Tells of Death of Leo P. Nauman,
Dubuque County Soldier, in France.
The following
letter, written by a Catholic chaplain in France and
containing further details of the death of Leo P. Nauman, a
Dubuque county boy who died on November 14 from wounds
received while in action, has been received by the dead
soldier's father, Peter Nauman, of R. R. No. 1:
"November 21st, 1918.
dear Mr. Nauman: You received before this, I am sure, the sad
news of the death of your dear son, Leo. I, a priest in charge
of the two hospitals here, was called a little after the noon
hour on Nov. 14 to assist the poor dying boy. I found him
perfectly conscious and glad to see me. He received the
last sacraments in the most edifying manner and I am sure that
God received him in His mercy. The good nurse who was waiting
on him did her best to prolong his life and to ease his last
moments, but in spite of all he breathed
his last a few minutes after having received the sacraments.