F. Arnold is a well known lawyer of Manchester, where he has practiced his
profession for many years, and he is respected not only for his ability and
success as an attorney, but also for his integrity and uprightness of life. He
was born in Newport, Johnson county, Iowa, December 2, 1855, a son of Cornelius
and Margaret Arnold, both of whom were natives of Germany. They came to the
United States in 1839 and located near Dayton, Ohio, where they remained until
1845, when they removed to Johnson county, Iowa. The father was a farmer by
occupation and was highly esteemed in his community. He died July 13, 1896,
after he had survived his wife for a number of years, as she died in September,
1883. To their union were born eleven children. Magdalena B., who became the
wife of C. J. Cisne, died at Fort Dodge about 1906, leaving her husband and
three children, one son and two daughters. Margaret
married Will Kosky and resides at Northfield, Minnesota. Mary A. is the widow of
Major C. C. Graham and makes her home at San Luis Obispo, California.
Louisa M. is the widow of D. K. Hastings, of West Branch, Iowa, and lives at San
Luis Obispo, California. The subject of this review is the next
in order of birth. Sarah M. is the widow of Adam Wassen, of |
Grove, Iowa. Minnie E. Kenyan passed
away in 1910 at Holstein, Iowa, leaving her husband and one child, Austin A.
Kenyan, who resides at Des Moines, Iowa. Cornelius is engaged in the lumber
business in Cedar Rapids, this state. The remaining three children died in
Henry F. Arnold was educated in the common
schools of his home neighborhood, walking a mile and a half to the school house,
and he prided himself upon the regularity of his attendance. He later went to
the Western College, now Leander Clark College, at Toledo, Iowa, for one term
and then to Chariton, Lucas county, where he taught for one year. He saved as
much of his salary as possible and used this money to attend another year at
Western College. In the fall of 1876 he entered the University of Iowa at Iowa
City and remained a student in that institution until June, 1881, when he was
graduated from the classical course. He then secured the position of
superintendent of the public schools of Manchester, Iowa, and held this place
for two years, after which he again attended the State University, this time
taking the law course, which he completed by graduation in June, 1884. At that
time he received the degrees of Master of Arts and Bachelor of Laws.
Mr. Arnold located at Manchester for the
practice of his profession and formed a partnership with Calvin Yoran, which
association was continued until 1908, when by common consent it was dissolved,
the subject of this review retaining the offices in which he had begun practice.
He was alone until 1910, when his son, who had in the meantime graduated from
the law department of the State University, became associated with him in a law
firm which has continued until the present time. Father and son are counted
among the leaders of the bar of Delaware county and their wide knowledge of
statute and precedent, as well as of the principles of justice which underlay all
law, combined with a careful preparation of cases and all matters entrusted to
their care has built up for them a successful and lucrative business. Moreover,
it is greatly to their honor that they accept only those cases which they
believe to be just, as they hold the legal profession to be a means for securing
right dealing between men rather than for gaining a desired end by
questionable methods. The high standard of ethics which they follow in the
practice of their profession has gained them the confidence and sincere respect
of the public and of their brother attorneys.
Mr. Arnold of this review has been for the
past twenty years director of the Delaware County State Bank and he and his
brother own the Cedar Rapids Lumber Company in Cedar Rapids, of which the
brother is manager. The subject of this review has also invested heavily in real
estate. He owns extensive tracts of farming land in Iowa, Minnesota, Arkansas,
Louisiana, Oregon, the Dakotas, Mississippi and Texas, and valuable rice
plantations in Louisiana and also in Arkansas.
Mr. Arnold was married on the 25th of June,
1884, to Miss Alice Shimmin, of Pecatonica, Illinois, born July 17, 1856, a
daughter of John and Wilhelmina (Love) Shimmin. To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold has been
born one son, Floyd H., who graduated from the liberal arts college of the Iowa
State University in 1907 and from the law department of the same school in 1910.
He then became his father's partner in the practice of law. Floyd H. Arnold was
married October 22, 1914, to Ruth V. Billingsley, daughter of Rev. A. M.
Billingsley, D. D., of Manchester. Henry F. Arnold is a republican in his
political belief and for six years served acceptably as county attorney. His
religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Methodist church and he is
always ready to do his share in furthering the work of that organization.
Fraternally he belongs to the Knights of Pythias and he has many friends, not
only in that order, but among all classes of people, who hold him in high regard
because of his many admirable traits of character. |