One of the most prominent business men and foremost citizens of Spirit Lake is Gus W. Deibner, who was born in DeKalb county, Indiana, May 9, 1870. His parents, John and Erenstina (Snyder) Deibner, were both natives of Essen, Germany, in which country they were reared and educated. After their marriage they came to America and first located in DeKalb county, Indiana, where the father engaged in railroad work for a time. Subsequently they removed to Hays Center, Kansas, where he followed farming until coming to Dickinson county, Iowa, in 1881. For a number of years he conducted a livery, feed and sale stable in Okoboji but in 1914 retired from active business and he and his wife now reside in Spirit Lake, enjoying a well earned rest. Gus W. Deibner began his education in the district schools of Kansas and attended school in Dickinson county after the removal of the family to this state. He early took an interest in livestock and for some time was a horse dealer at Okoboji, but in 1897 removed to Spirit Lake, where he has since been prominently identified with the stock business, owning a fine modern feed and sale stable. He is today one of the leading stock dealers of northwestern Iowa. During his entire business career he has been in partnership with his brother John and they have done much to advance the interests of their locality along various lines. They built the Hawkeye Hotel and the post office in Spirit Lake besides many other business houses, including the Deibner block, which is one of the town's best buildings, and they have also erected ten or twelve good residences. They own one tract of three hundred acres, one hundred and twenty acres of which is within the city limits of Spirit Lake and besides this property they have two highly improved farms in Dickinson county; also a ranch of one thousand acres in North Dakota and some very valuable lake shore acreage, their holdings now aggregating sixty-five hundred acres.
On the 21st of October, 1901, at Algona, Iowa, Mr. Deibner of this review married Miss Daisy A. Rhodes, who was born in Dickinson county and is a daughter of Samuel Rhodes, a native of Iowa and pioneer of Dickinson county. He died at his home in Superior township, and the mother is now living at Mountain Grove, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Deibner have five children, namely: John H., Thelma, Paul, Ruth and Wesley, all born in Dickinson county.
By his ballot Mr. Deibner supports the men and measures of the republican party,'but has never sought nor cared for office, preferring to devote his undivided attention to his extensive business interests. He and his wife hold membership in the Methodist Episcopal church and she takes an active part in Sunday school work and in the Ladies' Aid Society. Fraternally Mr. Deibner is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of America. He is a conservative business man of much more than ordinary ability and is usually able to carry forward to successful completion whatever he undertakes.

Having now laid aside business cares, William H. Minor is living retired in Milford. A native of Wisconsin, he was born at Fox Lake, November 19, 1856, and is a son of John C. and Mary Ellen (Brimson) Minor. The birth of the mother occurred in England in 1833, but the father was a native of New York and a butcher by trade. In early life he removed to Fox Lake, Wisconsin, and in 1866 came to Iowa, locating at Ackley.' Two years later he took up a homestead in Kossuth county, where he followed farming until 1874, and then removed to Plymouth, Cerro Gordo county, Iowa, where he engaged in the butcher business. He died at that place in 1884. His widow now makes her home in Cincinnati, Ohio. William H. Minor was practically reared and educated at Algona,Iowa, and he remained with his parents until twenty-four years of age. He then learned the mason's trade, which he followed for eighteen years, and in the meantime removed to Milford, Dickinson county, in 1895. Two years later he traded a stock of goods for a farm, which he operated for five years, and on selling that place purchased one hundred and sixty acres of'land on section 3, Okoboji township, Dickinson county, whereon he lived until the death of his wife in 1909. In connection with farming he also conducted a general store in Milford for some time, and since 1909 has lived retired at that place. He is the owner of considerable property, including four hundred and eighty acres of land in Richland county, North Dakota.
On the 16th of October, 1880, Mr. Minor married Miss Emma L. Morrison, who died after a lingering illness May 26, 1909. They became the parents of two children: Cassius B., who was born in October, 1883, and is now conducting a billiard hall in Milford; and Herbert B., who was born February 7, 1885, and died in September, 1886. The former was married January 12, 1909, to Miss Mabel Sheldon, and they have five children: Emma L., born August 26, 1909; Opal M., born April 2,1911; Fay E., born November 11, 1912; Marion G., born May 22, 1914; and Herbert Stanley, born March 6, 1917. Mr. Minor affiliates with the republican party and is a Methodist in religious belief. He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Yeomen. His success in life has been worthily achieved and is certainly well merited.

Ole K. Berven, one of the well-to-do farmers of Emmet county, residing on section 35, Swan Lake township, was born on the 4th of June,1861, in Norway, of which country his parents, Knute and Christina (Jacobson) Berven were lifelong residents. They are now deceased and one of their nine children has also passed away. In his native land Ole K. Berven grew to manhood, his education being acquired in the local schools. It was in 1882 that he came to America and located in Lee county, Illinois, where he worked as a farm hand for some time. In 1884 he came to Iowa, but after spending two years in Hamilton county removed to North Dakota, where the following ten years were passed. At the end of that time he came to Emmet county, Iowa, and purchased his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 35, Swan Lake township. He is an energetic and progressive farmer and has made excellent improvements upon his place so that it now ranks among the best farms in the locality. -
Mr. Berven was married in 1896 to Miss Julia L. Warberg, also a native of Norway, and they have become the parents of eleven children, namely: George; Anna, the wife of Luther J. Risk; Lewis; Knute; Emma; Antone and Oscar, both deceased; Antone, the second of that name; Joseph; Alma; and Theodore. The family attend the Lutheran church of which Mr. and Mrs. Berven are members, and he is now serving as one of its trustees. He is also filling the office of trustee of his township and has served as school director. In politics he is an ardent republican. He is one of the self-made men of his community, as oncoming to this country he was empty handed and all that he now possesses has been acquired through his own industry, good management and economy. He is one of the representative farmers of his township and is a man highly respected and esteemed by all who know him.

Niels J. Nielsen, a well-to-do farmer of Denmark township, was born in Denmark, January 28, 1871, of the marriage of Karsten and Kirstina (Jensen) Nielsen. The father, who was a farmer by occupation, died when his son Niels J. was but three years old and the mother subsequently married Hans Nelsen, also an agriculturist. Five children were born to the second marriage and they and the parents are still living in Denmark. Niels J. Nielsen, who was the third in order of birth of the four children born to the first marriage of his mother, attended the public schools until he was confirmed and later was for seven months a student at a military school. After leaving that institution he worked upon farms until he was thirty years old, when he came to the United States and located at Reinbeck, Iowa. For about two years he was employed as a farm hand but in 1902 rented a farm in Emmet county, near Dolliver, which he cultivated until 1911. He then purchased eighty acres in Swan Lake township and a year later bought the east half of the northeast quarter of section 7, Denmark township, upon which he has since resided. The excellent condition of the place is evidence of his good management and he realizes a gratifying profit from the sale of his grain and stock.
It was in 1904 that Mr. Nielsen was married, his bride being Miss Anne Enemark, a daughter of Peter and Henrietta Enemark, residents of Copenhagen, Denmark. Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen have three children, Gerda, Henrietta and Robert. Mr. Nielsen does not consider himself bound by party ties but votes for the candidate whom he deems best fitted to discharge the duties of the office in question. He holds membership in St. John's Danish Lutheran church and is also identified with the Danish Brotherhood. When he began his independent career he was empty handed but was determined to succeed and as the years have passed his resources have steadily increased until he is now in comfortable circumstances.

Rev. John R. Horswell, one of the well known and valued residents of Emmet county now living retired in Estherville, was born in England, May 13, 1846, a son of Richard and Mary Ann (Wood) Horswell, both of whom were natives of England. They crossed the Atlantic to Canada about 1849 and there resided for twelve years, after which they returned to England, where they again lived for six years. On the expiration of that period they went once more to Canada, where they settled in 1867. The mother contracted cholera on the journey and died in Kingston, Canada, soon after their arrival. In the year 1869 the Rev. John R. Horswell came to the United States, establishing his home in Humboldt, Iowa, and in the fall of the same year he was joined by his father, who, after living in Humboldt for two years, learned of a homestead in Emmet county adjoining Armstrong which had been abandoned by a former settler. Mr.Horswell accordingly came to Emmet county and filed on the homestead, which he continued to occupy up to, the time of his death. He was in his ninety-fourth year when he passed away on the 4th of August, 1915,
and he remained very active to the last, being a remarkably well preserved man. Rev. John R. Horswell acquired his education in the common schools, supplemented by academic training in England, and there he prepared for the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church. He entered upon ministerial work in Canada in 1868 and soon afterward came to Iowa. For thirty years he was identified with the Des Moines annual conference, his first charge being at Humboldt, Iowa. After the mission was opened from Manson to Storm Lake on the Illinois Central Railroad, Rev. Horswell established churches at various points from Manson to Alta and he was the first Methodist Episcopal minister at Storm Lake. For many years thereafter he was one of the well known preachers in the state, working zealously and untiringly for the advancement of the cause. His labors were not denied the full harvest nor the aftermath and constituted a most forceful factor in the moral progress of the districts in which he labored. In 1895 he entered into super annuated relations with the church and removed to his farm in Emmet county which he had previously purchased. Through the following eighteen years he devoted himself to agricultural pursuits and thereby regained his health, which had become impaired through close confinement in church work. He made a specialty of raising cattle while upon the farm and was one of the first to recognize how much it would mean to the community to produce a better grade of cattle. He built up a herd of thoroughbred Aberdeen Angus cattle and was the first man to exhibit from Emmet county at the state fair and at the International Stock Show, receiving premiums at both shows. The herd which he sold at the time he retired from active business brought about ten thousand dollars. He had become recognized asone of the foremost stockmen of his part of the state and he had proven his ability not only through contributing to the moral development of his community but also by aiding in its material progress. He was very successful in his farming and cattle raising interests and acquired eight hundred acres of land, but has since disposed of four hundred acres by sale and by division among his sons.
On the 20th of December, 1871, Rev. Horswell was married to Miss Susan C. Murton, of Kingston, Ontario, and to them were born six childred, four sons and two daughters: Ulysses M., now a practicing physician of Wausaukee, Wisconsin; Abigail, a teacher in Bennet Academy at Mathiston, Mississippi; John S., who follows farming near Harris, Iowa; Floy Georgetta, the wife of H. H. Hansen, of Estherville, Iowa; Joy R.,who is engaged in the real estate business at Estherville; and Hugo W., who is operating the home farm. Rev. Horswell's more recent public work in this county has been the organization of the Emmet County Farm Improvement Association, which employs a graduate of the State Agricultural College, who keeps in close touch with the farming interests and works for more intensive cultivation and for better farming methods generally. After the organization Rev. Horswell was chosen president, in which capacity he is now serving. The society is proving a most potent force in Emmet county in raising the standards and improving the methods of farming and splendid results are being achieved thereby. He was also instrumental in the organization of the Emmet County Fair Association and in securing the passage of a bill whereby twelv thousand dollars was voted for the purchase of a tract of land of sixty acres adjoining the city of Estherville. This was done at the November election of 1916, the grounds to be ready for exhibition purposes in the fall of 1917. Rev. Horswell is a member of the board of directors of the Fair Association and he is likewise secretary and a member of the board of directors of the Estherville Free Public Library. In politics he is a republican and has been importuned to accept the nomination for state representative but has declined the honor. Emmet county places his name high on the roll of its foremost citizens, recognizing the value and'worth of his work in advancing higher standards for the material, intellectual, social and moral development of the community.

Edward E. Olson, actively and prominently identified with agricultural interests in Emmet county, is now living on section 8, High Lake township, where he has a well-improved farm of eighty acres. He was born in Story county, Iowa, November 6, 1869, and is a son of Jeremiah and Inger (Danielson) Olson, the former a native of Norway and the latter of Lasalle county, Illinois. When a lad of twelve years Jeremiah Olson came to the new world and for some time lived in Chicago, after which he became a resident of Story county, Iowa, in 1864. There he took up his abode upon a farm which he still owns and occupies, and throughout the intervening period his time and energies have been continuously, carefully and successfully devoted to agricultural pursuits. In 1910 he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who passed away leaving a husband and six children to mourn her loss. Edward E. Olson, spending his youthful days upon the old homefarm in Story county, there pursued his early education and when notbusy with his textbooks assisted in the work of the flelds, becoming familiar with the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the crops. He later attended Red Wing Seminary for two years and Tilford Collegiate Academy at Vinton, Iowa, for one year. After reaching manhood he rented a farm in Story county and there resided until 1899, when he removed to Estherville and purchased a feed yard, which he conducted for two years. He then sold out that business and returned to Story county, where he occupied a rented farm for three years. He next removed to Hamilton county, Iowa, where he remained for four years, after which he purchased a farm in Dickinson county, Iowa, upon which he lived for two years. Subsequently he sold that property and went to Winnebago county, this state, where he purchased a farm which he owned for three years. He then sold out and bought the farm on which he now lives on section 8, High Lake township, Emmet county, comprising eighty acres of rich and productive land. His time and attention have since been givento its further development and improvement and he is now devoting his attention to general agricultural pursuits there. He also owns one hundred and sixty acres of land in Hyde county, South Dakota.
In 1901 Mr. Olson was united in marriage to Miss Mary Lein, who was born in Story county, Iowa, a daughter of Thor A. and Christie Ingerbritson) Lein, who were natives of Norway and in early life came to the new world, settling first in Illinois, whence they afterward removed to Story county. The father, who loyally served his adopted country as a soldier in the Civil war and in days of peace, was equally devoted to the welfare of America, has now passed away. His widow survives and is now living in Estherville. In their family were nine children, six of whom
are still living. Mr. and Mrs. Olson have become parents of three children: Charlotte, born May 30, 1902; Jeremiah T., born October 14, 1904; and Eugene Marion, born August 31, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Olson are members of the Lutheran church and are ever loyal to its teachings. In politics he is a republican and for two years he filled the office of assessor. His entire life has been spent in Iowa and practically throughout the entire period he has been identified with farming interests, being now a well-known representative of agriculturaI activity in Emmet county.

Peter L. Petersen, who is living retired in Ringsted, has a wide acquaintance throughout the county and is recognized as a man of many sterling qualities. During his active life he engaged in farming and won a competence that enables him to enjoy a period of leisure. His birth occurred in Denmark on the 9.5th (sic) of November, 1852, and he is a son of Lars and Maria (Schot) Petersen, who passed their entire lives in that country. The father was a cabinetmaker and also followed agricultural pursuits. Peter L. Petersen, the eldest in a family of seven children, obtained his education in Denmark and when nineteen years old came alone to the United States. For four years he was employed in Greenwich, Connecticut, and in New York city, but in 1876 removed to Clinton, Iowa, and for a decade worked as a cabinetmaker in that city. In the spring of 1886 he purchased eighty acres of raw land in Denmark township, Emmet county, and for a quarter of a century concentrated his energies upon the cultivation and improvement of his farm. He was enterprising and progressive and as the years passed his resources steadily increased and he now ranks among the substantial men of Ringsted, where he has lived since 1911.
In 1875 occurred the marriage of Mr. Petersen and Miss Christine Ganderup. She is a daughter of Hans and Catherine Ganderup, who resided in Stamford, Connecticut, for a number of years but eventually removed to Clinton, Iowa, where both passed away. To Mr. and Mrs.Petersen have been born four children, two of whom died in infancy. L. A. married Clara Geronsin, a daughter of George Geronsin, who has resided successively in Clinton, Iowa, in Denmark township, Emmet county, and in Harris, Iowa, his present home. To this union have been born two children: Georgia, whose birth occurred in 1910; and Lawrence, born in 1914. L. A. Petersen is engaged in the furniture and jewelry business in Ringsted and fraternally is well known, belonging to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Loyal Order of Moose and the Danish Brotherhood. Anna M., the other surviving child of Peter L. Petersen, is now the wife of Sophus J. Lund, of Denmark township. Mr. Petersen is a democrat in his political views and was for twelve years township assessor, for one term township trustee and is now town assessor. He served as school director for a number of years and has never ceased to feel a lively interest in educational affairs. His religious faith is that of the Danish Lutheran church and fraternally he is connected with the Danish Brotherhood lodge at Ringsted, of which he is now treasurer. The hope of success in this comparatively new country with large opportunities which led him to emigrate to the United States as a youth of nineteen years has been fulfilled and he has thoroughly identified his interests with those of his adopted country, becoming an American in spirit as well as in name.

Jay Johnston, an enterprising merchant of Estherville, is engaged in the sale of jewelry, drugs, wall paper and paints. He has always lived in this state and the spirit of western enterprise finds expression in his business career. He was born in New Hampton, Iowa, August 25, 1877, a son of A. W. and Margaret Johnston, both of whom are natives of this state, although representatives of old families of Pennsylvania of Scotch-Irish origin. The father is a carpenter by trade and he and his wife are still residents of New Hampton, Iowa. Their family numbered two sons and a daughter. After pursuing his education in the public schools of his native city until he had completed the high school course, Jay Johnston entered the Highland Park College at Des Moines, while his practical experience in commercial circles came to him through an apprenticeship in a drug store at New Hampton. He came to Estherville in 1901 and entered the employ of F. H. Richman, with whom he remained until 1903, when he bought out the business, which he has since conducted at the same place, carrying a well selected line of drugs and jewelry, wall paper and paints. He is careful in the selection of his stock and his reasonable prices and fair dealing have won for him constantly increasing success.
On the 15th of June, 1904, Mr. Johnston was married to Miss Anna E. Callwell, a daughter of R. B. and Anna Callwell, both now deceased. Her father was a civil engineer. To Mr. and Mrs. Johnston has been born a son, George Barklie, who is now attending school. The religious faith of the parents is that of the Episcopal church. Mr. Johnston exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the republican party and he belongs to the Commercial Club, thus manifesting his deep interest in the welfare and progress of his city. He has membership also with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and is a prominent Mason and member of the Mystic Shrine. He has taken the degrees of the blue lodge, chapter, commandery and consistory and in the lodge has filled all the chairs, exemplifying in his life the beneficent spirit of the craft, which is based upon a recognition of the brotherhood of man and the obligations thereby imposed.

Isaac N. Salyers, a prominent contractor of Estherville, has borne an important part in the upbuilding and development of Emmet county,where he has now made his home for a third of a century. He was born near Athens, Missouri, February 28, 1862, and is the fifth in order of birth in a family of ten children. He is of good old Irish and Yankee stock, though his parents, William and Elmira (Phillips) Salyers, were both natives of Ohio. At an early day they removed to Appanoose county, Iowa, where the father purchased land and engaged in farming for thirty-two years. He spent his last days at the home of a daughter living near Greenridge, Missouri, and died March 2, 1917, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. He had six great-grand-children and one great-great-grand-child. During the Galveston flood his wife was crippled and remained an invalid the rest of her life, finally passing away in 1906. Her remains were interred at Windsor, Missouri. At the usual age Isaac N. Salyers began his education in the district schools near his childhood home and continued his studies until seventeen years of age. He remained under the parental roof until twenty and for two years worked at the carpenter's trade in Keokuk, Iowa. From that city he came to Estherville and has since done an extensive business as a building contractor. His first contract was the Smithberg residence on South Sixth street and he has since erected most of the important buildings of the town, including the Coon block, the Armory, the Elks clubhouse, the Methodist Episcopal church, the West Side school, the Oransky building, the post office and the residences of F. E. Allen and George Zeeman besides about two hundred and fifty others. Although he is still engaged in business as a contractor he now handles automobile supplies and repairs as a side issue.
In 1881 Mr. Salyers married Miss Laura A. Leek, a daughter of Charles and Cynthia (Hull) Leek, who made their home near Keokuk,Iowa, where both died and were buried. Mr. and Mrs. Saylers have lost two children and have five living, namely: Clyde, who is married and living in Estherville; Mabel, now Mrs. R. N. Perkins, of Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Louis, Paul and Maurice., all at home. The republican party finds in Mr. Salyers a stanch supporter of its principles and he holds membership in the Mystic Toilers of Des Moines and the Christian church. In business circles he occupies an enviable position owing to the confidence and trust reposed in him and the success that has crowned his efforts is certainly well deserved for he started out in life for himself empty handed and has gradually worked'his way upward wholly by his own efforts. He is a man of keen insight and sound judgment as well as of reliable business methods and he always faithfully fulfills his part of any contract.

Nels Peterson, who is concentrating his energies upon the operation of an excellent farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Denmark township, is a Dane by birth. His natal day was May 7, 1877, and his parents, Jens and Karen Peterson, never became residents of the United States, although the mother visited her son here for a year. The father had charge of one section of a government road and was conscieutious and efficient in the discharge of his duties. Nels Peterson, the fourth in order of birth of a family of seven children, attended the public schools until confirmed and later was employed at farm work until seventeen years old, when he came with his sisterto Emmet county, Iowa. From 1894 until 1904 he worked as a hired hand in this county but at the end of that time purchased the south half of the southeast quarter of section 4, Denmark township, to which he subsequently added the northwest quarter of that quarter, his present holdings comprising one hundred and twenty acres. The land is in a high state of cultivation, the buildings are substantial and of practical design and the appearance of the place bespeaks an energetic owner.
On the 28th of December, 1903, Mr. Peterson was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Rasmussen, whose parents, Lars and Kate Rasmussen, were born in Denmark but emigrat6d to the United States. The mother died in New York when, her daughter Bertha was very small and is interred there, but the father is still living and resides in Ringsted,Iowa. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, namely, Anina, Carl, Viola, Berthina and Christina. Mr. Peterson is an advocate of republican principles and supports the candidates of that party when national issues are at stake but otherwise votes independently. He held the office of school director for four years and his support can be relied upon in the furtherance of any cause calculated to benefit the community. He belongs to St. Paul's Danish Lutheran church and his dominant qualities are such as invariably command respect and esteem.

George H. Bergeson resides in Center township, Emmet county, where he owns a quarter section of land, and he also holds title to one hundred and sixty acres in Armstrong Grove township. Although he is now in very comfortable circumstances he began his independent career without capital and without the aid of influential friends. He was born in LaSalle county, Illinois, March 13, 1870, a son of Berger and Ellen Bergeson, natives of Norway. It was in 1856 that they came to America and located in Illinois, where the father became a landowner. Both passed away in that state. To them were born twelve children, of whom four are deceased. George H. Bergeson is indebted to the common schools of La Salle county, Illinois, for his education and through assisting his father with the operation of the homestead gained valuable training in agriculural work. When twenty-two years of age he left home and rented a farm in Hamilton county, Iowa, belonging to his father. Eight years later he went to Norman county, Minnesota, and for three years operated land there which he owned. He then came to Emmet county, Iowa, and after renting land for six years purchased his present home farm, comprising one hundred and sixty acres on section 1, Center township. He has put in many rods of tiling, thus supplementing the natural drainage of the farm, and has also erected fine buildings, making his place one of the model farms of the locality. He prospered financially and at length purchased one hundred and sixty acres on section 1, Armstrong Grove township, which is also well improved, and he gives his personal attention to the operation of both places. His life exemplifies the value of persistency and industry, for although he has been dependent solely upon his own resources since starting out in life as a young man, he is now one of the substantial farmers of his township.
Mr. Bergeson was married on the 12th of February, 1894, to Miss Hannah Williams, a native of Hamilton county, Iowa, and a daughter of Elling and Torber Williams, natives of Norway, who emigrated with their family to this country many years ago. The father is deceased but the mother is still living. Twelve children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Bergeson, Bert E., Harvey G., Mabel, Laura E., Roy E., Archie 0., Amanda, Mildred I., Lester K., Theodore W., Georgia Henrietta and one who died in infancy. Mr. Bergeson, who is a stalwart republican, takes an active interest in political affairs and is now serving as township trustee. Both he and his wife are communicants of the Lutheran church and its teachings constitute the principles which have governed their lives. Both are highly respected and their personal friends are many.

James Refsell occupies a fine home in Wallingford, where he is now living retired in the enjoyment of a rest which he has truly earned and richly deserves. He was long prominently connected With agricultural interests in Emmet county and is still the owner of valuable farming property. He was born in Norway, July 31, 1860, a son of Ole and Mary (Paulson) Refsell, who were likewise natives of that country, where they resided until 1866 and then came to the new world, establishing their home upon a farm in Emmet county, Iowa. Here their remaining days were passed, the father devoting his energies to the development and improvement of his land until his demise, which occurred March 2, 1895. His widow survived him for several years, passing away in October, 1900. In their family were four children, all of whom are yet living. James Refsell was a little ]ad of but six years when brought by his family to the new world, so that he was largely reared and educated in Emmet county, attending its common schools. He remained at home until he attained his majority and through that period gained broad experience in the work of the fields, so that he was well qualified to begin farming on his own account when at the age of twenty-one he started out in business independently.
He first rented a farm and made further arrangements for having a home of his own by his marriage in 1886 to Miss Annie Osher, who was born in Dane county, Wisconsin, a daughter of Nels and Ingeborg (Nordam) Osher, who were natives of Norway and in 1850 came to the United States, establishing their home in Wisconsin. Subsequently they removed to Emmet county, Iowa, and settled on a farm where they continued to reside until called to their final rest. Subsequent to his marriage James Refsell purchased a farm in High Lake township on section 18, becoming the owner of two hundred and forty acres of land which is now splendidly improved. With characteristic energy he began to develop that property and soon brought his fields to a high state of cultivation, receiving there from a substantial annual income. Year after year he gathered good crops and in time acquired avery substantial competence. He lived upon that first farm until 1900, when he sold the property and invested in two hundred and forty acreson section 16, Twelve Mile Lake township. This is also a finely improved property and he accupied it for two years. He then bought another farm on section 1 of the same township, comprising one hundred and eighty-seven acres of rich land which he still owns. His attention was given to its further development and improvement until 1915, when he retired and erected a fine residence in Wallingford, which he now owns and occupies, being there pleasantly situated. He was one of the organizers oft he Farmers Savings Bank, of which he is now the president, and his financial interest in that institution contributes to his success, as does the farm, from which he derives a gratifying annual income. Mr. and Mrs. Refsell are the parents of two children: Emma, at home, and 0. N. The son is a graduate of the Lutheran College at Red Wing, Minnesota, also of the University of Wisconsin and the University of Chicago and is now a professor in Jewell, Iowa. Mr. Refsell is a stanch supporter of the republican party and keeps well informed on the questions and issues of the day. He has served as township trustee but otherwise has not sought nor desired office. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church and take an active part in its work, doing all in their power to advance the moral progress as well as the material development of the community. Mr. Refsell is truly a self-made man and has become one of the prosperous residents of Emmet county.

Many of the influential residents of Armstrong are retired farmers and among this number is Andrew Mitchell, whose birth occurred in Ontario, Canada, June 1, 1861. He is a son of James and Susan (McFarland) Mitchell, natives of Scotland, who settled in Canada in 1854. After farming there for sixteen years the father removed with his family to Emmet county, Iowa, and homesteaded land in Armstrong Grove township, one mile south of Armstrong. For many years he was identified with the agricultural development of that section but at length retired and removed to Armstrong, where he lived until his demise in February, 1901. The mother died in September, 1898. Andrew Mitchell received his education in the schools of Canada and of Emmet county, Iowa, and remained at home until he was twenty-eight years old. He then bought one hundred and sixty acres in Armstrong Grove township and concentrated his energies upon the operation of that farm for many years, or until March, 1916, when he sold the place and took up his residence in Armstrong. He is there enjoying all the comforts of life.
On the 12th of December, 1888, Mr. Mitchell was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Carroll, a daughter of John and Mary A. (Dundas) Carroll, natives respectively of Ireland and of Canada. They became pioneer settlers of Kossuth county, where the father died February 13,1879, and the mother in March, 1898. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are the parents of two children: Lila V., who was born in September, 1889, and is now the wife of George Beek, of Armstrong; and Nellie M., born June 17, 1902. Mr. Mitchell is a stanch democrat and has held a number of local offices, having been trustee, constable and road superintendent while living upon the farm. Fraternally he is identified with the Masonic order, the Yeomen and the Modern Woodmen of America. The fact that he is enabled to live retired although still a comparatively young man is proof of the ability with which he managed his affairs while actively engaged in farming and with the high esteem in which he is held is evidence of the high moral standards which he has constantly followed in all relations of life.

Dr. A. H. Schooley is actively engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Terril and his ability places him in the front rank among the foremost physicians of Dickinson county. He was born in Henry county, Iowa, on the 7th of October, 1871, and is a son of Jonathan H. and Helen (Lennox) Schooley, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of England. In her girlhood days the mother came to the United States with her parents. While a resident of Virginia, Jonathan Schooley was united in marriage to a Miss Price, by whom he had four children. They removed to Iowa and Mrs. Schooley passed away five years later. Subsequently Mr.Schooley wedded Helen Lennox and they became the parents of six chidren. All ten of Mr. Schooley's children are yet living. At the time of the Civil war the father enlisted for active service at the front and was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. In 1863 he returned home, was then married the second time and soon afterward reenlisted for active duty, remaining with his command until 1865, when he was mustered out. At that time the papers were in Washington which would commission him captain of his company. It was in 1851 that he came to Iowa, crossingt he Alleghany mountains by team and then floating down the Ohio river. He afterward came up the Mississippi to Burlington and thence traveled westward to Henry county, Iowa, where he purchased government land at four dollars per acre. He continued to make his home in that county until his death, which occurred in 1890. For a considerable period he had survived his wife, who passed away in 1876. Dr. Schooley was reared on the old home farm and supplemented his early educational privileges by studying in the State Teachers College at Cedar Falls, Iowa. This he attended for two years and in the fall of 1898 he took up the study of medicine,, entering the medical department of the State University, from which he was graduated with the class of 1902. While in school he also read as opportunity permitted in the office of Dr. E.F. Clapp, thus improving every hour of his time in an effort to acquire a knowledge that would enable him to enter actively upon the practice of medicine and surgery. Immediately after his graduation he came to Terril, where he has since been located. Here he opened an office and has been very successful in the conduct of a growing practice. At the present time he is building a modern hospital which will be a credit to the city and to the medical profession. He is a surgeon of marked ability and has handled some of the most delicate and important major surgical cases in the state. He is constantly studying along lines promoting his efficiency and keeps abreast with the best thinking men of the age concerning modern methods of medical and surgical practice.
In 1907 Dr. Schooley was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Allen, of Arnolds Park, Dickinson county, Iowa, by whom he has a son,'Allen H. Politically, Dr. Schooley is an earnest republican and at all times recognizes the duties and obligations of citizenship, which he fully meets. He is president of the school board of Terril and was a member of the board at the time of the erection of the new consolidated school building, which was put up at a cost of fifty thousand dollars. He does everything in his power to advance and improve the educational system, recognizing that public instruction is one of the bulwarks of the nation. Fraternally he is connected with Rich loyd Lodge, No. 612, A.F. & A.M., with Spirit Lake Chapter, No. 132, R.A.M., and with the Modern Woodmen of America. He also belongs to the Dickinson County Medical Society, the Iowa State Medical Society and the American Medical Association and his ability is widely recognized by colleagues and contemporaries in the profession. He never deviates from a course which he believes to be right, but at all times he is careful to conform his practice to the highest standard of professional ethics.

Eben Seelye, a valued resident of Huntington, where he has made his home since 1914, was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, August 8, 1836, and is a son of Shoobel and Martha (Moon) Seelye, who were natives of New York. They removed to Pennsylvania, where the death of the father occurred, and subsequently the mother became a resident of Minnesota, where her remaining days were passed. In their family were nine children but Eben is the only one now living. Spending his boyhood and youth in Pennsylvania, he mastered the branches of learning taught in the common schools and was a youth of nineteen years when he left the Keystone state for the west. He spent one winter at Elgin, Iowa, and then went to Fillmore county, Minnesota, where he resided until 1871. In that year he became a resident of Martin county, Minnesota, and took up a homestead claim, upon which he lived for six years, during which period he carefully and systematically developed the fields. He then sold out and returned to Fillmore county, Minnesota, where he resided for a number of years. He afterward again became a resident of Martin county, where he made his home until 1911. In that year Iowa gained a substantial citizen through his removal to Estherville. After living for a short time at that place he returned to Minnesota, settling in Jackson county, but in 1914 established his home in Huntington, Emmet county, where he owns a residence and seventeen lots.
In 1885 Mr. Seelye was united in marriage to Miss Jane Potts, a native of Pennsylvania and a daughter of Ephraim and Elizabeth Potts, both now deceased. In the family of Mr. and Mrs. Seelye were seven children: Ella, the wife of G. Payne; Charles; Lanson; Cora; Etta, the wife of F. K. Celley; Walter; and Addie, the wife of Louis Barth. Mr. Seelye gives his political allegiance to the republican party, which he has supported since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. He has served on the town board but has never been a politician in the sense of office seeking. His religious faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal church and his life has been guided by its teachings. He has now passed the eightieth milestone on life's journey and his has been an honorable and upright career and characterized by fidelity to duty and by straightforwardness in all business relations. In spirit and interests he seems much younger, keeping in touch with the trend of modern thought and progress, and Huntington numbers him among its valued as 'Well as its venerable citizens.

John C. Reno, one of the representative farmers of Dickinson county,Iowa, his home being on section 24, Lloyd township, was born in Norway on the 7th of October, 1850, his parents, Christopher and Agatha (Olson) Reno, spent their entire lives in the land of the midnight sun. During his boyhood our subject attended the common schools of Norway and he remained there until nineteen years of age, it being 1869 when he came to the United States. He located in Winneshiek county, Iowa, and found employment as a farm hand. Having no money, he was obliged to borrow ninety dollars in order to pay his passage to this country and on his arrival here was obliged to begin work at once. For the first two years he received fifteen dollars per month and he continued to work for wages for about sixteen years. During that time he saved money and in 1875 was able to purchase his present home farm on section 24, Lloyd township, Dickinson county. He did not locate thereon until 1885, since which time he has devoted his attention untiringly to the operation of his farm. Here he now owns one hundred and sixty acres of some of the most productive land in the county and in its cultivation he has met with most excellent success.
On the 12th of December, 1885, Mr. Reno married Miss Mary Ellingson, of Dickinson county, who passed away September 6, 1896. To Mr.and Mrs. Reno were born five children, four of whom survive, namely: Oliver 0., at home; Emma J., now engaged in teaching school in Superior, Dickinson county; and Mattie J. and Andrew R., both at home. Amanda was born December 3, 1886, and died March 10, 1904. Mr. Reno affiliates with the republican party, and, although not an office seeker, has been called upon to serve as township treasurer. In religious faith he and his family are Lutherans but they are now attending the Methodist Episcopal church, there being no Lutheran church nearer than Estherville. Wherever known they are held in high esteem and they have a host of warm friends in both Emmet and Dickinson counties.

The northwest quarter of section 2, Twelve Mile Lake township, in Emmet county, is the farm property of Ellef E. Ellefson, a self-made man whose life indicates what may be accomplished through determined purpose and unfaltering industry. He was born in Hallingdal, Norway, December 2, 1869, a son of Ellef and Birgit (Knutson) Ellefson, who came to the United States when their son Ellef was a babe of but six months. They established their home in Emmet county in 1870 and the father purchased a homestead right covering the tract of land upon which the subject of this review now resides. There he engaged in farming for many years, becoming one of the active and representative agriculturists of his district as well as one of its substantial and valued citizens, for he took an active interest in public affairs and supported all movements that he believed would benefit His fellow townsmen, appreciative of his worth, called him to serve in various township offices. He passed away in 1910, his remains being interred in Riverside cemetery, but his widow still survives and on the 18th of January, 1917, celebrated the eighty-seventh anniversary of her birth, being still in good health. In the family were but two children, the younger being a daughter, Anna,who is now the wife of Nels Michelson, of Twelve Mile Lake township. By a former marriage the mother had a daughter, Gumil, who was the wife of Severt Severtson, of Twelve Mile Lake township, but is now deceased. Reared in Emmet county, Ellef E. Ellefson of this review attended the district schools to the age of thirteen years and afterward gave his undivided attention to the work of the home farm until he reached the age of twenty. He then rented the home place for three years, after which he purchased the property, of which he is still the owner, so that it has been continuously in possession of the family for forty-seven years and his labors have largely converted it into the productive and valuable tract which it is today. In addition to the home farm Mr. Ellefson owns a house and lot in Wallingford on Fifteenth street, near Wall street.
In 1892 Mr. Ellefson was married to Miss Julia Michelson, a daugher of Michael and Anna (Olson) Michelsen, of Dickinson county, Iowa. Her father passed away and was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery, but the mother is now living with her son Nels. Mr. and Mrs. Ellefson have one son, Elmer Martinus. They are members of the United Norwegian Lutheran church, in the work of which they take an active and helpful interest, Mr. Ellefson serving as church treasurer for a number of years. His political endorsement is given to the republican party and he is now filling the office of township trustee. He has also been school director and he is interested in all that pertains to public progress in his community. He represents one of the old-time families of the county and his memory forms a connecting link between the primitive past and the progressive present. He has done much to promote agricultural development and his labors have been productive of good results.

Dr. William P. Galloway, ex-mayor of Estherville and one of the leading dentists of that city, is one of Iowa's native sons, having been born in Union on the 26th of December, 1861, a son of John and Lydia( Haas) Galloway, both of whom were natives of Ohio. He was the third in order of birth in their family of twelve children, two of whom died in infancy. In early life the father followed the cooper's trade but later engaged in farming and spent his last years in retirement at Marshalltown, Iowa, where he passed away October 6, 1913. His widow, is still living there. In 1906 they celebrated their golden wedding. Dr. Galloway began his education in the district schools near his boyhood home and subsequently attended the high school at Union, Iowa, and completed a commercial course in the college at Valparaiso, Indiana, from which he was graduated in 1883. For one year he was engaged as bookkeeper in a general store and bank at Melbourne, Iowa, and for three years taught school in Hardin county, this state.
On the 27th of August, 1885, Dr. Galloway was united in marriage to Miss Belle Northam, whose parents were residents of Indiana. To this union two children were born: Vera, who is now Mrs. P. J. Christensen, of Spirit Lake; and J. Carlton, who is a graduate of the Iowa State Agricultural College at Ames and is now principal of the high school at Sanburn, (sic) Iowa. He is also married. For one year after his marriage Dr. Galloway was principal of the public schools of New Providence, Iowa, while his wife had charge of the primary department. The following year he accepted a position in the auditor's office of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad at Marshalltown, where he remained for five years, during which time he was promoted to chief clerk in the ticket auditing department and served as such one year. For a short time he studied dentistry under Drs. Billings& Whinnery, of Marshallown, and for two years continued his studies in the University of Iowa. He was then given a permit to practice, receiving the highest marking ever received by an undergraduate student applying for a permanent permit. He bought a practice in Union, Iowa, where he remained until 1895, and then sold out in order to enter the Philadelphia College of Dentistry, from which he received his degree of D.D.S. in 1896. The Doctor then reentered practice at Marshalltown, remaining there until coming to Estherville in 1900. Here he practiced in partnership with his brother, Dr. C. C. Galloway, now of Washington, D. C., until 1904, when he purchased his brother's interest in the business and has since been alone. He has met with good success in his chosen profession and is regarded as one of the foremost dentists of this part of the state.The republican, party has always found in Dr. Galloway a stanch supporter of its principles and he has been called upon to fill official positions of honor and trust. He was a member of the city council of Estherville from 1903 to 1905, inclusive, and served as mayor of the city in 1906 and 1907. During his administration the city water plant was purchased and the deep well system superseded the old river system,which was a decided improvement. The Doctor labored untiringly for the interests of the city and never withheld his support from any measure which he believed would prove of public benefit. He is a member of the Presbyterian church and is past master of the Masonic blue lodge at Estherville and past noble grand of the Odd Fellows lodge. He is now serving as president of the Commercial Club and in this capacity is prominently identified with the upbuilding and development of the city.

Charles Blair, a merchant of Hoprig, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on the 7th of February, 1860, a son of Charles and Margaret (Dick) Blair, who were also natives of the land of hills and heather and there spent their entire lives, the father being connected with the wholesale stationery business. Charles Blair when a youth of fourteen was apprenticed to the wholesale paper business, receiving about fifty dollars for his first year's services, out of which sum he paid for his board and also purchased his clothing. He remained with that house for six years and in 1881 hecame to the United States, arriving in Emmetsburg, Palo Alto county,Iowa, on the 2d of April of that year. Two weeks later he removed to Emmet county and for six months he worked for his board for Joe Hardy. He afterward spent eighteen months in the employ of Samuel Blair, again working for his board, but during that period he was gaining valuable experience together with a knowledge of American manners and customs and, furthermore, a knowledge of land values. At the end of that time he bought three hundred and twenty acres of land
for his brother, John G. Blair, and for two years operated the farm, or until his brother came to America. The brothers then cultivated the place in partnership for five years, at the end of which time Charles Blair went to Chicago, where he was employed in the wholesale grocery house of Sprague, Warner & Company, with whom he continued for fifteen years. Later he became identified with the Northern Trust Company Bank of Chicago, with which he remained for five years. On his return to Emmet county he established a mercantile business at Hoprig, with which he has since been identified.
Mr. Blair was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Thompson, of Emmetsburg, who passed away two years later. His political allegiance is given to the republican party but he does not seek nor desire the honors and emoluments of office, preferring to concentrate his efforts and interests upon his business affairs.

A well improved farm property is that owned by John C. Larsen on section 10, Twelve Mile Lake township, and he is leading a life of well directed energy, enterprise and thrift in conducting his farm. He was born in Norway, August 23, 1871, his parents being Lars and Inger (Johnson) Larsen, who spent their entire lives in the land of the midnight sun and there reared their family of nine children, of whom five are yet living. John C. Larsen was reared and educated in Norway and in 1889 hecame to the new world, being then a youth of eighteen years. He had heard favorable reports concerning the opportunities afforded to youngmen on this side of the Atlantic and he resolved to win success if it could be done through earnest, persistent and honorable effort. He first tookup his abode in Jones county, Iowa, where he worked as a farm hand and later he embarked in the grocery business in Monticello, Iowa, but eventually sold out there and came to Emmet county. Here he invested in his present farm on section 10, Twelve Mile Lake township, and has since given his undivided time and attention to its further development and improvement. His fields are now highly cultivated according to modern methods and all of his work in systematically done, so that he annually gathers substantial harvests, while his farm constitutes one of the attractive features of the landscape.
In 1909 Mr. Larsen was united in marriage to. Miss Johanna Lavold who was born in Norway, and they have become parents of three children: Lester, Trygve and Inger. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen hold membership in the Lutheran church and he exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the republican party. He has never had occasion to regret his determination to come to the new world, for here he has found the opportunities which he sought and which, by the way, are always open to ambitious, energetic young men. He has never held to false standards of life but has ever realized that industry is the basis of all honorable success and by hard work he has won his present creditable position as a substantial farmer of Twelve Mile Lake township.

Paul Paulson, who is now successfully engaged in farming on section 36, Estherville township, has spent his entire life in Emmet county, his birth occurring in High Lake township on the 14th of December, 1871. His parents, Paul and Carrie (Ellingson) Paulson, were natives of Norway and were among the first settlers of High Lake township, where the father secured a homestead and engaged in farming for many years. He died in March, 1882, and the mother passed away in the following July. Paul is the youngest child and only son in their family of four children, his sisters being Sarah, deceased; Julia, now Mrs. A. J.Anderson, of High Lake; and Carrie, now Mrs. Ole Newgard, of Pierce county, North Dakota. Mr. Paulson of this review began his studies in the district schools of Emmet county, which he attended until sixteen years of age, and in the meantime acquired an excellent knowledge of farm work while assisting his father in the labors of the home place. On starting out in life for himself he was employed on neighboring farms until he attained his majority and later operated the home place for a time and also engage in farming on rented land in High Lake township. In 1911 he purchased fifty acres on the southeast corner of section 36, Estherville township, and has since devoted his time and energy to its improvement and cultivation with good results.
In 1900 Mr. Paulson was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Peterson, a daughter of William and Carrie Peterson, of High Lake township. Her parents are both deceased and lie buried in High Lake cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Paulson have three children, Myra, Chester and Francis. They are earnest and consistent members of the Norwegian Lutheran church and are most estimable people. By his ballot Mr. Paulson supports the men and measures of the republican party.

A. J. Anderson, actively and successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits in High Lake township, Emmet county, his home being on section 14, has resided within the borders of this county for forty-six years or since 1871, at which time he arrived here with his parents when a lad of ten summers. He was born in Norway, March 16, 1861, a son of Ole and Haldir (Paulson) Anderson, who were also natives of the same country. They continued in the land of the midnight sun until 1871, when they bade adieu to friends and native country and sailed with their family to America. Making their way into the interior of the country, they settled upon a farm in Emmet county, Iowa, where the father built a log cabin which they occupied for a number of years. It was in this county that the mother passed away, but the father is still living and has long been one of the honored and respected agriculturists of this section of the state. A. J. Anderson was reared in the usual manner of farm boys, dividing his time between the work of the fields and the acquirement of a public school education.
He remained at home up to the time of his marriage, which occurred in 1888, Miss Julia Paulson becoming his wife. She was born in Wisconsin, a daughter of Paul and Kari (Ellingson) Paulson, who were natives of Norway but came to America in the latter '50s and in 1864 removed to Emmet county, Iowa, taking up their abode upon a farm which continued to be their home throughout their remaining days. They had a family of eight children, of whom three are now living. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson became the parents of four children, but Ada J., the eldest,and Hilma Odella, the youngest, are the only ones now living. They lost two daughters, Hazel 0. and Petra C. Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Anderson took up their abode upon the farm which is now their home, at first renting the property but later purchasing it. The place comprises one hundred and ninety-six acres on section 14, High Lake township, and constitutes today one of the best improved farms of the locality, equipped with every modern convenience and accessory found upon a model farm of the twentieth century. His attention is devoted to the cultivation of those cereals best adapted to soil and climate and also to stock raising, and, his labors are attended with a gratifying measure of success. Mr. his political allegiance to the republican party but has never sought nor desired office. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church and their well-spent lives have gained for them the warm and enduring regard of many friends. Mr. Anderson is a thoroughly reliable and progressive business man, and his well-directed efforts as an agriculturist have brought him substantial success.

Peter 0. Biorenson, now serving as cashier of the First National Bank of Milford, Iowa, is one of Dickinson county's native sons, his birth occurring in Orleans, November 18, 1886. His parents, Ole and Inger (Pederson) Bjorenson, were both born in Norway. Before the Civil war the father came to the United States and located in Waseca, Minnesota, where he resided for some time, but in 1872 took up a homestead in Diamond Lake township, Dickinson county, Iowa, where he lived for a number of years, his time and attention being devoted to its improvement and cultivation. On leaving the farm he was appointed superintendent of the fish hatchery at Orleans and filled that position until failing health caused his retirement in 1896. His last days were spent in Spirit Lake, where he passed away April 19, 1914, at the age of sixty-nine years. His widow is still living. In the acquiring of an education Peter 0. Bjorenson attended the public schools of Spirit Lake and was graduated from the high school with the class of 1902. In the fall of the same year he entered the First National Bank of Milford as bookkeeper and served in that capacity until 1910, when he was made assistant cashier. On the 1st of January, 1917, he was elected cashier and is now filling that position in a most creditable and satisfactory manner. His long connection with this bank has well fitted him for the responsible office he now holds and he is regarded as one of the representative young business men of the town.
On the 18th of November, 1914, Mr. Bjorenson was united in marriage to Miss Bessie M. Cutting, of Iowa Falls, and they have a son, Ellis Olin, born October 24, 1915. They hold membership in the Methodist Episcopal church of Milford, and by his ballot Mr. Bjorenson supports the men and measures of the republican party.

Julius M. Jensen is one of the prominent merchants of Ringsted, his general store being well stocked and well patronized. A native of Iowa, he was born in Kossuth county, January 1, 1878, of the marriage of Peter W. and Maria (Jacobson) Jensen, natives of Norway. The father was a farmer and was held in high esteem in his community. He passed awayin Ringsted and is buried in the Norwegian Lutheran cemetery at Seneca, but the mother survives and makes her home in Ringsted. To them were born five sons and four daughters. Julius M. Jensen attended school during the winter months until he was nineteen years old and for three more years remained at home assisting his father with the farm work. He then cultivated land on his own account for two years in Kossuth county, after which he conducted a general store in Odin, Minnesota, for three years. Upon leaving that place he located in Ringsted, Emmet county, and for four years engaged in the furniture business here but then disposed of those interests and bought out the general store formerly conducted by A.C. Pies. He carries an up-to-date and well-chosen line of dry goods, groceries and shoes and the attractiveness of his stock, combined with the integrity of his business methods, has resulted in the building up of a representative and profitable trade.
On the 20th of March, 1901, Mr. Jensen was married to Miss Sena Christiansen, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Christiansen, Who lived for a number of years in Lonerock, Kossuth county, but passed their last days in honorable retirement in Ringsted. Both are buried in Seneca, Kossuth county. To Mr. and Mrs. Jensen have been born two children: Opal, whose birth occurred in 1903; and Wendell, born in 1910. The republican party has a stanch adherent in Mr. Jensen and he is now serving as a member of the town council, his fellow citizens having recognized his fitness for official preferment. He is a communicant of the Norwegian Lutheran church and supports heartily the various phases of its work.

Alfred C. Snyder, actively engaged in general farming on section 35, Emmet township, is one of the honored veterans of the Civil war and since 1892 has made his home in Emmet county. He was born in Washington county, Maryland, on the 26th of March, 1843, and is a son of Christian and Jane (Wright) Snyder. In 1855 the family removed to Indiana and in 1862 became residents of Ford county, Illinois, where the parents spent their remaining days. They had ten children, of whom three are yet living. Alfred C. Snyder was a little lad of twelve years at the time the family left his native state and went to Indiana, and he was a young man of nineteen at the time of the removal to Illinois. He there remained at home until he attained his majority, when he responded to the country's call for troops, enlisting as a member of Company B. Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in 1864. He served with that command for one year in defense of the Union and was mustered out at New Orleans with the close of the war. When the country no longer needed his military aid he returned to Illinois and was there engaged in farming for many years or until 1892, when be came to Iowa, establishing his home on section 35, Emmet township, in Emmet county. He first purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land and afterward extended his possessions by the purchase of a quarter section on section 16 of the same township. He now has valuable farming interests and from his fields annually gathers rich and substantial harvests which place him in comfortable financial circumstances.
Mr. Snyder was married about 1870 to Miss Vermelia Steinbaugh, a native of Indiana, by whom be had three children, namely: Effa J., who gave her hand in marriage to M. R. Weir and has six children; Henry N.; and Fletcher C. The wife and mother passed away October 12, 1905, and was laid to rest in Oak Hill cemetery. Mr. Snyder is a republican in his political views, having supported the party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. He has served as township assessor, as collector and for a number of years as school director and is ever deeply interested in the welfare and progress of the community in which he makes his home. He maintains pleasant relations with his old army comrades through his membership in Vandenberg Post, No. 365, G.A.R. He is a self-made man and owes his success entirely to his indefatigable effort, his persistency of purpose and his honorable business methods. During the years of his residence in Emmet county he has become widely known and enjoys the friendship of many with whom be has been brought in contact.

John A. Nelson, assistant cashier of the Farmers Savings Bank at Wallingford, is a native son of Emmet county and is regarded as one of the progressive young business men of his city. He was born March 3, 1887, a son of Nels L. and Olina (Bendixson) Nelson, both of whom were natives of Norway. In early life they came to America and Nels L. Nelson took up his abode upon a farm in Emmet county, devoting many years to the further development and improvement of his land, which he converted into rich and productive fields. He passed away in 1911 and is still survived by his widow. In their family were eleven children, ten of whom are yet living. John A. Nelson was educated in the common schools and in a college at Forest City, Iowa, from which he was graduated with the class of 1909. He made his initial step in the business world as a stenographer in the Iowa Savings Bank at Estherville, where he remained for a year, on the expiration of which period he removed to Moliall, North Dakota, where he remained in a bank for a year. He then came to Emmet county and through the intervening period has occupied the position of assistant cashier in the Farmers Savings Bank at Wallingford. He is making an excellent record in this connection, a record characterized by thorough reliability, faithfulness and efficiency in the tasks assigned him. He is also the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 14, Twelve Mile Lake township, which is well improved and returns to him a gratifying annual income.
In 1915 Mr. Nelson was united in marriage to Miss Emma Egertson,a native of Emmet county and a daughter of Halvor and Christina Egertson, who were natives of Norway and in early life came to the- ew world. Both are still living. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have become the parents of a son, Norton Harold, who was born August 20, 1916. They are members of the Lutheran church and Mr. Nelson gives his political allegiance to the republican party, in the work of which he takes an active and helpful interest. He has served as commissioner, as one of the members of the city council of Wallingford and is now town clerk. In the discharge of his public duties he has ever been prompt and faithful, fully recognizing the obligations that devolve upon him, and at all times he is actuated by a public-spirited devotion to the general good that is above question. In a word he is an alert, enterprising young business man and citizen whose course commands the respectand high regard of those with whom he is brought in contact.

Hans P. Nielsen, who has resided in Denmark township, Emmet county, continuously since 1892, has been a factor in the agricultural development of his locality. A native of Denmark, he was born January 16, 1859, the only child of Rasmus and Martha (Hansen) Nielsen, who passed their entire lives in that country, where the father engaged in farming. Hans P. Nielsen was educated in the public schools of Denmark, which he attended until he was confirmed, and subsequently he worked on farms there until he attained his majority. He then came to the United States and for the first three years was employed as a farmhand in Champaign county, Illinois, and for eight years worked in a similar capacity in Humboldt county, Iowa. In 1892 he bought the east half of the southeast quarter of section 9, Denmark township, Emmet county, and there he has since made his home. The high state of development to which he has brought the place is evidence of his knowledge of farming and his energy, and the sale of his crops and live stock annually nets him a substantial profit.
In 1897 occurred the marriage of Mr. Nielsen and Miss Catherine Petersen, whose parents, Rasmus and Marie (Stephensen) Petersen, were lifelong residents of Denmark. To Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen have been born three children, Marie Fredericka, Meta Otilia and Lydia Hansina, all at home.Mr. Nielsen is a stanch supporter of the republican party and is recognized as one of the public-spirited citizens of his community, being always willing to aid worthy public projects. He belongs to St. Paul's Danish Lutheran church and has conformed his life to high ethical standards.

Fritz Buhr, who follows farming on section 2, Lloyd township, Dickinson county, was born on the first of May, 1856, in Germany, of which country his parents, Adam and Mary Buhr, were lifelong residents. In his native land he grew to manhood, being provided with good educational privileges, and before leaving Germany was married on the 5th of February, 1882, to Miss Louisa Wischmeier, who was born March 4, 1855. Four weeks later he and his bride bade adieu to friends and native land and sailed for the new world. They first located in Missouriwhere they remained for three years, and then removed to Fillmore county, Nebraska, where the following five years were passed. At the end of that time they became residents of Red Willow county in the western part of the latter state where they made their home for twelve years. While there Mr. Buhr purchased five hundred and ten acres of Land on which he erected a good house and barn. After cultivating that place for some time he sold the land for two thousand five hundred dollars. It was in 1902 that Mr. Buhr brought his family to Dickinson county, Iowa, and purchased his present home farm of one hundred andforty-seven acres on which he has since resided. He also owns a townresidence and four lots in Terril, and it is his intention to remove to that place in the near future. He is a wide-awake and progressive farmer, his fields are in a high state of cultivation and everything about the place indicates that he is a practical and progressive business man. Mr. and Mrs. Buhr have five children, namely: John and George, who own and operate a half section of land at Sanborn, Minnesota; Henry and Fritz, who are operating the home farm in Dickinson county; and Minnie, the wife of Christ Rickwo, a farmer of Emmet county, Iowa. In religious faith Mr. and Mrs. Buhr are Lutherans, and wherever known they are held in the highest esteem. At the polls Mr. Buhr supports the men and measures of the republican party and never withholds his support from any enterprise which he believes will prove of public benefit.

James Peterson, a highly esteemed farmer who is living retired in Ringsted, was born in Denmark, February 13, 1848, a son of Peter and Mary Anna (Sorenson) Rasmussen. The father was a shoemaker by trade and passed his entire life in his native country, as did the mother. Of their six children only James and a sister came to the United States, arriving in Pottawattamie county, Iowa, in 1881. James Peterson attended the public schools in Denmark until he was fourteen years old and from that time until he entered the army for the required military service he worked for farmers. After eighteen months of military training he returned to civil life and for eight years was in the employ of a brewer. Following his emigration to the UnitedStates he worked as a farm hand in Iowa for two years and subsequently went to Council Bluffs and for three years was connected with railroad work. For a similar period of time he rented a farm in Denmark township, Emmet county, and next removed to Palo Alto county, where he bought land which he farmed for twelve years. On disposing of that place he returned to Denmark township, Emmet county, and purchased land, to the cultivation of which he devoted his energies for two years. He then put aside the work of the fields and removed to Ringsted, where he has since lived retired. He has also sold his land, so that he has no business cares to prevent his thorough enjoyment of a well deserved leisure.
In 1872 Mr. Peterson was united in marriage to Miss Lena Jensen, whose parents were lifelong residents of Denmark. To this union have been born four children, namely: Peter, who is farming in South Dakota; Mary, now Mrs. Raymond Buchan, of Spencer, Iowa; Joseph S., who is engaged in banking; and Sarah, the deceased wife of Peter Mickelson, of Melville, Missouri. Mr. Peterson is a democrat in his political affiliations and loyally supports the candidates and measures of that party, although he has never taken an active part in public affairs. He holds membership in the Danish Lutheran church, which indicates the standards which have determined his conduct in the various relations of life and his social qualities have made him highly respected wherever known. He can justly be termed a self-made man, for from the age of fourteen years he has been dependent solely upon his own labor and through the exercise of sound judgment and through years of hard work he has gained a competence.

John H. Thompson, a successful farmer residing on section 1, Denmark township, Emmet county, is a representative of the first family to settle in the township and was one of the first white children born there, his birth occurring in a log cabin upon his father's homestead in Emmet county on the 15th of January, 1874. His parents, James L. and Mary (Riebboff )Thompson, were natives respectively of Fife county, Scotland, and Jesup, Iowa. When a young man of twenty-four years the father came to the United States and for some time he worked as a coal miner near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but in 1865 removed to Emmet county, Iowa, and took up a homestead in Denmark township, of which he was the first, settler arriving seventeen years before the Danish immigration. He came to this county from Pennsylvania and his capital amounted to only about one hundred dollars and he not only had to provide for his own support but for that of his family. His first wife died not long after their removal to the west and subsequently he married Miss Riebhoff. It was all that he could do to make a living and during the hard times he walked to Fort Dodge, Iowa, at the beginning of each winter and there worked in the coal mines to earn enough money to provide the barest necessities of life for his family. Under the homestead law he took up the south half of the northeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter of section 1, Denmark township, and subsequently bought the northwest quarter of section 1 and thirty-four acres on section 36, Armstrong Grove township. He followed agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred on the 30th of April, 1904, six weeks after the demise of his wife, who died March 16th. They are buried in Armstrong cemetery. To their union were born four children: Jennie, now Mrs. W. G. Vandenburg, of Sioux City, Iowa; John H.; Margaret, who is teaching in Lewiston,Idaho; and Elizabeth, who owns a controlling interest in a bank at lone, Washington. John H. Thompson attended the Armstrong Grove school until hewas ten years old and subsequently went to the Morton Petersen school on section 2, Denmark township, which was established following the settlement of the Danish colony there. From the time that he was seventeen years of age until he attained his majority he gave his entire attention to working for his father upon the home farm. In 1897 he was given eighty acres of the homestead, which he cultivated on'his own account, and at the same time he assisted his father in the operation of the remainder of the home place. At the end of three years he rented his father's farm, which he continued to cultivate under lease until the death of his parents in 1904. He has erected fine buildings upon his land and spares no effort to make his farm one of the most highly improved in the township. His up-to-date and practical methods are rewarded by large crops and all phases of the farm work are well managed, so that his annual income is a gratifying one.
Mr. Thompson was married June 10, 1896, to Miss May M. Miller, a daughter of D. S. and Harriett L. (Hall) Miller, natives of New York. They removed from the east to Wisconsin and thence to Algona, Iowa, where the mother died Novmeber 28, 1908, and where the father is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have been born three children: Lillian, whose birth occurred January 16, 1900; Harold M., born October 21,1901; and Donald J., born March 17, 1905. Mr. Thompson gives his political allegiance to the republican party but has never been an office seeker, being content to conflne his political activity to the exercise of his right of franchise. He is a member ofthe Presbyterian church and can be counted upon to further movement seeking the moral welfare of his community. His first interest has always been farming and the betterment of the conditions of country life and he is a director of the Emmet County Farm Improvement Association. He has witnessed the development of the county from the earliest period of white settlement to the present day and finds great pleasure in the knowledge that he and his father before him aided in the transformation of an unbroken prairie region to the present prosperous and up-to-date farming section. In the first years of the residence of the family in this county there seemed little else than hardships in the life here as the crops were barely sufficient to buy provisions, which were brought by stage from Fort Dodge. It was impossible to get credit; there was no market within many miles and the prices of all farm products were ridiculously low. The contrast between conditions in those days and the present is so great it hardly seems possible that the change could have been wrought within the lifetime of one man, but such has been the marvelous history of the West.

The feeling of deep sorrow that spread through Emmet county when it was learned that Oscar N. Young had passed away, showed that death had removed one whom the community could ill afford to lose. His splendid qualities of manhood and of citizenship had given him high place in public regard, and his work was of substantial worth to the district in which he lived, contributing to general development and progress as well as to individual success. A native of Mahaska county, Iowa, he was born June 24, 1859, of the marriage of Amos T. and Sarah J. (Sleeth) Young, who with wagon and ox team removed from Indiana to Iowa, casting in their lot among the pioneer settlers of Mahaska county, where the father followed farming for many years. Both he and his wife lie buried at Lacey in that county. Oscar N. Young, who was one of a family of six children divided his time between farm work and attendance at the district schools until seventeen years of age, after which his entire attention was given to the work of the fields on the old home place for four years longer. On attaining his majority he rented a farm in his native county and subsequently purchased land there, which he cultivated until 1896. In that year he arrived in Emmet county and purchased a farm in Jack Creek township which at that time was a tract of raw prairie without improvements. His labors wrought an immediate transformation in the appearance of the place whereon he remained until 1905, when he removed to Ringsted to give his children the better opportunities of the public schools. In 1908 he returned to the farm but again took up his abode in Ringsted, after which he spent his winters in the city and the summer months on his farm near Winnipeg, Canada. He was one of the original directors of the Hoprig Creamery and his business judgment was a contributing element to the success of that undertaking. He was also a member of the board of directors of the Emmet County Mutual Insurance Company. His farm interests were carefully and wisely managed, bringing to him substantial success. He was a man of too great energy to be content without some business interest, and following his removal to Ringsted, having purchased a large amount of stock in the Ringsted Bank, he was elected to its presidency and so continued until his demise.
On the 12th of February, 1888, Mr. Young was married to Miss Ada B. Kelly, a daughter of John and Kathryn (Gross) Kelly, who lived in Henry county, Iowa, for a considerable period but afterward removed to Mahaska county. Her father passed away but her mother still survives. Mr. and Mrs. Young became the parents of three children: Edith, the wife of H. W. Jensen, of Ringsted; Blanche, a teacher in the public schools of Sioux Falls; and Harry L., who is a student in the Iowa College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts at Ames. Mr. Young was a stalwart supporter of the republican party and held a number of township offices, although he was not a politician, preferring to give the greater part of his time and attention to the management of his business affairs. Since her husband's death Mrs.Young has had the management of his interests, in which work she displays most creditable ability. She owns a half section of land twelve miles from Winnipeg, Canada, besides the interests left her in Emmet county. The death of Mr. Young occurred on the 16th of July, 1915. He was then a man in the prime of life and it seemed that he should have been spared for years to come. One of the local papers wrote of him: "He was a man of generous impulses and never forgot the hospitable ways of the pioneer. He had borne adversity bravely and enjoyed prosperity quietly. In the relations of son, brother, husband, father and friend he had met every duty and obligation. At all times and under all circumstances he walked in the well beaten path of righteousness, and from the beauty of his life one may well gain inspiration."

For over a quarter of a century Lorenzo Lough has been in the service of what is now the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company as one of its trusted employes. He was born in Scott county, Minnesota, on the 19th of April, 1870, and is the sixth in order of birth in a family of seven children, whose parents were James W. and Alcy Ann (Darland) Lough, natives of Indiana. In 1857 they became pioneers of Minnesota, where the father followed farming until 1877, when he decided to move to Missouri and started south, driving a large herd of cattle. Stopping at Estherville, Iowa, he was so well pleased with the place that he purchased a farm at the edge of town and took up his abode thereon. When the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railroad was built through Estherville in 1892 he laid out two additions to the town but continued to farm the remainder of his place. For two years prior to his death, however, he conducted a general store under the firm name of the Estherville Mercantile Company. He passed away in September, 1906, and was buried in the East Side cemetery. His widow now resides at 1009 East Robert street, Estherville. Lorenzo Lough was only seven years of age when the family came to Iowa and here he grew to manhood, acquiring his education in the public schools of Estherville. Until he attained his majority he assisted his father in the operation of the home farm and then started as a fireman on the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railroad, now a part of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. In 1901 he was promoted to engineer and has since served in that capacity.
Mr. Lough was married in 1893 to Miss Minnie B. Neville, a daughter of Oswald and Mary Neville, old settlers of Estherville who are still living. To this union have been born three children: Harold, William Emerald and Frances Marian, all at home. The family occupy a fine residence on the west side and are held in the highest esteem by all who know them. Mr. Lough is a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of the Masonic blue lodge and Eastern Star chapter, and is also identified with the First Church of Christ, Scientist.(sic)

Herman R. Madsen, who is engaged in stock raising upon the family homestead on section 3, Denmark township, was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa, August 14, 1889. His parents, Peter and Margaret (Madsen) Madsen, were born in Denmark, but were married in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The father was engaged in railroad work there and in the '90s removed with his family to Denmark township, Emmet county, and bought the south half of section 3, which was but little improved when it came into his possession. He succeeded in accumulating a competence and from time to time made improvements upon the place, which became at length one of the most highly developed farms of the locality. He was active in politics and filled practically all the township offices. He belonged to St. Paul's Danish Lutheran church and is interred in its cemetery. He passed away on the 2d of May, 1910, but was survived until April 1, 1915, by his wife, who is buried at his side. To them were born six children, namely: Herman R.; John and Eleanor, both residing in Ringsted; Sophia; Agnes; and Clara, who died at the age of eleven and is buried in St. Paul's cemetery. The education of Herman R. Madsen was acquired in the district schools, which he attended until he was twelve years of age, and through assisting his father he became thoroughly familiar with all phases of farm work. Following the latter's death Mr. Madsen of this review acquired title to the home farm, which he has since operated on his own account. He raises considerable stock as well as the usual grains and so manages his affairs as to secure a handsome profit from the sale of the farm produce.
On the 3d of June, 1913, Mr. Madsen was married to Miss Ingeborg Thomsen, a daughter of Knud and Gina (Nielsen) Thomsen, who were born in Denmark but emigrated to America, locating first in Grundy county, Iowa, and later removing to Denmark township, Emmet county, where the father is still engaged in farming. Mr. and Mrs. Madsen are the parents of three children, Amelia, Clara and Gina. Mr. Madsen is a republican but his activity in politics has never extended beyond the exercise of his right of franchise. In religious faith he is a Danish Lutheran and his church membership is held in St. Paul's. He possesses the same perseverance, good judgment andi ndustry that enabled his father to acquire a competence by his own unaided efforts and he, too, ranks among the prosperous and substantial agriculturists of the county.

For many years John Dundas was actively identified with the agricultural interests of this section of the state but his last days were spent in retirement in Estherville, where he passed away on the 6th of July, 1915, honored and respected by all who knew him. He was born in Ireland, May 1, 1838, a son of James and Anne Dundas, who emigrated with their family to the new world when John was only four years of age. They first located near Quebec, Canada, where the father engaged in farming for a few years, but in 1861 removed to De Kalb county, Illinois, living there for five years. At the end of that time he came to Emmet county, Iowa, and took up a homestead in Armstrong Grove township, where he followed farming until his death. The mother is also deceased and both were laid to rest in the Armstrong cemetery. John Dundas accompanied his parents on their various removals until the family came to Emmet county, when he took up a homestead just over the line in Kossuth county. There he successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1893, when he retired to Estherville and built a home on the west side. He lived there until 1913, when he removed to another residence on the same side, it continuing to be the place of his abode until called from this life.
On the 7th of April, 1868, Mr. Dundas was united in marriage to Miss Jane Gibbon, a daughter of William and Jane Gibbon, who were born in England and on crossing the Atlantic settled near Montreal,Canada, but later came to Iowa, the family becoming residents of Winneshiek county when Mrs. Dundas was quite small. Mr. Gibbon took up a homestead in Kossuth county, ten miles from Armstrong, about the same time the Dundas family located in that neighborhood. Fifteen years later, however, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbon removed to Oregon, settlingi n the Willamette valley, near Salem, where both died and were buried. All the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Dundas still live in that locality. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Dundas, namely: Frank H., now a resident of Armstrong; Anna, the deceased wife of Arthur Lewis of Armstrong; Jane, now the widow of James Carroll of Kossuth county and a resident of Armstrong; Carrie, the wife of U. V. James of Estherville; William, who died in infancy; Mina, who died at the age of nine years; and Dora, now Mrs. William Hirth, livng near Armstrong. By his ballot Mr. Dundas supported the men and measures of the republican party and was called upon to fill a number of township offices while a resident of Kossuth county. He was an earnest and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church, to which his widow also belongs, and their circle of friends was almost coextensive with their circle of acquaintances. Although he started out in life with nothing, Mr. Dundas was able to leave his family in comfortable circumstances for he was a man of good business ability and met with success in his undertakings.

A. W. Bascom, president of the First National Bank, formerly engaged in the grain business in Terril, ranks among the prosperous and successful citizens of Dickinson county, where he has now made his home for almost a third of a century. A native of Iowa, he was born in Farmersburg, Clayton county, on the 27th of February, 1859, and is a son of J. S. and Phoebe (Spencer) Bascom. The father was a native of Vermont, but the mother was born in Wisconsin. It was in 1854 that they became residents of Clayton county, Iowa, where they lived on a farm until 1866, in which year they removed to Clinton county, Iowa. In the latter county they continued to make their home until called to the world beyond. In their family were five children, four of whom are still living. A. W. Bascom was six years of age when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Clinton county, where he grew to. manhood. He attended the local schools in the acquirement of an education and while aiding his father on the farm became thoroughly familiar with agricultural pursuits. Coming to Dickinson county in 1885 he located on a farm in Lloyd township and devoted his time and energies to its cultivation and improvement until 1900, when he removed to Terril, where he engaged in the grain business for twelve years. He is president of the First National Bank, of which he was one of the organizers and which is one of the leading financial institutions of the county, the men at its head being good reliable business men who have the confidence of the public. Mr. Bascom is the owner of considerable valuable farming land in Dickinson county and elsewhere.
In 1904 he was united in marriage to Miss Mabel Leeser, a native of Oregon and a daughter of W. J. and Loretta A. (Wilson) Leeser. Her father is now deceased but her mother is still living in Oregon. Mrs.Bascom is a member of the Episcopal church and is a most estimable lady.Fraternally, Mr. Bascom is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and Lodge No. 612, A.F.& A.M., in which he has held office. The republican party has always found in him a stanch supporter of its principles and he is now serving as county supervisor in a most creditable and acceptable manner. He was also township trustee for seven years and has been school director in his district. As a business man he occupies a position of prominence in the community and the success that has come to him is but the merited reward of his own well-directed efforts.

Since 1893 Wesley Robb has been a resident of Emmet county and has been prominently identified with its farming and stock raising interests. He now makes his home in Estherville and is engaged in feeding and selling stock, doing quite an extensive business in that line. He was born in Grundy county, Illinois, February 13, 1855, and is the youngest of three children whose parents were Andrew Jackson and Betsey (Hultz) Robb, natives of Ohio. In the early '40s they removed to Illinois and for many years the father followed farming in Grundy county, where both parents died and were buried. At the usual aze Wesley Robb entered the district schools of his native county and continued his education until sixteen years old. During his minority he gave his father the benefit of his services in the operation of the home farm and in this early way acquired an excellent knowledge of agricultural pursuits. At the age of twenty-one he began farming on rented land in Grundy county, Illinois, and later purchased a tract of land in that county, where he continued farming until 1893. That year witnessed his arrival in Emmet county, Iowa, and he bought two hundred and forty acres in Denmark township but never farmed it. In 1894 he purchased a quarter section in Estherville township, to which he latera dded another one hundred and sixty acres, and he continued farming there for ten years. Since then he has made his home in Estherville, where he owns a nice residence at 515 North Seventh street, and is now engaged in feeding and selling stock. Besides his city property he owns six hundred and forty acres-all of section 29, Emmet township-also the east half of section 32, and a half interest in the southwest quarter of section 6, Twelve Mile Lake township, Emmet county.
In 1879 Mr. Robb was united in marriage to Miss Udora Clow, adaughter of John and Mary Clow of Grundy county, Illinois, where both passed away. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Robb are: George,who follows farming in Estherville township; Ida, the wife of Arthur Brown, of Emmet township; Walter, a banker of Alexander, North Dakota; Ollie, the wife of Benjamin Rugtin, of West Bend, Iowa; Pearl, now Mrs.Carl Egbert, of Estherville; and Laura and Emmet, both at home. Fraternally, Mr. Robb is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and reli&usly both he and his wife are identified with the Methodist church. His political support is given the republican party and he is now serving as a member of the school board of Estherville,while for two terms he was a member of the city council. He is a wide-awake, energetic business man whose success in life is due to his own unaided efforts for he started out empty handed and the prosperity that has come to him is but the just reward of his industry and good management. He is now the owner of much valuable property and is numbered among the substantial citizens of the community.

Andreas Carl C. Ries, a well-known citizen of Ringsted, was for a number of years engaged in farming and also devoted a considerable period to merchandising. He was for a time the proprietor of a general store in Ringsted and later became connected with a cement tile manufactory, in which he still owns a financial interest although he is not actively engaged in its management. He was born in Schleswig, Germany, May 21, 1866, a son of Ludvig A. and Sabina Maria (Bruun) Ries, natives respectively of Schleswig and of Denmark. In 1881 they came to the United States with their family and after residing in Clinton, Iowa, for a year came to Emmet county and bought land on section 5, Denmark township. The father farmed that tract almost until his death in 1900, a year after the demise of his wife. Both are buried in St. Paul's cemetery at Ringsted. The father took an active interest in public affairs and held a number of local politcal offices and was also treasurer of the school board. He was one of the first settlers in his locality and was a factor in its development along agricultural lines. Andreas C. C. Ries attended the public schools in Schleswig until he was confirmed and following the removal of the family to the United States gave his father the benefit of his labor until he attained his majority.' From that time until 1890 he farmed in partnership with his father and brothers, Hans J. and Peter A. Ries. Upon serving that connection he went to Clinton, Iowa, where he was employed in a store for three years, and then was for four and a half years manager of a general store at Armstrong owned by his brother Hans. In the meantime he purchased the southeast quarter of section 5, Denmark township, and at length took up his residence on that place, devoting six years to its cultivation. Subsequently he bought a store building at Ringsted from William Nelsen. Upon disposing of that property he became part owner of ac ement tile manufacturing business in Ringsted, in which he is still interested financially although he is no longer active in its management. He is living retired in the enjoyment of a leisure won by his industry and wisedirection of his affairs in past years. He has built a fine modern homeand is surrounded with all the comforts of life. He also owns the south-east quarter of section 5, twenty-six acres of the southwest quarter of the same section and the norheast quarter of section 9, all in Denmark township.
Mr. Ries was married in 1901 to Miss Petrina Nielsen, a daughter of Jens and Karen Nielsen, lifelong residents of Denmark. To this union has been born one son, Sarlock Manfred, at home. Mr. Ries supports the republican party at the polls and was formerly town councilman and is now township clerk. He has discharged to the full satisfaction of his constituents all of the obligations resting upon him as an official and has constantly placed the public welfare above all other considerations. He is a member of St. John's Danish Lutheran church and the sincerity of his faith is evidenced in the integrity of his daily life.

For over forty years Lewis Jacobson has been a resident of Emmet county and he now owns and operates a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres, comprising the southeast quarter of section 34, Estherville township. He was born in Dane county, Wisconsin, March 1, 1857, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Gilbertson) Thorson, natives of Norway, where they were reared and married. Crossing the Atlantic, they settled in Dane county, Wisconsin, in 1848, and were numbered among the pioneers of that locality. There the father owned a tract of one hundred and sixty acres, on which he engaged in farming until his death in 1870. The mother survived him for many years, passing away at the home of a son in Dane county in 1908, and both were laid to rest in a cemetery near Perry, Wisconsin. Lewis Jacobson attended the district schools near his boyhood home as he found opportunity, but during the busy season his services were needed on the farm and he continued to aid in its operation until nineteen years of age. At that time he came to Emmet county, Iowa, and has since made his home in Estherville township. Two years after his arrival he purchased his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 84. He has placed many useful and valuable improvements upon the place and has been very successful in its operation.
In 1880 occurred the marriage of Mr. Jacobson and Miss Kristi Paulson, who is a native of Norway and a daughter of Tullof and Julia (Olson) Paulson. At an early day her parents came to the new world and settled in Estherville township, Emmet county, Iowa. Both are now deceased and are buried in Riverside cemetery. To Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson have been born nine children, namely: Mary, now the wife of Andrew Bamble, of Lemmon, South Dakota; Augusta K. and Jacob, both at home; Tilda, the wife of James Kasa, of Riviera, Minnesota; Pauline,the wife of Ben Nelson, of Estherville township, Emmet county; and Lydia, Alpha, Eda and Cecil, all at home. The family are communicants of the Norwegian Lutheran church and Mr. Jacobson is a republican in politics. He has Served on the sebool board in his district and does all in his power to promote the moral and educational interests of his community.

During almost a half century, or for forty-eight years, Wiley S.Lambert has resided in Spirit Lake township, and during that time has aided in the development of Dickinson county. There have been marvelous changes in conditions since he arrived here in pioneer days and the story of the achievement of a half century seems almost incredible. He was born in Madison county, Indiana, on the 15th of June, 1843, a son of John and Nancy (Brown) Lambert. The father was born near Stanton, West Virginia, but when twenty-eight years of age removed to Indiana, where he was married and lived for some time. In 1853, however, he removed with his family to Winneshiek county, Iowa, and there purchased a good farm, which he operated until he reached the age of seventy-three years. He then retired from active life and from that time until his death made his home with his son, Wiley S., in Dickinson county, dying here in 1880 at the age of eighty years. The mother, who was a Hoosier by birth, was reared and educated in Madison county, Indiana, and passed away at the home of her son, Wiley S., in 1906, when eighty-nine years old. Wiley S. Lambert began his education in the public schools of Madison county, Indiana, but completed it in the schools of Winneshiek county, Iowa, having accompanied his parents thither in 1858. He remained there until 1869, when he came to Dickinson county, Iowa, and took up a homestead on section 25, Spirit, Lake township. The place was raw land when it come into his possession but as soon as possible he broke the virgin prairie sod and planted his land to the usual crops. His homestead comprises one hundred and sixty acres and he also owns a one hundred and sixty acre tract adjoining, which he bought in 1888 and on which his residence now stands. He also holds title to a quarter section of improved land in Jackson county, Minnesota, just across the stateline, and he is in very comfortable circumstances indeed. While actively engaged in farming he raised Polled Angus cattle of good grade and also harvested large crops of grain annually. He aided in organizing the Farmers' Telephone Company, which has had a prosperous existence and has given its subscribers good service. For the past eight years he has lived retired upon his farm, leaving its cultivation to his son.
It was on the 13th of December, 1877, in Dickinson county, that Mr.Lambert was united in marriage to Miss Mary Allen, who was born in Winneshiek county but was brought by her parents to Dickinson county when twelve years of age. She was a student in the public schools here and after putting aside her textbooks remained at home until her marriage. Her parents, Samuel and Elizabeth (Holcomb) Allen, were born respectively in Ohio and Virginia and were pioneer settlers of both Winneshiek and Dickinson counties, Iowa. The father died in Spirit Lake township, this county, and the mother is now living with a son at Spring Valley, Minnesota. Mrs. Lambert passed away upon the home farm in April, 1913, leaving four children: Maude Lila, Belle and Waldo, all athome; and Roy, who married Miss Josephine Berg and lives in Spirit Lake township. Mr. Lambert is a stanch republican and has filled the offices of clerk of Spirit Lake township, member of the school board of district No. 4 and treasurer of that board. He is identified with the Presbyterian church and fraternally is connected with Twilight Lodge, No. 329, A.F.& A.M., of which he is a charter member, and the Order of the Eastern Star. The success which he gained was not easily won, as there was much hard work to be done before the wild land could be brought under cultivation and adequate improvements made upon his farm. Moreover,there were other difficulties to be overcome, one of the greatest of which'was the lack of adequate transportation, as when he located in Dickinson county he was one hundred miles from a railroad. In order to build his house it was necessary to haul lumber seventy miles and all the supplies which he could not raise upon his land had to be brought from a long distance. The fact that there were but few settlers in the county led to a sense of isolation that was often depressing and also made it necessary that each settler depend almost entirely upon his own resources. For four or five years, Mr. Lambert lived alone upon his farm and there is no phase of pioneer life in this region which he did not experience. From the time of his marriage until her death he was greatly aided by the sound advice, encouragement and good management of his wife, who performed cheerfully and efficiently the many and exacting duties of the pioneer wife and mother. His reminiscences of the early days are very interesting but he likes best to think of the prosperity of the present and the splendid future in store for the county.

Rev. E. C. Meyers, pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic church of Milford, is a native of Iowa, his birth occurring on a farm in Carroll county, August 10, 1877. His parents were John and Catherine (Rosauer) Meyers, the former born in Dubuque county, Iowa, and the latter in La Salle county, Illinois. At an early day the father and his twin brother, Christ Meyers, came to Iowa and purchased a farm in Carroll county, which they operated in partnership for some time, but finally the property was divided and John Meyers is still living on his portion, engaged in agricultural pursuits. He is now about sixty-four years of age. His wife died on the 8th of June, 1895. During his boyhood Father Meyers attended the country and parochial schools of Carroll county and assisted his father in the work of the home farm until nineteen years of age. He then entered St.Francis College at Quincy, Illinois, where he studied for the priesthood for six years, and then went to St. Paul, Minnesota, becoming a student in St. Paul Seminary, which institution was established by James J. Hill, the well known railroad magnate. After spending four years there, Father Meyers was ordained by Archbishop Ireland, June 12, 1906, and was sent to Granville, Iowa, as assistant pastor, serving as such for three years. On the 28th of May, 1909, he came to Milford, Dickinson county, as the first resident priest in the county, and was in charge of every parish within its borders with exception of that of Lake Park. The hisory of the Catholic church in Dickinson county begins with the year 1873, when the first holy mass was offered in the house of Oliver Sarazine by Rev. J. J. Smith, of Emmetsburg, who continued to attend to the spiritual wants of the Catholics in this county, coming twice or three times a year, until 1881. In the spring of that year Rev. M. K. Norton came to Spirit Lake and also attended as missions, Milford, Armstrong, Everly, Spencer, Ruthven, Estherville and Lake Park. At Spirit Lake in 1883 he erected the first Catholic church in the county. In 1887 Father Norton was succeeded by Father L. Carroll,who in order to be more centrally. located took up his residence at Spencer. In 1898 Spirit Lake was assigned as an out-mission for the priests of Emmet county. Like Spirit Lake, Milford's church history is a long struggle against many odds and begins with the time of Father Norton, who said first holy mass in the house of Daniel Ryan, three miles east of town. Mass continued to be held in private houses or in a hall over a store until 1889, when under the guidance of Father Carroll a church was erected at a cost of thirteen hundred dollars, which in 1894 was dedicated to St. Patrick and was then under the pastorate of Father Tierney. He was succeeded by Father Kirby, who assisted the Catholics of Milford in purchasing a cemetery in 1897. The next pastor was Rev. M. J. Hetherington, who divided his time between Spencer, Everly and Milford until October, 1908, when he was succeeded by Rev. B. A.Hunt. The great drawback to the Catholics in Dickinson county was the fact that their spiritual leader did not live among them until the spring of 1909, when Father Meyers became the first resident pastor. He found about twenty-five scattered families at Milford and a similarn umber at Spirit Lake. The churches had become dilapidated, the people discouraged and their faith weakened on account of unavoidable neglect. The church at Milford was a small affair in the south part of the town and as it soon became too small for the growing congregation under the leadership of Father Meyers the property was traded for a better site, to which the church was moved, remodeled and enlarged,making it one of the best churches in Dickinson county. At present,in 1917, plans are being made to erect a still handsomer and more commodious structure. There are now one hundred families in the parish and the membership of the church is five hundred and fifty-five. In 1912 the Catholics of Milford purchased the old public school building and started a parochial school with two teachers and fifty-three pupils. Three years later they enlarged the building by an addition thirty-four by sixty feet, about doubling the former capacity, and they now employ six teachers, while the enrollment has reached one hundred and twenty-eight. In 1913 a modern rectory was erected and it is one of the finest in the state. A year previous to this the present location of the church, rectory and school house was a cornfield, and when Father Meyers located at Milford the church property was worth only fifteen hundred dollars, but they now own a block and a third of ground and their holdings are valued at twenty-five thousand dollars. Father Meyers has always taken a great interest in athletic sports and now owns the athletic field in Milford, which in reality is the baseball park of the town, and he gives his encouragement to all manly sports. He has labored untiringly for the welfare of his congregation and under his able guidance the church has steadily grown in numbers and in power. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus and is asupporter of the democratic party at the polls.

Jesse V. Burkhead, the proprietor of the only clothing store in Armstrong, Iowa, is an up-to-date and enterprising merchant, sparing no pains to satisfy his customers. He was born in Brandon, Buchanan county, Iowa, September 12, 1884, and is a son of Gilbert W. and Nora R. (Pike) Burkhead, likewise natives of Buchanan county. In 1889 the family removed to Emmet county, where the father became a landowner, and agricultural pursuits continued to claim his attention until 1906. He now makes his home with his son, Jesse V., but the mother passed away on the 25th of December, 1914. Jesse V. Burkhead was but a child when the family home was established in this county and received his education in the schools here. For several years he clerked in a clothing store in Armstrong and in 1906 he engaged in that line of business on his own account in partnership with H. J. Felkey, his father-in-law, under the firm name of Felkey & Company. This connection was maintained for four years, at the end of which time Mr. Burkhead became sole proprietor of the store, which he is still conducting. It is the only clothing store in the town and he enjoys a large patronage, his trade covering not only Armstrong but the adjoining districts. He carries a large stock of the best makes of ready-to-wear clothing and is thoroughly reliable in all his business dealings. He also owns a store at Swea City, Iowa.
The marriage of Mr. Burkhead and Miss Florence M. Felkey was celebrated on the 1st of January, 1908. She is a daughter of H. J. and Rebecca Felkey, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work. To this union have been born two children: Lorna D., whose natal day was July 31, 1909; and Jesse V., born November 30, 1916. Mr. Burkhead casts his ballot in support of the men and measures of the republican party and has been honored by election to the town council, of which he has been a member for three years. He is a Mason. In building up the large trade which he enjoys he has not only won individual success but has also contributed to the commercial development of his town and can always be counted upon to cobperate with others in advancing the interests of the community as a whole.

An eighty-acre farm on section 13, High Lake township, pays tribute to the care and labor bestowed upon it by Peter N. Peterson, who has long been one of the active and progressive agriculturists of that section of the county. He was born in Norway, March 20, 1848, a sono f Peter and Gertrude (Olson) Peterson, who were also natives of the same country. They brought their family to America in 1848, during the infancy of their son Peter, and first established their home in Wisconsin upon a farm. In the '60s they came to Emmet county, Iowa,which was then a frontier district, and the father took up a homestead claim which he converted from a tract of wild and unimproved land into a productive and valuable farm, giving his undivided attention to general agricultural pursuits throughout his remaining days. To him and his wife were born six children, of whom three are now living. Peter N. Peterson was largely reared and educated in Iowa, being indebted to the public schools of Emmet county for the educational privileges which he received. He continued upon the old homestead to the time of his marriage and afterward purchased the property upon which he now resides, constituting a valuable tract of land of eighty acres on section 14, High Lake township. He has worked persistently and earnestly in the development of the place, to which he has added many modern improvements, and his practical methods of tilling the fields resulted in bringing forth good harvests.
In 1871 Mr. Peterson was united in marriage to Miss Martha L.Johnson, who was born in Wisconsin, a daughter of Lewis and Martha (Mohn) Johnson, who were natives of Norway and came to the United States in the '50s.' They settled in Wisconsin and the family arrived in Emmet county, Iowa, in 1866. The mother had previously passed away in Wisconsin, but the father died in this state. In their family were twelve children but only two are now living. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson have become the parents of five children, namely: Peter P.; Mary J.;Lewis P.; Nels P.; and John P., now a resident of South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson hold membership in the Lutheran church and guide their lives according to its teachings. His political faith is that of the republican party and he served as road supervisor and also as a member of the school board. He deserves much credit for what he has accomplished, as he started out in the business world empty handedand since that time has gradually worked his way upward through persistent energy and unfaltering effort.

Chris Johnson, a retired farmer living in Ringsted, has taken a prominent part in public affairs here ever since his removal to the town and is now acceptably filling the office of mayor. He was born in Denmark, May 7, 1859, and is a son of Johan and Magdalina, (Christianson) Johanson. The father was a laborer and was a lifelong resident of Denmark, as was his wife. They were the parents of nine children, of whom four died in infancy. When only seven years of age Chris Johnson began working for farmers but was allowed the priviledge of attending school until he was fourteen years old. In 1881, when twenty-two years old, he came to the United States and made his way to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where he was employed for seven years by the Northwestern Railway Company. He saved sufficient money to enable him to buy eighty acres on section 36, Denmark township, in 1883 and four years later took up his residence upon the place, which he improved and brought to a high state of developmentas the years passed. He resided there until the fall of 1909, when he sold that place and removed to eight acres adjoining the town of Ringsted, where he now makes his home. He supervises its operation but the actual work is done by hired help.
On the 26th of May, 1886, occurred the marriage of Mr. Johnson and Miss Anna C. Andersen, a daughter of Anders Jorgen and Marie (Hanibalsen) Pallesen, who passed away in Denmark. Mr. Johnson was justice of the peace for twenty-two years, township trustee for three years and a member of the school board for thirteen years, twelve years of that period being consecutive, and was on the committee which established the library in the Ringsted schools. He was one of those who gave generously to the fund for providing books for the library and has never ceased to take an interest in its growth. He has held other offices as for two years he was road supervisor and has twice been United States census taker, while he is now mayor of Ringsted, in which capacity he is doing valuable work for the advancement of the town. He is one of the leading republicans of the county and for a long period was township committeeman. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in St.John's Danish Lutheran church. His boyhood and youth were characterized by hard and unremitting work and in his efforts to gain a living he received no aid from outside sources, but he proved equal to the demands made upon him and as the years passed his resources increased so that he now has more than a competence.

Lars P. Andersen makes his home on his farm on section 3, Center township, but is practically living a retired life, leaving to others the more arduous work of the fields. In the course of an active and well spent career be has accumulated a substantial fortune and his record should serve to inspire and encourage others, showing what can be accomplished through persistent and honorable effort. The many sterling traits of character which he has displayed have won for him high regard. He was born in Denmark, February 17, 1849, and is a son of Andrew and Henrietta Andersen, who were also natives of the same country. The father reached the advanced age of one hundred and four years and nine months ere death called him and his wife has also passed away. In their family were eleven children. Lars P. Andersen, who is the only one now living, was reared and educated in Denmark and came to the United States in 1867, being at that time a youth of eighteen years. He made his way at once to Iowa, settling in Black Hawk county, where he was employed as a common laborer for some time, but laudable ambition prompted him to save his earnings and at length his industry and economy brought him sufficient capital to enable him to purchase a farm. In 1891 he invested in land in Emmet county and in 1893 he took up his abode upon his place on section 3, Center township, where he has three hundred and seventy acres of fine land, which he has brought to a high state of cultivation. His fields are well tilled and annually produce good crops of corn, wheat and other cereals. To the farm he has also added many substantial improvements in the way of good buildings, having a pleasant home and large barns and sheds, which furnish ample shelter for grain and stock. In a word he has made good use of his time and opportunities and his labors have been rewarded by a very substantial competence.
In 1871 Mr. Andersen was united in marriage to Miss Anna Elizabeth Petersen, a.native of Denmark and a daughter of Peter C. and Elsie Y. Nielsen. They came to America in 1868 and established their home in Butler county, Iowa, where the father carried on farming until his death, after which the mother became a resident of Kansas, where her last days were spent. Their family numbered five children, four of whom are yet living. By her marriage Mrs. Andersen has become the mother of ten children: Henrietta, now the wife of Nels Ling; Andrew,living in North Dakota; Anna, who is teaching school; Nels C., whose home is in Ransom county, North Dakota; Jens, also residing in that state; William D., of Emmet county, Iowa; Carrie, the wife of William Rathman; Thorwald, who is upon the home farm; Emma E., now attending high school; and one deceased. Mr. Andersen has always given his political allegiance to the democratic party since becoming a naturalized American citizen. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church and they enjoy the esteem of all with whom they have come in contact. At the time of their marriage their financial resources were quite limited but they worked together, utilizing every possible effort to advance their fortunes, and today they are the possessors of a very substantial and gratifying competence. Moreover, no one can grudge them their success, so honorably has it been won and so worthily used.

Fred W. Cheever, who is devoting practically his entire time to the operation of his excellent farm on section 15, Iowa Lake township, is also interested financially in a number of local business enterprises. His birth occurred in Butler county, Iowa, in March, 1874, and he is a son of Samuel W. and Helen (Tufts) Cheever, an account of whose lives appears in the sketch of John T. Cheever. Fred W. Cheever remained at home until he was twenty-three years of age and after completing his education in the district schools assisted his father with the farm work for several years. For a time he had charge of the operation of the home place, but in 1898, at the outbreak of the Spanish-American war, offered his services to the government. He enlisted in Company b, Fifty-second Iowa Volunteer Regiment, but was transferred to Company D, Forty-ninth Iowa Volunteers. He was taken ill while in camp and was in a hospital at Fort McPherson, Atlanta,G eorgia, for twenty weeks. On the 24th of May, 1899, he returned home and in the following year arrived in Emmet county, Iowa, where he has since lived. He purchased one hundred and twenty acres on section 15, Iowa Lake township, and at once began the operation of his place. During the first winter, however, he also engaged in teaching school but is now concentrating his energies upon his farm work. He has added to his holdings eighty acres adjoining his original purchase and the entire tract of two hundred acres is in a high state of cultivation and produces excellent crops. He also raises some stock and his annual income ensures him of all the comforts of life. He is a stockholder in the Farmers Elevator Company of Armstrong and also in the Armstrong cement factory, of which he is likewise vice president and a director.
Mr. Cheever was married on the 23d of December, 1901, to Miss Martha Hanson and they have become the parents of three children: Lester F., who was born December 9, 1908; Arnold N., born September 24, 1912; and Martha Fern, born in August, 1915. Mr. Cheever is a strong republican in his political belief and is quite influential in public affairs. He is now town clerk, which office he has filled since 1905, and for many years has been secretary of the school board, his experience as a teacher qualifying him unusually well to have voice in the management of the local schools. He is characterized by those qualities which invariably win esteem and regard and his personal friends are many.

For a third of a century Jens Christensen, who is now living retired in Ringsted, has resided in Emmet county and during that period has seen a transformation that is well nigh incredible. When he arrived here the county was a frontier district with a few widely scattered white settlers and today it is a prosperous and up-to-date farming region. For many years he engaged in agricultural pursuits but is now living in honorable retirement. He was born in Denmark, November 23, 1849,and is one of six children whose parents were Christian and Carrie Marie (Clausen) Jensen, lifelong residents of that country, where the father was a blacksmith and small farmer. Jens Christensen attended the public schools until he was confirmed and from that time until he was twenty-three years of age, with the exception of six months spent in military training, worked for others, thus providing for his own support. He desired to take advantage of the unusual opportunities which he had heard the United States offered to energetic young men and in 1873 came to America, locating in the upper peninsula of Michigan, where he was employed in the iron mines for two years. Later he worked on farms near Oshkosh, Wisconsin,and while there received his citizenship papers. After a year he returned to the mines, where he remained for a year, and then went to Illinois, being employed in the stone quarries at Lamont and Joliet for three years. He next operated a rented farm near Green Bay, Wisconsin, and in 1883 came to Denmark township, Emmet county, Iowa, and purchased eighty acres of land, comprising the west half of the southwest quarter of section 22. Later he bought the northeast quarter of section 28 and the east half of the northwest quarter of that section. As soon as possible he brought his land under cultivation and for almost three decades his time and energy were given to farming and stock raising. He was not afraid of hard work and his industry, combined with his good management, enabled him to gain a substantial competence. In 1911 he retired from active life' and built a fine modern home in Ringsted, where he is now living.
In 1880 occurred the marriage of Mr. Christensen and Miss Mary Hansen, likewise a native of Denmark, where her parents lived and died. To Mr. and Mrs. Christensen were born six children: Arthur, who is married and lives near Antelope, Sheridan county, Montana; Will, also a resident of that locality; John, who is married and lives in Ringsted; Harold, who is married and resides in Sanders county, Montana; Anna,at home; and Elmer, a resident of Sheridan county, Montana. Mr. Christensen is a stanch republican in politics, but has never had the time nor inclination to take an active part in public affairs although never remiss in his duties as a good citizen. He came to this country empty handed and had no influential friends to aid him in gaining a start but was determined to succeed and has accomplished his purpose, for he is now in very comfortable circumstances. Moreover, he has never resorted to questionable dealings and is esteemed for his integrity as well as his ability.

George A. Skewis has held the office of mayor of Terril and is connected with its business advancement as the proprietor of the Terril Grain Company. His birth occurred near the City of Mexico, January 25, 1867,and he is a son of James, and Jane (Rabling) Skewis, both natives of England, where they grew to maturity. The father was a miner and after his removal to the United States in early manhood found employment in the lead mines of Wisconsin, but in 1849 joined the rush to the newly discovered gold fields of California. Thence he went to Australia and at length returned to England, where he was married. Subsequently he came to the United States and established his home in Shullsburg, Wisconsin. Early in 1861 he was chosen by an English syndicate to superintend the operation of their silver mines near the City of Mexico, and for seven years had charge of their important interests. At the end of that time he returned to Wisconsin, where he remained until 1876, when he located in Lyon county, Iowa. He engaged in farming there until his demise in 1911, making his home, however, in the town of Inwood, near which his farm was located. His wife died in 1908. George A. Skewis was educated in the common schools and in Augustana College at Canton, South Dakota, and for a few years after completing his schooling engaged in farming in Lyons county, Iowa. In 1890, however, he and his five brothers went into the lumber business on quite an extensive scale, establishing a line of yards throughout Iowa and operating under the name of the Pritchard-Skewis Lumber Company. In June, 1899, he entered the field of banking, founding the Farmers Bank in Terril, and about the same time organized the Terril Grain Company and the Pritchard Stone Company, the latter of which operated the bank and the lumberyards. Later Mr. Skewis severed his connection with Messrs. Pritchard and Stone, took charge of the elevator and associated with himself A. W. Bascom in the management of the grain business. Since 1911, however, he has been alone in business and the large and profitable trade which is accorded the Terril Grain Company is the direct result of his energy and business ability.
In 1903 Mr. Skewis was married to Miss Martha Townsend, a native of New York state, who, however, at the time of her marriage was living with a sister in Inwood, Iowa. Mr. Skewis is a strong republican and has been an active factor in local public affairs, having served ably as mayor of Terril. He belongs to Rich loyd Lodge, No. 612, A.F.&A.M., of Terril and Inwood Lodge, No. 521, I.0.0.F. of Inwood, and both he and his wife hold membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. In all relations of life his conduct has measured up to high standards of manhood, and he is recognized as a public-spirited citizen as well as a successful and enterprising business man.

Since 1887 Theodore Strathman has been a resident of Lake Park, Iowa, and has been prominently identified with its business and financial interests, having served as cashier of the German Savings Bank since its establishment in 1901. A native of Iowa, he was born in Scott county, March 25, 1863, and is a son of Henry and Anna (Bock) Strathman, who were born in Germany and came to America in 1855. After spending a short time in St. Louis, Missouri, they became residents of Scott county, Iowa, where the father died in 1897, and the mother now makes her home with her son Theodore, who is the oldest of the three children. The others are Clara, now the wife of Alex Lindsay, of Davenport, Iowa; and Anna, the wife of E. Wellhausen, of Round Lake, Minnesota. Theodore Strathman was educated in the common schools of Davenport and began his business career as a clerk in a store at that place being thus employed for four years. He was subsequently manager of a store at Big Rock, Iowa, for the same length of time and in 1887 came to Lake Park, where he engaged in mercantile business for thirteen years. On selling out, he assisted in organizing the German Savings Bank in 1901 and has since served as its cashier. Owing to his untiring efforts it has become one of the prosperous moneyed institutions of Dickinson county and is a credit to the men at its head. Besides his city property Mr. Strathman owns three hundred and twenty acres of land in Iowa and also a half interest in another three hundred and twenty acre tract in Dickinson county.
In 1896 Mr. Strathman was united in marriage to Miss May Hatch, a native of Hardin county, this state. Her parents, Frank and Jerusha (Gregory) Hatch, were born in New York state and on coming west located near St. Paul, Minnesota, but subsequently removed to Hardin county, Iowa, and later to Lake Park, where they both died. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Strathman are Thelma, who is a graduate of the Lake Park high school and has attended Grinnell College for one year; Stewart; Ruth, deceased; and Helen. The family are affiliated with the Presbyterian church and in politics Mr. Strathman is identified with the republican party. For the long period of twenty-five years he has been secretary of the school board and he has always taken an active interest in public affairs, never withholding his support from any enterprise which he believes will benefit the community in any way. He is a Knight Templar Mason, belongs to Blue Lodge No. 527, A.F. & A.M., and also to the Mystic Shrine. He has filled all the chairs in the local lodge and is a man of prominence in both business and social circles.

Jorgen N. Hoien, a resident farmer of Jack Creek township, his home being on section 2, is a native of Denmark and his birth occurred on the 30th of March, 1866. He is a son of Jens Peter and Else Marie Hoien, who came to the United States in 1888, settling in Ohio, and in 1893 made their way to Iowa, establishing their home in Blackhawk county, where the mother passed away. The father afterward came to Emmet county to make his home with his son Jorgen, with whom he continued until his death, which occurred in June, 1912. Jorgen N. Hoien pursued a common school education to the age of seventeen years, or until 18831, (sic) when he came to the United States. While in Ohio he was employed in a nail factory at Martins Ferry for two years, after which he came to Iowa and for a similar period worked a a farm hand in Blackhawk county. He then went to the Pacific coast and spent two and a half years in California, working with the bridge gang of the Santa Fe Railroad Company. Subsequently he returned to Blackhawk county, Iowa, and began farming on his own account as a renter. There he remained for eleven years, or until 1900, when he took up his abode in Emmet county, where he has since lived. He first bought one hundred and sixty acres of land and later purchased two quarter sections. He has since sold one quarter and now owns three hundred and twenty acres of rich and valuable farm land in Emmet county. His time and attention are concentrated upon the work of the farm and the neat and thrifty appearance of his place indicates his practical efforts and progressive methods. He has good buildings upon his farm and the latest improved machinery to facilitate the work of the fields and there is nothing that he can do to enhance the value and productiveness of his place that he neglects.
In 1890 Mr. Hoien was united in marriage to Miss Anna Lund, of Blackhawk county, Iowa. They have become the parents of seven children: Jens, who is engaged in farming in Emmet county; Soren, who occupies the position of clerk in the Farmers Savings Bank at Ringsted, this county; and Jorgen, Christina, Iver, Else Marie and Annetta, all at home. In politics Mr. Hoien is a democrat and has served as township trustee and as a member of the school board for a number of years. He belongs to the Danish Brotherhood and to the Lutheran church and his life is guided by high and honorable principles that make him a man fully worthy of the high regard which is everywhere entertained for him. He came to the United States a poor boy but with the passing years has steadily worked his way upward and is now one of the substantial and worthy citizens of Jack Creek township.

Miss Vera M. Coleman, now serving as post mistress of Dolliver,is a native of Humboldt county, Iowa, and a daughter of Isaac and Nettie (Moulton) Coleman. Her father was born. in Toronto, Canada, and when about sixteen years of age removed to New York state, where the following five years were passed. At the end of that time he came to Iowa and spent three years at Lost Nation, Jackson county. Subsequently he made his way to Livermore, Humboldt county, Iowa, and in 1899 came to Emmet county. For four years he was engaged in the hardware business at Dolliver and then turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, which he continued to follow throughout the remaindero f his active life. Since 1914, however, he has made his home in Estherville and has lived retired. His wife was born in Maquoketa, her parents having become residents of Jackson county, Iowa, in 1844. They were from New York and were early settlers of Jackson county. Miss Vera M. Coleman was given good educational advantages andis a graduate of Dolliver high school. She also spent one year at the Iowa State University. In 1914 she was appointed postmistress of Dolliver by President Wilson and has acceptably filled that position ever since. She is one of the most prominent ladies in the town and is an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal church.

G. W. Nefzger, who for about seventeen years has been actively and prominently identified with the business interests of Terril as a hardware merchant, was born in Fayette county, Iowa, on the 7th of January, 1858, and is a son of George and Leah (Hizerman) Nefzger, the former a native of Germany, while the latter was born in Pennsylvania. In early life they removed to Iowa and their remaining days were spent in this state, where they reared their family of seven children, of whom four are yet living. G. W. Nefzger spent the days of his boyhood and youth in Fayette county and his education was acquired in the common schools. He occupied the same farm until he was forty years of age and there is no phase of agricultural life in Iowa with which he is not familiar. In 1898 he removed to Dickinson county and established a drug store in Terril, which he conducted for a year. In 1900 he opened his present hardware store, of which he has since been proprietor. In the intervening period he has built up a trade of gratifying proportions and has today a well appointed store, carrying a large stock to meet the constantly growing demands of his patrons.
On the 11th of June, 1902, Mr. Nefzger was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Kendrick, a native of Wales and a daughter of John and Mary Kendrick, who established the family home in Wisconsin. Her father is now deceased, but her mother is yet living and makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. Nefzger, to whose marriage has been born a daughter, Leah May. Mr. and Mrs. Nefzger hold membership in the Methodist Episcopal church and fraternally he is connected with the Masonic lodge of Terril, in which he has filled all the chairs. His political allegiance is given to the democratic party and on the 1st of October, 1914, his wife was appointed postmistress of Terril. Both are widely and favorably known and possess many sterling traits of character which have won for them the warm and enduring regard of those with whom they have been associated.

An excellent farm of one hundred and sixty acres situated on section 25, Swan Lake township, is the property of T. M. Hanson and pays to him substantial tribute for the care and labor which he bestows upon the fields. He was born in Norway, November 25, 1867, a son of Mons and Johanna (Hatteberg) Hanson, both of whom were natives of Norway. Coming to America in 1869, they settled first in Kendall county, Illinois, taking up their abode upon a farm whereon they resided for seven years. They afterward became residents of Ford county, Illinois, and there resided for twelve years, after which they came to Iowa, establishing their home in Emmet county, where their remaining days were passed. They had a family of six children, of whom five are now living. T. M. Hanson was reared and educated in Illinois, having been less than two years of age when brought by his parents to the new world He left home at the age of nineteen and began earning his own living as a farm hand, being employed in that way for about seven years. He afterward came to Emmet county, Iowa, and invested the money which he had saved from his earnings in one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 25, Swan Lake township, which he has improved. He has made a specialty of raising hogs and that branch of his business adds materially to his income.
In 1911 Mr. Hanson was united in marriage to Mrs. Rachel (Thompson) Wetterhus and to them was born a daughter, Johanna Elmira, who died at the age of seven months. By her former marriage Mrs. Hanson had a daughter, Maurine, who is now at home. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson hold membership in the Lutheran church and he gives his political allegiance to the republican party but has never sought nor held office, preferring to concentrate his energies upon his business affairs. He is a self-made man whose prosperity has all been won through his own efforts since he started out in life on his own account. Diligence and determination have characterized his entire career and made him one of the substantial citizens of Swan Lake township.

Among the representative and progressive farmers of Armstrong Grove township is John Fox, who resides on section 27. He also owns land on section 22, that township, and on section 36, Swan Lake township. His birth occurred in Jasper county, Iowa, May 13, 1864, and he is a sono f Robert and Rachel (Conn) Fox, who emigrated from Ireland to America many years ago and located in Jasper county, Iowa. There the father purchased land and during the remainder of his life engaged in agricultural pursuits there. He died in October, 1881, but the mother is still living at the age of eighty-flve years. John Fox was reared and educated in Jasper county, Iowa, and remained at home for several years after he attained his majority, relieving his father of the work of operating the'farm. In December, 1890,however, he came to Emmet county county, Iowa, and bought one hundred and sixty acres on section 27, Armstrong Grove township, paying there for ten dollars an acre. Something of the marvelous rapidity with which land values have advanced in this county is indicated in the fact that the same land would now sell for one hundred and fifty dollars an acre. He at once began bringing his land under cultivation and as the years have passed has continued its development. He has also added to his holdings from time to time and now owns an addition to his home place eighty acres across the road on section 22 and one hundred and sixty acres on section 36, Swan Lake township. He operates all his land and his annual income is an enviable one. He has found stock raising especially profitable and feeds about four carloads of cattle per year and ships ten carloads of hogs. He engages to some extent in the business of buying and selling hogs and cattle.
On the 23rd of September, 1894, occurred the marriage of Mr. Fox and Miss Ella Dundas, a daughter of David and Harriett (Churchill) Dundas an account of whose lives appeared in the sketch of David Dundas elsewhere in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Fox have become the parents of four children, Lloyd S., Vernon, Florence, and one who died in infancy. Mr. Fox is much interested in affairs pertaining to the general welfare and can always be counted upon to further worthy public projects. His religious faith is that of the Methodist church and in all relations of life he has held to high standards of conduct.

Since 1904 M. F. Kohl has engaged in farming on section 8, Denmark township, and is recognized as one of the leading agriculturists of his locality. He was born in Linn county, Iowa, in the vicinity of Lisbon, on the 15th of January, 1863. His parents, Simon and Catharine (Blessing) Kohl, were born respectively in Berks and Dauphin counties, Pennsylvania, and their children were eight in number, M. F. Kohlbeing the sixth in order of birth. The mother's natal day was March 8, 1827, and in 1845 she married Joseph Keller, by whom she had two children, both of whom died in infancy. She and her husband joined a party of emigrants bound for Iowa and embarked on the ill-fated steamer Belle of the West. The vessel was burned near Warsaw, Kentucky, and Mr. Keller with fourteen others perished, but Mrs. Keller was rescued from the water. She lost all her effects but was cared for by the other survivors and at length reached Iowa, where the party founded the town of Lisbon. In 1851 she was married to Simon Kohl. She reached the age of seventy-one years, dying on the 30th of October, 1898. Mr. Kohl was born on the 3d of July, 1827, and lived to an advanced age as his death occurred on the 31st of December, 1912. He was an active member of the United Brethren church and in his daily life exemplified the teachings of Christianity. Five of his eight children survive: Mrs. Lavina Koch, of Hampton, Iowa; M. F.; Albert, a resident of Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Elizabeth Walmer, of Lisbon; and Mrs. Barbara Andre, of Mechanicsville. M. F. Kohl received his education in the common schools and devoted his time and energy to farming rented land until he was twenty-eight years old, when he bought a farm in Cedar county. After operating that place for nine years he sold it and cultivated rented farms for three years, but in 1903 came to Denmark township and erected buildings upon the north half of the northwest quarter of section 8, which he had purchased, and in the spring of 1904 took up his residence upon the farm. He is there engaged in grain and stock raising and his familiarity with agricultural work and his enterprise are important factors in his success.
In 1892 occurred the marriage of Mr. Kohl and Miss Ida A. Yessler,a daughter of Henry and Mary Yessler, residents of Linn county. Two children have been born to this union, namely: Alma, who married Joseph Madden, of Swan Lake township; and Alta, the wife of George Madden, also of Swan Lalie township. Mr. Kohl supports the republican party at the polls and is faithful in the discharge of all his duties as a citizen but has never been an office seeker. He has, however, served as school director and his interest in the forces that make for advancement is also manifest in the fact that he is a trustee of the Presbyterian church at Halfa. He is a self-made man and is entitled to all the credit which that term carries with it, implying as it does determination, sound judgment and industry.

The name of Espeset has been well known in Emmet county and has been associated here with integrity, ability and public spirit for more than fifty years, or ever since the arrival within the county of Knute Espeset, who was one of the early settlers, coming in 1865. He was long prominent in business and political circles of the community. His attention was first given to farming and subsequently he engaged in the farm implement and hardware business, becoming one of the foremost as well as one of the early merchants of the county. He also figured prominently in connection with political interests and held the office of county sheriff and county treasurer. His son, James Espeset, as a native of Allamakee county, but was reared upon the home farm near Estherville and in early manhood took up the profession of teaching. At one time he served as deputy county treasurer and was also deputy postmaster. Later he entered the employ of the Estherville State Bank,with which institution he was identified for a quarter of a century, being the cashier thereof at the time of his retirement in 1910. Since then he has devoted his attention to the abstract business.
He married Edith Graves, who was born in Winneshiek county, Iowa, but was reared in Emmet county, having been brought to this county during her infancy by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graves. Her father was one of the founders of Estherville and became the pioneer banker of this section of the state. Mrs. Espeset has always been prominent in churchwork and social activities and is a member of the P.E.0., the Eastern Star and the Daughters of the American Revolution.
From such ancestry comes Howard Espeset, a son of James Espeset,and fortunate is he that his lines of life have been cast in harmony with the untarnished family record. He was born in Estherville, April 2,1882, and attended the Estherville public schools, being graduated from the high school with the class of 1898, after which he studied for a year at Parsons College in Fairfield, Iowa, and for three years in the State University of Iowa at Iowa City, being graduated from the latter institution in 1902, at which time the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy was conferred upon him. He then entered the field of banking and continued to occupy the position of assistant cashier of the Estherville State Bank until 1912. Since that time he has been engaged in the abstract business with the firm of Graves & Espeset. This firm was established by Howard Graves in an 'early day, and as the county records were burned in the courthouse fire of 1876, the only evidence of title to lands in Emmet county prior to that time is found in the old abstract books used by this firm.
In 1910, in California, Mr. Espeset was joined in wedlock to Miss Marie Thomas, of Las Vegas, Nevada. Mrs. Espeset is interested in church activities and in women's club work. Mr. Espeset holds membership in the Presbyterian church and he is a member of the Masonic and Elks lodges at Estherville and of the Estherville Commercial Club. In politics he has always been a republican and for some time has been actively identified with the work of the party in Emmet county, but has never sought nor desired public office. He is interested in all that pertains to the welfare and upbuilding of city and county, however, and for a number of years was a member of the city library board. His influence is always on the side of progress and improvement and his entire career has been actuated by high and honorable purposes, his life measuring up to advanced standards of manhood and citizenship.

Silas B. Knudson owns one hundred and sixty acres of fine land in Armstrong Grove township and is concentrating his energies upon the development and improvement of that place. He was born in La Salle county, Illinois, July 10, 1872, and is a son of Henry and Martha (Knudson) Knudson, natives respectively of Illinois and of Norway. When about five years old the mother was brought to America by her parents and received her education in this country. In 1881 the family removed to Humboldt county, Iowa, where the father rented land which he operated until 1887. He then purchased a farm and was engaged in its cultivation until he retired from active life, removing in Humboldt, where he lived for a decade, or until his death in September, 1915, when seventy-three years old. The mother survives. Silas B. Knudson remained under the parental roof until he became of age and received his education in the schools of Illinois and Humboldt county, Iowa. After leaving home he rented land in Webster county, Iowa, for five years but in 1901 came to Emmet county and for ten years thereafter operated rented land here under lease. During this time he carefully saved his money and at length had accumulated sufficient capital to purchase the northwest quarter of section 10, Armstrong Grove township, which has since remained his home. The improvements upon the place compare favorably with those on other farms of the township and everything is kept in excellent condition, thus facilitating the farm work. He is also a stockholder in the Farmers Elevator Company of Armstrong, of which he was for a time trustee.
On the 27th of December, 1899, occurred the marriage of Mr. Knudson and Miss Bertha Braland and they have had five children; Angeline, Maymie, Lloyd and Arnold, all of whom survive; and one who died in infancy. Mr. Knudson gives his political allegiance to the republican party and is now serving his second term as township trustee. In religious faith he is a Lutheran and his sterling qualities of character have won him the unqualified respect of all who have come in contact with him.

Frank H. Rhodes, president of the First Trust & Savings Bank at Estherville and cashier of the Bank of Estherville, has figured prominently in financial circles of the city for twenty-three years. He was born in Brighton, Wisconsin, October 26, 1859, his parents being Thomas and Nancy Rhodes, who came from England in 1842 and settled in Kenosha county, Wisconsin, where they resided until called to their final rest. After attending the public schools of Kenosha county, Wisconsin, Frank H. Rhodes continued his education in the Racine (Wis.) Business College and made his initial step in the business world as assistant bookkeeper and shipping clerk for the Dickey & Pease Manufacturing Company, with which he remained from 1879 until 1885. In the latter year he removed to Estherville, where he has since made his home, and was here engaged in merchandising for seven years. In 1892 he withdrew from commercial pursuits and turned his attention to the real estate and loan business in Estherville, in which he continued until 1894. He then entered the field of banking and is prominently known as a financier of northwestern Iowa by reason of his connection with the First Trust & Savings Bank and the Bank of Estherville, the combined resources of which are about seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. His high standing in financial circles in the state is indicated in the fact that he has been a member of the executive committee of the Iowa Bankers' Association for a number of years. He is also owner of the Rhodes block and other valuable properties in Estherville, which indicates his wise investment and sound judgment in business affairs. He is also a director and treasurer of the Home Investment Company.
In 1887 in Estherville, Mr. Rhodes was married to Miss Hattie Culver, a daughter of L. M. Culver. Her father came to Estherville in 1883 as agent for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company and for a number of years was a leading citizen here. He was one of the founders of the First Presbyterian church. and was interested in many matters relative to the general good. Mrs. Rhodes is a graduate of the Estherville high school and has been very active in church and club work, serving for a number of years as regent of the Okamanpadu Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mr. and Mrs.Rhodes have four children: Jennie C., the wife of Dr. A. R. Moon, of Williamsburg, Iowa; Edwin J., a student in the University of Wisconsin; and Cecil and Lillian, both attending the Estherville high school. The parents are members of the First Presbyterian church, in the work of which they take an active and helpful interest, Mr. Rhodes serving as trustee and treasurer. He belongs to the Estherville Commercial Club, of which he is a director and the treasurer, and he gives his political allegiance to the republican party. He served for six years, from 1897 until 1903, as a member of the city council and exercised his official prerogatives in support of many plans and measures which have been of value in promoting the best interests of the city.

Lauritz P. Baago, a well known and successful farmer of Denmark township, has never had occasion to regret his decision to emigrate to America for he has found here the opportunities which he sought and through their utilization has won prosperity. He was born in Schleswig, now a part of Germany but then belonging to Denmark, on the 23d of April, 1861, and is a son of Cresten and Anna Christina Lauritzen, who passed their entire lives in their native country. The father was by profession a school teacher. Lauritz P. Baago, who is one of a family of five children, received his education under the instruction of his father, and, following his confirmation went to work as a farm hand. He was so employed until he was twenty-three years old, when he came to the United States. After spending four years in New York state in the employ of various farmers he removed to Emmet county, Iowa, and bought eighty acres of land in Armstrong township. He devoted thirteen years to the operation of that place and then sold it and bought a farm in Jackson county, Minnesota, which he operated until 1912, when he returned to Emmet county and bought the north half of the northeast quarter of section 23, Denmark township, where he has since made his home. The land is in a high state of cultivation, the buildings are substantial and of practical design and his work is kept well in hand. He raises both grain and stock as he finds such a course more profitable than specializing in either.
In 1893 Mr. Baago was married to Miss Marie Christianson, whose father died in Norway. Subsequently the mother came to the United States and is now living with her son Erland, a resident of Graettinger, Iowa. Mrs. Baago passed away in 1895 and is buried in St. Paul's cemetery. She left one son, Hans. For his second wife Mr. Baago chose Miss Helga Vik, a daughter of Sjur and Jurga Vik, natives of Norway, whence they emigrated to the United States many years ago. The mother is deceased and is buried in Jackson county, Minnesota, while the father makes his home with Mr. Baago. Mrs. Baago died in 1906 and is buried in Jackson county, Minnesota. She was the mother of four children, Anna, Marie, Christina and John. Mr. Baago, is a republican in his political affiliation but has never held office. He has, however, served as school director. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in St. John's Danish Lutheran church and the teachings of that denomination have been the guiding principle of his life. He has succeeded solely through his own efforts and is accorded the honor due a self-made man.

K. R. Haugen, an honored pioneer of Dickinson county whose home is on section 12, Lloyd township, was born in Norway, May 28, 1838, and is the only survivor in a family of four children. His parents were Rierson and Raghneld C. (Culberson) Haugen, who continued to make their home in Norway throughout life. There he was reared and educated in much the usual manner of boys of that period, but believing that he could better his financial condition in the new world, he sailed for America in 1861. He first located in Wisconsin, where he lived for two years and then came to Iowa, spending the following five years in Winneshiek county. At the end of that time he became a resident of Dickinson county, Iowa, and homesteaded the land on which he now resides, it being a fine tract of one hundred and sixty acres on section 12, Lloyd township. At that time, however, it was entirely unimproved and he built thereon a log cabin in which he lived for several years. He has since erected a good residence and other substantial buildings for the shelter of grain and stock and his farm is now one of the best improved in the locality. In connection with general farming he has always made a specialty of the raising of all kinds of stock and in all his undertakings has met with well merited success.
In 1883 Mr. Haugen. was united in marriage to Miss Christina Olson, also a native of Norway, who came to the United States in early life with her father, who died in this country. Her mother passed away in Norway. Mr. and Mrs. Haugen have one daughter, Dena Carolina, who is a graduate of the Terril high school and is at home with her parents. The family hold membership in the Lutheran church and are held in the highest respect by all who know them. Since becoming a naturalized citizen Mr. Haugen, has affiliated with the republican party and his fellow citizens, recognizing his worth and ability, have called upon him to serve as township assessor and township trustee. He has also been a member of the school board for several years and has always faithfully performed any duty devolving upon him whether in public or private life. He is one of the representative farmers of his community and is now quite well-to-do.

George L. Gorton, who follows farming on section 13, Esthervilletownship, Emmet county, is one of Iowa's native sons, his birth occurring in Linn county, March 23, 1871, and he is the seventh in a family of ten children. His parents, Foster E. and Lucy (Herrick) Gorton, were born in New York and Ohio respectively and at an early day came to Iowa. It was in 1894 that they became residents of Estherville township, Emmet county, where the father purchased the southwest quarter of section 13, on which our subject now resides. At the usual age George L. Gorton began his education in the district schools near his home, and he continued his studies until sixteen years of age. He then gave his father the benefit of his services until twenty-five, when he took charge of the home place and cared for his parents until they were called to the world beyond, the father dying in 1910 and the mother in 1909. They were buried in Oak Hill cemetery near Estherville. George L. Gorton still lives on the homestead and in his farming operations has met with well merited success, being regarded as one of the substantial citizens of his community.
In 1901 Mr. Gorton was united in marriage to Miss Katherine Frank, a daughter of Henry and Katherine Frank, who came to this country from Germany in early life, the former settling in Emmet county, Iowa, and the latter in Dickinson county. Mr. Frank has passed.away and is buried in Estherville, but his wife is still living and makes her home in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Gorton have two children, Ruth and Esther. Since attaining his majority Mr. Gorton has affiliated with the republican party and for a number of years he efficiently served as township trustee. In religious faith he is a Methodist. He is a man of good business ability and as he thoroughly understands the occupation which he follows, is progressive and energetic, he has met with success in his farming operations and is today quite well-to-do.

Wallingford's business interests. find a substantial and prominent representative in 0. 0. Anderson, the cashier of the Farmers' Savings Bank,of which he was one of the organizers. He is a representative of that substantial class of citizens that Norway has furnished to Iowa. He. was born in the land of the midnight sun July 30, 1868, and is a son of Ole and Haldis (Paulson) Anderson, who were also natives of that country. Coming to America, they reached Emmet county, Iowa, in July, 1871,and took up their abode upon a farm within its borders. The father at once concentrated his energies upon the task of developing and improving his fields and he is still a respected resident of Emmet county but in 1910 was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who passed away on the 7th of August of that year. In their family were five children, all of whom are yet living. 0. 0. Anderson was less than three years of age when brought by his parents to the United States, so that practically his entire life has been passed in Emmet county. The common school system afforded him his educational privileges and when he had mastered the branches of learning taught in the district schools he went to Red Wing, Minnesota, where he continued his studies for three years. Later he pursued a commercial course in Decorah, Iowa, following which he returned to his father's farm and was his active assistant in the management and development of the property for eight years. He then became one of the organizers of the Farmers Savings Bank at Wallingford and accepted the position of cashier, in which capacity he has since continued. This bank is capitalized for fifteen thousand dollars and has a surplus of fifteen thousand dollars. It has always had a prosperous existence and its business relations have been constantly broadened. In addition to his banking interests he owns a fine residence in Wallingford. In his political views Mr. Anderson is a stalwart republican. He has never been an office seeker although interested in the success of his party and at all times keeping well informed on the questions and issues of the day. For sixteen years he served as school treasurer. He is a member of the Lutheran church and his life is guided by its teachings, his upright, honorable career causing his fellow townsmen to speak of him always in terms of high regard.

Gregers Juhl, who is engaged in general agricultural pursuits on section 4, Center township, Emmet county, was born in Denmark on the 9th of January, 1850, his parents being Eric and Anna Juhl, who spent their entire lives in Denmark. There they reared their family of six children, of whom Gregers was the only son. Four of the daughters are now deceased, the surviving sister of Gregers Juhl being Mrs. P. C. Peterson, living in Buena Vista county, Iowa. The father followed the occupation of wagon making and he and his wife remained residents of Denmark until called to the home beyond. Gregers Juhl spent the first seventeen years of his life in his native country and then came alone to the new world, for the tales which he had heard concerning business conditions and opportunities on this side of the Atlantic led him to the belief that he might have better advantages in America. He first made his way to Lee county, Iowa, where he purchased land and carried on farming for thirteen years. In 1886 he arrived in Emmet county and purchased the northwest quarter of section 4, Center township. Since that time he has added to his holdings a tract of eighty acres on section 33, Ellsworth township, so that he is today the owner of two hundred and twenty acres of rich and productive land which his careful labors have brought to a high state of cultivation. His is a well-improved farm and he annually harvests good crops as a reward for the care and labor which he bestows upon the fields.
In 1874 Mr. Juhl was united in marriage to Miss Dorothy Thompson, of Lee county, Iowa, and they became the parents of six children: Eric, who is mentioned elsewhere in this work; Chris, who is married and is practicing veterinary surgery at Osage, Mitchell county, Iowa; Thomas, who is married and follows farming in Ellsworth township, Emmet county; Andrew, who is a widower engaged in farming in Center township, Emmet county; Louis, who is married and lives in Eagle Grove, Iowa; and John, who is married and follows farming in Ellsworth township. Mr. Juhl is a member of the Danish and Norwegian Lutheran church and his life is guided by its teachings. Throughout his entire career be has followed honorable principles and his life record is one which will bear the closest investigation and scrutiny. He has never had occasionto regret his determination to come to the new world, for here he has found the opportunities which he sought, and by reason of his persistent effort intelligently directed has gained substantial success.

Peter Kyhl won success as a farmer and is now living retired in Ringsted, enjoying at his ease the comforts of life. A native of Denmark, his birth occurred on the 12th of March, 1854, and he is one of the six children born to Nes and Anna (Scott) Kyhl, life-long residents of Denmark, where the father worked as a laborer. Peter Kyhl spent his first eighteen years in his native country and there received his education. Attracted by the many favorable reports which he heard concerning the United States, he came to this country with his sister Anna, who later became the wife of Rasmus Rasmussen, of Clinton, and is now deceased. For several years before leaving Denmark he worked for others and after coming to this country was employed in a sawmill and lumberyard at Clinton, Iowa, for six years. In 1883 he came to Denmark township, Emmet county, and purchased the north half of the northeast quarter of section 23, upon which he took up his residence at once. There he lived for over three decades and during those years gave the closest attention to the cultivation of his fields and the care of his live stock. His unremitting industry and his wise management were rewarded by a gratifying financial return and he in time accumulated a competence. In 1915 he retired and built an attractive home in Ringsted, where he now resides.
In Clinton, Iowa, Mr. Kyhl was married to Miss Anna Holm, like-wise a native of Denmark, where her parents passed their entire lives. By her marriage she became the mother of six children: Robert, who is,married and is farming in Denmark township; Albert, who is married and is a resident of Clinton county, Iowa; Anna, now the wife of Peter Cliver, a banker of Potania, North Dakota; Nes, who, is married and lives near Doyon, North Dakota; Alma, the wife of Henry Sorem, of Seneca, Kossuth county, Iowa; and August, who is married and is farming in Denmark township. The wife and mother died March 1, 1910, and is buried in St. Paul's cemetery. In 1912 Mr. Kyhl was united in marriage to Mrs. Christiana (Hansen) Kyhl, the widow of his brother, Jurgen Kyhl, of Marcus, Iowa, where he had settled with his wife upon their emigration to the United States in 1883. They were the parents of a daughter, Anna, who died at the age of fourteen and is buried in Marcus. The father and mother of Mrs. Kyhl were lifelong residents of Denmark. Peter Kyhl is a republican and has served as township trustee fora number of years and has likewise been a member of the school board for several terms. He belongs to St. Paul's Danish Lutheran church and fraternally is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Ringsted and the Danish Brotherhood. He found in this country the opportunities which he sought and through their utilization has notonly won individual prosperity, but has also contributed his share toward the advancement of his community along various lines.

A. M. Johnson, Jr., is one of the most progressive and up-to-date business men of Spirit Lake as well as one of its most public-spirited citizens. He was born in this city on the 23d of December, 1883, and comes of one of its old and honored families, being a son of A. M. Johnson, Sr., mention of whom is made elsewhere in this work. He attended both the grammar and high schools of Spirit Lake and also pursued a business course in a commercial college at Indianola, Iowa. Mr. Johnson began his early business training in. his father's store at Spirit Lake and later started a grocery store at Hayward's Bay onthe shores of Spirit Lake for his father to supply the wants of summer boarders. In 1910 he took over the clothing department of his father's business, establishing an up-to-date clothing store in Spirit Lake, which is thoroughly modern in all its appointments, and the stock carried is of the latest designs and the best quality.
On the 27th of September, 1909, in Spirit Lake, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Johnson and Miss Beulah, Greattrax, who was born in Hull, Iowa, and came to Spirit Lake with her parents during childhood. Her father, Dr. J. H. Greattrax, a well known physician and surgeon, is now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have one child, Ellabel, who was born in Spirit Lake. Since attaining his majority Mr. Johnson has affiliated with the republican party and religiously both he and his wife are connected with the Methodist Episcopal church. He belongs to the Masonic blue lodge chapter and commandery, has taken the thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite, and is also a member of the Mystic Shrine. For the past eight years he has been secretary of the Dickinson County Fair Association and is untiring in his efforts to promote its interests. Public-spirited and progressive, he has done much to advance the welfare of his community along various lines and is today recognized as one of the leading citizens of Spirit Lake.

George S. Zerfoss, who owns and operates a fine farm of two hundred acres on section 26, Superior township, Dickinson county, claims New York as his native state, his birth occurring February 12, 1844. His parents were Abraham and Elizabeth (Brightman) Zerfoss, the former also a native of the Empire state and the latter of Fall River, Massachusetts. They were married in New York, where they continued to make their home until 1855, when they removed to Iowa and located in Delaware county. The father was not long permitted, however, to enjoy his new home, for he died the year of his arrival here. The mother survived him for several years. George S. Zerfoss was reared and educated in much the usual manner of farm boys and on reaching manhood began farming on hiso wn account in Delaware county, on land which he had purchased from his father. He continued to reside thereon until 1883 when he came to Dickinson county and purchased one hundred and forty-five acres of his present farm in Superior township. Prospering in his under-takings he was able to add to his property until he now owns two hundred acres of very valuable and productive land. He has erected all the buildings upon his place and has a large orchard in good condition. His farm is well improved and the neat and thrifty appearance of the place plainly indicates that he thoroughly understands the occupation which he follows.
In 1876 Mr. Zerfoss married Miss Elizabeth Stewart, of Delaware county, Iowa, but a native of Canada. They became the parents of ten children, namely: Charles, who is now a lumber dealer of Bemis, South Dakota; Mamie, the wife of Ora Shepherd, of Superior township, Dickinson county; Mabel, the wife of Robert Miner, of Blairstown, Iowa; Jud, at home; Donley, a resident of Wahkon, Minnesota; Blanche, the wife of Ora Hasbrook, a resident of Minnesota; Bessie and Bonnie, twins, the former now the wife of John Fries of Minnesota and the latter living with her sister Mamie; Oceana, the wife of William Sanders, of Superior township, Dickinson county; and Robert, at home. The wife and mother passed away on December 30, 1905, leaving many friends as well as her immediate family to mourn her loss. The democratic party finds in Mr. Zerfoss an earnest supporter and for some years he served as a member of the board of township trustees and also as a member of the school board. He is one of the well known old residents of Superior township and is widely and favorably known throughout Dickinson county, where he has now made his home for over a third of a century.

Much of the success which has characterized the history of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company is due to the efficiency of its secretary, Peter A. Gaarde, of Armstrong. He was born in Denmark in September, 1877, and his parents, Anderson N. and Mary (Hansen) Gaarde, were likewise natives of that country. About 1880 the family emigrated to the United States and after residing for two years in the vicinity of Clinton, Iowa, removed to Emmet county, where the father purchased land in Denmark township. He engaged in farming there until his wife's death in September, 1887, when he sold out. From that time until his demise, which occurred on the 13th of July, 1907, he made his home with his children. Peter A. Gaarde was but five years old when the family located in Denmark township, Emmet county, and his early education was therefore acquired in the district schools there. Later he was for a time a student at Sioux City, Iowa. When but thirteen years old he went to work and at the age of twenty years he purchased land in Denmark township which he operated for about sixteen years. Subsequently he conducted a furniture store in Ringsted for one year, after which he clerked for a year. He then returned to the farm, but in 1915 tookup his residence in Armstrong, where he has since remained. He is devoting much of his time and attention to his duties as secretary of the Farmers Mutual insurance Company, a local organization, which has built up a large business. He also looks after his farming interests as he still owns three hundred and twenty acres in Denmark township and two hundred and forty acres in Iowa Lake township.
On New Year's Day, 1908, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Gaarde and Miss Myna Churchill and they have become the parents of five children, Arnold, Fern, Bernetta, Earl and Grace. A careful study of social and political conditions has led Mr. Gaarde to support the socialist party and he keeps well informed concerning the questions and issues of the day. He belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America lodge and is also a member of the Lutheran church. He has a wide acquaintance throughout the county and his genuine worth is attested by the fact that those who have known him the most intimately are his stanchest friends.

The sons of Norway in Iowa constitute a valuable asset in the citizenship of the state. Of this number Oliver 0. Refsell is a representative. He was born in the land of the midnight sun October 8, 1854,and is a brother of James Refsell, who is mentioned elsewhere in this work. He was but twelve years of age when brought by his parents to the new world, the family home being established in Emmet county,Iowa, where he was reared and educated, pursuing his studies in the public schools. He worked with his father upon the home farm until he reached the age of thirty-five years and then purchased the old homestead property, comprising one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 28, High Lake township. He has since bent his energies to the further development and improvement of his farm, which he has brought to a high state of cultivation, the fields bringing forth bounteous harvests of those crops which are best adapted to soil and climatic conditions here. In addition to cultivating grain he is engaged quite extensively and successfully in stock raising, both branches of his business proving profitable. He is a very progressive and enterprising business man and owns in addition to his farm property an excellent residence in Wallingford, Iowa. He is also one of the directors of the Farmers Savings Bank at Wallingford, is a stockholder of the elevator and is secretary of the creamery there. Whatever he undertakes he accomplishes, for in his vocabulary there is no such word as fail. He is determined and energetic and his plans are carefully thought out and then promptly executed.
On July 18, 1889, Mr. Refsell was married to Miss Betsy Olson, a native of Norway, and to them have been born five children: Conrad 0.; Morris S., who has departed this life; Lloyd G.; Martin K.; and OlgaB eatrice. The parents are consistent members of the Lutheran church, in the work of which they take an active and helpful part, and Mr. Refsell is serving now as one of the elders. He exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the republican party and in 1894 was elected to the office of county treasurer, which position he has filled for four terms. He has held nearly all of the township offices and has made an excellent record as a public official, being at all timesl oyal to the trust reposed in him, while his skill and efficiency in discharging the duties of his positions have won for him high regard. During the long period of his residence in this part of the state he has become widely and favorably known and everywhere is spoken of interms of admiration and respect.

For fifteen years Hans W. Jensen has been identified with the banking interests of Ringsted and is today regarded as one of the foremost citizens of that place. He is a native of Ringsted, Denmark, and in 1882 accompanied his parents, Hans and Mary Jensen, on their emigration to America. Coming direct to Emmet county, Iowa, the family located on a farm near Ringsted in Denmark township, where the father followed agricultural pursuits until 1890, and then removed to Graettinger, where he was engaged in the buying of grain in partnership with H. N. Osher until 1906, selling out in that year to the Farmers Elevator Company. Mr. Jensen died in the winter of 1911 but his widow is still living. During his boyhood Hans W. Jensen attended the public schools of Graettinger and for two winters pursued his studies in a night school in order to keep up with his classes while working in a large store at that place. He began his business career as clerk in the department store of H. N. Osher at Graettinger, where he was employed until 1902, and then accepted a position as bookkeeper in the Danish-American Savings Bank at Ringsted, where he has since made his home. In 1903, at the early age of twenty-three years, he was elected cashier of the bank and continued to serve in that capacity until the Ist of January, 1905. Mr. Jensen then resigned to engage in mercantile business with Carl Iverson, under the firm name of Iverson & Jensen, and they conducted general stores in Ringsted, Hoprig and Halfa until 1908, when he sold his interest in these establishments to H. L. Iverson. After the sale of the Danish-American Savings Bank to parties in Algona he was again offered the position of cashier, which he accepted June 1, 1909, and which he filled until December 14, 1911. The bank was then consolidated with the Ringsted State Bank and Mr. Jensen was elected assistant cashier of the new organization and served as such until the 1st of January, 1915, since which time he has filled the office of vice president. He owns considerable stock inthe Ringsted State Bank and several business houses in the town besides some valuable farm land.
On the 27th of October, 1909, at Ringsted, Mr. Jensen was united in marriage to Miss Edith M. Young, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar N. Young living near Hoprig, Iowa. Her father, who was one of the successful farmers in that locality and stood high in the community, served as vice president of the Danish-American Savings Bank, of which he was a director, and in 1915 was elected president of the Ringsted State Bank. He died in July of that year, leaving a wife and two daughters, Edith May and Blanche Irene, and son, Harry. Mrs. Jensen was born in Oskaloosa, Iowa, and came with her parents to Emmet county in 1896.She was graduated from the Ringsted schools and studied music at Storm Lake, Iowa, in Buena Vista College, after which she engaged in teaching music in and around Ringsted for several years. She is now the organist of the Presbyterian church at that place and is a leader in church work. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen have a daughter, Verda Belle, born December 3, 1910. During the years 1898 and 1899 Mr. Jensen was one of the most prominent cyclists in this section of the state, being classed among the professional riders, and he won a great many gold and silver medals. He was the champion rider of Palo Alto county and many times won races at Estherville and other places. He took part in the national events at St. Paul, Minneapolis, and other cities, where there were professional riders from all over the United States. During one of these races for the national three-mile handicap there were seventeen starters but only three of them finished the race and Mr. Jensen was one of these, coming in third. He is a republican in politics and is a membero f the Masonic lodge at Armstrong, Iowa. He is one of the leading and prominent members of the Presbyterian church of Ringsted and is now serving as an elder and one of its board of trustees. He occupies an enviable position in business circles, where his true worth is widely recognized, and the success that has come to him is but the just reward of his own well-directed efforts.

H. 0. Dean has won a gratifying measure of prosperity and built up a business that is a factor in the development of Terril and the surrounding country. He deals in butter, eggs and poultry and concentrates his energy and attention upon the management of his business interests. He was born in Carroll county, Iowa, April 18, 1875, and is a son of Horace F. and Electa (Pelham) Dean, both natives of the state of New York, whence they removed to Iowa, he in young manhood and she as a girl with her parents. After living for two years in Clinton, Iowa, both families removed to Clinton county, where Mr. Dean and Miss Pelham were married. At the time of the Civil war he enlisted in Company H, Twenty-sixth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and was at the front for three years and three months, seeing a great deal of active service as his regiment was one of the famous fighting regiments of the war. For valor and meritorious conduct he was promoted to first sergeant and color bearer. After the close of the war he returned to Iowa, and two years later took up his residence in Carroll county, that state, where he farmed until he retired from active life in 1892 and removed to Dunlap, Harrison county, where he lived until his death December 22, 1909. He had survived his wife for five years, as she passed away in 1904. H. 0. Dean was educated in the public schools of Westside, Iowa, and after graduating from the high school in 1893 he entered a drug store in Rockwell City in order to study pharmacy, and subsequently was connected with a drug store in Dunlap. After devoting seven years to the drug business he was employed by a grain and stock buyer in Dunlap for some time, or until 1905. In that year he came to Terril and for five years bought grain for the DeWolf & Wells Company of Spencer, Iowa. Since 1910 he has been engaged on his own account in the produce business, handling butter, eggs and poultry, and he is ranked among the prominent business men of Terril. He believes in the value of real estate investment and holds an equity in two farms, one in Dickinson county and the other in Emmet county.
>Mr. Dean was married in 1895 to Miss Edith Miller of Pomeroy, Iowa, and they have two daughters, Iva M. and Daisy L. Mr. Dean suports the candidates of the republican party at the polls and is interested in everything affecting the welfare of his country. He is now serving on the school board and gives careful attention to the discharge of his official duties. He has a number of fraternal connections, belonging to Rich loyd Lodge, No. 612, A.F. & A.M., of Terril; Spirit Lake Chapter, No. 132, R.A.M.; and the Modern Woodmen of America. His has been an active and well spent life and he has won not only financial success but also the unqualified respect of all who know him.

William Alfred Ladd, attorney at law at Estherville, where he has practiced continuously for thirty-five years, was born November 10,1856, on a farm near Damascus, Mahoning county, Ohio, a son of Joshua and Lydia C. Ladd, the former a native of Charles City county, Virginia, and the latter of Mahoning county, Ohio. In the common schools of his native state William A. Ladd began his education and later attended Damascus Academy and Mount Union College of Mount Union, Ohio, completing the philosophical course in the latter institution in 1876. Determining upon the practice of law as a life work, he began studying in the office of an attorney and later matriculated in the State University of Iowa, graduating from the law department of that institution with the class of June, 1880. Before entering upon his law studies, however, he engaged in farming and stock raising in Ohio and during the winter and spring seasons taught in the common schools for a number of years. It was in 1879 that he came to this state and began his law reading, at the same time acting as law clerk in the office where he studied. In 1881 he entered into partnership with 0. L. Binford, of Marshalltown, Iowa, and in August,1882, removed to Estherville, where he formed a partnership with J. B. Binford. That relationship was maintained until 1886, since which time Mr. Ladd has been in business alone.
On the 3d of October, 1883, in Marshalltown, Iowa, Mr. Ladd was married to Miss Eva M. Estabrook, a daughter of Royal and Augusta (Franklin) Estabrook. She was born in Vermont, of which state her father was also a native, but her mother was born in Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd have a son, Clarence E., who is now living at Grand Forks, North Dakota. He married Alizanah Bachman on the 17th of June, 1908, and they have a daughter, Ruth Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd are members of Grace Episcopal church of Estherville and fraternally he is connected with the Brotherhood of American Yeomen and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. In politics he has always been a republican since age conferred upon him the right of franchise and for four or more terms he served as city attorney of Estherville and was also county superintendent of schools for Emmet county from 1882 to 1892. He is recognized as a lawyer of pronounced ability, careful and painstaking in the preparation of his cases, direct and forceful in argument and logical in his conclusions.