List OF Pensioners on the RollJanuary 1, 1883;Giving THE NAME OF EACH PENSIONER, THE CAUSE FOR WHY PENSIONED, THE POST-OFFICE ADDRESS, THE RATE OF PENSION PER MONTH, AND THE DATE OF ORIGINAL ALLOWANCE, AS CALLED FOR BY Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882 VOLUME III. Washington : Government Printing Office 1883 ![]() DECATUR COUNTY, IOWA |
Abbreviation Key | ||||||||||||||||||
Certificate # | Pensioner's Name | Post-office Address | Cause For Pension | Monthly Rate | Date of Original Allowance |
70,546 | Allen, Jacob | Davis City | wound right leg | 4.00 | -- |
67,297 | Abbott, William N. | Davis City | g. s. w. right leg | 4.00 | -- |
129,337 | Gallagher, James | Davis City | disease of eyes | 18.00 | -- |
189,648 | Ghiler, David | Davis City | father | 8.00 | April 1880 |
60,634 | Standafer, Huldy E. | Davis City | widow | 8.00 | Jan. 1868 |
109,639 | Toney, William R. | Davis City | inj. to right hip | 4.00 | -- |
178,943 | Terry, Henry | Davis City | g. s. w. left hip | 4.00 | Nov. 1880 |
129,079 | Imes, Thomas | Davis City | wound left leg | 4.00 | -- |
162,005 | Jacobs, Cyrus | Davis City | wds. r. arm, chest, & should. | 6.00 | Aug. 1879 |
14,558 | Gabble, Rosanna R. J. | Davis City | widow | 8.00 | April 1868 |
31,371 | Joseph, Elizabeth A. | Davis City | widow | 8.00 | July 1867 |
98,673 | Davis, Ann | Davis City | widow | 8.00 | Sept. 1874 |
35,388 | Sylvester, John | Davis City | inj. to spine and l. knee | 4.00 | -- |
222,554 | Franklin, Squire | Davis City | chronic bronchitis | 4.00 | Dec. 1882 |
187,698 | Howard, Joseph C. | Davis City | dis. lungs | 4.00 | April 1881 |
7,376 | Banton, Elizabeth | Davis City | widow 1812 | 8.00 | July 1878 |
129,735 | Browning, John W. | Davis City | g. s. w. left hand, loss finger | 4.00 | -- |
162,828 | Tullis, Thomas S. | Decatur | shell wd. right hand | 4.00 | Oct. 1879 |
167,472 | Woodminssee, John | Decatur | chr. bronchitis | 4.00 | May 1880 |
147,935 | Sawyer, Lucia M. | Decatur | mother | 8.00 | Aug. 1871 |
188,961 | Pollock, Israel H. | Decatur | rheum. & dis. kidneys | 4.00 | May 1881 |
189,381 | Gillman, Margaret | Decatur | widow | 8.00 | Aug. 1880 |
137,382 | Tullis, John S. | Decatur | chr. diar. & dis. liver | 10.00 | -- |
108,993 | Wion, Martha A. | Decatur | widow | 8.00 | Jan. 1873 |
88,049 | Seale, Fred | Decatur | g. s. w. left leg | 10.00 | -- |
203,420 | Greeting, John A. | Decatur | frac. r. cheek bone | 2.00 | Feb. 1882 |
133,869 | Fisher, William | Decatur | chr. diarrhea | 4.00 | -- |
166,609 | Gray, Elizabeth | Decatur | mother | 8.00 | Sept. 1874 |
151,391 | Bryant, Hiram D. | Decatur | chr. diarh. | 6.00 | March 1877 |
181,058 | Shelton, Levi H. | Decatur | dis. of eyes | 18.00 | Jan. 1881 |
188,702 | Fisher, John W. | De Kalb | g. s. w. r. hand, loss 2d finger | 6.00 | May 1881 |
195,568 | Fierce, William A. | Dekalb | disease of heart | 8.00 | Sept. 1881 |
131,083 | Briley, Stephen H. | Garden Grove | chr. diar. & var. veins l. leg | 6.00 | -- |
197,271 | Hart, Lucinda | Garden Grove | mother | 8.00 | Sept. 1882 |
112,311 | Hall, Charles R. | Garden Grove | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | -- |
208,979 | Barrett, Gilbert L. | Garden Grove | loss r. eye, imp. sight of l. eye | 6.00 | May 1882 |
189,182 | Brock, Floyd A. | Garden Grove | g. s. w. left thigh | 2.00 | May 1881 |
125,656 | Casey, Marena | Garden Grove | mother | 8.00 | March 1869 |
140,962 | Perigo, Mary | Garden Grove | widow | 8.00 | March 1870 |
109,685 | Cline, Harriet | Garden Grove | widow | 8.00 | March 1868 |
186,214 | Johnson, Sarah E. | Garden Grove | widow | 20.00 | Dec. 1879 |
170,186 | Jordan, John | Garden Grove | injury to abdomen | 4.00 | June 1880 |
133,635 | Hine, Willie | Garden Grove | g. s. w. both thighs | 5.00 | -- |
149,468 | Scott, Stephen | Garden Grove | chr. diar. & dis. r. lung | 6.00 | Dec. 1877 |
181,749 | Chenonith, Lemon | Garden Grove | chronic diarrhea | 4.00 | Jan. 1881 |
137,563 | Paxton, James W. | Garden Grove | g. s. w. left hip | 6.00 | -- |
57,757 | Davis, James H. | Grand River | g. s. w. l. foot, head, & r. br'st | 10.00 | -- |
180,846 | Mather, George W. | Grand River | injury to left leg | 4.00 | Jan. 1881 |
190,723 | Ross, Jacob | Grand River | dis. lungs & throat | 6.00 | June 1881 |
32,574 | Young, Judah | Grand River | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Aug. 1882 |
79,823 | Maurose, Roxy | Grand River | widow | 8.00 | Aug. 1866 |
16,693 | Metts, Margaret A. | Grand River | widow | 8.00 | April 1867 |
192,324 | Johnson, James M. | Grand River | chr. diarr. & dis. lungs | 8.00 | July 1881 |
120,369 | Wycoff, Cranmore | Grand River | g. s. w. rt. hand | 12.00 | -- |
41,651 | Moren, Joshua | Grand River | wd. left foot | 3.00 | -- |
128,705 | Sterett, Albert P. | High Point | g. s. w. left shoulder | 3.00 | -- |
100,598 | Wolverton, Perry | High Point | disease of lungs | 4.00 | -- |
14,332 | Riadeli, Anna | High Point | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
186,624 | Bennett, Hiram M. | High Point | disease eyes | 6.00 | April 1881 |
155,004 | Melton, James C. | High Point | dis. of kidneys | 6.00 | Aug. 1878 |
58,138 | McGuire, John | High Point | g. s. w. l. thi., atrophy, & par. | 18.00 | -- |
3,339 | Crider, Joseph | High Point | g. s. w. l. hand & chest | 8.00 | -- |
135,139 | Ennis, James D. | Lamoni | dis. of abdominal viscera | 4.00 | -- |
179,117 | Bedell, David E. | Lamoni | dis. spine & chr. rheum. | 4.00 | Nov. 1880 |
144,985 | Seale, George | Lamoni | g. s. w. r. leg | 4.00 | -- |
157,030 | Thomas, Roswell G. | Lamoni | inj. to r. foot | 4.00 | Dec. 1878 |
21,135 | Teale, Thomas | Lamoni | wound r. hip | 6.00 | -- |
211,396 | Felkey, Marion C. | Lamoni | chronic diarrhea | 2.00 | June 1882 |
112,623 | Cook, Jefferson | Leon | dis. spine and heart | 4.00 | -- |
53,350 | Keller, William R. | Leon | injury to abdomen | 6.00 | -- |
24,788 | Layton, James M. | Leon | g. s. w. r. thi., r. forearm, l. elb. | 12.00 | -- |
116,165 | Pitman, Edward K. | Leon | erysipelas l. arm | 18.00 | -- |
130,115 | Martin, Isaac P. | Leon | g. s. w. left leg | 7.50 | -- |
154,989 | Mitchell, John | Leon | inj. to back | 8.00 | Aug. 1878 |
156,971 | Boyer, Joseph C. | Leon | loss small toe l. foot | 2.00 | Dec. 1878 |
144,037 | Blades, William J. | Leon | inj. to right leg | 2.00 | -- |
46,333 | Earnest, Elbert | Leon | total blindness | 72.00 | -- |
20,487 | Finley, John P., Jr. | Leon | loss r. arm | 18.00 | -- |
141,642 | Garrett, David J. | Leon | loss l. eye, imp. sight r. eye | 18.00 | -- |
44,487 | Garrett, Jesse B. | Leon | g. s. w. head & dis. lungs | 12.75 | -- |
44,488 | Hounnald, James W. | Leon | g. s. w. r. thigh | 8.00 | -- |
187,235 | Dunn, Allen | Leon | var. veins r. leg & ulceration | 10.00 | April 1881 |
197,498 | Blair, Thomas H. | Leon | chr. diarrhea | 4.00 | Nov. 1881 |
175,601 | Burinson, Samuel | Leon | dis. lungs | 4.00 | Oct. 1880 |
166,066 | Beebee, Reuben L. | Leon | chr. diarrhea | 4.00 | March 1880 |
36,894 | Sullivan, William J. | Leon | loss l. arm above elbow | 24.00 | -- |
171,846 | Thurman, Daniel | Leon | g. s. w. l. shoulder | 2.00 | July 1880 |
135,174 | Ray, Justinian | Leon | dropsy, result dis. kidney | 15.00 | -- |
185,545 | Rodgers, Alexander | Leon | disease eyes | 10.00 | March 1881 |
221,612 | Babbitt, Creed | Leon | inj. r. ankle | 4.00 | Dec. 1882 |
75,542 | Wilson, John | Leon | inj. to ribs & side | 4.00 | -- |
171,510 | McMorris, Jane | Leon | mother | 8.00 | Dec. 1875 |
16,143 | Ray, Rachel | Leon | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
26,288 | Piercy, Elizabeth | Leon | widow | 8.00 | Aug. 1879 |
29,618 | Newlin, Permelia | Leon | widow | 8.00 | May 1880 |
26,417 | Baker, Sarah J. | Leon | widow | 8.00 | Dec. 1867 |
127,873 | Whisler, Joseph | Leon | chron. diarr. | 18.00 | -- |
51,793 | Woodmansee, Dan'l B. | Leon | par. loss 2 fingers r. hand | 6.00 | -- |
46,611 | Sankey, Ezekiel J. | Leon | wound left leg | 18.00 | -- |
142,165 | Simpson, James | Leon | injury to abdomen | 10.00 | -- |
168,742 | Keller, Catharine | Leon | widow & child | 8.00 | April 1875 |
174,012 | Sanford, Clara A. | Leon | widow | 17.00 | June 1876 |
52,445 | Smith, Elizabeth | Leon | widow | 8.00 | Sept. 1867 |
221,612 | Babbitt, Creed | Leon | inj. right ankle | 4.00 | Dec. 1882 |
214,335 | LaFollett, George W. | Leon | inj. right knee | 4.00 | June 1882 |
165,307 | Jenkins, Wm. Henry | Leon | dis. of abdominal viscera | 4.00 | March 1880 |
136,335 | Jewell, Gilbert W. | Leon | inj. back, lumbago, & inj. ab. | 2.00 | -- |
182,717 | Hine, Daniel | Leon | chronic diarrhea | 4.00 | April 1879 |
217,098 | Sales, Lorenzo H. | Leon | injury to abdomen | 7.50 | Aug. 1882 |
158,610 | Simpson, Lennius | Leon | chron. diarrhea | 4.00 | April 1879 |
169,743 | Carmean, Joshua | Leon | disease of heart | 8.00 | June 1880 |
192,681 | Gillham, Charles A. | Leon | disease lungs | 10.00 | July 1881 |
176,105 | Garrett, David J. | Leon | inj. right side | 4.00 | Oct. 1880 |
-- | Brown, Ruth | Leon | widow 1812 | 8.00 | June 1879 |
160,206 | Brown, Bryant | Leon | inj. r. leg | 4.00 | May 1879 |
141,306 | Warhurst, William | Leon | g. s. w. l. shoulder | 6.00 | -- |
172,583 | Thompson, James A. | Le Roy | disease of eyes | 8.00 | Aug. 1880 |
217,124 | Ellis, Myron | Leroy | g. s. w. left leg | 2.00 | Aug. 1882 |
7,621 | Hanson, Mary | Leroy | widow | 8.00 | Aug. 1863 |
188,713 | Helmick, Barbara A. | Leroy | widow and 4 children | 8.00 | June 1880 |
137,740 | Wyatt, Sacker | Leroy | asthma | 8.00 | -- |
-- | Weaver, John I. | Pleasanton | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | -- |
208,630 | Washburn, Samuel | Pleasanton | dropsy | 2.00 | May 1882 |
64,056 | Walker, Francis M. | Pleasanton | g. s. w. l. arm, auchylosis l. kn. | 6.00 | -- |
13,266 | Hutchinson, John R. | Pleasanton | g. s. w. left leg | 8.00 | -- |
127,148 | Morris, James | Pleasanton | father | 8.00 | -- |
206,779 | Miller, Jefferson | Pleasanton | g. s. w. r. arm | 6.00 | April 1882 |
195,312 | Henderson, Malinda | Pleasanton | widow | 8.00 | April 1882 |
110,638 | McKeen, John | Pleasanton | asthma | 14.00 | July 1872 |
24,107 | McCullough, Emily A. | Spring Valley | widow | 8.00 | Jan. 1871 |
201,402 | Logan, William | Terre Haute | injury to spine | 2.00 | Jan. 1882 |
155,782 | Odell, Malinda | Terre Haute | widow | 8.00 | Feb. 1872 |
50,567 | McDowell, Elisha | Terre Haute | wound r. leg | 18.00 | -- |
107,117 | Daniels, Moses | Terre Haute | chron. diarrhea | 8.00 | -- |
189,963 | Stokes, Milton J. | Terre Haute | typhoid fever & epilepsy | 8.00 | June 1881 |
188,577 | Vinsom, Thomas G. | Van Wert | g. s. w. right hand | 4.00 | May 1881 |
211,034 | Sheeley, Adna L. | Van Wert | dis. lungs | 4.00 | June 1882 |
155,444 | Roby, Francis A. | Van Wert | lung disease | 12.00 | Sept. 1878 |
174,719 | Thompson, Francis M. | Van Wert | lung | 2.00 | Oct. 1880 |
132,810 | Wright, Annie | Van Wert | widow | 8.00 | Aug. 1869 |
211,443 | McQuinsey, Jasper N. | Van Wert | saber wound head | 2.00 | June 1882 |
133,001 | Cherry, John | Van Wert | injury to abdomen | 6.00 | -- |
221,268 | Keller, Andrew J. | Van Wert | chr. diarrh. | 4.00 | Nov. 1882 |
46,608 | Davis, Merrick | Weldon | wound left elbow | 18.00 | -- |
87,177 | Maxwell, Daniel K. | Weldon | g. s. w. r. leg | 4.00 | -- |
15,541 | Mitchell, George E. | Weldon | g. s. w. left foot | 10.00 | -- |
151,974 | Mathena, Robert F. | Weldon | g. s. w. left knee | 8.00 | April 1878 |
7,935 | Brown, Susan | Weldon | mother | 8.00 | Nov. 1863 |
26,063 | Kyte, Catherine | Weldon | widow 1812 | 8.00 | July 1879 |
42,251 | Shoults, Elija J. | Weldon | widow | 8.00 | Feb. 1868 |
34,303 | Showers, Lyman | Weldon | g. s. w. r. arm | 10.00 | -- |
113,994 | Myers, William H. | Weldon | g. s. w. l. arm & head | 18.00 | -- |
212,952 | Switzer, Jacob | Westerville | g. s. w. r. leg | 2.00 | June 1882 |
192,590 | Pray, Lucindey | Westerville | widow & two children | 8.00 | June1881 |
18,026 | Green, Permelia | Westerville | widow | 8.00 | Oct. 1867 |
61,253 | Dilley, William S. | Westerville | chron. diarr. | 6.00 | -- |
160,529 | Warwick, Martha | Westerville | widow | 8.00 | Dec. 1872 |
75,994 | Haggerty, John | Westerville | g. s. w. l. forearm & l. hip | 8.00 | -- |
56,651 | Ewan, Davis S. | Westerville | g. s. w. r. thumb & r. breast | 8.00 | -- |
105,042 | Allen, Edward L. | Westerville | inj. l. jaw & r. leg | 6.00 | -- |
Author: United States
, Pension bureau , United States Pension bureau |
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September, 2013; updated by Conni McDaniel Hall, September, 2019. |
Military Directory *** Decatur County IAGenWeb |