The Lamoni Chronicle OFFICIAL PAPER OF DECATUR COUNTY Lamoni, Iowa, Thursday, March 19, 1942, Page 3 THE TRUMPETER DEVOTED TO LAMONI PUBLIC SCHOOLS THREE DEMONS PLACE ON BG LOOP TEAMS No Conference Opening Sport This Year Lamoni's third place team landed three of its team mates on the first and second all-Blue Grass Conference basketball teams. Last Tuesday, March 10, all the conference athletic heads met at Mount Ayr to finish the current business of the loop. The coaches nominated, discussed, and chose the two representative all-conference teams. Bedford placed their entire first team among the selected teams. The first team as chosen is: Forwards: Morris and Marshall, Bedford; and Howard, Lamoni. Guards: Loving, Lamoni; Nelson, Bedford; and Preston, Lenox. Center: Salon, Bedford. The second team selections are: Forwards: Miller, Lenox; Rusk, Mount Ayr; and Ward, Corydon. Guards: Ulmer, Bedford; Hoffman, Leon; and Dailey, Mount Ayr. Centers: Payton, Lamoni; and Manchester, Leon. Loving, Howard, Marris and Salen were unanimous choices. The men in their other business decided to abandon baseball as a conference sport due to the war emergency. At the present plans are made to carry out the regular football schedule. The Blue Grass Conference basketball jamboree will not be held in 19423. The conference basketball schedule will not as heavy next year. These plans are all dependent on this situation of the country, and further information will be announced concerning them. MINUTE BIOGRAPHIES Willie Barnett, 12th Grade Another very ambitious senior student is the object of today's interview. Willie likes to read, to go to the movies, and go on trips. The only thing he could think of that he doesn't like to do is study. He likes sympathy music, something a lot of people cannot appreciate. He has no favorite song. Willie lived in Kellerton for about seven years and attended school there for three years. He also went to country school and has attended Lamoni high school since he was a sophomore. He wants to study medicine after he graduates from high school. ___________ Franklin Thies, 11th Grade Lamoni high school welcomes another newcomer. This time it is the tall blond who has been casting his shadow in the junior class. His name is Franklin Thies and he hailed from Shelby, Iowa. Frank's favorite sports are basketball and football and he likes to bowl. His favorite kind of music is popular music, but he has no favorite song. He also likes to sing. There's one thing about him that is remarkable! He has no pet peeve. When he graduates from high school, he plans to take up aviation. CONFERENCE PRESS MEETS AT MT. AYR Ideas for School Papers Discussed By Group School press correspondents from four of the six Blue Grass Conference schools met at Mount Ayr last Tuesday to the first Blue Grass Press Association meeting of the year. Lamoni, Leon, Mount Ayr and Corydon were represented at the meeting of the association, which was started and organized last year. In 1941 the group sponsored exchange programs, but after a delay the first semester and the war, resulting in tire shortage, the plan was abandoned. The plan of exchanging annuals was suggested; and Mount Ayr, Leon and Lamoni agreed to do so if the plan is approved further. A committee of underclassmen, a boy and a girl from each school, was appointed to maintain the workings of the group for next year. Margaret Condit is chairman of the committee. The members got an idea of the journalism and school paper services and problems of the schools in their discussion. A number of ideas were obtained in this discussion. GAA NAMES STAR CAGE SEXTETS The Girls Athletic Association has had a number of basketball games this season. The varsity and sub-varsity teams were chosen at a meeting held Wednesday, March 4, 1942. Those on the varsity were: Ruth Loving, Kathryn Marb, Donna Lee Nobbitt, Arlene Tapscott, Elaine Hutchcroft and Evelyn Miller. Those on the sub-varsity team were Dixie Brenizer, Margaret Snethen, Neva Bucy, Joyce Kastner, Marie Bucy, Cora Cochran and Maxine White. It was decided at this meeting that if anyone is absent three times in succession she is considered not a member. Also the excuses must be approved by an officer and the sponsor, Miss Bohnenfiel. THESPIAN PLAYS The Thespian organization is now in the midst of two productions scheduled for March 26-27, the first night being reserved for high school students only. "Dark Wind" is a good dramatic play, starring the following: Dorothy Newman, Chrystal Draper, Irene Simpson and Gilbert Howard. "Eh" is an amusing comedy of a young lady, Frances S. and her boy friend, Cliff C. Joe T., Kathryn M. and Bill B. will also help to make the play an enjoyable one. LAMONI STOPPED BY CORNING FOES IN DISTRICT, 26-24 Score Tied 10-10 At Half of First District Game In Lamoni's first district game in history, Lamoni's Demons lost a hard-fought, close decision to Corning Red Raiders by a 26-24 score. The Lamoni team as the underdog won the admiration of the crowd as to part of the game they made the opponents play the kind of game they wanted to play. Corning in most games is a fast-break, flashy outfit, but in this game the entire Lamoni team made it a slow game. Lamoni looked the better team through parts of the contest, but in the end the Red Raiders proved the better team of that night. In their hard try to upset Corning, the Demons went after rebounds like Demons and all evening outjumped their taller adversaries. the Demons truly were glorious in defeat on their "off" night. Lamoni started the scoring as Payton dumped in a free-throw for a 1 to 0 lead. Corning sank three set-ups and went into the lead as the first quarter ended 6 to 2 with the favor going to Corning. The Demons had their best luck in the second period as they outscored the Red Raider foes 8 to 4. The local quintet after clicking nicely for the second quarter period tied Corning with a 10 to 10 scoreboard reading at the end of the first half. Howard, Loving, Payton, Bartlett and Robinson started to click again as the cagers sifted through the Corning defense for 7 points. Lamoni defense allowed Corning to jump ahead by an 18 to 17 score as the third period ended. Lamoni came back into the game with a 19 to 18 lead but it faded, and the Demons never regained the lead. As the final minute rolled up, Corning held a good four point lead. Loving sank Lamoni's final basket of the season to trail by two points. As the final whistle sounded, Loving shot a long last try which proved no good. Corning topped the Lamoni Demons 26 to 24 in the finals for the Demons. FIFTEEN BOYS WORK ON MODEL PLANES Boosters Club and Bank Help with Supplies About 15 industrious junior and senior high boys have concluded nearly two weeks of hard work on the models of airplanes for the government. Plans for 30 planes have been received and work has been started on most of them. None of the planes are finished, but a few are near completion. To complete the unit of 50 planes will take a lot of hard work according to the blisters and marks on the boys. Besides the 30 planes now here, another set of 20, and another set of plans for 10 planes, will be dispatched to Mr. Kelley, Superintendent. [illegible] will be painted black, so that they will be like silhouettes. He announced that the State Bank of Lamoni and the Boosters Club are donating money to help buy the wood. Other organizations are being contacted for support of the program. Through The Grades The fifth grade has been making courtesy posters to celebrate "Courtesy Week." The first grade has been studying pets this week. The pupils are learning how to take care of them and are making posters about them. The second grade is studying the different types of Indian houses and making models of them. The Kindergarten made a trip to the creamery last week. They say they enjoyed it very much. The third grade has a new student, David Jones. Robert Harden moved to the country, and now goes to country school. The sixth grade is studying safety and plan for a program to be given to the other grades Friday. 20 YEARS AGO IN OUR COLUMNS March 10, 1922: Floyd Leah resigned his position as city marshal, the resignation taking effect Monday night. G. B. Walling has been appointed to fill the unexpired term. Mr. Leah has held the position since January 1, 1921, and has given good service. He resigned to accept a position as superintendent of a large dairy farm in Wisconsin. ___________ The meeting of the Commercial Club called for Tuesday was postponed on account of the death of H. M. Lynn. __________ Mr. and Mrs. Evan Vredenburg and family came Saturday from Woodbine and will locate on a farm near Lamoni. ___________ Lottie Monroe represented the Lamoni high school at the sub-district declamatory contest at Osceola, winning second in dramatic with "As The Fist Goes By." ___________ |
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The caucus called for Friday night was only fairly attended,
there being a little over 100 men and women present. Mayor Anderson was
in the chair and W. H. Blair and T. B. Nicholson acted as secretaries.
The following ticket was nominated and named the Citizens ticket: for
mayor, G. W. Blair; for councilman, J. P. Haas, A. H. Smith, D. A.
Dancer, C. E. Bootman, James Gillaspy; for treasurer, O. E. Teale;
assessor, P. M. Weld [?]; and for member of the park board, W. A.
Hopkins. School Caucus 20 Years Ago The largest vote ever polled at the school election was registered Monday when one school board member and a treasurer was elected. The way the voters lined up and marched to the polls one could almost imagine it was a presidential election. The weather was not favorable either but women as well as men came out in large numbers. There were 515 votes cast of director and 452 for treasurer. The vote was as follows: For board member: A. Otis White 269, W. F. France 246; for treasurer: T. B. Nicholson 445, G. E. Teale 4, G. L. Smith 1, W. Prall 1 and G. Anderson 1. ___________ A meeting was called by A. W. Fleet for the purpose of discussing the possibility of organizing a golf club. An organization was effected and the following officers named: A. W. Fleet, president; H. White, secretary-treasurer; and T. B. Nicholson, Henry Denio, W. H. Blair as other members of the executive committee. Membership fee was set at $10 annually. ___________ Dr. Clara White was released from quarantine Monday and is back at her post of duty again, looking somewhat pale but able to care for her practice. ___________ Hitching racks were taxed to the limit Saturday. A few cars braved the mud but most farmers hitched up their trusty horses. NOTICES OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HYDE & VREDENBURG, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Articles of Incorporation of Hyde & Vredenburg, Inc. have been amended by striking all of Article V thereof and substituting in the stead thereof another Article V providing in part and in effect that the authorized capital stock shall be $300,000 divided into 2,500 shares of common stock of $100.00 par value each. Any stock to be paid for when issued either in cash or property as provided by law. And providing further for changes either increase or decrease in capitalization by amendment to said articles; and for the restrictions of sale of said stock; and for thereon for indebtedness owing and corporation; and for other provisions as more fully appear in the true recording of same in Book 2 on Page 5 in the office of the Recorder of Decatur County, Iowa, to all of which due notice is given this 9th day of March, A. D. 1942. HYDE & VREDENBURG, INC. By D. C. Vredenburg, its President and By Chas. L. Hyde its Secretary-Treasurer |
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![]() CLOCK SERVICES - We know the mechanism of all types, time, strike or chime. See us for repair work N. B. BANKER - Certified Watch Maker. ___________ CAFES FAMOUS FOR FOOD _ THAT IS OUR MOTTO. Every serving bears it out, either regular meals or short order. COFFEE SHOPPE. ___________ FEEDS WHY BUY EXPENSIVE MIXED FEEDS! - You get every needed supplement in one bag of Sargent's Mineral Meat Meal. Easy to feed. BARR & MOON MILL. POLTICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of treasurer of Decatur county subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primary election to be held in June. Respectfully, Robert C. Pullin, Hamilton township. ___________ I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of sheriff of Decatur county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primary election to be held in June. Herman Hamilton ___________ I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for re-election to the board of supervisors of Decatur county for the term beginning in 1944, subject to the will of the Democratic voters in the June primary election. Respectfully, Everett Massey. ___________ I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court of Decatur County, Iowa, subject to the decision of the members of the Democratic party as expressed at the primary election to be held in June, 1942. Eva R. McGinnis ___________ I herewith announce that I am a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Decatur county, subject to the approval of the republican party in the June primary election. Respectfully, E. L. Bruce, Leon, Iowa. ___________ I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of State Representative from Decatur county subject to the will of the Democratic voters in the June primary election. Respectfully, Herbert E. Cozad. ___________ I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of members of the board of supervisors for the January 1, 1943 term, subject to the will of the republican voters at the primary election in June. Respectfully, J. E. Clampitt. ___________ COMPLETE STOCK Radios, Washers, Car Batteries, Radio Batteries and Complete Repair Service for Radios, Wind Chargers, Electric and Briggs-Stratton Motors. Phone 170 for Expert Service BASS RADIO SHOP 1 Blk. West, 1 1/2 Blks. South Phillips Station ___________ CARDS OF THANKS No words of ours can ever express the deep gratitude and appreciation we feel for our friends and neighbors who through their acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy helped us through this difficult time, the sickness and death of our loved one. Mrs. Lorena Ballantyne, Bill, Bob and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ballantyne, Don and Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Murl Ballantyne and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Ballantyne and family. ___________ FOR SALE HARNESS OIL - Bring your harness in and have it dipped in PURE Neatfoot Oil, PRICE IMPLEMENT CO., Phone 82, Lamoni 82. ___________ TINY APARTMENT PIANO - Will close out in Lamoni for $60. Cash or terms. Write Critchett Piano Co., Des Moines, Iowa. ___________ LESPEDEZA SEED FOR SALE - WARREN HILLS, Davis City, Iowa. ___________ FOR SALE - 140 HEAD SHEEP, yearlings to five year olds. Lamb in April. PAYTON BROTHERS, Kellerton. ___________ FOR SALE - 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Motor just overhauled, almost new tires. ED DOWNEY. ___________ FOR SALE - We now have a complete line of "New-Method" Paint. See us for house and barn paint, inside pant and enamals. PRICE IMPLEMENT CO., Lamoni, Phone 82. ___________ FOR SALE - BLACK ANGUS BULL CALF, recorded. Good one. H. E. WILCOXSON. ___________ EASY TO FEED - GARGENT'S MINERAL MEAT MEAL for hogs. BARR & MOON MILL. ___________ SEE THE SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT PORTABLE. Weight but 11 lbs. 1 oz! Luggage type carrying case. Right for apartments. See it! Use it! N. B. BANKER, Certified Watch Maker. ___________ WANTED WANTED - Man in this community to develop Factory to Farm Feed Business. Permanent necessary work with opportunity to develop repeat business without investment. Must have car, be over 25, and have an eye for the future. Write B1, in care this paper. ___________ WANTED - 15 CALVES, 3 or 4 months old. MARK E. ANWAY. ___________ COLLECTIONS WANTED - We collect notes, judgments and all legitimate items of indebtedness at no charge made. Anywhere. Best of references. R. C. VALENTINE CO., Light Company Bldg., Marshalltown, Iowa. ___________ WANTED: YOUR DEAD STOCK, large or small, we make the call! Lamoni Rendering Service, Lamoni phones call GEORGE FOREMAN, phone 100. ___________ RADIO HAVING RADIO TROUBLE? - We are experienced with all makes. Full line of repair parts and tubes in stock. Phone 190. HAMMER RADIO & ELECTRIC. ___________ HEATING SERVICE PLENTY OF HEAT WITH A GREEN COLONIAL FURNACE. No shivering. No cold mornings. Steady, comfortable heat at less cost. Convenient deferred payment plan. Come in. A. L. GAULTER. ___________ MRS. IDA TAPPS - MANSON, writes: Since installing our Green Colonial air conditioning system heating our home is a simple matter. At Christmas time, with temperatures outside as low as 18 below zero, we had no trouble in heating our home. All eight rooms were very comfortable." For information, A. L. GAULTER. ___________ OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE EQUIPMENT - We have complete stock of business supplies. Come in. LAMONI CHRONICLE. Transcription by Sharon R. Becker |
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