Foland School Pupils1873 - 1958 |
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Ray Morrell relates how he and the other big boys attending the
Foland School used the chimney as a target for their snowballs. They
became so good that many of the snowballs went down inside the chimney,
stopping it up. Who could blame the teacher, Margaret Edwards, for being
very much annoyed when the stove began to smoke? The first list of pupils may not be complete as we have no written records. They are listed in alphabetical order. |
Allen Acton | Arthur Acton | Bill Acton |
Charley Acton | Freddie Acton | Jane Acton |
Leonard Acton | Nellie Acton | Sam Acton |
Stella Acton | Anne Adams | Charley Adams |
Cora Adams | Dora Adams | Elmer Adams |
George Adams | John Adams | Wesley Adams |
Jim Allen | Oliver Allen | Sam Allen |
Tom Allen | Will Allen | Albert Black |
Fred Black | Zula Black | Andrew Bohall |
Anna Boyd | Fred Boyd | Maggie Boyd |
Maud Boyd | Anna Bradshaw | Charley Bradshaw |
John Bradshaw | Sadie Bradshaw | Wm. Bradshaw |
Bertha Brammer | Bessie Brammer | Ellsworth Brammer |
Grace Brammer | Frank Brammer | Harmon Brammer |
Helen Brammer | Lavina Brammer | Louisa Brammer |
Maria Brammer | Marion Brammer | Nellie Brammer |
Perry Brammer | Elzie Briner | Essie Briner |
Fron Briner | Hattie Briner | Jasper Briner |
Mary Briner | Sam Briner | Vester Briner |
Walter Briner | Hattie Debusk | Laura Debusk |
Lucy Debusk | Maggie Edwards | Sarah Edwards |
Creston Finch | Alva Foland | Arthur Foland |
Charley Foland | Emmett Foland | Frank Foland |
George Foland | Jennie Foland | Ida Foland |
Isaac Foland | Laura Foland | Lizzie Foland |
Lulu Foland | Rebecca Foland | Sanford Foland |
Atha Gilreath | Florence Gilreath | Harry Gilreath |
Jennie Gilreath | Lulu Gilreath | Myrtle Gilreath |
Tom Gilreath | Rebecca Green | Henry Jimmerson |
Viola Ladd | Wm. Louthan | Ella McConnell |
Henry McConnell | Laura McConnell | Ora McConnell |
Sarah McConnell | Sylvester McConnell | Tode McConnell |
Will McConnell | Johnny Miles | Elmer Munyon |
Joe Munyon | Dick Prey | Vade Prey |
Zula Prey | Hez Smith | Albert Spray |
Francis Spray | Marion Spray | Martha Spray |
Janie Stringham | Huldah Walker | Johnny Walker |
Laurence Walker | David Young |
Spring Term 1896 - Elsie Foland, Teacher | |||||
Name | Age | Name | Age | Name | Age |
Mary Wadsworth | 18 | Ella Young | 17 | Lefa Brammer | 17 |
Nellie West | 17 | Fred Spray | 15 | Nora Young | 14 |
Stella Wycoff | 13 | Ernest Finch | 13 | Carrie Young | 11 |
Willie Wadsworth | 11 | George Foland Jr. | 11 | Harry Foland | 11 |
Mary Spray | 11 | George Acton | 12 | Ollie Briner | 10 |
Annah Jimmerson | 10 | Epha Munyon | 10 | Nettie Finch | 10 |
Roy Thompson | 10 | Forest Galvon | 10 | Ernest Foland | 9 |
Fred Young | 9 | Laura Acton | 9 | Thurman Spray | 8 |
Martha Miles | 8 | Addie Foland | 8 | Maude Young | 8 |
Lottie Wadsworth | 7 | Nellie Wadsworth | 7 | Ray Munyon | 7 |
Gussie Foland | 7 | Ella Briner | 7 | Delila Munyon | 6 |
Earl Edwards | 6 | Rachel Smith | 6 | Roy Galvon | 6 |
Nellie Finch | 6 | Harrison Acton | 6 | Martha Young | 5 |
Ezra Wycoff | 5 | Ray Smith | 5 | Total Spring 1896 | 41 pupils |
In the following listing, just the new pupils listed each year will be given. Records are not too complete, so time of entry may not be correct. | |||||
Fall and Winter, 1900 - 1901, Margaret Edwards, Teacher | |||||
Name | Age | Name | Age | Name | Age |
Henry Schmitt | 17 | Fred Schmitt | 15 | Louie Schmitt | 13 |
Harry Schmitt | 10 | Esther Louthan | 16 | Geo. Louthan | 14 |
Martha Louthan | 10 | Floyd Boles | 16 | May Boles | 11 |
Sarah Boles | 7 | Ray Morrell | 13 | Herbert Morrell | 11 |
Earl Morrell | 9 | Maud Comb | 10 | Clyde Hopkins | 10 |
Adda Hopkins | 6 | Jennie Spray | 9 | Mary Briner | 9 |
Murl Munyon | 9 | James Munyon | 7 | Claude Munyon | 5 |
Helen Munyon | 7 | Vera Young | 6 | Mertie Foland | 8 |
Orval Foland | 5 | Van Foland | 5 | Floyd Grimm | 5 |
Gladys Boles | 5 | Willard Boles | 5 |
From Spring 1901 to Fall 1902, Adda Jones and Maggie Conwell, Teachers | |||||
Name | Age | Name | Age | Name | Age |
Calvin Spear | 12 | Minnie Foland | 11 | Ire Bush | 8 |
Willie Bush | 6 | Eddie Brown | 9 | Clarence Brown | 7 |
Blanche Boles | 5 | Clarence Spray | 5 | Jessie Morrell | 5 |
Ferne Grimm | 4 | ||||
Spring 1902 | Jno. Spear | 16 | Grace Ward | 11 | |
Ruth Ward | 9 | Carrie Ward | 5 | Ethel Wilson | 11 |
Milly Wilson | 7 | Ray Boles | 5 | Reese Boles | 5 |
Emma Spray | 5 |
From Fall 1902 to Spring 1905 | |||||
Name | Age | Name | Age | Name | Age |
Winnie Spear | 5 | Ethel Metts | 15 | George Wadsworth | 8 |
Emma Sharp | 6 | Wert Munyon | 5 | Ruby Grimm | 4 |
Nellie Wadsworth | 13 | Maude Wadsworth | 9 | Pearl Wadsworth | 7 |
Dewey Wadsworth | 5 | ||||
Fall 1903 | |||||
Cora Wadsworth | 10 | Joe Metts | 12 | Davy McConnell | 13 |
Hattie Carrier | 15 | Maude Carrier | 12 | Homer Foland | 5 |
Gerna Boles | 5 | Sherman Pence | 13 | Willie Pence | 8 |
Spring 1904 | |||||
Charley Wadsworth | 6 | James Hopkins | 5 | Bernard Young | 5 |
Ivan Foland | 5 | Elba Grimm | 6 | ||
Fall 1904 | |||||
Ella Boles | 5 | Vernie Grimm | 5 | Vera Fry | 5 |
From 1905 to 1915 - From School Census | |||||
Name | Age | Name | Age | Name | Age |
1905 | George Schmitt | 6 | Nile Grimm | 5 | |
Russel Boles | 5 | Belva Foland | 5 | Esther Foland | 5 |
Martha Brammer | 5 | Leona Munyon | 5 | Roy Hopkins | 5 |
Clarke Young | 5 | Winona Boles | 5 | Glen Scott | 15 |
Clay Scott | 12 | Ruby Scott | 8 | ||
1906 | |||||
Nellie Boles | 5 | Edna Bohall | 11 | Leslie Bohall | 9 |
1907 | |||||
Edith Grimm | 5 | Opal Grimm | 5 | Iris Munyon | 5 |
Clarissa Brammer | 5 | ||||
1908 | |||||
Royal Boles | 5 | Eva Foland | 5 | Helen Schmitt | 6 |
1909 | |||||
Rolla Brammer | 5 | Orma Grimm | 5 | Blanche Brimm | 5 |
Lillian Burns | 5 | Nolan Foland | 5 | Opal Foland | 5 |
Homer Hukill | 8 | Willard Hukill | 5 | Ermell Boles | 5 |
1911 | |||||
Irene Boles | 5 | Frances Brammer | 5 | Ardath Grimm | 5 |
Albert Foland | 5 | Marie Foland | 5 | Grace Hopkins | 5 |
Willis Owens | 14 | Charley Owens | 11 | ||
1912 | |||||
Robert Noble | 11 | Dean Noble | 10 | Fred Noble | 8 |
Irene Noble | 6 | Neal Noble | 5 | Delma Boles | 6 |
Rosamond Ramsey | 5 | Gladys Foland | 5 | Earl Grimm | 5 |
Pearl Briner | 6 | ||||
1913 | |||||
Thelma Foland | 5 | Clifford Brammer | 5 | Wilma Ramsey | 5 |
Bernice Foland | 5 | Opha Cooper | 8 | Orpha Cooper | 6 |
Benjamin Owens | 15 | Alfred Owens | 8 | ||
1914 | |||||
Noel Boles | 5 | Helen Grimm | 5 | Ralph Munyon | 6 |
Euclid Pence | 7 | Chester McConnell | 14 | Clifford Grimm | 5 |
Names Obtained From Term Reports | |||||
Name | Age | Name | Age | Name | Age |
1915 & Spring 1916 | |||||
Margie Viles | 13 | Mattie Viles | 10 | Lydia Viles | 7 |
Sherman Allen | 6 | Velma Munyon | 6 | Nina Ball | 15 |
Hazel Foland | 6 | Elbert Jimmerson | 6 | Sylvia Brammer | 5 |
Juanita Jimmerson | 5 | Helen Brown | 12 | Ruth Brown | 11 |
Ruby Brown | 8 | Ava Brown | 5 | ||
1916 - 1917 | |||||
Wayne Grimm | 6 | Loyd Foland | 5 | Clell Cooper | 6 |
Velma Wadsworth | 6 | Mansel Burns | 6 |
1917 - 1918, E. Ray Morrell, teacher | |||||
Following is a complete list of pupils enrolled in 1917 - 1918. All 63 pupils did not attend at the same time. | |||||
Name | Age | Name | Age | Name | Age |
Sherman Allen | 9 | Burrell Bohall | 11 | Delma Boles | 11 |
Ermell Boles | 13 | Irene Boles | 12 | Noel Boles | 9 |
Royal Boles | 15 | Russel Boles | 16 | Verl Boles | 6 |
Zell Boles | 5 | Clifford Brammer | 9 | Goldie Brammer | 5 |
Rollie Brammer | 13 | Sylvia Brammer | 7 | Burrel Briner | 9 |
Katie Briner | 7 | Neva Briner | 13 | Lillian Burns | 14 |
Mansel Burns | 7 | Earl Donaldson | 8 | Wilma Donaldson | 6 |
Dale Emley | 9 | Lowell Emley | 13 | Albert Foland | 11 |
Esther Foland | 17 | Gladys Foland | 11 | Hazel Foland | 7 |
Nolan Foland | 13 | Opal Foland | 13 | Thelma Foland | 9 |
Percy Gilreath | 6 | Ardath Grimm | 12 | Blanche Grimm | 13 |
Clifford Grimm | 8 | Earl Grimm | 10 | Edith Grimm | 15 |
Helen Grimm | 9 | Orma Grimm | 13 | Wayne Grimm | 7 |
Dale Hopkins | 11 | Grace Hopkins | 11 | Roy Hoplins | 18 |
Elbert Jimmerson | 8 | Juanita Jimmerson | 6 | O'Detta Leathy | 11 |
Bernadine Morrell | 5 | Hazel Morrell | 8 | Gordon Munyon | 6 |
Ralph Munyon | 10 | Velma Munyon | 8 | Hazel Ramsey | 5 |
Phyllis Ramsey | 7 | Rosamond Ramsey | 10 | Wilma Ramsey | 9 |
Cecil Wadsworth | 5 | Velma Wadsworth | 8 | Alvah Woods | 8 |
Edwin Woods | 7 | Elmer Woods | 11 | Pearl Woods | 16 |
Roy Woods | 16 | Ruby Woods | 13 | Doris Young | 6 |
Names of new pupils listed each year. | |||||
Name | Age | Name | Age | Name | Age |
1918 - 1919 | |||||
Elizabeth Burns | 6 | Beulah Foland | 5 | Raymond Foland | 5 |
Inez Grimm | 4 | Ernest Harger | 8 | Herman Harger | 6 |
Lowell Harger | 15 | Orlo Harger | 16 | Verle Harger | 10 |
Lloyd Jimmerson | 5 | Ermal Mendenhall | 9 | Leona Mendenhall | 12 |
Vesta Mendenhall | 11 | Glenn Wick | 6 | Albert Woods | 5 |
Goldie Woods | 5 | ||||
1920 | |||||
Carmel Grimm | 14 | Marvin Grimm | 11 | Ralph Grimm | 9 |
1921 | |||||
Cloyd Foland | 7 | Lois Ramsey | 5 | William Mendenhall | 5 |
1922 - 1923 | |||||
Lois Kirkpatrick | 15 | Clair Kirkpatrick | 11 | Mansel Boles | 7 |
Etola Grimm | 7 | Ward Beaty | 6 | Donald Young | 8 |
Audrey Mendenhall | 6 | Bartlett Grimm | 6 | Vera Jimmerson | 6 |
Bernita Brammer | 6 | Doris Munyon | 5 | Eunice Kelley | 5 |
1924 42 Pupils | |||||
Laura Wiley | 10 | Vera West | 6 | Doris McCarl | 5 |
Venice West | 5 | Dale Grimm | 5 | Marjorie Wadsworth | 5 |
Irene DeVore | 5 | ||||
1925 | |||||
Everett McCarl | 12 | Harold Davis | 9 | Geraldine Foster | 7 |
Ruby Davis | 6 | Merna Brammer | 6 | Lucille Bryant | 6 |
Robert Jimmerson | 6 | Verda Boles | 5 | Billy Binning | 5 |
1926, 1927 No Record | |||||
1928 | |||||
Maxine Brown | 10 | Maurice Brown | 8 | Marian Brammer | 5 |
Thayer Toney | 5 | Maxine Munyon | 5 | Cleta Young | 5 |
1929 | |||||
Eldon Spray | 13 | Bernice Toney | 14 | Georgia Toney | 11 |
Kenneth McConnell | 7 | Maurice Spray | 6 | Maurice Thomas | 6 |
Louise Thomas | 5 | ||||
1930 | |||||
Dean Bryant | 5 | Norma Jean West | 5 | ||
1931 25 Pupils | |||||
Maurice Young | 6 | Reba Kirkpatrick | 5 | Donald Munyon | 5 |
1932 | |||||
Maurice Steen | 9 | ||||
1933 | |||||
Goldie Acton | 14 | Vona Anderson | 10 | Pearle Anderson | 9 |
Norma Foland | 6 | Junior McDowell | 4 | ||
1934 | |||||
Leo McConnell | 11 | ||||
1936 | |||||
Orvetta Grimm | 11 | Vernice Grimm | 8 | Viola Fry | 8 |
Donald Acton | 7 | Clara Grimm | 6 | Orma Grimm | 6 |
Berdena Wadsworth | 6 | ||||
1938 10 Pupils | |||||
Richard Foland | 11 | Delphine Davis | 10 | Robert Foland | 8 |
Alberta Davis | 8 | Chester Young | 5 | ||
1939 9-Month Term | |||||
Rebecca Collison | 12 | Mary Alice Collinson | 10 | Junior Mallett | 9 |
Irene Collinson | 8 | Mary Ann Mallett | 6 | Verda Mallett | 5 |
Richard Street | 5 | ||||
1940 | |||||
Alverta Briner | 13 | Richard Briner | 10 | ||
1941 | |||||
Donella Sutherland | 11 | Charley Davis | 7 | ||
1942 Eileen Jackson, teacher | |||||
Richard Boles | 9 | Robert Brown | 8 | Ronald Boles | 6 |
Jimmy Thomas | 6 | ||||
1943 11 Pupils Eileen Jackson, teacher | |||||
8 Foland Descendants | Merna Grimm | 11 | Dean Grimm | 9 | |
Don Foland | 8 | Carrol Grimm | 6 | ||
1944 Eileen Jackson, teacher | |||||
Lawrence Covey | 14 | Mary Covey | 12 | Lee Covey | 11 |
Charles Covey | 9 | Robert Covey | 8 | ||
1945 Eileen Jackson, teacher | |||||
Loretta Miller | 15 | Norma Fullerton | 8 | Annetta Miller | 7 |
Dale Mollison | 7 | Gerald Fullerton | 6 | Sandra Brammer | 5 |
Bernell Boles | 5 | Rodney Boles | 5 | Randall Taylor | 5 |
Lois Fullerton | 4 | ||||
1947 | |||||
Laura Adams | 10 | Dick Reynolds | 8 | Gary Boles | 5 |
Donita Jones | 5 | ||||
1948 | |||||
Maxine Davis | 13 | Myrna Davis | 11 | Harold Davis | 8 |
Darel Foland | 8 | ||||
1949 | |||||
Benjamin Miller | 15 | Wynona Miller | 13 | Wayne Bryant | 8 |
Mervin Davis | 5 | ||||
1950 | |||||
Shirley Arnold | 15 | Ellen Jones | 5 | ||
1951 | |||||
Gary D. Allen | 12 | Mary Ellen Peterson | 6 | ||
1952 | |||||
Terry "Tim" Booth | 6 | Janet Peterson | 5 | ||
1953 14 Pupils | |||||
LaVerne Adams | 12 | Shirley Adams | 10 | Jean Adams | 9 |
Bobbie Jo Adams | 6 | Dennis Adkisson | 5 | David Blades | 5 |
1958 - 1958, Elvera Mullen, Teacher | |||||
Last eight (8) pupils to attend Foland School | |||||
Name | Age | Name | Age | Name | Age |
Pennie O'Neal | 13 | Ellen Jones | 12 | Tim Booth | 11 |
David Blades | 10 | Dennis Adkisson | 9 | Dean Blades | 8 |
Mike Adkisson | 7 | Maurice Jones | 6 |
SOURCE: Foland, Wilma G. Ramsey. "The
Foland Family Record" Pp. 160-65. 1960. Submission by Norma G. (Foland) Becker Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June 2015 |
Foland School *** Schools Directory *** Decatur County IAGenWeb |