"An Interesting Early History of Decatur County"by Mrs. O.N. KelloggContributed by Elizabeth Redman, Leon Library and Bob Bixby of Decatur County Museum |
![]() Himena V. Hoffman wrote: "Harriet Kellogg completed her history of Decatur County written for the most part between 1870 and 1880." ~ "The History of Decatur County Iowa 1839-1970" p. 134. 1970. Coordinator's Note: Mrs. Kellogg wrote these pages over 130 years ago. Some of the terminology is by no means politically correct by today's standards. Mrs. Kellogg's words are a reflection of a time and place that once existed in Decatur County, the times during which Mrs. Kellogg lived. Forward & Chapter One "First Settler Iowa Territory, State Line Unsettled, Statue Law, Personal Reminiscences" SURNAMES: Arnold, Kellogg, Notson, Roberts, Scott, Sigler, Winkles, Winters Chapter Two "Prosperity On Sugar Creek, Removed to This County, Mrs. Scott Trades with the Indians, Annuities, Scott Indicted, Residence in Four Counties and Two States While in the Same Domicile" SURNAME: Scott Chapter Three "Items In Relation to the First Settlement of Garden Grove, Extracts From the Journal of Orson Pratt, Sr., A Mormon Elder and Historian, In the Millennial Star, Volumes XI and XII" SURNAMES: Bent, Pratt, Smith, Young Chapter Four "Garden Grove an Oasis, Artillery Grove, Grave Hollow, Dr. Roberts Induces Immigration of Permanent Settlers, Snowed In" SURNAMES: Brown, Davis, Duncan, Kellogg, Roberts Chapter Five "The Old Log Church, Settlers Buy Mormon Claims, The First Entry of Land in the County" SURNAMES: Black, Carson, Carter, Davis, Evans, Fitch, Kellogg, Knapp, Ladd, McDaniel, Mills, Thompson Chapter Six "'La! The Poor Indian, Lady Surprised, Squaws Swap, Indian Proposes A Trade, Chief" SURNAMES: Burns Chapter Seven "Early Settlers in the Disputed Tract, A Hermit, Indian Burying Ground, Freak of Electricity, First Death Among the Settlers of '48, Indian Tragedy" SURNAMES: Bennett, Dickinson, Faulkner, Hatfield, Leveridge, McDaniel, Perry, Scott, Thompson, Winkles, Wood Chapter Eight "The State Line Is Permanently Located, The Settlements Re-Inforced, Wild Fruit, The First Church Organization, County Organized, County Seat Located, State Road Located" SURNAMES: Allen, Bair, Burrell, Chase, Davis, Dickinson, Duncan, Eckton, Ellis, Gordon, Hamilton, Hatfield, Howard, Kellogg, Logen, Miller, Morgan, Notson, Oney, Perkins, Price, Renfros, Roberts, Scott, Smith, Stanley, Still, Summers, Vanderpool, Walker, Westcott, Willis, Winters, Wood Chapter Nine "Church Organization, Club Lane, Death of Early Settlers" SURNAMES: Arnold, Baker, Briggs, Brown, Clark, Davis, Doze, Farrar, Harbour, Hayden, Jordan, Kepper, Knapp, Morgan, Northrup, Oney, Patterson, Piper, Roberts, Stanley, Still, Thomas Chapter Ten "The Hungarian Settlement, Their History, Their Pioneer Experiences" First portion of the manuscript is missing. Chapter Eleven "Court House, First Session of the District Court, First Hotel, The California House, Reminiscences" SURNAMES: Black, Blades, Brumfield, Leachman, McKay, Moad, Munroe, Notson, Stanley Chapter Twelve "Another Inn Built, First Frame Building, The Indians, The Settlers, Orchard Nursery, Baptist Church South" SURNAMES: Arnold, Avis, Blakey, Briggs, Clark, Davis, Dawes, Gibson, Hatfield, Lee, Patterson, Price, Scott, Shane, Stanley, Thompson, Vanderpool, Vichey, Wescott Chapter Thirteen "Report of East Grand River Association, Baptist, County Seat Moved" SURNAMES: Brown, Clark, Davis, DUncan, Earle, East, Finley, Mercer, Oney, Patterson, Rockhold, Stanley, Stewart, Thompson, Warner, Weldon, Winn Chapter Fourteen "Presbyterians, Land Opened For Market Along Line, Dr. D. Fitch, Methodist Church Built in Decatur City" SURNAMES: Baker, Black, Briggs, Britton, Edgington, Evans, Finley, Fitch, Garrett, Hayden, Houston, Johnson, Logan, McBroom, McNeil, Notson, Parker, Patterson, Richmond, Scott, Shaw, Shields, Stanley, Still, Thompson, Vanderpool, Westcott, Williams, Winters Chapter Fifteen "The Arnold Family, First Piano, Fourth of July Celebration, Presbyterian Organization" SURNAMES: Arnold, Bachelder, Brengle, Brown, Burns, Carrithers, Chamberlin, Davis, Hawley, Henning, Irven, Jackson, Johns, Johnson, Kasson, Knapp, Lennett, McNeil, Moore, Poweritz, Shepard, Varga, Willis Chapter Sixteen "Rev. Shields, Permanent Presbyterian Organization, Christian Church, New Families" SURNAMES: Blair, Burt, Chase, Curry, Davis, Eals, Gardner, Holiday, Hughes, Islets, Johnson, Judd, Kendrick, Lillard, Mather, Metier, Porter, Pryor, Rea, Rice, Roby, Shields, Smith, Stiles, Thatcher, Thompson, Varga, Witter, Woodbury Chapter Seventeen "Third Term of Court, Officials, New Arrivals, Home Burns, Son Killed, Saw Mill Built" SURNAMES: Bowen, Boyce, Brown, Chase, Cherry, Culver, Davis, Dawes, Farquhar, Hastings, Hufford, Jensen, Johnson, Kellogg, Lea, Marshall, McMurray, Miller, Moad, Pataterson, Poweritz, Reck, Scott, Smith, Vanderpool, von Laer, Wafford, Winters Chapter Eighteen "Rev. Cary Arrives, New School Burns, The First Full-Time Preacher, Mr. Rawls, Leon Circuit Self-Supporting, Stephen Arnold Arrives" SURNAMES: Arnold, Cary, Dickinson, Knapp Chapter Nineteen "More of the Early Settlers, 1,000 Acre Farm, Improvements" SURNAMES: Clark, Daly, Dickinson, Ekton, Hatfield, Leveridge, Loving, McDaniel, McDonald, Pitman, Snook, Wilcos, Wood, Woodmansee Chapter Twenty "Two Women Freeze To Death, First Settler in High Point" SURNAMES: Burrell, Doze, Hankins, Roberts, Rockhold, Scott, Stanley, Ujhazi, Varga Chapter Twenty-One "Early Settlers, M.E. Churches, Garden Grove School Rebuilt, Woolen Factory Built At Leon" SURNAMES: Armstrong, Arnold, Baker, Brengle, Browning, Burns, Bumgarner, Chase, Flangan, Hall, Hastings, Hawley, Hine, Jennings, Jordan, Kellogg, Knapp, Lillard, Meacham, McBride, McKibben, Mudgett, Notson, Patterson, Piper, Robets, Sales, Sanders, Shaw, Simmons, Sparling, Stearns, Tharp, Vail, Westcott, Winters, Woodbury, Wolverton, Young Chapter Twenty-Two "Letter Regarding Dr. Paul Caster, Healer" SURNAMES: Bush, Caster Chapter Twenty-Three "Mormons At Pleasanton, Revelations of the K. of G.C., Drought, Pioneer Experiences, Arrival of the Dunkards" SURNAMES: Caster, Chandler, Finley, Garber, Lunbeck, Moffett, Phipps, Ujhazi Chapter Twenty-Four "The Grange Movement, Railroad Service, Long Creek Settlers" SURNAMES: Akers, Alexander, Albaugh, Andrews, Backus, Blades, Boord, Botkins, Branamer, Buffum, Bullard, Burke, Burns, Cameron, Campbell, Cane, Chase, Cox, Craig, Creed, Dailey, Daws, Delap, Dickinson, Engle, Evans, Frazee, Gammill, Gammon, Gardner, Henderson, Hinds, Holden, Jackson, Jewett, Johnson, Kellogg, LaForge, Laney, Leeper, Lentz, Lillie, Lloyd, McCann, Meadows, Miller, Nostrand, Osborn, Parries, Pence, Poole, Ramsey, Richard, Ryan, Scott, Shiner, Smith, Spencer, Springer, Stephens, Stewart, Styles, Tash, Thomas, Walters, Ward, Wasson, Waters, Watson, West, Wrightman, Yost Chapter Twenty-Five "The Blowing Up of the Court House ad Attempted Robbery" SURNAMES: Blackus, Bullock, Kellogg, Varga Chapter Twenty-Six "Concerning Settlers In Southern Part of County, Organization of First Temperance Society at Garden Grove" SURNAMES: Bartelow, Davis, Ekton, Hamilton, Hurst, Loving, Macy, Snook Chapter Twenty-Seven "Motto of the Chapter of Temperance - "Labor, Love and Truth" |
History Index *** Decatur County IAGenWeb |