Veterans Buried in the Iowa

Veterans Cemetery

In Dallas County, Iowa

Gravestone Photos Available

SurnameFirst NameBirthDeathNotes
EmersonGordon WNovember 30, 1926October 30, 2005PFC US Army Korea
FrancisJonathon FNovember 30, 1964November 17, 2020LCPL USMC MSG US Army Persian Gulf;
*M & 2OLC, AAM & 8 OLC, ARCOM & 2 OLC
Kimball Roger Lloyd November 28, 1939 August 24, 2024 PFC US Army
McDonaldGordon DFebruary 18, 1934February 13, 2013SP3 US Army Korea
McDonaldLorranie MJanuary 6, 1941December 1, 2008nee Johnson; w/o Gordon D (US Army)
McDonaldTerry J19472015LTC USA LT USN Vietnam; AAM
MerrillWilbur DMarch 29, 1930August 22, 2020SGT US Army Korea
Riley Adah KMarch 30, 1893June 8, 1992nee Trueblood; w/o Claude E
Riley Claude E January 15,1893December 31, 1983WWI; h/o Adah K
RossLarry A. March 16, 1946 August 26, 2022Army; Viet Nam Veteran; National Guard
Total 22 years
SkuyaColleen MarieOctober 31,1953May 7, 2023nee Cuklanz; w/o Richard
SorensenDonald E19352010MSGT USAF Korea, Vietnam
TextorThomas WMay 31, 2014April 15, 1926CDR US Navy WWII
TextorMary ReneeDecember 21, 1948January 4, 2024nee Midland, w/o Thomas
TheinGerald A19502020EO3 USN Vietnam
WebbJohn HDecember 15, 1923February 29, 20161st LT USAAF WWII: AM & 3 OLC
WolfRalph JJune 26, 1932March 25, 2009SFC US Army

Iowa County Index

Dickinson County Iowa Genealogy - The IAGenWeb Project