Royal Arch Masons 1878 - 1890

Chapter #33 Leon
Leon, Decatur Co.
Charter granted 10/17/1867
No. of members yr. ending Sept. 1882: 39
No. of members yr. ending Oct. 1890: 40
Adams, E. Y. m-82
Allen, A.J. m-90
Allen, C.F. Ex-80
Ammerman, W.S. Di-80
Avery, F.N. RSMD-79/m-82,90
Bashaw, J.R. RSMD-79/m-82,90
Beck, C.W. RSMD,GCh,K*-79/RAC-82/HP-90
Blind, Philip RSMD-79/m-82
Bobbitt, Creed Ex-80/m-82
Boone, W.A. Di-80
Bowman, H.M. D-82
Bowman, J.W. Ex-80/m-82,90
Bridges, Martin m-82
Bullock, N.P. HP,OHP,C-78/RSMD-79/GCh,HP-82/CH-90
Burton, George m-82
Carroll, Charles Se-90
Cartwright, W.T. m-82,90
Caster, J.A. m-90
Clark, I.N. RSMD-79/GMSV-82,90
Crowley, J.A. Ad,Se-82
Darr, W.J. RSMD-79/GMTV-90
Des Islets, C.M. HP,RSMD-79/OHP,HP,GCh-80/Di-82
Durland, Ira B. m-90
Farquar, Samuel GMFV-82/m-90
Fletcher, J.C. Ex-82/Di-90
Forgrave, L.W. Su-80/reinstated-82
Frazier, Aaron Di-78
Gammill, J.C. Ex-82/m-90
Gammill, M.A. T-90
Gammon, G.W. Su-80
Gates, C.A. m-82
Haskett, E.W. RSMD-79/Su-80/reinstated-81/m-82
Hildreth, I.F. m-90
Hoffhines, J. RSMD-79/T-82/GMFV-90
Holt, Lewis m-82,90
Howard, N.S. RSMD-79/D-81 (12/24/1880) (H.S. Howard)
Horner, J.B. m-90
Hurst, S.W. RSMD-79/m-82/K-90
Jones, I.N. S,RSMD-79/m-82
Jones, J.N. S-80
Keshler, G.B. m-90
Kirkpatrick, W.A. RSMD-79/GMTV-82/m-90 (Kirkpatric)
Kline, Joe Ex-82
Lake, John m-90
Lee, William m-82,90
Lindsey, Q.M. RSMD-79/m-82
Long, A.B. Ex-82/m-90
Loving, Wm m-82,90
Martin, W.N. Ex-82/m-90
McClelland, J.R. RSMD-79/Sc-82,90
McCormick, S.W. Su-82
Mills, M.A. Di-80
Moore, W.R. RAC-90
Morrison, J.B. Su-80
Parrott, R.B. m-90
Perdew, Nathan S-78/RSMD-79/Dr-82
Peters, J.P. m-90
Pitman, Ed K. RSMD-79/CH-82/m-90
Roberts, Jesse Di-81
Sales, L.H. Su-80
Sanford, H.C. Ex-82
Sankey, E.J. Su-80
Sears, G.W. m-90
Snyder, H.T. Di-79
Stone, George m-90
Stone, John m-82
Stone, J.W. m-90
Stoner, Charles D. m-90
Stookey, Marion PS-90
Van Werden, ? S-90
Varga, Francis GCh,K*-78/RSMD-79/S-82/m-90
Warner, J.S. RSMD-79/D-80 (2/1/1880)
Warnock, W.S. m-82
Westervelt, Theron m-82,90
Young, George T. m-82,90

Ad - admitted
D - died
Di - dimitted (left the lodge to join another or became non-affiliated)
Dr - dropped (dismissed)
Ex - exalted (raised to a higher degree)
Exp - expelled
Su - suspended (possibly for non-payment of dues or unmasonic-like conduct)
m - found on membership rolls for indicated year 18--
*Proxy - indicates he attended the Grand Chapter, annual convocation as a proxy (ex. GCh,HP*-78 This man attended the Grand chapter as a proxy High Priest in 1878)
C - Chaplain
CH - Chaplain of the Host or Captain of the Host
GC - Grand Chaplain
GCh - Grand Chapter of the State of Iowa
GMFV - Grand Master First Vail
GMSV - Grand Master Second Vail
GMTV - Grand Master Third Vail
HP - High Priest
K - King
PS - Principle Sojourner
R - Recorder
RAC - Royal Arch Captain
RSMD - received Royal & Select Masters degree in the indicated year
S - Secretary
Sc - Scribe
Se - Sentinel
Ss - Steward & Sentinel
T - Treasurer

Key to years:
78 - 1878 annual report (10/1/1877-9/30/1878)
79 - 1879 annual report (10/1/1878-9/30/1879)
80 - 1880 annual report (10/1/1879-9/30/1880)
81 - 1881 annual report (10/1/1880-9/30/1881)
82 - 1882 annual report (10/1/1881-9/30/1882)
90 - 1890 annual report (10/1/1889-9/30/1890)

1. Transactions of the Grand Chapter of the State of Iowa, for the Years 1878 to 1882, Inclusive, Vol. IV, Original Edition; Muscatine, Iowa - published by order of the Grand Chapter, 1883.
2. Transactions of the Grand Chapter of the State of Iowa, at its Thirty-Seventh Grand Annual Convocation, Convened at Cedar Rapids, Thursday October 9th, A.D. 1890, Original Edition; Des Moines - published by order of the Grand Chapter, 1890.

- compiled by: Sharyl Ferrall ©2003