Chester D. Stone, who passed away at Delhi on the
16th of January, 1910, in the sixty ninth year of his
age, was long and successfully identified with
mercantile interests of the town as proprietor of a
general store. His birth occurred in Oswego county, New
York, on the 7th of May, 1841, his parents being Andrew
and Priscilla (Pepper) Stone. In 1853 the family came to
Delhi, Delaware county, Iowa, and here the parents of
our subject spent the remainder of their lives. Andrew
Stone followed farming and merchandising and thus it was
that his son later took up the latter pursuit.
Chester D. Stone, who was twelve years of age when he
came with his parents to this county, acquired a public
school education and on attaining his majority started
out upon an independent career. In 1890 he left
the farm with his wife and located in Delhi, entering
the store conducted by his father. After the latter's
demise he took over the business and managed the same
successfully until 1897, when the establishment was
destroyed by fire and Mr. Stone retired as a merchant.
He had been accorded an extensive and profitable
patronage, carrying a large and
carefully selected line of goods which he sold at reasonable |
prices, and he enjoyed an enviable reputation for
integrity and fair dealing.
On abandoning mercantile pursuits he was chosen justice of the peace, filling
that office in a highly acceptable manner during the remainder of his life.
On the 19th of March, 1862, Mr. Stone was joined
in wedlock to Miss Mary D. Van Antwerp, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth
(Smith) Van Antwerp. To them were born eight children, as follows: Ida May, who
died in infancy; Erwin R., a hardware and lumber dealer of Delhi; Edith A., who
gave her hand in marriage to George Angell of Delhi township; Charles, who is
employed in the lumberyard of his brother Erwin R.; Clarence, who is engaged in
the jewelry business at Fort Collins, Colorado; Emily Maria, who died in
infancy; Harlan L., who is also employed by his brother Erwin R. in the latter's
hardware store; and Roy L., who operates the old homestead farm.
Mr. Stone gave his political allegiance to the
republican party and took an active and helpful interest in public affairs. His
wife was a Methodist in religious faith but he did not join the church. The
period of his residence in Delaware county covered fifty seven years and he
gained and maintained a reputation as one of its esteemed, substantial and
respected citizens. Mrs. Stone is also widely and favorably known here, the
circle of her friends being almost coextensive with the circle of her
acquaintances. |
~ source: History of Delaware County, Iowa and its People,
Illustrated, Volume II. The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company,
1914, Chicago. Page 298-301.
Call Number 977.7385 H2m; LDS microfilm #934937.
~transcribed and
contributed by Constance Diamond for Delaware County IAGenWeb