Brick School No. 1
Richland Twp., Decatur County, Iowa |
some of the
following photos can be clicked on for larger views

Brick School, Richland Twp 1898-1899 School Year
Back row, man on left - Thomas Emley, founder and president of the
school board; teacher John Jones to his right.
Front row, each identified with an "x" - Tressie Emley and Roy Clawson. |
and Huldah (MOSS) EMLEY came to Richland Township, Decatur County, Iowa,
with their family in 1850. They came from Danville, Illinois. Thomas,
who descended from a long line of Protestant reverends, was a country
doctor and a farmer. He established the Tennessee/Mt. Zion Christian
Church which was located approximately 1/4 a mile north of his farm and
directly south of the Wheelis/Tennessee Cemetery. To the west of the
cemetery, Thomas established the Brick School and served as the school
district's president.
The Brick School served the "Tennessee Neighborhood" which referred to
the early settlers in the vicinity who came to Iowa from Tennessee. |
NOTE: The original Brick School (top photograph),
a brick building, was destroyed by fire and
a "new" wooden framed building replaced it by the time the 1913
photograph was taken.
The school still stands in Grand River Town Park and is utilized as the
School House Museum.
Brick School Album
Courtesy of Grand River
Schoolhouse Museum and Donna Vann
Etola Grimm, Betty Jones and Sharon
R. Becker |
Souvenir, School District No. 1, Richland Township
Sept. 5 '98 - June 30, '99 |

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complete view |
Presented by John Jones, Teacher.
School Board - Thos. Emley Pres, L. J. McConnell Secy, James Smith |
Esther Hopkins | Lloyd Wood |
Helen Edwards | Zora Fullerton |
Julia Currin | Hulda Boles |
May Grimm | Dollie Fullerton |
Laura Worrick | Nora Worrick |
Thomas Chipp | Alva Hammond |
Lloyd Vanderpool | James Williams |
Roy Palmer | Lola Williams |
Alva Hileman | Jimmie Edwards |
Claude Luce | Roy Clawson |
Alice Edwards | Alva Ramsey |
Maggie Grimm | Floyd Ramsey |
Gussie Harrod | Grace Ward |
Loren Words | Avery Clawson |
Nettie Fullerton | Gussie Palmer |
Artie Smith | Clate Vanderpool |
Cager Collins | John Palmer |
Esther Cole | Jennie Woods |
Frank Cole | May Woods |
Thomas Currin | Ollie Hileman |
John Currin | Willie Gibbins |
Mertie Williams | Linda Worrick |
Tressie Emley | Everett Niday |
Leo Fullerton | Della Collins |
Frank Fullerton |
Minnie Foland | Carrie Edwards |
Lulu Fullerton | Sylvia Fullerton |
Lillian Vanderpool | Alex Ramsey |
Addie Cole | Nellie Clawson |
William Edwards | Norman Dennis |
Huldah West | Willie Collins |
Thomas Collins | Mary Worrick |
Nellie Currin | Mary Grimm |
Edward Hammond | James Cole |
Luster Foland | John Fullerton |
John Hileman | Oscar Boles |
Isaac Worrick | Edith Palmer |
Anna Currin | Albert Fullerton |
Lola Grimm | Samuel West |
Thomas Fullerton | Ella Clawson |
Addie Gibbins | Mabel Ward |
Bennie Collins | Earnest Vanderpool |
John Collins | Jessie Dennis |
Ophelia Nance | Robert Hopkins |
Bessie Chipp | Joseph Worrock |
Frank Boles | Levisa Williams |
Jane Fullerton | Abbie Palmer |
Fred Smith | Ella Hopkins |
Lulu Ward | Jennie Harrod |
Herbert Clawson | Judson Vanderpool |
1907 Souvenir
1907 Souvenir was issued as
"Royal Independent School District No. 1" of Richland Township.
It is for the Brick School. |

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Royal Independent School
District No. 1
Grand River, Iowa
Presented by
Leonard Pierson, Teacher
December 25, 1907
School Officers
W. F. Burchett, President
Isaac S. Emley, Secretary
J. A. West, Treasurer
Edward Emley
A. W. Ricker
Everett West | Leo Fullerton |
Harley Davis | Homer Burchett |
Edna Burchett | Edith Boles |
Sherman Boles | Williard Boles |
Ray Boles | Ellen Boles |
Nellie Boles | Mabel Ricker |
Ines Gill | Eldwin Gill |
Harley Gill | Marie Emley |
Tressie Emley | Hollie Emley |
Ralph Emley | Carl Clawson |
Lee Hill | Henry Hill |
Clint Hill | Fred Hill |
Maud Hill | Freeda Hill |
Lydia Hendrickson | Rhody Hendrickson |
Thomas Hendrickson | Mary McConnell |
Nevia McConnell | Grit McConnell |
Homer Hukill | Hattie Woods |
Edith Woods | Edna Woods |
Laila Edwards | Scharleen Edwards |
Vernon Williams | Don Williams |
Eddie Wilson | Jay Swegle |
Ben Swegle | Richard Collins |
Della Collins | Goldie Collins |
Lawrence Woods |
1912 |
Brick School, District No. 1
Grand River, Richland Township,
Decatur County, Iowa |

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Brick School - 1935-36 |
Rose Davis 12 years old |
Eula Keller, Teacher,
1921 |
School Officers |
Michael Foland | President |
Tom Fullerton | Secretary |
Chas. Davis | Treasurer |
Will Adams | Director |
Luke Conwell | Director |
Pupils |
Della Boles | Orpha Cooper |
Pearl Davis | Ruby Emily |
Opha Cooper | Pearl Emily |
Violet Boles | Atha Davis |
Vivien Edwards | Grace Brown |
Pearl Woods | Rose Davis |
Grace Adams | Clifford Davis |
Raymond Spray | Armel Adams |
Glen Brown | Thelma Jones |
Russell Adams | Charley Brown |
Laura Woods | Orell Boles |
Gerald West | Basil Foland |
Arben Foland | Ivene Foland |
Oren West | Gilbert Adams |
Rex Davis | Dale Davis |
Ica Foland | Eva Fullerton |
Arby Woods | Clair Adams |
Mae Davis | Clell Cooper |
Truman Adams | Hoyle Fullerton |
Wayne Dinnell | Clarence Jones |
Clifford Jones | Lorene West |
Reah Robison, Teacher
April 21, 1922 |
School Officers |
Michael Foland | Frank Adams |
Frances Burchett |
Advanced Grade |
Orpha Cooper | Clifford Davis |
Vivian Edwards | Opha Cooper |
Atha Davis | Pearl Emley |
Violet Boles | Raymond Spray |
Pearl Woods | Thelma Jones |
Armel Adams | Rose Davis |
Grace Adams | Orrel Boles |
Bernice Foland | Earl Munyon |
Gerald West |
Intermediate Grade |
Charley Brown | Basil Foland |
Laura Woods | Gilbert Adams |
Rex Davis | Oren West |
Everett Boles | Clell Cooper |
Cloris Cooper | Mae Davis |
Clair Adams | Clarence Jones |
Russell Adams | Truman Adams |
Primary Grade |
Dale Davis | Eva Fullerton |
Wayne Munyon | Ruby Tillotson |
Pauline Munyon | Lorene West |
Clifford Jones | Rollie Adams |
Arby Woods | Hoyle Fullerton |
Hartzel Foland | Willard Larum |
Harland Adams | Florence Davis |
Doris Woods | Doris Cooper |
Pauline Adams |
Etola Grimm,
teacher |
Brick School,
The Girls |
Brick School,
The Boys |
School No. 1
Richland Township
Decatur County
Berniece Fullerton Burchett
Gerold West, President
Everett Boles, Treasurer
Frances Boles, Secretary
Orel Boles Rex Davis
Dallas Pennock |
Raymond Pettis | Loretta Miller |
Paul Parker | Alice Boles |
Della Pettis |
David Boles | Shirley Parker |
Wayne Pennock | Samuel West |
Lorraine Boles | Wendell West |
Adrienne Parker | Donald Pettis |
Maxine Davis |
Wayne West | Jo Ann Davis |
Susie Boles | Myrna Davis |
Cora Pettis | Norma Fullerton |
Annetta Miller | Anne Boles |
The Brick School closed during Iowa's school
reorganization of the mid to late 1950's, as did most country schools.
However, unlike most of these rural schoolhouses, the Brick School was
acquired by the Grand Valley Community School District and moved onto
the school grounds in Grand River. Here the Brick School sat east of the
gymnasium, serving as the music room.
When the Grand Valley Community School District dissolved and the final
deposition of the school's assets were made in 1998, the Brick School
was given to the town of Grand River. It was moved west across the
street where it stands in the Grand River Park, serving as a school and
town museum. |
Original page created by Sharon
Becker 2013; updated and reformatted by Conni McDaniel Hall Sep
2019. |
Schools Directory *** Decatur
County IAGenWeb |