Presbyterian ChurchLeon, Iowa |
The CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH was organized in 1857, among the leading members being JOHN W. WARNER, MR. GILLAM, W.P. BLAIR, ROBERT PATTERSON and GEORGE T. YOUNG, with their families. They met in the court-house on alternate Sunday mornings for four years, and then discontinued services. REV. MR. POST was their only pastor. |
The PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH was formed June 2, 1866, in the Methodist
Church, the first members being FRANCIS and MARY VARGA, W.H. SMITH,
BLAIR, MARY E. YOUNG and MARTHA E. AVERY. The members sent here to
organize the church were W.C. HOLLYDAY and JAMES RICE. W.P. BLAIR was
elected elder, and FRANCIS VARGA and W.H. SMITH deacons. The meetings
were first held monthly in the old school-house. After 1869 they were
held on alternate Sundays, one preacher serving both this and the Grand
River Church. In 1871 their house of worship was erected on Commercial
Street, two blocks east of Main. It cost $7,000 in all. Services were
held in the basement until the upper portion was completed. The pastors that have been in charge at Leon are shown in this list: REVS. D.S. HUGHES, R.J. BURT, A.A. MATHES, F. REA, C.M. DES ISLETS, CYRUS JOHNSON and W.C. CORT. The last named, the present pastor, commenced his labors here in September, 1884. The elders of the church are CALVIN JOHNSON, FRANCIS VARGA, GEORGE T. YOUNG, E.S. YOUNG, and H.R. LAYTON; deacons, GEORGE MILLER and JOHN SMITH; trustees, FRANCIS VARGA, S.A. GATES, MRS. MARY WARNER, MRS. ANNA ALLEN and GEORGE MILLER; clerk, FRANCIS VARGA. The present membership of the church is 129, fifty having been added in 1885. SOURCE: "Churches." Biographical and Historical Record of Ringgold and Decatur Counties, Iowa. Lewis Pub. Co. Chicago. 1887. Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert |
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The Leon Journal-Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, July 14, 1939, Page 10 The above building, erected back in the early days of Leon, served the Presbyterian congregation until the new building now standing on the same location on east Commercial street, was erected. The old building had a very great part in early life of this community. Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2015 |
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First Presbyterian Church, 1857 Contribution by Emily Layton |
The Presbyterian Choir. |
The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, October 09, 1913, Page 1 The choir of the Presbyterian church is making special effort at this time to improve their music that it may add more interest to the general services of the church. The leadership is in the hands of Miss Enid Alexander with violin, Mrs. May Bowsher piano, and Mr. Albert Carrithers with the cornet. Miss Alexander has taken courses in violin music under Prof. Heff and Prof. Abbott of Des Moines, and is a graduate this year of the music department of the Randolph-Macon Women's College of Lynchburg, Virginia. Mrs. Bowsher is a graduate of the Conservatory of Music, of Maryville, Mo., and has taken special training the past year in public school music under the supervision of public school music of Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Carrithers has had four years continuous playing the cornet in band and orchestra work. If you want to hear an excellent violin solo come out to either the morning or evening service. Those most interested in the matter hope to add more orchestra and vocal talent as soon as the plans can be carried out. Mr. Carrithers leads the Sabbath school music with the cornet. All young people and children who do not have other Sunday school preference are especially invited and will be made welcome if they will come and aid in this service. Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2018 |
New Presbyterian Pastor. |
The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, May 07, 1914 Rev. B. F. Jacobs, of Columbus, Ohio, who arrived last week to accept a call as pastor of the Leon Presbyterian church, occupied the pulpit Sunday morning and evening, preaching two excellent sermons which were greatly enjoyed by good sized congregations. Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, January 04, 1917, Page 7 Rev. Chas. S. Marsolf, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Leon, exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Tice of the Osceola Presbyterian church last Sunday. The Presbyterian congregation of Leon, under the leadership of their pastor, are planning to erect a new church building and a manse at the estimated cost of $20,000. The Osceola congregation was pleased with the presence of Rev. Marsolf and we are sure that the Leon church was benefited by the services conducted by our Rev. Tice. ~ Osceola Sentinel. Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2015 |
History of the Presbyterian Church of Leon, Iowa. |
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Decatur County Journal Thursday, January 25, 1917, Page 3 The corner stone of the new Presbyterian Church was laid Sunday with a good sized crowd in attendance in spite of the very unpleasant weather. The first part of the program was rendered in the Baptist Church after which the congregation went to the site of the new building where the corner stone laying was done. A part of the program of the day was a history of the church in Leon. It was to have been read at the corner stone laying but owing to the weather it was not done. We are publishing the history of the church as follows: Among the early settlers of Decatur County, Iowa, were many Presbyterian families, some belonging to the old school, some to the new school and others to the Cumberland Church. In the year 1854 and 1855, Reverend Shields, a member of the new school, was the first Presbyterian Minister. He held services in the southeast part of the county at the home of Mr. Evans, and at Leon, at the home of Mrs. Thompson, where the opera house is now located, and also in Franklin Township, but there was no regular organization. About this time, Reverend McWilliams organized a Sabbath School at the home of Uncle John Patterson on the Hurst lots north of the Biggs block, and also organized a Sabbath School in Eden Township, the Sunday School teachers of Leon making the trip to the country on horseback. At the end of the year, 1855, Father Benjamin O. Springer held services in Leon for about six months. The first Presbyterian organization was July 9, 1856, at the home of Stephen Carrithers. A committee was appointed by the Presbytery, consisting of Rev. Batchelder and Elder Wills, to organize a church. Our church record commences June 2, 1866, the committee appointed to organize the church meeting at the M.E. Church in Leon at 11 a.m. June 2, 1866, Rev. W.C. Hollyday ministering. The following persons presented themselves and gave satisfactory evidence of their church standing and willingness to unite in an organization to be called the First Presbyterian Church, of Leon, Iowa: W.P. BLAIR, MARY A. BLAIR, FIDELIA F. THOMPSON, MARTHA E. AVERY, ROBERT KINNEAR, KETURAH KINNEAR, MARGARET STONE, THOMAS BALDWIN, W.W. MOORE, REBECCA J. MOORE, FRANCIS VARGA, MARY VARGA and W.H. SMITH. The first minister under the new organization was D.S. Hughes, who had charge of the church for four months. From November 18, 1866, to March 21, 1868, Rev. R.J. Burtt, of Osceola, Iowa, filled the pulpit. In November, 1869, this church was connected with the Grand River Church. A.A. Mathes was stated supply until August 25, 1872. During his pastorate a church was erected in 1871 on the present location where this new edifice is being erected. During his pastorate twenty-six members were received into the church, three members lost by death, four joining the M.E. Church, and four moved away. The membership in November, 1872, consisted of thirty-nine members. In November, 1872, F. Rea became our stated supply. Our church was then connected with Garden Grove until September, l874, when he was suspended by the Presbytery. Eight new members were added and two moved away. In February, 1875, Rev. C.M. DesIslets became our stated supply until September 1, 1877, when he resigned and accepted the principalship of the Leon High School. Our church was dedicated September 1, 1875, by the Dr. Wm. J. Gill, of Des Moines Presbytery, under the pastorate of Mr. DesIslets. Sixteen new members were added, nine dismissed and in April, 1877, one was expelled. In November, 1879, Rev. Silas Johnson took charge of the church and on March 28, l880, he became the pastor. He was installed May 9, 1880. He labored here until the end of April, 1884, when he resigned on account of failing health on April 27, 1884. The pastorship was dissolved by Rev. Charles Dunlap, of Osceola, Iowa, and the church declared vacant. Forty-seven members were added and eighteen dismissed. In September, 1884, a call was given to Rev. Wm. C. Cort, of State Center. He accepted the call and entered upon his ministerial duties and was installed May 21, 1885. In April, 1886, a revival meeting was held under the leadership of Rev. Dean, and on the eleventh day of April, 1886, forty-five members were admitted to church: JOHN ABERNATHY, MISS MILLIE AIKENS, MISS GRACE ALLEN, FRANK M. AVERY, MISS MILLIE AVERY, J.R. BASHAW, C.W. BECK, WILLIAM A. BROWN, MRS. KATE L. BROWN, WILLIAM BROWN, SAM CARMEAN, MR. and MRS. CORONA, MISS MARTHA FRAZIER, MISS MAUDE E. FRY, M.B. FRY, S.A. GATES, MISS CATHERINE MAY GATES, MISS LENA HINKLE, WM. S. JOHNSON, J.M. LAYTON, SAM MILLER, BYRON MOWATT, MARION A. MOWATT, MISS LULU MOWATT, JAMES PARRISH, RICHARD PARRISH, J.P. PETERS, LULU PETERS, HENRY REUTER, JOHN D. ROBERTS, SADIE H. ROBERTS, E.C. SMITH, IDA L. SMITH, JOHN M. SYLVESTER, MAGGIE L. SYLVESTER, DR. WILLIAM VAN WERDEN, MRS. VAN WERDEN, MISS ESTHER VARGA, MISS ROSA VARGA, MISS MARY VARGA, MRS. M.S. WARRING, MISS LOUIE WARNER, MISS LULU YOUNG. Mr. Cort resigned October, 1887. During his pastorate forty-two members were added in addition to the above named forty-five and twenty regularly dismissed. On October 2, 1887, the Rev. P.F. Boyd, of Albia, declared the church vacant by order of Presbytery. On December 4, 1887, Rev. M. Noerr was chosen pastor. On account of failing health he expressed his desire to be relieved from his duties and labors of the church, but the members of the congregation requested him to take a rest for six months with the hope that he might be restored to his health and continue his labors with them, which he accepted and Rev. M.W. Simpson, of Humeston, filled the pulpit during said vacation. Then Mr. Noerr again resumed his labors until June 21, 1891, when he tendered his resignation on account of failing health. During his pastorate thirty-five members were added and twenty dismissed. The congregation gave a call to Rev. Ollerenshaw, who accepted the call and entered upon his ministerial labors. He resigned December 11, 1892. During his short time ten members were added and eight dismissed. On the sixth day of February, 1893, the Rev. G.D. Gurley, of Tipton, Iowa, was called to accept the pastoral relationship which he accepted. On November 30, 1898, he tendered his resignation for the reason, while blessed with health and vigor, that he did not feel that he could preach at Crown every second Sunday, that the task was too arduous for him and asked the session to accept his resignation. His resignation was accepted. Rev. H. Jack, of Des Moines, Iowa, supplied the pulpit until May 1st, 1899, when the Rev. W.H. Ilsley was installed as his successor, the pastor relationship dissolved in 1903. W.A. Montgomery was pastor in 1904 and resigned in 1907. L. Hughes from 1910 to 1911. F.N. Bradshaw from 1911 to 1913. F.A. Lewis from 1913 to 1914. B. Frank Jacobs from 1914 to 1916. C.S. Marsolf accepted the call as pastor in June, 1916, and commenced his active duties in September of the same year. The old Presbyterian Church erected in the year 1871 was examined by expert builders and was condemned by them and found unsafe in August, 1916, and steps were immediately taken to tear down the old church and through the strong efforts of our present pastor a congregational meeting was called to consider the erection of a new church whereupon committees were appointed as follows: MRS. H.R. LAYTON, MRS. SALLIE VARGA, MRS. V.R. MCGINNIS, MRS. CLELLA SHULAR, DR. F.A. BOWMAN, GEO. T. OGILVIE, as committees on plans and specifications. The report of this committee was received and adopted and the building committee for the execution of the work was appointed, consisting of THOMAS TEALE, STEPHEN VARGA, DR. H.R. LAYTON, T.W. COLBY, F.S. STEWART and C.S. MARSOLF, member ex-officio. Arrangements were made with GEORGE PENNIWELL to oversee the erection of the church. A committee on finance was appointed consisting of the following: V.R. MCGINNIS, chairman; THOMAS TEALE, FRANCIS VARGA, FRANK M. CODER, J.S. PARRISH, JOHN FRAZIER, S.A. GATES, G.B. PRICE, DAVID IRONSIDES, ED SMITH, W.E. AMMONS, GEO. T. OGILVIE, DR. F.A. BOWMAN, JOHN RYAN, ROBERT A. SHULAR, A.C. GEORGE. While at this time the money is not all subscribed it is safe to say that by dedication day there will not be a dollar indebtedness owing to the enthusiastic interest manifested on the part of the members. It will be impossible to estimate the exact cost of the building at this time as we are building by day's work but a conservative estimate for a contract price would be $2,300.00. The program for laying the corner stone was carried out as follows on the twenty-first day of January, A. D. 1917 (Sunday). The Presbyterian people met in the Baptist Church on that day at 11 o'clock a.m. Voluntary, doxology, invocation, response by the choir, announcements, offering, hymn No. 470, introducing the sacrament, sacramental prayer, meditation song by choir, "Tis Midnight." presenting the sacramental wine and prayer, meditation, hymn by the choir, "Tis Midnight," hymn No. 245, the congregation then repairing to the church site carried out the program as follows: Hymn No. 333. Scripture and prayer by C.S. Marsolf. Offering, hymn. Address by the pastor, C.S. Marsolf. The cement for the laying of the corner stone was spread by DR. H.R. LAYTON, who is the oldest male person in the church from point of membership. MR. STEPHEN VARGA, who is the next oldest male person from point of membership, deposited the metal box donated by Farquhar & Sons, and its contents, a Bible presented by ROBERT A. SHULAR and family, the records of the church and the picture of the old church building, plate of communion bread and wine, the stone was then placed and leveled by GEO. W. PENNIWELL and HARRY JENKINS. The copper box was then sealed by Frank Farquhar, then dedicated by the pastor, C.S. Marsolf. Hymn No. 271. Benediction. Copied by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert, March 23, 2002 |
The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, January 25, 1917, Page 7 The wind last Sunday was a pretty strong one, and we hear of quite a little damage being done in the county where chimneys were blown down and shed roofs damages. At the corner stone ceremonies of the new Presbyterian church an organ had been secured for the out door music, and was placed on the temporary platform. The wind was so strong that it blew the organ off the platform down into the basement of the church, and it was badly damaged. Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2015 |
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Church pews ready for auction |
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The Leon Journal-Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Wednesday, January 28, 2015, Page 1 It was with a state of mixed emotions as several Presbyterians and other community members stood by and watched as the Presbyterian Church, located on East 1st Street in Leon, was reduced to a pile of bricks Monday. Workers from DeCarlo Demolition Company out of Des Moines began tearing down the stately structure early Monday morning and by approximately 3:30 had the building completely down. Services were held for the last time in this building on June 1, 2015. Above, standing, Jack DePond (center left) watches the church he served as Pastor since 1992 come down. He was joined by his wife Mary Ellen Stanley (center right), Richard Slade, left, and Rick Hawkins, Methodist Church Pastor. The current structure was built in 1917 in Classical Greek Architecture with tall, white Ionic columns gracing the front entrance. At that time the church had 140 members. Through the years, as children of the congregation grew up and moved away and members grew older, the membership declined. |
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The Leon Journal-Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Wednesday, February 11, 2015, Page 10 The above photograph shows the contents that were recovered from the time capsule from the cornerstone of the Leon Presbyterian Church that was razed a few weeks ago. The contents were in a state of extreme brittleness due to the box they were in, taking on moisture over the years. Inside the box was a Bible presented by Robert A. Shular and family, the records of the church, and a plate of communion bread and wine. Photographs courtesy of The Leon Journal-Reporter Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2015 |
Church Index * Decatur County IAGenWeb |