L. and James M. Beal were the members of the well known firm of
Beal Brothers, of whom only the younger brother now survives. The
brothers were both natives of Natick, Massachusetts, the former
born November 2, 1852, and the latter November 5, 1854. They were
sons of Louis and Elizabeth (Fogg)
Beal, both natives of the Bay state. In August, 1853, the father
made a visit to this county in order to investigate the
conditions here, and was so well pleased that in August, 1855, he
brought his family here and entered land in Adams
township. However, he did not actively
engage in farming to a great extent, as he was a stock buyer and
shipper and devoted the greater part of his time to that
business. As Iowa was then but sparsely settled, it was necessary
for him to haul his hogs and drive his stock to Dubuque, a
distance of some forty miles, in order to find a market for them.
During the war he owned and conducted a general store at Delhi,
which enterprise proved a profitable one.
He was a man who favored progress and advancement in all
phases of life and was always ready to aid in any way
possible movements which sought to benefit the
community. He was himself law abiding and used his influence to secure the enforcement of law. Withal,
however, he was a very charitable man and many a person in dire
need received kindly aid from him. He passed away July 9, 1895,
and his widow survived him until January 27, 1900.
To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beal were born nine children, of whom
two sons died in infancy. Sarah E., |
six weeks old, who has since
made her home on the Oak Grove farm. Mr. Clough, associated with
others, purchased a sawmill at Grove Creek and operated it
successfully until the boiler exploded, killing George Messer and
seriously injuring Mr. Clough, who then returned to Delhi and
engaged in business there. He endeavored to join the army at the
time of the Civil war, but the recruiting officers would not
accept him, so toward the end of the war he became a
sutler and accompanied the Sixth Iowa
Cavalry to Dakota, being stationed at Fort Randall. Afterward he
returned to Delaware county, where he remained for a time but
eventually went to Crawford county, Iowa, where he was elected to
the office of sheriff, acting in that position at the time of his
death. Rosina, the second child of
Mr. and Mrs. Beal, became the wife of John Keith and resides in
Delhi. They have two children, Lewis K. and Nellie. Before her
marriage to Mr. Keith, Rosina was the
wife of Thomas A. Twiss, who was
deputy recorder of Delaware county in
1871. They had one daughter, Elizabeth Beatrice, now the wife of
Charles Palmer, of New Hampshire.
Franklin L. and James M. were the next children of
Louis Beal in the order of birth. Mary E., their younger sister,
became the wife of A. L. Gleason, of Ames.
and they have five children. Hattie Beal resides with her
brother, James, at Oak Grove, the old homestead. Emma, the
youngest, is the wife of J. R. Holden, of Porterville,
California, and they have two sons. Franklin L. Beal, the senior
partner in the firm of Beal Brothers, was but two years of age
when he accompanied his parents to Delhi, Iowa, where he secured
his education in the common schools. After leaving school he
worked with his father and later he and his brother, James M.,
became associated in their business undertakings. The father and
two sons were instrumental in the organization of the Silver
Spring Creamery Company, of which Franklin L. was the first
manager, conducting the business for six years. This was the most
trying time in the history of that institution and it was largely
due to his industry, foresight and good business judgment that
the business was developed until from handling one thousand
pounds of milk a day at the start it had increased until at the
end of six years they were able to turn over thirty five thousand
dollars. Franklin L. Beal passed away September 17, 1910, the
unfortunate victim of an accident on the brothers' farm. He was
thrown under the knives of a corn binder and had both legs
severed, causing his death. He was a man of strong character and
decided opinions and was highly respected by all who knew him. In
his death the community lost a citizen of sterling worth.
James M. Beal, who was the partner of Franklin L. Beal,
now owns two good farms in Delhi township-his
home place, familiarly known as Oak Grove Farm, including two
hundred and sixty five acres of land, a part of which is within
the corporation limits of Delhi, while the other property
comprises one hundred and eighty four acres. He received his
education in the Delhi public schools and in his spare time
assisted his father in his work as stockman. At one time his
father and a Mr. Johnson drove eighteen hundred sheep from the
Western Reserve in Ohio to Delaware county,
the trip taking the whole summer. When he grew to manhood and
started out in life for himself, however, he decided to follow
agriculture and became associated with his father and elder
brother on the home place. The brothers continued to invest in
land until at one time they had become the owners of a thousand
acres. James M. Beal still operates the home farm and raises high
grade stock, feeding much of the corn which he raises to his
cattle and hogs, and finds animal husbandry very profitable. He
has improved his place by erecting a number of substantial and
well planned buildings and keeps everything about the farm in
excellent repair. He also owns one hundred and eighty-four acres
of land in the southwestern part of the township and this
property yields him a considerable income every year.
Mr. Beal gives his political allegiance to the
republican party and, although not an
office seeker, he takes a keen interest in public affairs. His
ability as a business man is manifested in the efficient way in
which he manages the financial phases of farming and in the care
of his stock he follows methods which are based upon known
scientific principles. His success is well deserved and he has
won both material prosperity and the regard and esteem of his
fellowmen. |