Davis City Community of ChristDavis City, Iowa |
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1903 | |||
The Davis City Advance, Davis City, Iowa Thursday, March 23, 1899 ELDER FRED BLAIR who has been holding meetings at the L.D.S. Chapel for the past four weeks, closed the meetings Sunday. There was a good attendance throughout the meetings and a good interest shown. Sunday afternoon ELDER BLAIR baptized the following persons in the river below the mill: Master Ernest Harvey, Mr. Hiram Ewing, Mrs. James Post and Mrs. S.E. Adams. Mr. Richard Merritt and Miss (?) Stephens went to Lamoni Monday and were baptized there by ELDER BLAIR. Miss Martha Bailey accompanied Miss Stephens to Lamoni. Copied by Nancee(McMurtrey)Seifert October 1, 2003 |
DAVIS CITY CHURCH CENTENNIAL By Otis Snethen (1907 – 1986) |
The Davis City Church, the branch, the group, Is a century old today, And we are met to celebrate In this most appropriate way. One hundred years of history, It is really quite a spell To bring to mind one afternoon And each little detail tell. It’s quite a lot of summers As I’m sure you each must know And of bitter winds of winter; And of white and driven snow. Truly many things have happened Through the bygone days of yore Mainly to the lovely people Who have crossed my threshold o’er. Yes, the things of prime importance I could never do without Was the people who attended Curious, searching, the devout. As we pause in recognition Of this so important day, We would trace the course of actions That have brought us to this day. Many things have filled my memories As I served the passing years Some of joy and exultation Some of sorrow and of tears. And I sought to serve the people In their many needs of life Widows, orphans, aged persons Youth and maiden, husband, wife. And I sought to point the pathway To that God who loves us all Sent His Son to reconcile us And redeem us from the fall. Peace and hope and glad fulfillment Duty, purpose, dedication, Love and faith, and full obedience Was the teaching of the Son. And there was this tall, white building With the ceiling arched and high And then there was a steeple Pointing upwards to the sky. In the north end was a rostrum Where the preacher stood to speak And on it there was a pulpit That was fashioned quite unique. And it had one other feature Of which I want to speak It had leaded, stained-glass windows And they too were quite unique. In the south end was a balcony It was reached by a winding stair And the small younger children Would have their classes there. |
And the room was cold in winter It would make hardy quail And then again in summer Just opposite would prevail. It had two stoves to heat it One was placed on either side And where to sit in winter Didn’t take long to decide. Folks were baptized in the river Down by the old brick mill, Sometimes in the winter season When the air had quite a chill. Some of you may have forgotten But the church once had a bell, And its tones could tell a story There’s no other way to tell. And its tones on Sunday mornings Ringing out across the field, Gave assurance to the people Invitation, hope, appeal. Out in front there was a billboard And it told the pastor’s name, And the date and hours of service, And some helpful thought proclaim. And I once had a piano And it had its own appeal And the harmony it gave us One could hear and also feel. And the organ is a memorial To Erald and Una Scott, May it serve us long and faithful May they never be forgot. I will speak now of the pastors, And I will not name them all. And they each brought their devotion Tried to stand up straight and tall. Some brought one gift, some another, So it seems as I recall, And they came from varied backgrounds But no one embraced them all. Of the ones that served more recent, Just a few let me recall, Willard Moon and Willard Bettis And John Lane and Wilbur Prall. Hollis Yarrington, Roy MacDonald, And Lorne Worthington in fine, And Jay Barr and Percy Howard, Bill and Robert Ballentyne. Now time will not permit me To name them one and all, But I want to name one other And that will be Wayne Small. Let me speak of the willing workers As each brought his gifts to bear, On the task that needed doing It was done with love and care. |
And their number has been many, Just how many I can’t say, Some served long and with distinction Like Fanny Post and Ida Mae. Normal Sams a part of history, And he’s with us at this hour, Of church school he’s the director Bringing lives to fruitful flower. I would say a willing worker Sunday mornings he will stand At the door and greet the people And reach out a friendly hand. Gerald Dawson’s our solicitor And is treasurer of the group. Alta and B. R. McDaniel Work with the younger troop. Doug McFarland works with young folks Sometimes taking them on trips, To be with them and set an example And to give them helpful tips. There’s another, Monroe Ashburn And he labors rather cool, He’s not one to shirk a duty Teaches class in Sunday School. If you want to plan a program, Have it thorough without fail, Then you want to see the Killpacks Give the task to Marion and Dale. There’s another, Alfred Boswell Helps the pastor to preside, And he counsels with the pastor And he helps him to decide. And the women are united And they help as best they can, And their leader at this writing Is a woman called Jo Ann. All are called it has been written, As God gave his gifts to them, Mothers have a gift with children, Others help provide for them. Some folks have a music talent And have served along the way, Paula Smith and Vicki Ashburn Are the ones we have today. So there are many people helping As we move towards the goal, That to teach mankind the gospel, Bring salvation to their soul. Thus we find ourselves together Walking down the old, old trail, In the hope that at the finish We will triumph without fail. And I’ll have a sense of joy That all earthly joy’s pale, When my children bear me witness In that land beyond the vail. |
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Poem and Otis Snethen's photograph contributed by great-niece, Conni McDaniel Hall | |||
Church Index * Decatur County IAGenWeb |