C. A. Clute is not only a resident of Honey Creek township but also one of its
native citizens, his birth having there occurred on the 29th of August, 1864.
His parents were L. G. and Melissa (Roe) Clute, the former a native of New York
and the latter of Indiana. On leaving the east L. G. Clute journeyed across the
country to Delaware county, Iowa, and cast in his lot with its pioneer settlers
of 1848, at which period the work of development and progress seemed scarcely
begun in this section of the state. Most of the homes were log cabins and these
were widely scattered. The timber was uncut, the prairies uncultivated, the
streams unbridged and there was little to indicate that a rapid change was soon
to take place which would make this a well developed and prosperous section of
the state. Mr. Clute took up his abode in
L. G.. Clute |
Honey Creek township, where he
developed and improved a farm. He was for many years actively identified with
general agricultural interests and died in this county in 1910. He was prominent
throughout the state in agricultural affairs and had charge of Iowa's
agricultural exhibits at the fair in New Orleans, the World's Columbian
Exposition in Chicago in 1893 and the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis
in 1904. His widow is now living in Honey Creek township on the home farm, at
the age of seventy three years, and is today one of the oldest pioneer settlers
of the county in years of continuous residence here. In their family were three
sons, W. H., C. A. and L. A. Clute.
Through the period of his boyhood and youth C. A. Clute divided his time between
work upon the home farm and attendance at the public schools, He found delight,
pleasure and profit in farm work and felt no wish to change his occupation when
he reached man's estate. He has always remained in Honey Creek township and is
today the owner of valuable farm property, comprising three hundred and ten
acres on sections 35 and 36. He makes a specialty of stock raising and handles
good grades of cattle and hogs. Moreover, he cares for his farm in a most
progressive manner, rotates his crops and tills his fields according to modern
scientific methods. His labors are, therefore, attended with substantial results
and he is now numbered among the men of affluence in his part of the county.
On the 18th of December, 1889, Mr. Clute was united in marriage to Miss Nellie
K. Blaisdell, who was born in Illinois and is a daughter of George and Katherine
(Prunk) Blaisdell, the former a native of New Hampshire and the latter of
Illinois. In early life they resided in Illinois and in 1867 removed to Iowa.
The father has now passed away, but the mother makes her home in Manchester.
They had a family of four children, all of whom are yet living, and unto Mr. and
Mrs. Clute have been born six children. They can proudly and thankfully boast
that their family circle yet remains unbroken. Their children are: Estella, the
wife of Roy Ferguson, living in Clinton, Iowa; Roe B., now in the employ of the
government in connection with the fish hatcheries; Claud C.; Dale A.; George L.;
and Lawrence B.
Mr. Clute votes with the republican party, but has never been an aspirant for
office. He has served for several years on the school board and is interested in
that which affects the intellectual, material, and moral progress of the
community. He holds membership in Greeley Lodge, No. 418, I. O. O. F., in which
he has filled all of the chairs, and he likewise has member ship in the Modern
Woodmen camp at Greeley, while both he and his wife are members of the Christian
church and guide their lives according to its teachings and its precepts.
C. N. Clute, who is engaged in stock raising and dairying in Honey Creek
township, is a native of Wisconsin, born January 16, 1856, his parents being R.
S. H. Clute and Sarah Jane (Buckalue) Clute. The father was born in the state of
New York, while the mother’s birth occurred in New Jersey. Removing westward in
1856, they lived for a year in Wisconsin, during which time the birth of C. N.
Clute occurred. In 1857 they continued their westward way to Iowa and
established their home in Delaware county, where R. S. H. Clute purchased the
farm upon which his son C. N. Clute now resides. The place is located on section
5, Honey Creek township, and comprises one hundred and twenty acres of land that
is naturally rich and arable, while cultivation and improvement have added much
to its value. For an extended period the father carried on general agricultural
pursuits upon that place and there passed away when in his eighty seventh year.
The mother also reached a very advanced age, having passed the ninetieth
milestone on life's journey when called to her final rest. In their family were
eleven children, of whom six are yet living.
C. N. Clute was reared on the old home farm. As soon as old enough to handle the
plow he took his place in the fields and there worked through the summer
months, while in the winter seasons he attended the public schools and
acquainted himself with those branches of learning which are of value as a
preparation for the duties, labors and responsibilities of later life. He
remained with his parents until they were called from this life, after which he
purchased the old homestead property. He has since erected good buildings upon
the place and his practical and progressive management is evidenced in the well
kept appearance of his farm. The fields respond in golden harvests to the care
and labor which he bestows upon them and in his pastures are found good grades
of stock. He keeps a number of milk cows for dairy purposes, and the products
of his dairy find a ready sale on the market.
On the 15th of October, 1896, Mr. Clute was united in marriage to Miss Nellie E.
Evert, a native of this county and a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth A. (Bray)
Evert, the former a native of Germany, whence he was brought to America when
about eight years of age by his parents, who, crossing the continent, first
settled in Illinois. There Henry Evert was reared and married, and with his
family he came to Iowa in the '60s, establishing his home upon a farm in this
county. He has now passed away, but his widow survives and makes her home in
Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Clute have become parents of four children: Howard D.,
who was born September 8, 1899; Charles E., May 18, 1901; Alva L., April 23,
1905; and Olaf M., November 24, 1908.
The family attend the Methodist Episcopal church and they are people of sterling
worth, as is attested by the large circle of friends which they have in the
community. Mr. Clute is a republican and, while he has never sought nor desired
political office, he has served as school director for five years and he
indorses many measures which he believes will prove of benefit to the public.