Souvenir Supplement
Garden Grove, Iowa |
(All of the following material is transcribed out of a souvenir booklet, originally printed in the year 1900. There is no copyright, the Express newspaper has been out of business for many, many years, and, after discussion with one of Garden Grove’s city council members, I am releasing this information to the Decatur County Iowa GenWeb Site for whatever genealogical and historical use it may be put … jack scott) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This little book is issued to commemorate the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the founding the paper. It is sent out in the hope that it will please the readers of the paper who live here, and bring to the minds of those who have moved away the recollection of scenes and event in Garden Grove, and give those who have never seen the town a knowledge of the fact that it is pleasant for situation, beautiful in appearance and attractive as a place of residence. W. S. Johnson, Publisher Garden Grove, Iowa, Thursday, April 5, 1900. |
THE MORMON COLONY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
After the tragic death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith in the county jail
at Carthage, Illinois, the Mormons decided, as is well known, to leave
Nauvoo and seek a home in the far west. For the most part they were
ill-prepared for the long journey, being destitute of food supplies,
conveyances and horses or oxen. As a result, they were compelled to
scatter out in comparatively small bands and locate on the fertile
prairies of Iowa until they could accumulate something on which to
subsist on their journey across the deserts. One of these bands, coming
west through Northern Missouri and southern Iowa, stopped here in the
spring of 1846. Brigham Young, himself, was with this company for a time
as were also a number of other high dignitaries of the church. These did
not long remain, however, but passed on west. The colony arrived pretty late in the season, but a large body of land was fenced and laid off in small tracts on which the several families raised what they could. Log houses were built sufficient to accommodate from 700 to 1,000 persons, also a large building in which they held church services, likewise dances (always opened with prayer) and other public gatherings. While at Garden Grove the Mormons did not practice polygamy to any great extent. In fact, only two men were known to have more than one wife. The "Saints" left in small companies from time to time as they were able and in a few years the last company of them disappeared in the west. Scarcely a trace of their stay remains. One cabin still stands, but unoccupied. Even their cemetery has been turned into a farm, and only a few of the oldest settlers remember the colony. |
GARDEN GROVE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Its Early Settlement. Garden Grove was founded in 1846 by a colony of Mormons on their way to Utah. From 1,000 to 1,500, altogether, stopped here for a few years and then passed on to "Zion." The Name. Brigham Young, the great leader of the Mormons, gave the town its name, 1st, because there was then a fine grove where the opera house now stands; and, 2d, because the "Saints, arriving late in the season, were unable to plant farm crops, and only made gardens." Permanent Settlers The first permanent settlers arrived in October, 1848, and following that there was a steady stream of immigration, and it was not long before the town had become one of the important trading points of southern Iowa. The people who settled here seem to have been considerably above the average in enterprise, and especially in education and in their regard for improvement and advancement. The Public Schools. The Mormon settlers cared little for these things, and though a sort of school was kept, it was very inferior. The new settlers had been here but a few months before a room was secured and Mrs. Enos Davis was engaged to teach a tuition school. In 1853 the school district was regularly organized, and the next year a pretentious two-story school house was built. Being burned, this was replaced with a large brick building, and this building, in after years, became known all over this part of the state, as in 1867, Prof. R.A. Harkness took charge of the schools and remained nearly 20 years, and pupils came from forty to fifty miles to attend the schools here, and hundreds of the leading men and women in this and adjoining counties remember Garden Grove as their school-day home. Prof. Harkness leaving to accept a professorship in Parsons college was a severe blow to the educational interests of Garden Grove, and was felt for many years, but they have of late steadily improved until we now have as fine a school as can be found in any town of equal size in the state, employing a principal and five other instructors. They are housed in a commodious and very comfortable building, heated by a furnace and furnished with a good supply of apparatus and a small library – mainly standard works of reference, and while there are now too many good schools near by for ours to enjoy the prestige they once had, Garden Grove is still noted for her good schools and many pupils from the surrounding country are every year enrolled as students. J.H. Drake, M.A., is principal, Mrs. Mary Zichy, assistant, J.F. Chemberlin, grammar room, Nellie Thomas, intermediate, Dilla Swope, 2d primary, Mayme Judd, 1st primary. The Churches ![]() Rev. I.N. Woodward is pastor, S.H. Amos Sunday School superintendent and S.T. Robertson class leader. ![]() Rev. J.Q. Hall is pastor and T.J. Sheffer Sunday School superintendent. Garden Grove had for many years been a preaching station of the Protestant Episcopal church, but it was not until in June 1883, that St. John’s Church was regularly organized. For a number of years it remained quite weak, but for some time it has enjoyed a good growth. In 1898 they erected their beautiful little church in the east part of town. They now have a membership of 30, a good working Sunday School and a society of Daughters of the King. Rev. Allen Judd supplies the pulpit and Jas. D. Burns is the Sunday School superintendent. The Free Methodist church was organized June 7, 1896, by Rev. A.E. McKay, and increased in strength quite rapidly, and in 1897 they erected a very neat and commodious church in the Railroad Addition. The history of this church is short, but it has done a good work here. Rev. G. Patrick is the present pastor. They have a membership of 30 and a good working Sunday School. Wade Macy is Sunday School superintendent and W.E. Richards is the class leader. The Colored Methodists also have a church building here, but at present are without a pastor or regular preaching, there being now comparativeliy few colored people in town. Material Progress The community at Garden Grove advanced rapidly, not only in an educational and religious way but also in material prosperity. The next year after his arrival, W. Davis, in company with Don C. Roberts, opened the first store, and considering the limited number of settlers, they did a very satisfactory business. Soon others embarked in business, among them being Hiram Chase, Daniel Bowen, Jehu Blades and Henry Notson. The place now began to change from a mere "settlement" into a town, with business houses, shops, streets and all that goes to make up a frontier town, and a township government was organized. In the mean time the land near town was rapidly taken up and farm houses dotted the prairies in all directions. In 1854 D. and A.B. Stearns, two young men originally from Ohio, but who had spent a number of years in the gold fields of California, came to Garden Grove and bought the store of G.W. Piper, who had been doing a small business here. They were men of energy, enterprise and rare business ability, and soon built up a business of immense proportions. They kept everything, from a spool of thread to a threshing machine, and spread out until they occupied a building 60x100 feet. They drew trade from great distances and became very wealthy, being quoted at a quarter of a million dollars. They continued in business until 1892, when they sold out to C.B. Frase. During these years Garden Grove was enjoying a very substantial growth. New houses were being built every year, new additions were platted, new business houses opened up, mechanics and professional men moved in, and Garden (sic) assumed a leading place among the towns of southern Iowa. Garden Grove incorporated in 1879, and the following were the first officers: Mayor – John D. Burns. Recorder – S.H. Amos. Assessor – J.W. Russell. Councilmen – A.B. Stearns, R.A. Harkness, R.D. Kellogg, H. Brown, M. Hoadley, W.A.Ketcham.< Transportation Facilities In early days the matter of transportation was a very serious one. Goods had to be hauled in wagons from the river towns and live stock was driven across the state, but as the railroads pushed westward the distance to haul, or drive, grew less and less until, in 1871, the Chariton Branch of the C.B.&Q. reached Garden Grove and then freighting was at an end. Garden Grove was not on the through mail route in the old staging days, but in an early day there was a star route running to High Point, where it connected with the through mail. Later, when the railroad reached Chariton, the route was changed to come this way, and our people had the privilege of seeing the "four-horse coach" go through – no small privilege in those days. Since the advent of the railroad our train service has been improved year by year until we now have eight regular trains a day, giving us facilities almost equal to the main line. Secret Orders Henry Walton Post No. 312, G.A.R. – This organization of the veterans of the civil war was formed April 21, 1884, with eighteen charter members. Anything like large growth is, of course, impossible on account of the limited number of veterans, but they have always held their own and kept up a good interest. They annually observe the custom of decorating the graves of their deceased comrades and always have an interesting program. They own a fine hall over the millinery store. They now have 19 members. Capt. J.C. Smith is the commander and C.D. Wheeland adjutant. Henry Walton Relief Corps, No. 277. – This auxiliary organization to the Grand Army was chartered February 19, 1894, with 23 charter members. They meet twice a month in the G.A.R. hall. Since their organization they have done a great deal of charitable work in a quiet way. Mrs. L.W. Sullivan is president ad Mrs. C.D. Mallette, secretary. Temple Lodge No. 170, A.F.&.A.M. was granted a charter August 13, 1860. Benj. Richards, E.H. Alexander, Asabel Culver, Thos. Johnston, R.S. Robinson, R.D. Kellogg, B.F. Williams, C.W. Clements and Jas. Hitchcock were the charter members. In 1862 so many members had joined the army that the charter was surrendered. June 7, 1865, the lodge was re-chartered. In 1869 they built their brick hall, and in 1898 they bought the adjoining room, making them unusually fine quarters. The present membership is about 100. W.H. Wales is master and M.J. McCaull secretary. Garden Grove Lodge No. 213, K. of P. was instituted September 17, 1888. The first officers were: C.M. Ketchum, P.C.; C.C. Cone, C.C.; M.W. Sutherlen, V.C.; W.D. Boydston, P; R.D. Hall, K. of R.&S; S.L. Wood, M. of F.; H.H. Young, M. of E.; A.J. Cheney, M. at A.; O. Todd, I.G.; J.W. Daniels, O.G. There were twenty-two charter members. They met for many years in the opera hall, but in 1898 they built their present commodious and attractive hall and have it luxuriously furnished. There are now 109 members and it is one of the largest and most prosperous lodges in the county, and is composed of a very genial and progressive set of members. L.H. Thomas is Chancellor Commander and C.B. Frase K. of R.& S. Chapter T, P.E.O. Sisterhood was organized May 4, 1889, with the following charter members: Ella Parrish, Lucie Neilson, Rose Parnell, Mary Beer, Laura Russell Wood, Louise Flanagan, Lizzie Wilson, Isabelle Beer. They have initiated 65 members, but have been unfortunate in the way of removals and now have but 30 active members. Of the charter members only one remains. Mrs. Laura Stiles is acting president, filling the vacancy caused by the death of Mrs. Etta Lillard. Odd fellows – Garden Grove Lodge, I.O.O.F., was organized October 14, 1858, with the following charter members: Thomas Johnson, William Burns, Seth S. Rockwell, S.P. McNeill, Dan Bowen and D.P. Williams. The lodge was quite prosperous for a number of years, and they built a comfortable brick hall, now the second story of the Bunney building. In 1875, the majority of the members living over toward Humeston, the lodge was moved to that place and the name changed to Chappaqua Lodge, in 1876. Modern Woodmen of America – Garden Grove Camp of this prosperous and popular order was organized October 27I, 1899, with fourteen charter members. They have made some growth since then, and now have twenty members and a good prospect for future growth. They meet in the G.A.R. hall. G.S. Samms is the Venerable consul and Dr. W.E. Lyon Clerk. Newspaper History The Bulletin – The first newspaper venture in Garden Grove was the Bulletin, a small sheet published by A.B. Stearns. He established it in 18565, primarily to advertise the business of D.&.A.B Stearns, but always gave considerable news and some general reading. The size varied according to the time he had to devote to it. It was, of course, distributed gratuitously. The Enterprise – He continued the publication until 1869, when H.M. Belvel came and established the Garden Grove Enterprise. This paper was published by Belvel for just a year, when the plant was purchased by W.J. Wightman, and with the exception of a few months suspension in 1871, the latter continued to publish the paper – under the name of Leader, however – until July 1874, when he moved the plant to Eagleville, MO. The Express – The town was now for nearly a year without a newspaper, but May 20, 1875, J.O. Parrish issued the first number of The Express. He ran a good paper, met with good success and continued as editor until March, 1 881, when he sold the paper to Bryson Bruce. Mr. Bruce was also a man of fine newspaper ability and kept the paper up to its former standard. October 1, 1887, he was compelled by failing health to sell the paper to W.D. & B.M. Boydston, two young men who had learned their trade in the office. In a year and a half they sold it to the Express Printing Co., with S.H. Amos, editor and manager. The paper had become somewhat run down, but Mr. Amos took hold with vigor and soon had the paper up to the old mark, both as to its "readableness" and financial standing. He did not have the time, however, to devote to it that he wanted and in May, 1894, the company sold it to the present proprietor. As to the success of the paper under the present management we will let our readers be the judges. Garden Grove’s Patriotism Like every other portion of Iowa, Garden Grove and vicinity is peopled by intensely loyal citizens and this has been shown by their service in times of war as well as by their conduct in times of peace. During the civil war every time that President Lincoln called for volunteers to uphold the cause of freedom and union on Southern battlefields, the townspeople and farmers responded with alacrity, and those who were compelled to remain behind, whether men or women, were just as loyal as those who went to the front. Two full companies were formed here besides many recruits for other regiments. Company L, 3d Iowa Cavalry This company was recruited at Garden Grove in July and August, 1861, by Ezra Fitch and Thomas H. Brown. They persuaded Gilman C. Mudgett, on account of his age to go as captain of the company. About August 5th the company left Garden Grove, with G.C. Mudgett as captain, Ezra Fitch 1st lieutenant, and T.H. Brown 2d lieutenant. They proceeded to Keokuk, where the regiment was in camp. It was found that thirteen companies had been enlisted and only twelve could be accepted. This caused a re-arrangement by which Company L got several additional men, but had to give up their second lieutenant, Micago Baker being given that place. Afterwards Thos. H. Brown was made regimental commissary. In February, 1862, Lieutenant Baker resigned and J.D. Brown was commissioned in his place. Ezra Fitch resigned in the summer of 1862 and afterwards went into an Arkansas regiment. The company saw a great deal of hard service and returned much depleted. Company A, 34th Iowa Infantry. This company was recruited at Garden Grove, part of them being from this place and part from High Point township. They left Garden Grove August 25, 1862 with 110 men and proceeded to Burlington where the regiment was mustered into service. Some of the men were rejected there. The regiment left for the south November 22, 1862, and soon the regiment began to be reduced in numbers by disease, and by the following February only 298 men were left of 941. Company A suffered like the rest and on one day only one man reported fit for duty. When they returned only 23 men were able to return with them. R.D. Kellogg, of Garden Grove, was major of the regiment. During the Spanish and Philippine wars, not so many went as the policy was to recruit mainly in towns where they had militia. The following from Garden Grove are serving or have served, however: John Johnson, Navy Samuel Mason, 51st Iowa Richard Baker, 52d Iowa, re-enlisted in 4 th U.S. Infantry Ed. H. Jennings, 4th U.S. Infantry A.K. Aten, Jr., 32d U.S. Volunteers W.E. Battle, 24th U.S. Infantry (Omitted from previous page: Eli H. Alexander was captain of Co. A, 34th Ia, and Johathan R. Waters and Rowland T. Sloan lieutenants.) Descriptive Garden Grove is a town of more than 800 inhabitants, situated very near the center of Iowa east and west and about 20 miles north of the Missouri state line, being in the northeast township of Decatur County. On account of its situation so near the south part of the state, and on account of the more rolling character of the surrounding country, it is not subject to such severe cold or to such bleak winds as some portions of the state. Garden Grove is on the branch of the C.B.& Q. Railroad running from Chariton, Iowa to St. Joseph, Mo., one of the longest and most important branches in Iowa, and which transports an immense amount of live stock, grain, etc. Eight regular trains are run every day, two of them running through to Kansas City. In short, the railroad facilities are as good as could be asked. Garden Grove Homes Garden Grove has been noted for many years as a place of elegant homes. There is no town in the state which can excel it on fine residences, well kept lawns and beautifully shaded streets. On Main street there are five houses that cost an average of $7,000 and numerous others are scattered about town costing from $1,000 to $3,000, and these, with the grassy lawns, and the general neat and tidy appearance of dwellings, fences and out buildings gives the town its reputation as the most beautiful little city in southern Iowa – a reputation which a visit especially in summer, will confirm. |
click on the following images for larger views | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Business Buildings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() |
Garden Grove has been called the best built town of its size in Iowa. Whether this is true or not we do not know, but we do know that its store buildings are substantial brick structures, of good size and handsome appearance, and, with few exceptions, are a credit to the town. There are in the town: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The business men of Garden Grove are, as a rule, men with
ample capital for carrying on their business and hence a good credit
enables them to buy low enough to command a trade from a very large
scope of country.![]() It is not claimed that the town is destined to become a second Chicago, but that it is a live, progressive, up-to-date town, with good prospects of steady growth; a pleasant place to live, with fine church and school privileges and a cultured people; surrounded by as good a country as the sun shines upon; a place to which one can come and engage in any of the pursuits common to this section with good prospects for success and a happy life. Surrounding Country. The country surrounding Garden Grove is a part of Iowa – "the garden spot of the west" - and that would be recommendation enough, if nothing more were said. The land, for the most part, is a gently rolling prairie. It is in the heart of the blue grass region and there are few counties in Iowa that have such pastures and meadows as can be seen about here. The soil is very fertile and productive and farmers who properly rotate their crops find their lands growing richer and richer each year, and large yields of any of the ordinary field crops of this section are produced. While there have, of course, been unfavorable seasons, when small crops were produced, there never has been a real failure. That farming pays in this section is fully shown by the many fine farm houses and barns and other good improvements, and by the numerous retired farmers in our towns and villages, with comfortable, and some with large incomes – the savings from their earnings on the farm. Those who are paying high rents in the states to the east, or who are farming land too high priced for profit cannot find a place where good, productive, well-watered land can be purchased so low as it can right here in the vicinity of Garden Grove. Nicely improved farms can be bought for from $30 to $50 per acre and there will never be a year when it will not pay the tiller of the soil or the stock raiser a fair profit, if properly managed. The Old Settlers Association ![]() The Association has been of much benefit in a social way by bringing the people together and it will no doubt be continued for many years. The pioneers are, however, rapidly passing away. Of the 254 whose names were given as present at the first reunion, more than forty are now dead. Enos Davis, a member of the first party of permanent settlers was made president at the first meeting and had held that position ever since. (The excerpt below is taken from "Garden Grove, Iowa, Souvenir Supplement To the Express. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary. Bicentennial Reprint 1976." The original supplement, published in 1900, was sponsored by W. S. Johnson, Publisher of the Garden Grove Express. … jack scott) HISTORICAL INDEX 1846 - Settled by Mormons 1848 - October 17 - Ozro N. Kellogg, wife and three boys, Wm. Davis, wife and six children, Enos Davis (his son) wife and daughter, Amasa J. Davis (another son) and John Brown, the first permanent settlers - reached Garden Grove from White Pigeon, Michigan. 1848-9 - Mrs. Enos Davis taught the first term of school - 3 months - at $1.25 per scholar. 1849 - Wm. Davis and Don C. Roberts opened the first store. 1849 - O.N. Kellogg entered the first quarter section of land. 1849 - Daniel Winters, a minister of the Missionary Baptist church, located four miles northwest of town, and that section was dubbed "Gospel Ridge," which name it still bears. 1849 - O.N. Kellogg opened the first hotel, called the "California House." 1849 - Josephine Kellogg, the first child of "gentile" parentage was born. Homer A. Davis, the second, was born in 1850. 1850 - John S. Brown, the first postmaster was appointed. 1850 - The first election was held. Wm. Davis, Victor Doze and Hiram Chase were judges and Hiram Chase was elected Justice of the Peace. 1852 - The first marriage took place - R.M. McBroom to Susan Winters, Hiram Chase, J.P. officiating. 1853 - A school district was organized and Mrs. Enos Davis taught school in one room of the hotel. 1854 - A two-story school house was built and Rev. J.R. Cary began a term of school in it, but it was burned before the term was completed. Sylvanus Arnold replaced it with an octagonal brick building which served many years. 1854 - The Methodist church was organized at the house of Sylvanus Arnold, Rev. David T. Sween, pastor. 1854 - D.& A.B. Stearns located in Garden Grove and bought the store of G.W. Piper and began selling goods. 1856 - A.B. Stearns began publishing the Garden Grove Bulletin and continued it about ten years. 1856 - July 7 - The Presbyterian church was organized at the home of Stephen Carrithers, with 13 members. 1858 - Odd Fellows lodge organized. 1860 - Temple Lodge A.F.& A.M. organized; re-chartered in '65. 1861 - About August 5 - Co. L, 34th Iowa Infantry left Garden Grove for the war. 1862 - August 25 - Co. A, 34th Iowa Infantry left Garden Grove for the war. 1866 - The first Presbyterian church building was completed at a cost of $1,375. 1868 - The first Methodist church building was built, under the pastorate of Rev. J.W. Todd. 1869 - H.M. Belvel established the Garden Grove Enterprise. 1871 - The C.B.&Q. Railroad reached Garden Grove. 1875 - J.O. Parrish established the Express, the Enterprise plant having been moved to Eagleville, MO. 1875 - First cheese factory built. 1876 - The Ohio House built. 1878 - The Alumbaugh temperance meetings were held and 428 signed the pledge. 1879 - The town incorporated. 1880 - Normal school building opened. 1880 - Garden Grove bank established. 1882 - Ordinance passed for a one mill tax for a public library. 1883 - St. John's Episcopal church organized. 1883 - The Tiffin Bank was organized. 1884 - Henry Walton Post G.A.R. organized. 1884 - February 28 - $20,000 fire; one block of the south side of Main street destroyed. 1884 - Memorial Day first observed here. 1886 - First Old Settlers Meeting held August 25. 1888 - Knights of Pythias lodge organized with twenty two charter members. 1889 - Chapter T, P.E.O. Sisterhood organized. 1891 - Disastrous wind storm. 1891 - J.F. Lewis' saw mill blown up, the boiler being thrown 200 feet north, where it can still be seen. 1892 - March 19 - $10,000 fire; eight buildings on the south side of Main street burned. 1893 - Decatur County Banking Association failed with assets amounting to $300,000.00. (There are many photographs of – homes, churches, businesses and street scenes in the booklet. Most of them have identifying names, perhaps the original owners and builders – then another name is added, maybe the photographer or current resident – listed along with the identification of the subject. In some cases a third name is added – I don’t know who that might be – however, a listing follows: … jack scott) Residence of J.O. Parrish – Mable Arnold (Jettie Petty) Property of J.A. Wilson – Maggie and Mary Brown (Ed Campbell) Residence of W.C. Still – Son Holland (Bernie Gewinner) Presbyterian Church and Manse – (Gary Thomas) Main Street , Looking West from Vail HouseThe Tiffin Bank – Was Post Office (empty) M.E. Church – Garden Grove, Iowa Main Street, Old Settler’s Day, 1899, Residence of L.J. Ede – Throckmorton (Bob Jackson) Residence of J.R. White – W.D. Smith (Clyde Fosche) Residence of H.P. Flanagan – Louise Flanagan (Gus Rose) Residence of C.D. Mallette – (Wayne Deemer) Residence of H.F. Strohl – (Albert Spidle) Residence of C.B. Frase – McNay – house burned (Clarence Comegys) Residence of W.K. Macy – (Lula Hoag) Residence of C.S. Stearns – (JoRita Gorman) Residence of G.M. Russell – Mildred Coffey (Leon Noecker) Residence of H.B. Matthews – Albert Northrup (torn down) Residence of C.D. Wheeland – Hugh Smith (Neil Braby) Residence of G.W. Hoadley – George Bartlett (Glenn Morris) Residence of G.P. Arnold – Elmer Lovett (James Wells) Submission by Jack Scott |
History Index *** Decatur County IAGenWeb |