be
On April 17,
1862 the Dubuque Times ran an article entitled:
“A couple
of letters have been sent us, which were found at Fort Henry among
the effects of the young rebel and traitor Geo. R. G. Jones, son of
ex-Senator Jones, of this city. One of the letters is from the noted
Bushrod B. Johnson, and shows that Jones wanted to be a drill
instructor among the rebel troops. The money that educated him was
gotten from the Federal Government, and this is the return he
(The letter from Johnson was the one he wrote on Nov. 11, 1861 shown
Three months after his release from a Union Prison Camp, General
Tilghman wrote to Sec of War Randolph on Jones’ behalf. Dated Nov.
18th 1862 from his HQ, 1st Div. 1st
Corps, Army of West Tenn. Camp of Tallahatchie Tilghman wrote:
“Sir-This will introduce to your especial consideration G.R.G.
Jones, a son of the Hon. Geo. Jones of Iowa (a late
Senator in the Federal Congress) “G. R. G. Jones has been in
active service in the Confed. Army since the beginning of the
war having to my own knowledge served with distinguishable
abilities at various posts, and especially under my own eye at
Fort Henry as Capt of Artillery in charge of one of the
principal batteries.
“Capt. Jones was recommended by several
officers and members of Congress for a Commission, which he was
informed was given him and sent to Fort Henry. This commission did
not reach him before his capture at Fort Henry. He now visits
Richmond for the purpose of securing and appointment and I must
cordially unite with him in asking that his
great merit may be thus rewarded. I deem him one of
the most valuable men we have. Joining our cause early in the
beginning of the war. Sacrificing home property and friends. He has
proven himself an able and zealous soldier and I beg that his
application may meet with a cordial response. I respectfully ask
that this communication be placed before the president”.
Davis added a note to Secretary of War Randolph:
It reads:
“Secretary of War: Capt Jones as the son of my early and
valued friend has to me special interest and I rejoice to find
his merit as a soldier has proved equal to his zeal for our
cause. He desires to be assigned to duty as ordinance officer
of General Tilghman’s Brigade and I hope it may be consistent
to comply.” JD |
Unfortunately this is the last record in Jones’ file and there is
nothing that indicates what happened to him after his formal
appointment in December of 1862. |