Cheville ChapelGraceland University, Lamoni, Iowa |
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Cheville Chapel at Graceland University was dedicated in 1978 in honor
of Roy Cheville, theologian, educator and former Presiding Patriarch of
the Community of Christ. The structure was built for $325,000 and was
funded by a restricted private bequest. In keeping with the desire for
the chapel to be an accessible place of solitude, Graceland's president
Frank Hough determined that the facility should remain unstaffed and
open at all times. The Chapel's relatively small seating capacity makes it an intimate setting for worship, theological education and the performance of sacred music. Known for its excellent acoustics, it has been used for small ensemble performances. It is used several times a week by campus groups for worship services, and as a place of individual prayer and reflection. Architecturally, the postmodern brick structure is minimalist in its design. It is reminiscent of the exterior simplicity of the Rothko Chapel in Houston built only a few years earlier, while its twin steeple foreshadows the deconstructivism style in architecture that began a decade later. The chapel houses Aaron Sherer's "The Process of Becoming," a canvas wall hanging employing a mix of colorfully painted ribbons. SOURCE: |
Alumni, Community Donations Preserve Graceland History |
Graceland buildings hold years of history, tradition and memories of thousands of students. This year, thanks to generous alumni and Lamoni community donations, we've been able to preserve two of these valuable buildings: The Roy A. Cheville Chapel and the Coliseum Theatre. |
Preserving Our Area of Worship: The Cheville Chapel![]() |
The Cheville Chapel has been a home for Graceland worship for over 30
years. With its stained glass windows and pebbled floor, the building’s
funky-vibe has entertained many during worship services, weddings and
baptisms. And after a gift from Ken and Joan Johnson, Community of
Christ members and friends of the university, Graceland Campus
Ministries and Facility Services have updated its functionality while
preserving its appearance and uniqueness. The Cheville back room has been replaced with a permanent storage structure for Praise Band equipment, the prayer room has been enclosed with a double-glass door, the lobby has been opened up (to create more space for socializing), a restroom has been converted into a kitchenette (to prepare snacks and communions), and flooring in the back area has been replaced with vinyl VCT flooring. The most notable renovations, however, take place in the chapel itself. The baptismal font has been replaced, lighting has been upgraded and drywall was installed over the wooden paneling, which was beginning to tear loose. The upgrades have lightened the area and given the Campus Ministries team the capability to project hymns and presentations on the chapel walls. The highlight of the project takes place on the chapel’s south wall, where sunshades were removed and a new, wooden pattern was added to the wall. Using geometric panels, varying in size and set off at various depths, the wall has been covered in an artistic pattern, envisioned in the building’s original design and complemented by the ideas of Campus Ministries Intern, Jessica Montague. “Worship can happen anywhere and in any conditions,” said Campus Minister Matt Frizzell ’96. “Yet, the unique design and natural feel of the Cheville Chapel remains important to generations through its architecture and approach to creating sacred space. The vaulted ceiling, north facing windows, and mix of natural textures in the Chapel will continue to shape students’ sense of spirituality and worship for years to come.” Horizons, Summer 2012, Vol. 28, No. 1, Page 5 |
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Transcribed by Sharon Becker, 2015. NOTE: Graceland University expressly granted permission to Decatur County IAGenWeb to use photographs and materials for the sole purpose of this website. Please, extend courtesy toward Graceland University and Decatur County IAGenWeb ~ ask before you "borrow" from this site. Thank you. These pages have been updated and reformatted by Conni McDaniel Hall, October 2019 |
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