Frank G. Larrabee, one of the representative agriculturists and worthy
native sons of Delaware county, owns a valuable farm embracing two hundred and
twenty acres on sections 14 and 24, Richland township. His birth occurred on the
10th of June, 1863, his parents being Alford and Susan (Patterson) Larrabee, who
were natives of Ohio. They came to Iowa in 1854 and made their way direct to
Delaware county, the father entering forty acres of land in Richland township,
which he improved. Here they spent the remainder of their lives and became
widely known as esteemed and substantial residents of the community.
To them were born eight children, five of whom still
survive, as follows: Chloe, who is the widow of George
Arbegust, of McGregor, Iowa; Annie, the wife of L. J.
Dunton, of Lincoln, Kansas; Gilman, who is now a
resident of British Columbia; Fred L., living in North
Dakota; and Frank G. of this review. The last named
acquired his education in the common schools and
remained under the parental roof until twenty-three
years of age, when he was married and established a home
of his own. Subsequently he cultivated a rented farm for
six years and on the expiration of that period purchased
a tract of one hundred acres of land on section 14,
Richland township, which he has operated continuously
and successfully since. He has added to his original
purchase, now owning two hundred and twenty acres. He
carries on general farming and also makes a specialty of
dairying, stock-raising and feeding, meeting with
excellent results in all of his undertakings.
In 1886 Mr. Larrabee was united in marriage
to Miss Harriett E. Clark, a native of Delaware county, Iowa, and a daughter of
Thomas and Elizabeth (Wharton) Clark, both of whom were born in England. Her
father came to this country when twenty-five years of age, while her mother was
brought to the United States when but three years old. Their marriage was |
celebrated in Delaware county, this
state, and here they spent the remainder of their lives. They became the
parents of twelve children, eleven of whom still survive, Mrs. Larrabee being
the sixth in order of birth. To our subject and his wife have been born two
children: Beulah Belle, born November 4, 1891, who is a graduate of the
Manchester schools, also pursued a college course at Des Moines and is now
engaged in teaching; and Belvah Mae, whose birth occurred on the 9th of
September, 1898, and who is attending school.
Mr. Larrabee gives his political allegiance
to the republican party and is now serving as a trustee and has also been
justice of the peace, making a highly creditable record in these connections.
Both he and his wife attend the services of the Methodist Episcopal church, and
Mr. Larrabee was formerly identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
They have always lived in this county and have won an extensive circle of warm
admiring friends. |