Albert M. Cloud has been active in the practice of law in Manchester but is now
engaged chiefly in the mortgage, real estate and banking business, although he
has financial interest in a number of business enterprises of the county and is
a member of the boards of directors of several concerns. He was born on the 30th
of March, 1875, in this county, a son of Marion Cloud, who was born in Greene
county, Pennsylvania, in 1827 and in 1850 came to Delaware county. He was a
farmer for many years but at the time of his death, in 1899,
Albert M. Cloud |
Pennsylvania, in 1827 and in 1850 came to Delaware county. He was a
farmer for many years but at the time of his death, in 1899, was engaged in the
mercantile business. His wife, who was in her maidenhood Miss Jane Malvin, was
born in New Jersey, July 18, 1833. Albert M. Cloud is one of a family of ten
children, namely: Sarah, the wife of Robert Cole of Manchester; J. D., a
resident of Bloomington, Illinois; Alice, at home; Jennie and Carrie B., both of
Earlville; W. E., whose home is in Manchester; Hattie L., P. M. and Josie D.,
all of Earlville; and Albert M.
The last named received his early education in the common schools of Delaware
county and the Earlville high school. He subsequently graduated from Lenox
College at Hopkinton, Iowa, later specializing at the McCormick Theological
Seminary of Chicago and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He was
graduated from the law department of the latter institution in 1900 and soon
after began the practice of his profession in Earlville but subsequently removed
to Manchester. In 1901 he was elected county attorney and held that office until
1910, his reelection being the best proof of the acceptability of his service.
He is now engaged in the real estate, mortgage and banking business in
Manchester and since 1910 has handled something like seventeen million dollars
worth of property, a very unusual record. He is president of the American
Mortgage & Securities Company, a director in the First National Bank of
Dyersville and a director in the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Manchester. His
business ability and knowledge of conditions in the commercial world are of
great value to all of these concerns and contribute much to their success.
While in school Mr. Cloud represented Lenox College in a state oratorical
contest, and having won first place in the state contest, represented Iowa
against ten other states at Topeka, Kansas, in 1907 and gained first place there
as well. He was leader of the University of Michigan team in the Central League
debate and although the other schools in the league were also among the best in
the middle west, the University of Minnesota, the University of Chicago and
Northwestern University, the team of which he was captain won and his repeated
victories as a speaker led him to become a lawyer. His oratorical power has
grown rather than lessened and much of his success as an attorney has been due
to his ability to present his arguments in the most convincing manner possible.
He has not wholly abandoned his practice but, as before stated, devotes a great
deal of his time to the real estate and mortgage business.
Mr. Cloud was married September 2, 1909, to Miss Florence Fleming, a native of
Iowa and a daughter of Dr. T. E. and Florence Eva (Dorn) Fleming, both of whom
are living. The father is a Methodist minister and is superintendent of the
Marshalltown district. Mr. Cloud is a republican in his political belief and his
religious faith is that of the Congregational church, to which he belongs.
Fraternally he is a Mason and a Knight of Pythias. He is well known in
Manchester and Delaware county, and his excellent qualities of mind have bound
his friends to him by strong ties of esteem and confidence.