Frank H. Child is numbered among the prominent and representative citizens of
Coffins Grove township and Delaware county, conducting agricultural interests on
a large scale, for he is now the owner of six hundred and eighty acres of rich
land, all of which lies in Coffins Grove township. He was born in that township,
August 2, 1867, a son of Naylor and Julia (Rogers) Child, both of whom were
natives of Jefferson county, New York, but who in 1866 took up their residence
in Delaware county, Iowa. Upon their arrival here they located on the farm known
as the old Judge Coffin place, where they lived for one year, and then they
moved to a farm a half mile north of Masonville, where they spent their
remaining days, the father passing away in 1897. The mother survived for a
number of years and was called to her final rest in 1913. In their family were
four children: W. S., who makes his home in Oneida, New York; Frank H., of this
review; Nellie, deceased; and Irvin H., a resident of Lamont, Buchanan county,
Frank H. and Ezilda H.
(Lane) Family |
Frank H. Child received the advantages of education in the public schools and in
a normal school, and grew to man hood on the home farm. At the age of
twenty five, in 1893, he purchased a farm across the road from the old home, to
which he at once gave his attention and as he used practical and progressive
methods of farming he each year gathered good crops, so that as his financial
strength increased he invested more and more largely in farm lands, his
possessions now comprising six hundred and eighty acres, all in Delaware
county. The farm on which he lives is found on section 30, Coffins Grove
township, a home with modern improvements, namely "Child's Grand View Farm." It
will thus be seen that he carries on agricultural pursuits on a large scale. He
raises stock of all kinds, making a specialty of this branch of business. He
also engages in dairying to quite an extent and in all his work is meeting with
Mr. Child was married on the 4th of January, 1893, to Miss Ezilda H. Lane, who
was born in Winnebago, Illinois, on March 25, 1868, a daughter of Edward and
Sarah (Grover) Lane, both of whom were natives of the Pine Tree state but who,
about 1845, in an emigrant wagon, left their eastern home to locate in Illinois.
In 1872 they removed to Buchanan county, Iowa, while still later they took up
their abode in Delaware county, where the former died in 1900 and the latter in
1897. They had a family numbering five children, all of whom survive: Albert M.
of Masonville; George B. of Manchester; Judson E. of Masonville; Ida M. Scott of
Lamont; and Ezilda H. By her marriage Mrs. Child has become the mother of five
children, as follows: Ray I., born December 10, 1893; Dale J., born August 19,
1895; Amelia, whose birth occurred February 10, 1897; Walter R., born May 7,
1900; and Mabel E., who was born on the 25th of February, 1905. The mother of
this family is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Though the parents of
Mr. Child were members of the Society of Friends, he has never united with that
society, but attends and is a liberal supporter of the Methodist Episcopal
church, of which his wife is a member.
Mr. Child has in many respects led a most exemplary life. He never uses tobacco
nor liquor and his entire career has been guided by honorable, upright
principles. He is a firm believer in the republican party and regards it as the
duty as well as the privilege of every true American citizen to exercise his
right of franchise. He is deeply interested in the educational progress of the
county and as a member of the school board is doing effective work in order that
his children as well as the youth of the neighborhood may profit thereby. In
fact, his entire career has been an exemplification of the term progress and to
his efforts in various phases of agriculture is due in large measure the high
standard of excellence which prevails in Delaware county. He has always taken
the lead in erecting silos, buying new improved machinery and setting the
example for progress and advancement along all lines which have to do with
progressive agriculture. His is indeed one of the best improved farms in the
county. There was not a stick upon the place, except the outside fence, when he
located here nineteen years ago. He and his family have always been most
industrious, energetic workers and their labors have indeed been resultant and
beneficial. Mr. Child expects to purchase the interests of the other heirs and
thus become sole owner of his father's old homestead.