Judge Frederick Benjamin Doolittle |
In the history of Delaware county reference can be made to
none who more truly deserves to be ranked with its honored and
valued citizens than Judge Doolittle, who was connected with many
epoch making events in its annals and who in every relation of life
bore himself with such signal dignity and honor as to make his
record one well worthy of emulation. He was identified with railroad
building, with banking interests and was well known as a most
judicious and successful investor, placing much of his capital in
the safest of all investments, real estate.
A native of New York, the Judge was born at
Bovina, Delaware county, December 24, 1825, a son of William and
Polly Ann (Hubbell) Doolittle, a grandson of Benjamin and Hannah
(Kilburn) Doolittle, and a great-grandson of Abraham and Hepzibah
(Tyler) Doolittle. He spent the first ten years of his life in the
Empire state and then accompanied his parents on their removal to
what was then the far west, the family home being established in
Monroe, Michigan, where the son availed himself of the opportunities
of attending school as an alternative to the farm work, which
engaged much of his attention through his youth. He assisted in the
arduous task of clearing and developing the fields and then
ambitious that his labors should directly benefit himself he, in
1845, contracted with his father to pay for his time, and secured a
position in a nursery near the old home. During the winter months he
taught school and through
the closest economy he was able to save from his earnings enough to purchase a
half interest in the nursery at the end of a year. At that time he had not
attained his majority.
Still later, with the belief that he might have
better opportunities west of the Mississippi, Judge Doolittle disposed of his
interest in the business and removed to Delhi, Iowa, where he established the
Silver Lake Nursery, in connection with which he soon built up a large, growing
and profitable business, his trade extending widely over the west. In that way
he laid the foundation for his future success. As his financial resources
increased he kept investing in choice land in eastern Iowa and thus in time
became the owner of a number of valuable farms, which he most carefully
cultivated and improved. He thus did much for the agricultural development of
the state and became one of its largest landowners. With notable prescience he
discerned something of what the future had in store for this great and growing
western commonwealth, arid acting according to the dictates of his judgment, he
garnered in the fullness of time the rich harvests of his investment. His
business interests were always of a character that contributed to the upbuilding
and welfare of the state. In 1860 he laid out the town of Delaware and was
instrumental in securing the crossing of two railway lines there-the Illinois
Central and the Davenport & St. Paul section of the Milwaukee road. The success
of the latter was attributable in large measure to his foresight, for just as
the project was being abandoned, recognizing what it would mean to the city, he
immediately organized the Delaware County Construction Company and built the
line. He became one of the directors of the new company and for several years
was its treasurer. He also figured prominently in financial affairs and in 1884
secured control of the Hopkinton Exchange Bank, which became known as the
Hopkinton State Bank, Judge Doolittle remaining as its president from that time
until his demise, wisely directing its interests and activities. His judgment
was sound, his enterprise unfaltering, his sagacity keen and discriminating and
the reliable business methods which he displayed in the conduct of his affairs
made him one of the most honored as well as one of the most valued citizens of
the community.
Judge Doolittle was married twice. At Dubuque, on the 4th of March, 1851, he
wedded Anne Comber, a daughter of Thomas Comber, of Withyham, England, who died
in 1876. To them were born six children: Harriet Elizabeth, the wife of C. H.
Furman, of Delhi; Frederick William, deceased; Ollie Rosella, the deceased wife
of C. B. Phelps, of Pana, Illinois; John Comber, a physician and business
manager of The Retreat, a well known sanatorium of Des Moines; Nellie Anne, the
wife of Frank E. Williamson, of Hopkinton; and Minnie Augusta, the deceased wife
of Judge George M. Perry, of Texas.
On the 25th
of November, 1880, at Delhi, Judge Doolittle married Mrs. Hannah C. Harger, of
that place, whose former husband was Charles Harger. She was the originator of
the idea of screening windows and doors of houses, in which fact she takes a
pardonable pride. Had she secured a patent on the same undoubtedly an immense
fortune would be hers, but she takes more pleasure in the knowledge of the great
blessing this has been to mankind. She could not keep the flies from getting
under the netting over her baby's crib and it occurred to her that it would be a
good idea to put netting at the windows of the room. As this kept the room free
from flies, Mr. Harger soon began spending his leisure time there and they
decided to put netting at all the windows of the house and also made a door
frame which they covered. The frames for the first room were made by Mrs. Harger
by nailing laths together. As their dog soon learned that he could easily break
through the netting of the door, they sent to Dubuque for wire netting to be
used in place of the cotton, but suitable material could not be secured and
special wire netting was made for them. Theirs was undoubtedly the first house
in the world to be screened against flies and insects. The following year the
family visited Fulton, New York, and introduced the idea there, and it was from
this start that the universal practice has come.
Judge Doolittle reached the venerable age of
eighty-seven years, his life record being ended by death on the 19th of
November, 1912. It would be almost impossible to overestimate his worth as a
citizen, for he contributed to public progress along many lines and ever took an
active and helpful interest in promoting general good. On attaining his majority
he indorsed the principles of the Whig party, with which he voted until the
organization of the republican party, when he joined its ranks. He was ever
afterward one of its stalwart advocates, yet was never an office seeker. He
served, however, as county judge and as the first internal revenue collector in
his county. As prosperity attended him he gave generously to many public
projects and institutions. He was most liberal in building churches, schools,
bridges and roads, was ever ready to aid educational plans and projects and was
one of the most generous patrons of Lenox College, at Hopkinton, among other
gifts, making possible Doolittle Hall, which was dedicated to the memory of his
son, Frederick W.
Perhaps no
better estimate of his life and character can be given than by quoting from a
contemporary biographer who has written: "Judge Doolittle's sturdy honesty and
integrity stamped him as a man of the highest character. He had shared with the
pioneers in the stress and strain of the hard days, helping his neighbors
through all to better things and came to be greatly loved for his fair dealings
and justice to all. His success in business, in his real-estate undertakings, in
his banking enterprise and in his industrial developments made him an honored
and respected citizen. Although not a church member he had established for
himself a strict code of morals, which he recorded in several small volumes
which he published. In 'Thoughts Plucked from Meditation' (1904), he pointed out
the value of creed and character: 'Our characters will be as we build them. Our
creeds will be as we adopt them. God does not give us our character or our
creeds. Each individual of necessity builds his own character and may choose his
own creed. He may form a creed easy of comprehension. The writer is content with
a creed of his own formulating, which consists of only eight syllables, namely:
Love and trust God. Love and help man. . . . We cannot divest ourselves of our
character. Neither can it be changed, only as we change it by changing our
course of action. The spirit with which we meet our experiences in this life
determines our character, whether it be good or whether it be bad. The character
we develop as we go through life constitutes and is ourselves, our identity as
distinguished from others. It cannot be taken possession of by another and
substituted as the character of anyone else. It is emphatically
non-transferable. The character determines our future, both before and after
death. No person can avail himself of the merits of another's character. We
build our own characters and thereby fix our own destiny." |