Addington, Jesse, 150, 167, 192, 200,
Adel, Indian battle near, 284
Aldrich, Charles, memorial secured
through efforts of, 263, 264;
to, 264, 266;
agitation by, for
monument at lakes, 264, 265;
by, 301, 302
Alexander, E. B., expedition sent out
by, 128;
desire of, to secure rescue
of captives, 225, 226;
plans of, for
punishment of Inkpaduta, 246
Algona, first settlement near, 38;
to, 49, 65;
Indian depredations
near, 282 ;
Indian battle near,
Allegheny Mountains, 269
Allotment of land, 9, 10
American Fur Company, undue influence
of, 22, 24, 25
Ammunition, demand of Indians for,
Anderson, Thomas, 165
Annuities, failure to fulfil promises
concerning, 9, 10;
payment of traders
out of, 15;
sharing of Inkpaduta
in, 71;
trouble over, 240, 241,
248-251, 256;
desire of Inkpaduta
to share in, 254;
reference to, 279,
An-pe-tu-tok-cha, ransom of Abbie
Gardner by, 232-239;
speech by,
242, 243 ;
expedition guided by,
Army, method of transportation in,
247, 248
Ash Hollow, massacre at, 4, 277, 278
Ashland, 86
Ashton (South Dakota), 235
Bach Grove, 165, 309
Baker, D. H., 167
Bancroft, Indian depredations near,
Barnes's Grove, 40
Beaver, shooting of, 190;
attempt of
men to eat, 206, 207
Beaver Creek, 170
Bee, Barnard E., relief expedition
under, 128-131;
determination of,
to make expedition, 131;
of expedition under, 153-158;
to, 191;
Abbie Gardner honored
by, 241;
reason for failure of,
to capture Inkpaduta, 247;
of, in Civil War, 298
Bell, Abner, 93
Benjamin, Hiram, 167
Berkley, Granville, 36
Bice, Orlando, 167
Bicknell, James, 39, 88;
robbing of
home of, 89
Big Bend, 34
Big Drift Wood Lake, 252
Big Face, 74
Big Island Grove, 122;
relief expedition
at, 182, 183;
evidence of Indians
at, 183
Big Sioux River, 63, 65, 72, 73, 215,
218, 220, 223, 226, 229, 233;
in crossing, 221 ;
killing of
Mrs. Thatcher while crossing, 221,
Bissell. George R., 169, 188
Black Buffalo, 135
Black Eagle, 64 (see Wamdisapa)
Black Hawk, defeat of, 6
Blaine (Washington), 273
Blizzard, 197, 198;
experiences of
members of burial detail during,
199-202 ;
experiences of members of
relief expedition during, 208-211,
Blood revenge, practice of, among
Sioux, 75-77
"Bloody Run", 34, 35
Blue Earth River, 41, 65, 66
Blue River, 277
Bonebright, 165
Boone, 32
Boone River, 31, 309;
house on, 31, 32
Boonesboro, 33
Border Plains, news of massacre carried
to, 163;
reference to, 166
Boyer River, 18; depredations along,
68, 69
Bradshaw, John. 57, 58, 134, 140,
142, 149, 187, 189
Brainard, James, 165
Brewer family, 164
Brizee, George W., 167, 206;
court-martial of, 179
Brown, James A., visit of Indians at
cabin of, 86, 87
Brown, Sam, 256, 257
Brule Sioux Indians, campaign
against, 277, 278
Buena Vista County, alarm in, 22
settlement in, 40;
in, 87;
reference to, 88;
depredations in, 282
Buffalo, disappearance of, 10;
to, 235
Bull Run, battle of, 298
Burdens, size of, carried by captives,
216, 217
Burial detail, activities of, 192-205
Burkholder, William E., 167, 192,
197, 200, 214, 266;
death of, by
freezing, 204, 205;
burial of body
of, 309
Burtch, Asa, 60, 61, 96, 180, 196,
289, 305
Byron (Minnesota), 272, 301
Cabin, erection of, by Gardner, 51
California, 35
California trail. 21
Call, Ambrose A., 38, 49
Call, Asa C, 38, 49
Callagan, Thomas, 166
Calumets, making of, 219
Camp fires, 171
Campbell, Joseph, 252. 256, 257
Canada, 70, 256, 290;
flight of Inkpaduta
to, 255
Cannon River, 66
Captives, treatment of, by Indians,
experiences of among Indians,
difficulty of, in
crossing stream, 219, 220;
for rescue of, 226, 245;
sale of, 234
Carpenter, Cyrus C, 180, 184, 264,
265, 266, 267, 309;
statement by,
182, 210, 211
Carse, Henry, 167, 192. 198;
of, 201, 202, 203
Carter, Richard, 167
Carter, R. F., 167
Carter family, 285
Carver, David N., 58, 134, 140, 148,
wounding of, 141
Cassady, Sherman, 165
Catlin, George, 311
Cattle, shelter for, 51;
killing of, 85,
87, 101, 183
Cavanagh, Michael, 167
Cedar Falls, 39, 60, 89
Cedar River, 18
Center Grove Township, 46
Centerville, 33
Chatterton, Mr., 167
Cheffins, Joseph B., 58, 138;
news of
massacre carried to agency by, 126,
Chemeuse, 33
Cherokee, settlement near, 40;
to, 41, 85, 87
Cherokee County, settlement in, 40;
Inkpaduta's band in, 85
Che-tan-maza, ransom of Abbie Gardner
by, 232-239;
reference to, 267
Cheyenne River, 68
Chippewa Indians, treaty with, 7;
to, 13, 24
Christian Indians, ransom of Mrs.
Marble by, 226-231;
reference to,
Church, William L., 57. 177, 178,
184, 187, 189. 273
Church, Mrs. William L., 133, 156;
Indian shot by, 141
Churubusco. 177
Civil War, service of Bee in, 298
Clark. Robert, 60, 61, 100, 101, 118.
attempt of, to warn settlers.
burial of body of, 195
Clarke. Newman S.. 18
Clay County, settlements in, 39, 40
Inkpaduta's band in, 88-93
Clear Lake, Grindstone War near. 26-
Gardner at, 48. 49;
battle near, 284
Cloudman, statement by, 10
Collins. Mrs. Elwood, statement by,
212, 213
Columbus (Ohio). 244
Commissary. 169
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 20
Company A (Relief Expedition), officers
of. 166;
members of. 167;
mock court-martial by. 179;
for. 18O;
night camp of, 182
Company B (Relief Expedition), officers
of, 166;
members of, 167;
of members of, 178;
for, 180
Company C (Relief Expedition), officers
and members of. 165;
for. 178;
celebration by, 179;
to. at Webster City. 263.
reference to, 309
Congress, appeal to Iowa delegation
in, 20;
appropriations by, for relief
of Spirit Lake sufferers. 260-263
Conlan. Patrick. 165
Connecticut, 47
Conrad. Julius, 167
Corn, picking of, by Indians, 78, 79
Correctionville, 41 ;
at, 84, 85
Corsau, Mr. 213
Coursalle, Mr., information given by,
153, 154;
service of, as guide, 154-
reference to, 158, 215, 300
Coursalle, Mrs. 156
Coursalle's Grove, 153
Coursalle's trading post, 136
Court-martial, 179
Courts, inability of Indians to sue in,
Crawford, L. D., 167
Credit, giving of, to Indians, 25
Crouse, A. E., 167
Crow Wing (Minnesota). 279
Cullen, W. J., statement by, 15, 16;
efforts of, to secure expedition of
Indians, 248-252;
difficulties of,
with Indians, 253, 254;
to. 261
Custer massacre, Inkpaduta at, 255
Cylinder Creek. 61, 179, 198, 209,
210, 214;
rise in, 207;
camp on,
210, 211;
breaking up of expedition
after crossing, 211
Dakota City, march of relief expedition
to, 172, 173;
reference to, 174,
176, 179;
Indian depredations at.
Dakota River, 63, 234
Dakota Territory, sufferings of Indians
in, 43, 67, 73, 82, 219, 245.
248. 291
Dallas County, 285
Dalley, Henry E., 165, 192, 202, 203,
Darke County (Ohio), 229
Dawson, J. W., 167
Debts, payment of, to traders. 14-16
Defense, preparations for, at Springfield,
De Fore, William. 167
De Foe. William A.. 167, 184, 192
Delaware County, 54
Des Moines, 36, 265
Des Moines City, 56
Des Moines River, 17, 19, 29, 30, 31,
32, 34. 37. 41. 56. 63. 68, 73,
124, 129, 132. 139. 153. 161, 179,
181, 183, 185, 193, 198, 202, 205;
settlements along, 38, 39;
march of
relief expedition up, 172
Des Moines Valley, 35, 160, 179; .
in, 39
Dickerson, James, trouble of, with Indians,
Dickerson. Mrs. James, 27
Dickinson County, early visitors in,
reference to, 229
Dog, eating of, by Indians, 217, 237,
Dragoon Trail, 180
Dry Wood, 290
Dubuque, 17, 30, 244
Duncombe, John F., 166, 171, 174,
176, 188, 190, 208, 264, 265;
laudanum taken by, 176, 177
Dungan, Warren S., 268
Earth Lodges, 234
East Okoboji Lake, 46, 161
Eastman, Charles, 255
Edyington (Ohio), 48
Elk, hunting of, by Indians, 79
Elk Rapids, 33
Emmet, 41
Emmet County, 39, 122
Emmetsburg, beginning of, 38, 39,
End of the Snake, captives purchased
by, 234
Erie, John 165
Estherville, 41
Europe, 4
Evans, Jeremiah, 177, 178
Exile, method of becoming, 291
Farney, John, 167
Fenton, Charles T., 164, 263
Fire, method of starting, 202, 203
Fire Cloud, 74; killing of, 253
Flandrau, Charles E., news of massacre
carried to Fort Ridgely by,
account of expedition by, 130,
activities of, upon receipt of
news of massacre, 225, 226;
to, 229, 242, 243, 259, 267,
Indians paid by, for ransom
of Mrs. Marble, 230, 231;
of, to secure release of captives,
232, 233;
Mrs. Marble taken to St.
Paul by, 239, 240;
payment of Indians
secured by, 245 ;
payment of
bond issued by, 245, 246;
plans of,
for punishment of Inkpaduta, 246;
investigation and report by, 247,
expedition against Indians
raised by, 256-259
Flandrau (South Dakota), 220, 224
Florida, 247
Flour, demand of Indians for, 102;
confiscation of, 180
Food, journey east to secure, 59-61;
giving of, to Indians, 97, 98, 116;
lack of, among Indians, 217, 218
Ford, William N., 167, 192
Fort Clarke, establishment of, 17;
change of name of, 281
Fort Dodge (military post), establishment of, 17, 280, 281;
to, 18, 19;
abandonment of, 18
naming of, 281
Fort Dodge (town), alarm near, 20
reference to, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37
39, 59, 99, 102, 125, 151, 159,
178, 180, 184, 189, 196, 211,
215, 244, 266, 272, 295, 301, 305,
company raised at, 35;
settlements northwest of, 38;
news of
depredations taken to, 92, 93 ;
tempt to organize relief party at,
93 ;
plan of Gardner to make trip
to, 96, 97;
news of massacre carried
to, 124;
organization of relief
expedition at, 159-169;
arrival of
Howe and Wheelock at, 162;
of Webster City company at,
164, 165;
departure of relief expedition
from, 170;
return of part
of men to, 199;
return of members
of relief expedition to, 213, 214
Fort Kearney, 277
Fort Laramie, 21, 277
Fort Leavenworth, 277
Fort Pierre, 82, 277
Fort Randall, 18
Fort Ridgely, establishment of, 18;
reference to, 35, 72, 130, 138, 139,
143, 147, 158, 178, 179, 225, 241,
242, 246, 249, 256;
news of massacre
carried to, 122-127;
of relief expedition from, 128-131;
arrival of relief expedition from,
Fort Snelling, 17, 18, 280, 281
Fort Wayne (Indiana), 272
Franklin County, 54
Freeborn, William, 39
Fremont, John C, 45
Frontier, advance of, 1-8 ;
elements on, 11, 23;
of government to protect, 12 ;
of protection on, 17-25;
on, in 1857, 37-41;
winter of
1856-1857 on, 42, 43;
plan for attacks
on, 69, 74 ;
efforts to secure
protection of, 260;
tribute to services
of pioneers on, 268 ;
of, 269
Frost, Nathaniel, 58, 153;
trip of, to
Slocum's farm, 135
Fuller House, 240, 242
Funk, A. B., 265, 316
Funk family, 164
Gaboo, Joe, 153, 156, 300
Galbraith, Agent, 254
"Galena" (steamboat), 244
Gales, John, 167
Game, disappearance of, 10, 11, 42
Gar Lake, 160
Gardner, Abbie, 47, 103, 113, 121,
228, 234, 245, 246, 267;
taking of,
as captive, 103, 104;
early experiences
of, in captivity. 111, 112;
burden borne by, 216, 217;
of, toward captivity, 220;
history of
ransom of, 232-244;
price paid for
ransom of, 237;
journey of, from
Yellow Medicine to St. Paul, 240-
242 ;
ceremony in honor of, 242
243 ;
war bonnet presented to, 243 ;
return of, to friends in Iowa, 244
marriage of, 270 (see Sharp, Mrs.
Abbie Gardner)
Gardner, Eliza, 47, 57, 121, 133, 195,
244, 270
Gardner, Francis M., 118
Gardner, Mary, 47;
marriage of, 50
Gardner, Rowland, migrations of, 47-
arrival of, at Lake Okoboji, 50:
settlement of, at Lake Okoboji, 50-
reference to, 57, 118, 133;
camp of Indians near cabin of, 95,
plan of, for trip to Fort Dodge,
96, 97;
first visit of Indians to
cabin of, 97, 98;
fears of, 99, 100;
killing of cattle of, 101 ;
in cabin of, 101 ;
desire of, to resist
Indians, 102;
massacre at
cabin of, 102-104;
pillaging of
cabin of, 104;
discovery of massacre
at cabin of, 123;
burial of
victims of massacre at cabin of,
burial party at cabin of, 195,
monument near cabin of, 266;
preempting of claim of, 270
Gardner, Rowland, Jr., 47, 118;
of, 103
Gardner, Mrs. Rowland, 51, 97;
of, to resist Indians,
effort of, to prevent murder,
killing of, 103
Gates, Emery W., 165, 171, 213;
meal cooked by, 179
Gates, John, 165
Gens, meaning of, 290
Gillespie, Mrs., 273
Gillett brothers, visit of Indians to,
91, 92;
Indian killed by, 92;
of, 92
Gillett, Mrs. 92
Gillett's Grove, settlement at, 39;
to, 41, 53, 94, 113;
band at, 91, 92
Goodenough, Lee, 194, 307
Governor, 262, 263, 265
Government (see United States government)
Granger, Carl, settlement of, at Lake
Okoboji, 52, 53;
reference to, 105,
killing of, 107;
burial of body
of, 195
Granger, George, settlement of, 39;
journey of, to Springfield, 124,
reference to, 132, 135, 150
Granger, William, settlement of, at
Lake Okoboji, 52, 53
Granger's Point, news of massacre
carried to, 124;
reference to, 150,
151, 152, 158, 160, 189, 196, 206;
march of relief expedition to, 182-
arrival of relief expedition at,
190, 191 ;
return of men to, 198
Gray Foot, ransom of Mrs. Marble by,
Great American Desert, 269
Green, Johnny, 33
Greenwood (New York), 47
Griffith, Josiah, 165
Grimes, James W., 19, 162, 168, 282
efforts of, to secure frontier
protection, 20;
refusal of, to call
out militia, 21;
letter to Pierce
from, 21, 22
Grindstone War, events of, 26-28;
reference to, 49
Gun-caps, giving of, to Indians, 98
Guns, taking of, from Indians, 80;
re-taking of, by Indians, 82
Hamilton County, 36, 265, 286;
in court house of, 263, 264
Hammond, Robert, treatment of, by
Indians, 84
Hampton, 54, 55, 60, 110, 244, 270,
Harney, General, campaign of, 4, 82
attitude of Sioux toward, 82 ;
of Indians by troops under,
277, 278
Harriott, Isaac H., settlement of, at
Lake Okoboji, 52, 53 ;
reference to,
98, 99, 105, 118;
killing of, 106,
burial of body of, 195
Harrison County, alarm in, 20, 22
Harshman, Joseph, 55, 105, 118;
killing of, 106, 107
Harshman, Mr., 57, 58
Hathaway, A. Newton, 165, 184, 212,
Hay, making of, 51
Hazelwood Republic, 312
Hefley, John, 167
Hempstead, Stephen, 19, 28
Henderson, John, 58, 134, 142, 145,
158, 302;
abandonment of, 152
Heron Lake, journey of Inkpaduta's
band to, 113-121;
arrival of Indians
at, 120;
reference to, 131,
139, 145, 146, 216, 218;
of expedition to. 154, 155
Hewett, Mr. 26
Hickey, James, 165
Hillock, Humphrey C, 165
His Great Gun, 74
Hogs, killing of, 85, 87
Holcombe, Mr., statement by, 255
Homer, inquest at, 35, 36;
news of
massacre carried to, 163;
to, 166, 286
Hood, Andrew, 180
Hoover, Harris, 165, 209
Horses, killing of, 85 ;
use of, by Indians,
113, 114;
treatment of, by
Indians, 218
Howe, Alfred, 118, 296
Howe, Jacob, 111, 118, 296;
of body of, 194
Howe, Joel, settlement of, at Lake
Okoboji, 54, 55;
reference to, 60,
killing of, 109;
massacre at
cabin of, 109, 110;
discovery of
massacre at cabin of, 123, 161;
burial of victims of massacre at
cabin of, 193, 194;
burial of body
of, 194;
finding of body of, 307,
Howe, Mrs. Joel, 108;
killing of, 109
Howe, Jonathan, 54, 60, 61, 118,
289, 296
Howe, Millie, 118
Howe, Orlando C, visit of, to lake
region, 159, 160;
return of, to Jasper
County, 160;
second trip of. to
lakes, 160, 161;
massacre discovered
by, 160, 161;
news taken to
Fort Dodge by, 161, 162;
to, 167, 192, 196, 297
Howe, Philetus, 118, 296
Howe. Sardis, 118, 296
Howell, D. F., 167
Howland, M. W.. 165, 209
Hughes, Thomas, 280
Humboldt County, alarm in, 22;,
Lott's cabin in, 34;
Indian depredations
in, 282
Illinois, 181
Indian agent, activities of, in behalf
of captives, 225, 226, 229, 230,
Indian agents, lack of power on part
of, 13, 24
Indians, attitude of, toward whites,
2, 3;
refusal of, to work, 3, 4;
military expeditions against, 4
title to Iowa soil ceded by, 5-8
wrongs done to, 9-16;
among, 12;
liquor traffic among,
power of traders over, 13-16,
24, 25;
reasons for resentment of,
outlaw band of, 29, 63-71;
feelings of, after murder of Sidominadota,
attitude of, toward advancing
frontier, 37, 38;
of, during winter of 1856-1857,
43 ;
feeding of, by settlers, 61, 62 ;
treatment of captives by, 112, 119-
121, 215-224;
preparations for defense
against, 132-137;
attack on
Springfield by, 138-146;
flight of
settlers from, 147-152;
nearness of
troops to camp of, 156, 157;
of presence of, 183;
mistaken for, 185, 186;
against surprise by, 189;
of, toward pipestone quarry, 218,
trouble with, over annuities,
240. 241, 248-251;
plan for campaign
against, 246;
of, 269, 270;
depredations by,
effect of whiskey on, 283;
record of massacre made by, 297
(see also Sioux Indians, Sac and
Fox Indians, etc.)
Inkpaduta, 18, 131, 160, 183;
of band under, 63-71;
expulsion of, from gens, 63, 64; ambitions
of, 66, 71 ;
murders by, 66,
evil reputation of, 67, 68;
by band under, 68, 69
disintegration of band under, 69,
description of, 69, 70;
of, 70, 71 ;
plan of, to secure
revenge, 72-77;
movements of band
under, 72-74;
members of band
under, 73, 74;
reasons for desire
of, for revenge, 74-77;
between Sidominadota and, 75, 76:
actions of band under, at Smithland,
78-83 ;
depredations by, between
Smithland and Lake Okoboji, 84-93;
first day of massacre
by band under, 94-107;
day of massacre by band under,
massacre of Marble by
Indians under, 113-118;
of Indians under, at Heron Lake,
120, 121;
attack on Springfield by,
pursuit of, by Captain
Bee, 154-157;
nearness of troops
to Indians under, 156, 157;
of, abandoned, 157, 158;
treatment of captives by Indians
under, 215-224;
plans for rescue of
captives held by, 226;
ransom of
Mrs. Marble from band under, 226-
moving of camp by, 233,
sale of captives by, 234;
to punish, 245-259;
of, by Indians, 252, 253;
killing of
son of, 253, 258;
defection in band
under, 253;
end of efforts to punish,
later life of, 254-256;
death of, 256;
last expedition
against Indians under, 256-259
appropriations for expeditions
against, 260-263;
explanation of
condition of Indians under, 290;
exile of, 291 ;
number of Indians
under. 293
Iowa, attitude of Indians toward, 3;
extinguishment of Indian title to
soil of, 5-8;
lack of frontier protection
in, 17-25;
winter of 1856-
1857 in, 42, 43;
reference to, 43,
67, 256, 278;
band in,
68, 69;
return of Abbie Gardner
to, 244 ;
memorial tributes of, to
persons involved in massacre, 260-
amount received by, for
Spirit Lake Relief Expedition, 261-
263 ;
appropriation by legislature
of, 262 ;
Indian warfare in. 284
Iowa City. 41
Iowa Indians, removal of, from Iowa.
6 ;
murder of, by Sioux, 290
Iowa River, 281
Irish Colony, 38, 61, 180, 193, 196,
198, 201, 206, 207, 210, 309;
march of relief expedition to, 180;
relief expedition at, 181;
sent to. 189;
reaching of, by burial
party, 203. 204
Ishtahabah, 284
Jackson, Frank D., 265
Jackson, Thomas E., sobriquet of, 298
Jackson (Minnesota), 37. 266;
at, 38
Jacques River (see James River)
Jagmani, 279
James River, 63, 215, 234. 235. 238;
rendezvous of Indians on, 65
Jasper County, 159, 160
John Other Day, ransom of Abbie
Gardner by, 232-239;
guided by, 257;
services of, at time
of massacre of 1862, 312
Johns, John, 35
Johnson, Albert S., 167, 184
Johnson, John C, 165, 192, 194,
200, 214, 266, 307, 309;
of, 165, 166;
burial detail
commanded by, 192;
division in
party under, 196, 197;
of party under command of, 199-
efforts to find, 204;
death of,
by freezing, 204, 205
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 246
Joshpaduta, story concerning, 285,
Kane County (Illinois), 38
Kanesville, 40
Kansas, 82
Kasominee, 284
Kellogg, Elias D., 165, 192, 202, 203
Kirchner, Christian, 93
Kirchner, J. A., 39, 40
Kirchner, Jacob, 39, 40, 88;
of family of, by Indians, 89
Koons, William N., 166
Kossuth County, alarm in, 22;
depredations in, 282
Knoxville, 194
Lac D'Esprit, 44
Lac qui Parle, 229
La Framboise, Joseph, 130, 154, 155,215
Lake Benton, 254
Lake Herman, 233
Lake Madison, 224, 233, 234. 236
Lake M'da Chan-Pta-Ya Tonka, 224
Lake Okoboji, attitude of Indians
toward, 1;
settlement at, 39;
to, 41, 88, 137, 142;
visitors at, 44 ;
early accounts of,
44, 45;
description of, 46, 47;
of Gardner at, 47, 50;
on shores of, 50-56;
first day
of massacre at, 94-107;
second day
of massacre at, 108-112;
visit of
Howe to, 159, 160;
monument at,
Lake with a Grove of Big Trees, 224
Lakeville Township, 46
Land, cession of, by Indians, 4-8;
of, to Indians, 9, 10
Land office, 38
Larrabee, William, 264
Laughlin, William K., 165, 184, 185,
192, 200, 201, 264;
men kept
awake by, 201, 202;
fire started
by, 202, 203 ;
crossing of river effected
by, 203, 204
Laut, Agnes C, 302
Lebourveau, Mr., 86
Lee, L. P., Abbie Gardner escorted
by, 244
Leonard, A. S., 165
Lewis and Clark expedition, 44
Lime Creek, 27, 28, 48
Linn, James, 166
Linn County, 55, 229
Liquor- dealers, activities of, among
Indians, 13
Little Big Horn, battle of, 70, 255
Little Crow, disturbance quieted by,
251 ;
placing of, in command of
expedition, 251, 252;
under, 252, 233;
uprising under,
254, 255
Little Paul, ransom of Abbie Gardner
by, 232-239
Little Rock River, 130
Little Sioux River, 1, 30, 38, 46, 73,
78, 82, 84, 85, 87, 90, 91, 93, 95,
settlements along, 39, 40
Little Thunder, 277
Live stock, killing of, 85
Lizard Creek, 35, 38, 40, 284;
along, 39
Loon Lake, 72, 160
Long, Steve, 240
Long, Mrs. Steve, 240
Lost Island Lake, 113
Lott, Henry, character of, 31;
traffic carried on by, 31, 32;
attack of Indians upon, 32, 33;
murder of Sidominadota by, 34-36:
reference to, 68 ;
location of cabin
of, 285
Lott, Mrs. Henry, 285
Lott, Milton, death of, 33;
marker on
grave of, 285
Lotts Creek, 34, 211, 212
Luce, Albert, 50, 118
Luce, Amanda, 50, 118
Luce, Harvey, 48, 61, 97, 100, 101,
108, 118, 122, 180;
family of, 50;
settlement of, at Lake Okoboji, 50--
53 ;
journey of, east for supplies,
59-61 ;
return of, to Lake Okoboji,
attempt of, to warn settlers,
killing of cattle of, 101;
burial of body of, 195
Luce, Mrs. Harvey, 51, 97;
effort of,
to prevent murder, 102 ;
killing of,
Luce, Mary M., 118
Luce children, killing of, 103
McBane, Angus, 180, 309
McCarty, Michael, 167
McCauley, William, 167
McCleary, George W., 20, 282
McClure, G. F., 167
McCormick, Robert, 167, 180, 192,
McFarland, John N., 167
McGowan, Eliza Gardner, 272
McKnight's Point, 171, 174, 175;
expedition at, 176-179;
departure of relief expedition from, 179
McMurray, Mayor, 264
McNab, John, 158
Madelia (Minnesota), 130
Madison, Robert, 54, 118;
killing of,
106, 107
Madison (South Dakota), 224
Madison Grove, Indians at, 113
Madrid, 285
Madrid Historical Society, 285
Mahan, E., 167
Maher, Michael, 167
Ma-kpe-ya-ka-ho-ton, ransom of Mrs.
Marble by, 226-231
Mak-pi-a-pe-ta, killing of, 253
Malcolm, A. S., 167
Manitoba, Inkpaduta in, 255
Mankato (Minnesota), 41, 56, 129
Marble, William, settlement of, at
Spirit Lake, 55;
massacre of, 113-
118, 296;
taking of money from
body of, 117;
reference to, 118;
visit of Markham and Palmer to
cabin of, 137;
burial of body of,
of claim of, 270
Marble, Mrs. William, 115, 116, 156,
222, 223, 233, 234, 242, 245, 246;
taking of, as captive, 117;
borne by, 216;
attitude of, toward
captivity, 220;
history of ransom
of, 225-231;
information secured
from, 232 ;
reception of, at St.
Paul, 239, 240;
later life of, 271,
Marion County, 31
Markham, Morris, 55, 132, 134, 135,
140, 142, 147, 148, 149, 189;
of massacre by, 122-124;
news carried to Springfield by, 124,
doubt concerning story of,
proof of .story of, 136, 137;
oxen secured by, 148, 149
Marsh, James M., attack on, 17. 30,
Marshalltown, 272
Massacre of 1862, services of John
Other Day during, 312
Mason, B. S., 164
Mason, Frank R., 165, 184, 185, 187,
experiences of party guided
by, 211-213
Mason, Solon, 166, 208, 209
Mason City, 27, 48, 49, 272
Masonic Grove, 27
Ma-to-wa-ken, 238, 243
Mattock, Agnes, 118
Mattock, Alice, 118
Mattock, Daniel, 118
Mattock, Jackson A., 118
Mattock, Jacob M., 118
Mattock, James H., settlement of, at
Lake Okoboji, 53, 54 ;
camp of Indians
near cabin of, 95, 96;
to, 99, 118, 123;
plan to concentrate
at cabin of, 100;
of warning to reach, 101 ;
at cabin of, 105-107, 295;
of, 106, 107;
burning of cabin of,
discovery of massacre at
cabin of, 161;
burial of victims of
massacre at cabin of, 194. 195
Mattock, Mrs. James H., killing of,
106, 107
Mattock, Mary M., 118
Mattock children, killing of, 106
Mattock's Grove, 54
Maxwell, J. D., 163
Maxwell, John N., 165, 175, 176, 184,
185, 192, 194, 200, 202, 264, 307;
effort of, to secure aid, 176, 177;
men kept awake by, 201, 202
crossing of river effected by, 203,
Ma-za-ku-ta-ma-ni, speech by, 242,
243, 253, 254;
reference to, 269,
Mdewakanton Sioux Indians, treaty
made by, 7, 8;
council with, 249
Mead, Ambrose S., 39, 40, 88, 93;
treatment of family of, by Indians,
89, 90
Mead, Mrs. Ambrose S., 89; captivity
of, 90
Mead, Emma, 90
Mead, Hattie, 90
Medary, Governor, 240, 245;
by, 242, 243;
Abbie Gardner escorted
by, 244
Medium Lake, settlement at, 38, 181;
march of relief expedition to, 170-
relief expedition at, 181;
of relief expedition from,
reference to, 183, 193, 207,
Mendota (Minnesota), treaty made at,
7, 8, 15, 19;
annuities under
treaty of, 248
Merrill, Governor, 316
Mexican War, 177
Michigan, 229
Milford (Massachusetts), 86
Milford Colony, 40;
Inkpaduta"s band
at, 85, 86
Milford Emigration Company, 40
Military administration, attitude of
Flandrau toward, 247
Military campaigns, purpose of, 4
Militia, refusal of Grimes to call out,
Militia company, organization of, at
Smithland, 80, 81
Miller, William, 34
Minnesota, 18, 37. 41. 43, 46, 56,
65, 67, 70, 218, 245, 247, 248,
251, 278, 312;
in, 68 ;
excitement in, at news of
massacre, 225;
efforts of, to punish
Indians, 260;
reimbursement of, by
Federal government, 261-263
Minnesota River, 7, 18, 29, 40, 128,
129, 242, 278, 312
Minnetonka, 45
Minnewaukon, 45
Mississippi River, 256
Mississippi Valley, 21;
changes in,
269, 270
Missouri River, 6, 18, 21, 40, 68,
154, 234, 236, 255
Monona County, alarm in, 20, 22
Montana, 255
Monument, agitation for, 264, 265
law providing for, 265;
to secure erection of, 265, 266;
erection of, 266;
dedication of,
267, 268
Moody, F. R., 165
Moon, A., 164
Mormons, 40; expedition against, 246
Morrissey, Daniel, 167
Mud Creek, crossing of, 200
Mud Lake, 182, 206;
Indian battle
at, 284 .
Murray, Jonas, 167, 204;
guided by, 200
Murray County (Minnesota), 68
Murry, Alexander, relief expedition
under, 128-131;
reference to, 154,
156, 157, 215, 256, 258;
of troops under, 158;
gift of, to
Abbie Gardner, 241, 242
Musquakie Indians, 33;
warfare between
Sioux and, 284
(see also Sac
and Fox Indians)
Myerly, J. G., 316, 317
Nebraska, 21, 82
Nelson, William. 58, 134, 153
Nelson, Mrs. William, 134, 152
Neutral Ground, establishment and
disposal of, 5, 6
New England, lakes in, 47
New Haven (Connecticut), 47
New Orleans, 317
New York, 39, 50;
lakes in, 47
Newton, 159
Nicollet, J. N., map made by, 45
Noble, Alvin, settlement of, at Lake
Okoboji, 54, 55 ;
massacre at cabin
of, 110, 111;
reference to, 118,
discovery of massacre at cabin
of, 123, 124, 161;
burial of victims
of massacre at cabin of, 193
Noble, Mrs. Alvin, taking of, as captive,
early experience of, in
captivity, 111, 112;
reference to,
113, 117, 194, 222, 237, 246, 258,
attitude of, toward captivity,
220, 223 ;
attempt at ransom of,
228; death of, 234, 235, 313
Noble, John, 118
Nolan, John, 165
Nora Springs, 28, 48
North Platte River, 277
Northwestern frontier, efforts to secure
protection of, 260
Northwestern Iowa, character of, 41,
Nowland, John, 165
O'Brien County, first settler in, 40;
Inkpaduta"s band in, 87, 88 ;
to, 88
Oglala Sioux Indians, campaign
against, 277, 278
Ohio, 31 ; Gardner in, 48
Okeson, Daniel, 167;
discharge of,
Okoboji, Lake (see Lake Okoboji)
Okoboji South Beach Company, 266
O'Laughlin, John, 167;
discharge of,
Old Man, 74
Omaha Indians, 20, 81
Onawa, 86
Oregon trail, 21
Other Day (see John Other Day)
Oto Indians, 20
Ottawa Indians, treaty with, 7
Oxen, difficulty of transportation by
means of, 170, 173, 174
Palmer, Jareb, 58, 132, 142, 149,
189, 267;
trip of, to Slocum's farm,
journey of, to lakes, 136, 137;
aid secured by, 150
Palo Alto County, alarm in, 22;
to, 61
Parkhurst, Lemuel, cabin of, visited
by Indians, 86
Parkhurst, Mrs. Lemuel, 86
Parmenter, B. F., visit of, to hike
region, 159, 160;
return of, to
Jasper County, 160;
second trip of,
to lakes, 160, 161;
massacre discovered
by, 160, 161;
oxen left in
charge of, 161, 162;
reference to,
367, 192, 196
Paul Ma-za-ku-ta-ma-ni, ransom of
Abbie Gardner by, 232-239
Pea, Henry, 32
Pea's Point, 32; relief party from, 33
Pemberton, J. C, 165
Pennsylvania, 31, 309
Pension, 317
Peterson, settlement near, 39;
to, 41;
band at,
Peterson Granite Company, 266
Phips, Mr., 229
Pierce, Franklin, 21
Pillsbury's Point, Gardner cabin on,
51, 271
Pilot Rock, settlement near, 40;
band at, 85
Pioneers, attitude of Indians toward,
11, 12;
tribute to memory of, 268
Pipestone quarry, Inkpaduta's band
at, 218;
attitude of Indians toward,
218, 219
Pollock, William P., 180
Porter, W. F., 167
Pottawattamie Indians, treaty with,
6, 7;
reference to, 33
Powder, demand of Indians for. 98
Prairie, difficulty of travel on. 173;
hardships of camping on, 175. 176;
flooding of, by rain, 207;
on, 210
Prairie du Chien, treaties made at, 5;
violation of treaties made at. 64
reference to, 290
Prescott, J. S., 270
Prescott, Philander, 130
President of United States, 20
Provisions, securing of, 164
Putting on Walking, 74
Quartermaster, 169
Raccoon River, 90
Railroad, terminus of, 41
Rations, issuing of, 184
Rattling, 74
Ravines, difficulty in crossing, 172,
173, 174
Red Leg, 74
Red Pipestone Quarry, Inkpaduta at,
Red Rock, 31
"Red Top" band of Indians, 63
Red Wing (Minnesota), 39, 52, 53,
54, 106, 107
Redwood Agency, news of massacre
carried to, 126, 127;
reference to,
241, 251, 256
Refugees, rescue of, 186-189
Relief expedition, sending of, from
Fort Ridgely, 128-131;
arrival of.
at Springfield, 153-158;
of, at Fort Dodge and Webster
City, 159-169;
march of, to Medium
Lake, 170-181;
march of, from Medium
Lake to Granger's Point, 182-
191 ;
activities of burial detail sent
out by, 192-205;
death of members
of, 204, 205;
return of, to Fort
Dodge and Webster City, 206-214;
money received for expenses of,
experiences of, in blizzard,
pension for survivors of, 317
Relief party, failure of, 90, 91;
to organize, 93
Reno, Major, 255
Revenge, plan of Inkpaduta to secure,
Rexville (New York), 47, 48
Richards, Charles B., 162, 166, 179,
182, 188, 192, 193, 208, 264;
story by, 206, 207;
statement by,
Richards, W. S., 268
Richardson, Alonzo, 165
Ridgeway, L. B., 167
Riggs, Stephen R., 226, 229, 231,
efforts of, to secure release of
captives, 232
Roaring Cloud, 73, 74;
murder of
Mrs. Noble by, 234;
killing of, 258
Robinson, Mr., 241
Rosenkrans, S. B., 164
Ross, Enoch, relief party under, 90, 91
Ryan, Enoch, 60, 61, 118, 289;
of, 110;
burial of body of, 193
Sac and Fox Indians, treaties made
by, 5, 6;
reference to, 26, 29, 64,
65, 66 ;
warfare between Sioux and,
Sac City, 86;
relief party from, 90, 91
Sac County, alarm in, 22
Sacred Plume, 74
St. Paul, excitement in, at news of
massacre, 225 ;
arrival of Mrs.
Marble in, 229, 230;
Mrs. Marble
at, 239, 240;
journey of Abbie
Gardner to, 241, 242;
ceremony in
honor of Abbie Gardner at, 242,
reference to, 317
Santee Sioux Indians, 65, 71, 255
Saulsbury, E. W., 164
Scalp dance, 94, 108;
description of,
104, 105
"Scarlet Point", 63 (see Inkpaduta)
Scouting party, activities of, 183-186,
189, 190
Searles, W., 167
Secretary of Interior, order by, 246,
247, 261
Se-ha-ho-ta, ransom of Mrs. Marble
by, 226-231
Seneca (New York), 47
Sergeant Bluff, 20
Settlements, advance of, 3 ;
line of,
in 1857, 37-41
Settlers, desire of, for Indian lands,
attitude of Indians toward, 11,
12 ;
failure of government to protect,
12, 17-25;
cause of massacre
of, 13;
abandonment of homes by,
18, 19;
alarm among, 20, 21, 22,
attacks on, instigated by traders,
depredations among, 31,
68, 69, 78-83, 84-93;
advance of,
to northwest, 37, 38, 41, 42;
of, 40, 41 ;
difficulties of, during
winter of 1856-1857, 42, 43;
arrival of, at lakes, 50-56;
of, at Springfield, 56-58;
fed by, 61, 62;
flight of, from
Springfield, 147-152;
claims by, 270
Shakopee (Minnesota), 242
Sharp, Mrs. Abbie Gardner, 70, 94,
105, 156, 157, 217, 235, 265, 266,
efforts of, to secure monument,
later life of, 270, 271;
characterization of Sioux by, 292
(see also Gardner, Abbie)
Sharp, Casville, marriage of Abbie
Gardner and, 270
Sheehan, T. J., 254
Shell Rock, Gardner at, 48 ;
to, 60
Shell Rock Valley, 48
Sherman, George B., 169, 180
Sherman, Major, 249, 250, 259
Shiegley, Adam P., 57, 134, 135, 152,
Shifting Wind, 74
Shippey's Point, 61, 96, 199, 305;
march of relief expedition to, 179,
members of relief expedition
at, 208, 209;
breaking up of expedition at, 211
Sidell (California), 271
Sidominadota, depredations by band
under, 29-31;
attack of, on Lott,
murder of, 34, 285;
murder of
family of, 34-36;
reference to, 63;
flight of, from Inkpaduta, 68 ;
of murder of, to Spirit Lake
Massacre, 74-77
Silbaugh, Mr., 271
Sioux City, 37, 41
Sioux Indians, Mecca of, 1;
dealings with, 1-8;
of Harney against, 4;
treaties between
Sacs and Foxes and, 5, 6;
wrongs done to, 9-16;
attitude toward, 12;
retirement of,
depredations by, 17-25;
of, toward whites, 22, 23;
retrogression of, 23, 24;
with, near Clear Lake, 26-28;
of, on Lott, 32 ;
sufferings of,
during winter of 1856-1857, 43;
outlaw band of, 63-71 ;
among, 75;
practice of blood revenge
among, 75-77;
attitude of,
toward Harney, 82 ;
scalp dance
of, 94;
attitude of, toward pipestone
quarry, 218, 219;
of Inkpaduta's band by, 223;
for punishment of, 225;
trouble over payment of annuities
to, 248-251;
expedition of, against
Inkpaduta, 252, 253;
difficulties of
Cullen with, 253, 254;
among, 258, 259;
reservation given
to, 278;
conspiracy among, 282;
warfare between Sacs and Foxes
and, 284;
Inkpaduta pitied by,
289, 290;
method of becoming exile
among, 291 ;
characterization of,
(see also Wahpekuta Sioux,
Yankton Sioux, etc.)
Sioux outbreak, Inkpaduta in, 254,
Sioux Rapids, settlements near, 39
reference to, 40, 41, 91, 92, 93
Sisseton Sioux Indians, treaty made
by, 7, 8;
depredations by, 29-31;
reference to, 75, 251;
council with,
Sitting Bull, 70, 255
Skinner, J. B., 57, 134, 152
Skinner, Mrs. J. B., 134, 152
Skunk Creek, 224
Skunk Lake, 224, 225, 226, 246, 252
Sleds, use of, by Indians, 113, 114;
use of, by settlers in flight, 149;
transportation in army by means
of, 247
Sleepy-Eye, rendezvous of. 183
Slocum, Isaac, farm of, 129, 130,
131, 135
Smith, Frances M., 47
Smith, George P., 167, 192, 200, 204,
Smith, Guernsey, 167, 208
Smith, Mr., 187
Smith, Robert, 58, 134, 142, 145,
158, 302;
abandonment of, 152
Smith, Mrs. Robert, 134, 151, 152,
Smith, Roderick A., 167, 192, 196,
266, 267, 297
Smith, Seth, 81
Smith, Winton, 167
Smith's Point, cabin on, 52
Smithland, settlement at, 40 ;
to, 73, 84, 86, 293 ;
actions of
Inkpaduta's band at, 78-83
Smoky Moccasin, news given by, 135,
reference to, 300
Snake Creek, 235, 238, 253
Snow, depth of, 42, 43, 59, 170;
in marching through, 173,
174, 247
Snow-blindness, 172
Snowshoes, use of, recommended, 248
Snyder, Bertell E., settlement of, at
Lake Okoboji, 52, 53;
reference to,
98, 99, 105, 118;
killing of, 106,
Soldiers, fear of, by Indians, 215,
233 ;
desire of Indians to be accompanied
by, 249, 250
Sounding Heavens, ransom of Mrs.
Marble by, 226-231
South Bend (Minnesota), 129, 131
Spencer, Owen S., 167, 192, 200
Spencer, 90
Spink County (South Dakota), 313
Spirit Lake, attitude of Indians
toward, 1, 2;
settlement at, 39;
to, 41, 120, 128, 131, 135,
136, 154, 159, 191, 229;
early visitors
to, 44;
early accounts of, 44,
description of, 46, 47;
of Marble on shore of, 55
massacre on shore of, 113-118;
journey of Palmer and Markham
to, 137;
journey of troops to, 158
Spirit Lake (South Dakota), 65, 72
Spirit Lake Massacre, cause of, 1, 2;
scene of, 46
relation of murder of
Sidominadota to, 74-77;
first day
of, 94-107;
second day of, 108-
pictographic representation
of, 118, 119, 297;
discovery of, by
Markham, 122-124;
news of, carried
to Springfield and Fort Ridgely,
discovery of, by Howe
and others, 159-161;
burial of victims
of, 192-195;
memorial tributes
to persons involved in, 260-268;
later lives of survivors of, 270,
warning of, 286
Spirit Lake Relief Expedition (see
Relief expedition)
Spirit Lake Township, 46
Spirit Walker, 226;
Mrs. Marble at
tepee of, 229
Springfield (Minnesota), 37, 53, 88,
120, 121, 129, 130, 131, 154, 178,
183, 189, 191, 198, 247, 266, 270.
settlers at, 39, 56-58;
news of
massacre carried to, 122-126;
of news of massacre upon settlers
at, 125, 126;
relief expedition to,
preparations for defense
at, 132-137;
attack on, 138-146;
flight of settlers from, 147-152;
of relief expedition at, 153-
guard left at, 158;
rescue of
fugitives from, 186-189;
careers of
survivors of massacre at, 272, 273
Stafford, Patrick, 165
Stebbins, Carl, 167, 192
Stevens, Smith E., 166
Stewart, Johnny, escape of, 145 ;
to, 272, 301
Stewart, Joshua, 57, 133; killing of,
Stewart, Mrs. Joshua, 133; killing of,
144, 145
Stewart children, killing of, 144, 145
"Stonewall" Jackson, origin of name,
Storm Lake, 90
Stratton, Franklin A.. 166, 182, 309
Streams, difficulty of captives in
crossing, 219, 220
Street, Joseph M., 25
Strong, E. B. N., 57, 121, 142, 300;
flight of, 150, 151, 152
Strong, Mrs. E. B. N., 133
Supplies, journey east for, 59-61;
plan of Gardner to secure, 96, 97;
confiscation of, 180
Surgeon, 169
Surveyors, attack made on, 17, 30,
31, 68
Swanger, Drusilla, 57, 133, 149, 273;
wounding of, 141
Sweeney, Michael, 165, 264
Tahtav-Shkope Kah-gah, 74
Target practice, desire of Indians for,
Tasagi, quarrels between Wamdisapa
and, 65, 66;
murder of, 66, 67;
reference to, 291
Taylor, E., 40;
ill-treatment of family of, by Indians, 89 ;
escape of,
89, 90
Taylor, Mrs. E., captivity of, 90
Tchay-tam-bay River, 278
Tenth United States Infantry, 225
Tents, securing of, 164
Territorial bond, issuance of, 231;
payment of, 246
Thatcher, Dora, 118
Thatcher, Joseph M., settlement of, at
Lake Okoboji, 54, 55 ;
journey of,
east for supplies, 59-61 ;
to, 61, 96, 108, 122, 180, 184, 192,
196, 244, 305;
massacre at cabin
of, 110, 111;
discovery of massacre
at cabin of, 123, 124, 161;
of victims of massacre at cabin
of, 193;
of claim of,
Thatcher, Mrs. Joseph M., 60, 113,
117, 244, 296;
taking of, as captive,
early experiences of, in
captivity, 111, 112;
illness of, 119,
attitude of, toward captivity,
killing of, 221, 222
Thomas, Mrs. Irene A., 267, 272
Thomas, James B., 57, 148, 149, 187;
concentration of settlers at cabin
of, 133;
names of settlers in cabin
of, 133, 134;
description of cabin
of, 134, 135;
attack on cabin of,
wounding of, 141;
of settlers from cabin of, 149-151
Thomas, Mrs. James B., 133
Thomas, Valentine C, 267, 272
Thomas, Willie, 57, 139, 151, 272;
killing of, 142
Timber, travel in shelter of, 173
Titonka, 284
Townsite, plan to lay out, 52
Traders, 9, 44;
power of, over Indians,
13-16, 24, 25
Transportation, method of, in army,
247, 248
Traverse des Sioux (Minnesota),
treaty made at, 7, 15, 19, 37, 279;
failure to carry out treaty made at,
reference to, 242;
under treaty of, 248
Treaties, making of, with Indians,
wrongs done in making of, 9-
influence of traders in making
of, 15
Tretts, Henry, 58, l38, 139, 140;
news of massacre carried to agency
by, 126
Tullis, A. K., 165
"Two Fingers" (see Sidominadota)
Umpashota. 18, 135, 136, 284
United States government, dealings
of, with Sioux Indians, 1-8;
of, toward Sioux, 12;
of, to protect frontier, 12, 17-25
Utah, expedition to, 246
Van Cleave, Silas, 167, 192
Vermillion River, 29, 30
Voyageurs, 44
Wabashaw's band, 290
Wagons, transportation by means of.
Wahkonsa, 284
Wahpekuta Sioux Indians, 6, 65, 75,
treaty made by, 7, 8;
of, toward Spirit Lake, 45;
of Inkpaduta among, 63, 64
division among, 64 ;
pursuit of Inkpaduta
by, 66;
massacre of, 68;
Inkpaduta dropped from membership
in, 71 ;
murder of lowas by,
method of becoming exile
among, 291
Wahpeton Agency, 238
Wahpeton Sioux Indians, treaty made
by, 7, 8;
reference to, 226;
with, 253
Wahpuja Wicasta, 253
Wamdisapa, 30, 71;
outlaw band led
by, 64-67
Wamundiyakapi, massacre of, 68
Wanduskaihanke, captives purchased
by, 234
War dance, 94
Waterloo, 60, 108
Waterman, H. H., 40, 88;
ill treatment
of, by Indians, 87, 88
Waterman (town), 40, 41
Watonwan River, 40, 70, 130
Weaver, E., ill treatment of, by Indians,
reference to, 93
Weaver family, settlement of, 40
Webster City, 159, 166, 170, 189,
211, 215, 284, 302;
news of massacre
carried to, 163;
of relief expedition at, 163-166;
of members of relief expedition
to, 213 ;
memorial to members of
relief expedition from, 263, 264
Webster County, alarm in, 22;
to, 31, 35, 285
West Okoboji Lake, 46, 113;
of Gardner family at, 50
Westerfield, D., 167
Wheeler, William T., 57;
at cabin of, 133;
name of settlers
at cabin of, 134;
shots fired
into cabin of, 145;
flight of settlers
from cabin of, 151, 152
Wheelock, R. U., visit of, to lake
region, 159, 160;
return of, to Jasper
County, 160;
second trip of, to
lakes, 160, 161;
massacre discovered
by, 160, 161;
news taken to
Fort Dodge by, 161, 162;
to, 167, 175, 176, 177, 192,
196, 297
Whetstone, Reuben, 167
Whiskey, effect of, on Indians, 23,
traffic in, 279
Whiskey-sellers, activities of, among
Indians, 13;
profits made by, 21
White, John, 167
White, Mr. 163
Whites, advance of, into Indian country,
attitude of Sioux Indians
toward, 22, 23;
hatred of, by Inkpaduta,
70, 71
Wilcox, Mr., 39, 93
Williams, James B., 18
Williams, Washington, 167
Williams, William, 18, 19, 20, 28, 35,
69, 77, 175, 183, 184,
188, 189,
191, 192, 204, 210, 244, 266,, 281,
301, 309;
meeting presided over
by, 162;
commission held by, 162;
choice of, to command expedition,
168, 169;
strength and determination
of, 177;
report by, 295;
of, 304
Williamson, Thomas S., 229, 239
Williamson, Mrs. Thomas S., 239
Willson, S., 164
Willson, W. C, 164
Wilson, William R., 167, 192, 195,
196, 244, 272
Wiltfong, 159
Winnebago Indians, reservation given
to, 6;
reference to, 25, 26
Winter, army transportation in, 247,
Winter of 1856-1857, character of,
42, 43 ;
sufferings of Indians during,
72, 73
Wood, Charles, 56
Wood, George, 56, 132, 136;
of, to believe in danger, 132, 133,
killing of, 143, 144
Wood, William, 56, 126, 132;
of, to believe in danger, 125, 132,
133, 136;
killing of, 143, 144
Wood brothers, store kept by, 57;
at store of, 135, 136;
of store of, 145, 146
Woodbury County, alarm in, 20, 22;
settlement in, 40;
reference to, 73, 78
Woods, Samuel, 18, 281;
Fort Dodge
established by, 280, 281
Wright, L. K., 166
Wright County, 309
Wyoming, 21, 82
Yankton Sioux Indians, 63, 71, 154,
234, 253, 255;
refuge of Inkpaduta
among, 67, 72;
reception of
Inkpaduta's band by, 223;
of, toward captive, 235, 236
Yellow Medicine Agency, 226, 233,
245, 254, 312
Yellow Medicine mission, 239
Yellow Medicine River, 225, 236, 256,
257, 269, 278
Young Men's Christian Association,
Young Sleepy Eyes, 284

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