Dennis Beale wrote in the flyleaf of his family
"Born near Wellersburg, Somerset Co., Penna. Oct 9th, 1838. Enlisted at
Jefferson near Chicago, Ill, 10th day of Sept., 1861 into Bowens
Battalion of Cavalry attached to 13th Ill. Infantry, afterwards
transferred to 10th Missouri Cavalry & mustered out of 10th MO. Cavalry
in Oct. 11th, 1864 at St. Louis, MO as Sergeant."~~Dennis Beale.
He died Nov. 24, 1928, in Perry, Iowa and was buried at
Violet Hill
Cemetery, Lot 6, Block 3, Section 4.

Page 1
3 Dec.--Skirmish at Salem, Mo. (see 3 Dec. 1862 entry.)
_ Jan. 1862--Work at Rolla, Mo. (see 28 June entry.)
29 Jan. 1862--Wednesday. Arrived at Linn Creek, Mo. at 3. P.M. cold &
raining all day.
30 Jan. 1862--Went with party for forage. Succeeded after going eight
miles. Clear, cold.
31 Jan. 1862--Remained at Lynn Creek. Weather moderating.
1 Feb. 1862--Went with party up the Osage River to secure a scow & bring
it to Lynn Creek to cross troops with. Traveled 22 miles over a very
rough & hilly country. Very cold & snowing part of the day. Took up
quarters with Mr. Green, a good union man.
2 Feb. 1862--Sunday. Returned to Lynn Creek. Cold & snowing all day.
3 Feb. 1862--Remained at Lynn Creek. Nothing of importance transpired
today. Troop commenced crossing at noon today. Brig. Gen. Davies
commander. Whist etc. etc. Weather moderating.
4 Feb. 1862--Remained in camp today. Troops continue to cross. Weather
5 Feb. 1862--Remained in camp today. Troops still crossing. Cold &
6 Feb. 1862--The troops are on this side. Left Lynn Creek at noon today
for Lebanon. Tolerable fair day. Marched 15 miles & camped at St. Luke.
7 Feb. 1862--Left camp St. Luke at 7 A. M. and marched to Lebanon 15
miles by 12 A. M. PRetty fair day. Rec'd three letters today.
8 Feb. 1862--Remained at Lebanon today. Day pleasant.
9 Feb. 1862--Sunday. Acted orderly for Headquarters today. Fair day.
10 Feb. 1862--Broke camp at Lebanon at 7 A. M. Marched 15 miles & camped
at Camp Carter. Pleasant day.
11 Feb. 1862--Broke camp at 8 A. M. Marched to Marshfield, 15 miles.
Fair day.
12 Feb. 1862--Broke camp at Marshsfield at 6 1/2 A. M. marched 17 miles
and camped at big Springs. The advance had a skirmish with the Enemies
Pickets. Day pleasant.
13 Feb. 1862--Broke camp at 5 A. M. & marched to Springfield by 10 A. M.
cold & misty all day. The Enemies rear guard left about midnight.
14 Feb. 1862--Broke camp at Springfield at day light & marched 24 miles
at 4 1/2 P. M. The advance fired on Prices Camp. The Enemy pulled stakes
and left. We camped at Dry Springs. Tolerable fair day. Loyd Robinson
was taken prisoner by the Enemy today.
15 Feb. 1862--Broke camp and marched 22 miles. Shelled the Enemies rear
guard from 4 P. M. until dark. Enemy retreated. Pleasant day. camped at
Camp Curtis.
16 Feb. 1862--Sunday. Broke camp today fighting. Marched through
Cassville & Keitsville. At the latter place one of our company was
wounded by a bushwacker. Shelled Prices rear guard. marched 23 miles and
camped at Cross Timbers.
Page 2
17 Feb. 1862--Broke camp at 6 A. M. and marched until 2 P. M. when the
Enemy drew up in Battle line at Sugar Creek. Col. Ellis was ordered to
make charge which he did in splendid order routed the Enemy, they being
about 5,000 strong. Ellis had 1,500 strong, our loss 9 killed and 5
mortally wounded, the Enemies loss not known.
18 Feb. 1862--Remained in camp at Sugar Creek today. Everything quiet
today. Cold & misty.
19 Feb. 1862--Remained in camp. Part of the day was with a foraging
party. Today anything but pleasant.
20 Feb. 1862--Broke camp at 8 A. M. and marched to fork Springs,
distance ten miles. Moderating today.
21 Feb. 1862--Remained in camp today. Pretty pleasant day.
22 Feb. 1862--Went with a reconnoitering party today. paid a visit to
the Rebel Camp known as Benjamin Barracks which was vacated and burnt by
the Rebels on the 18th, first located at Cross Hollows Benton county
Arkansas. Day cloudy and a little rainy.
23 Feb. 1862--Sunday. Went with a party for forage, went through
Bentonville. Part of the town or village burnt on the 21st isn't by our
troops. Wm. Merrick, a new recruit from McCulloughs army was orderly
Sergt. there. Day pleasant.
24 Feb. 1862--Remained in camp today. Pleasant day.
25 Feb. 1862--Remained in camp today. Pleasant day.
26 Feb. 1862--Went out foraging. A general inspection was ordered today.
Day pleasant.
1 Mar. 1862--Remained at camp today. Day pleasant.
2 Mar. 1862--Sunday. Broke camp at 7 A. M. & marched to Cross Hollows &
camped. Returned same day after forage, distance 4 miles. very
disagreeable day. Snowing all day.
3 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp. Day more favorable than yesterday.
4 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp today. Snowing nearly all day.
5 Mar. 1862--Was out foraging in the forenoon and in the evening took a
dispatch to Gen. Davies at Sugar Creek. About 9 P. M. the whole command
fell back to sugar Creek. From what I can learn the Enemy is advancing
on us with overwhelming number under Gen. Vandorn.
6 Mar. 1862--Gen. Seigel fell back to Sugar Creek from Bentonville.
Early in the morning after falling back some 3 miles the Enemy made
their appearance coming on double quick towards Seigel. Seigel fought
himself through. Day pleasant.
7 Mar. 1862--At 7 A. M. the Enemy made their appearance when the deadly
combat was opened. the Enemy were shipped out on the left while on the
right they gave us more trouble. had toothache all day. McCullough &
McCantosh both fell today. Day pleasant.
8 Mar. 1862--Sunday. At 20 minutes of 8 A. M. fire was again opened
&continued until noon when the Enemy retreated in disorder. Federal loss
pretty heavy. Enemies loss not known. Day pleasant.
Page 3
9 Mar. 1862--went with a Scouting party, got some 25 prisoners. Killed
one Secesh near Bentonville. Marched 36 miles today, raining all day.
The dead were still scattered over the battle ground, hogs eating them.
10 Mar. 1862--False alarm in camp caused by firing a cannon to clean it.
Dead Secesh not buried yet. Day pleasant.
11 Mar. 1862--Went along with reconnoitering party towards Bentonville.
Pleasant day.
12 Mar. 1862--Broke camp and marched some 7 miles and camped at Camp
Stevens near Sugar Creek. Warm & pleasant today.
13 Mar. 1862--Camp Stevens am orderly for Head Quarters today. Major
Bowen left for St. Louis today. Day pleasant.
14 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp today. Raining all day.
15 Mar. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp today. Have toothache. Pretty
pleasant. Rec'd __boots & socks.
16 Mar. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp today. Fair day.
17 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp today. Fair day.
18 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp today. The 13th Ill. Regt. arrived today
for reinforcement. Headacke (sic) all day. Pretty fair day.
19 Mar. 1862--Broke camp and fell back to Cross Timbers. Rumored advance
of Vandorn. Day cloudy & some rain.
20 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp today. Vandorn's advance proved to be a
hoax. Snowing all day & very cold.
21 Mar. 1862--went foraging today. Very disagreeable underfoot.
22 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp today. Rec'd five new recruits from Ark.
today. Day cloudy & cold.
23 Mar. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp, no news, pleasant day.
24 Mar. 1862--Camp Cross Timbers. Remained in camp, wrote letter to my
sister Eliz. Fair day.
25 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp today. Rec'd three letters today, one
from west end, from home & one from C. Stertz (cousin). Cleaned up arms
for general inspection. A very fine day.
26 Mar. 1862--Went out foraging. Was near Indian Creek some 20 miles
from Neosho, Mo. Returned to camp & reached camp at 10 P.M. Fair day.
27 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp, pleasant day.
28 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp today, Very warm.
29 Mar. 1862--Remained in camp today. Rec'd four months pay today. Loyd
Robinson returned from Prices army (see Feb. 14 entry). Wrote letters to
Jonathon Beal (brother) & Ch. Stertz. Very warm.
30 Mar. 1862--Sunday. Went foraging to Olivers Prairie, distance 20
miles. Returned about half way & camped. Fair day.
31 Mar. 1862--Broke camp at 8 A.M. & reached camp at noon. cloudy & some
1 Apr. 1862--Remained in camp. Wrote a letter to West end etc. Day
2 Apr. 1862--Remained in camp. Wrote a letter to C. Beal & Ch. Stertz.
Raining all day. Sent fifty dollars ($50.00) to Charles Beal near Dixion,
(sic) Ill, by Dysart & Riley at Nachusa, Ill.
3 Apr. 1862--Acted orderly today for Headquarters & nearly out all
night. Day pleasant.
4 Apr. 1862--Remained in camp. Had a severe headache all day. Pleasant
Page 4
5 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at Cross Timbers and marched to Cassville (Barry
County, Mo.). Was sick all day. took a physic etc. Fair day.
6 Apr. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp at Cassville. Am no better. Day
pleasant by cloudy.
7 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at Cassville at 8 A. M. & marched 15 miles.
Camped at an old steam sawmill in the mountains. Day cloudy & raining
all night. Am no better.
8 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at 8 A. M. & marched to Galena (Stone County,
Mo.) distance 16 miles. Am I think mending a little. Raining partly all
9 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at Galena at noon and marched to the head of
Bear Creek, distance 7 miles. Crossed James River at 1 P.M. am better.
Day cloudy. Official news of teh surrender of ____.
10 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at 9 A. M. and marched 12 miles and camped at
Bull Creek. Pleasant day.
11 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at noon & marched to Forsyth (Taney County,
MO.) distance 9 miles. Day cloudy & misty.
12 Apr. 1862--Remained in camp at Forsyth on White River.
13 Apr. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp today. Wrote a letter to C.
Stertz. Day pleasant.
14 Apr. 1862--Went with a foraging party (in Beaver River) & returned
same day. Day pleasant.
15 Apr. 1862--Remained in camp today. Have orders to march in the
morning at 7 A.M. Day pleasant.
16 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at 8 A.M. and marched some 8 or 10 miles North
East course and camped at Camp Billow. Wrote a letter to Miss Mollie
Beal, Dixion, Ill. (Niece)
17 Apr. 1862--Went with a reconnoitering party or rather as scout for
Major Gen. Curtis. Rainy today.
18 Apr. 1862--Remained in camp today. Have orders to march tomorrow
morning at 6 A.M. Day cloudy.
19 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at 8 A.M. & marched some 10 miles & camped on
Little Beaver Creek, Mo. Raining.
20 Apr. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp at Little Beaver Creek. Cold &
raining all day. very disagreeable underfoot. This is Easter Sunday.
Joseph Parker and Geo. Countz arrived 2 P.M.
21 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at 7 A.M. & marched to Big Beaver, distance 15
miles. Day clear & cold.
22 Apr. 1862--Broke camp on big Beaver at 7 A.M. & marched to Vera Cruz
distance 16 miles. Giant creek flows past this place. Pleasant day.
23 Apr. 1862--Remained in camp today. Live pretty well, have butter and
eggs. Fair day.
24 Apr. 1862--Remained in camp today. Major Bow, sergt Miller & Sergt
Ten Eych arrived at 4 P.M. day cloudy & misty. Rec'd orders to march
this morning. Broke camp at 9 A.M. & marched to fox Creek distance ten
miles. A pleasant day.
25 Apr. 1862--Rec'd orders to march this morning. Broke camp at 9 A.M. &
marched to fox Creek distance ten miles. A pleasant day.
26 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at 6:30 A.M. & marched 15 miles & camped at big
North Fork of White River Mo.
27 Apr. 1862--Sunday. Broke camp at 6:00 A.M. & marched to West Plains
(Howell County, Mo.) 20 miles by 3 P.M. Day rather warm.
Page 5
28 Apr. 1862--Remained in camp today. Wrote a letter & mailed it home.
Am on duty. Day pleasant.
29 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at 3:20 P.M. & marched 7 miles & camped at
Howell Valley. Day fair.
30 Apr. 1862--Broke camp at 7 A.M. & marched to Salem (Fulton County)
Arkansas, distance 20 miles & camped near Salem. Pleasant day.
1 May 1862--Thursday. Broke camp at noon & marched 15 miles & camped at
small creek in the woods. Pleasant day.
2 May 1862--Broke camp at 6 A.M. & marched 20 miles and camped at Judge
Martins in Polk Bayou Creek. Pleasant day.
3 May 1862--Broke camp at noon today & marched to Batesville
(Independence county, Ak) distance 16 miles. This is a pretty well
situated village. Raining near all day.
4 May 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp today. Have pretty fair times. Day
5 May 1862--Remained in camp today. Rec'd a letter from Jon Beale. Slept
in a bed last night for the first time since in enlisted. Pleasant day.
6 May 1862--Remained in camp today. Fair day.
7 May 1862--Remained in camp today. Saw Brig. Gen. Steel today. Fair
8 May 1862--Remained in camp. Wrote and mailed letter to Jon Beale. Very
warm day.
9 May 1862--Remained in camp today. The evacuation of Yorktown is
generally supposed to be true. Clear & very warm.
10 May 1862--Remained in camp today. Rec'd a letter from home (Diannah
B.) Chuckeluk & horserace etc. with Sergt. Miller & N. S. Smith.
11 May 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp. Sergt. Keneday reduced to ranks.
Day pleasant.
13 May 1862--Remained in camp today. No news. Everything quiet in camp.
Boys are anxiously awaiting news from Corinth (Howard county, Ak). Day
14 May 1862--Remained in camp today. Pleasant day.
15 May 1862--Remained in camp today. Sent a copy of poetry (Of a ridge
fight) to Miss K. Ningt.
16 May 1862--Remained in camp today. Day pleasant.
17 May 1862--Remained in camp, no news. Day pleasant.
18 May 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp. Are ordered to march tomorrow
morning at 6 A.M. Day pleasant.
19 May 1862--Broke camp at ten A.M. Marched 7 miles & camped at Blue
Cley Creek--this is a name of my own. Pretty pleasant day.
20 May 1862--Broke camp and fell back 1 1/2 miles. Had a very heavy rain
last night and all day today & still continues to rain.
21 May 1862--Remained in camp today. Pretty fair day.
22 May 1862--Broke camp at 4 P.M. & marched about 7 miles & camped at
Salado Creek. Roads very bad. Day fair.
23 May 1862--Broke camp at 4 1/2 A.M. & marched 23 miles & camped at
near Little Red River. Raining all day, roads very bad.
24 May 1862--Remained in camp today. Day pretty fair.
Page 6
25 May 1862--Sunday. Broke camp at 5 1/2 A.M. & fell back 28 miles &
camped at Salado Creek. Roads very bad. Day pleasant.
26 May 1862 Broke camp at a quarter to five and marched to Batesville,
Ark. Day pleasant.
27 May 1862--Remained in camp. Day pleasant.
28 May 1862--Remained in camp. A small detatchment went on a Scout with
the rest of the Battalion & Iowa 3rd cavalry. Day pleasant.
29 May 1862--Remained in camp, everything quiet. Day pleasant.
30 May 1862--Remained in camp. Fair day.
31 May 1862--Remained in camp. Eight of the boys on the scout returned
bringing a dispatch. Had a skirmish up White River somewhere. Took 20
prisoners, 50 rifles & about as many mules & horses. Iowa third lost one
man killed and two wounded. Secesh loss, 2 killed, number of wounded not
known. Uncomfortable warm day.
1 Jun. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp. Answered Jonathon's letter &
mailed it. Day pleasant. A rebil (sic) Gunboat reported to be at Jackson
Port (Jackson County Ak). Arrived at 5 P.M. threw sixty four pounders
amongst some of our cavalry.
2 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp. Rec'd two months pay ($28).
3 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp. Two detatchments left today of Comp. D,
one under Capt & the other under Scout Crabtree. Crabtree returned same
day. Had a very heavy rain in the afternoon.
4 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. Poin., dex., & I in chuck.
5 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp. No special news. Day cloudy but warm &
6 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp. Cheering news from Gen. McLelland army.
Day fair.
7 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp. More good news from the East etc. Geo.
Abbott & McCrea had a rassl, made a five. Abbott & Spears a draw game,
but neither could throw. Have orders to march at 7 A.M.
8 Jun. 1862--Sunday. Broke camp & marched to Jacksonport Junction of
Black & White river, distance 20 miles & camped. Milton Santie started
for Dixion, Ill. this morning. Sent $25.00 with him for Charles Beale
near Dixion, Ill.
9 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp. day very warm.
10 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp, was at Jackson Port today. Like
yesterday very warm.
11 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp. Rumors say that Mississippi River is
clear once more.
12 Jun. 1862--A forage train of 30 wagons was attacked at noon today by
some 100 Secesh. Were ordered out on a double quick. Gave them a few
shots and was all over. The cowards fled in confusion. Very warm today.
13 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. Everything quiet in camp. Pok & Ch
game etc.
14 Jun. 1862-- Remained in camp today. Day pleasant.
Page 7
15 Jun. 1862--Sunday evening at Camp Tucker. Moved camp today. Are now
camped about 3 miles from the mouth of Black River, at Camp Tucker.
16 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. Very warm.
17 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. Had a very heavy rain last night.
Today it's cloudy but pleasant.
18 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. Nothing new. Day fair.
20 Jun. 1862--Went out on a Scout with detatchments of Battallion. Left
camp at 4 P.M. & returned 7 A.M. next morning. Nights cool & pleasant.
Went down the West Side of White River some twelve miles.
21 Jun. 1862--Rec'd 3 letters, one from J. G. Walker, Jon Beale &
another from Eliz Beal. Remained in camp. Day pleasant.
22 Jun. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp today. Ans Jonathon's letter. Am
not very well. Day pleasant.
23 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. No special news. Uncomfortably
warm today.
24 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. Very warm.
25 Jun. 1862--Moved camp below Jacksonport on White River. Very warm
today. Answered Elizabeth Beal's letter.
26 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. In the evening marched down White
River and stood picket for the command.
27 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. Very warm today.
28 Jun. 1862--Remained in camp today. Everything very quiet in camp. Day
pleasant. Rec'd a voucher for Five dollars from Lieut. Milton Santee for
work done at Rolla Mo. in January last.
29 Jun. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp today. Nothing of special note.
Pleasant day.
30 Jun. 1862--Went on picket at 9 A.M. & will be on duty until tomorrow
morning at 9 A.M. Day pleasant.
1 Jul. 1862--Tuesday. Remained in camp. Rec'd orders to march in the
morning at 8 A.M. Wrote a letter to John Lepley (cousin). Fair day.
2 Jul. 1862--Broke camp at 8 1/2 A.M. and marched some 5 miles and
camped at Cane Brake.
3 Jul. 1862--Broke camp at 8 A.M. and marched 10 miles & camp at Taylor
4 Jul. 1862--Broke camp at 4 A.M. and marched 15 miles and camped near
Augusta (Woodruff County) on White River. Rather warm today, pleasant
today. Cap. Wadsworth of Co 215th Ill. Regt. Supposed mortally wounded
while coming down White River on a scow.
5 Jul. 1862--Remained in camp. No special news. Day pleasant.
6 Jul. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp at Augusta. Have orders to march
at 2 A.M. in the morning.
7 Jul. 1862--Broke camp at 2 A.M. & marched 20 miles & camped at Peach
Grove Bluff. Had a pretty severe skirmish. Enemies loss, killed 17,
wounded 83. Fought mostly by sharpshooters. Our loss, 12 killed & some
30 wounded.
8 Jul. 1862--Broke camp at 7 A.M. & marched 10 miles & camped at or near
Cash Bayou in the woods.
9 Jul. 1962--Broke camp at 10 A.M. & marched 25 miles & camped at
Clarendon on White River (Monroe County).
Page 8
10 Jul. 1862--Remained in camp at Clarendon. Charley Virgil & 9 others
were drowned today in White River. Are ordered to march at 2 A.M. in the
11 Jul. 1862--Broke camp at 3 A.M. and marched some 15 miles & camped in
the woods.
12 Jul. 1862--Broke camp at ten A.M. & marched 15 miles & camped.
13 Jul. 1862--Sunday. Broke camp at 3 A.M. & marched 20 miles and camped
at Helena (Phillips County) at the Mississippi River.
14 Jul. 1862--Remained in camp. No news.
15 Jul. 1862--Went with a foraging party, returned same day.
16 Jul. 1862-- Remained in camp.
17 Jul. 1862--Have orders to be ready to march at 8 A.M. & at 9 A.M.
Went on board the white Cloud & at 4 P.M. left Helena Southward. Had a
heavy rain last night.
18 Jul. 1862--Landed last night, laid some 5 or 6 hours towards morn.
Started down the river again at 6 A.M. Passed mouth of White River & at
nine Passed Arkansas River. Landed at Napoleon, destroyed several Scows,
etc. Secesh trying to escape was shot dead near landing.
19 Jul. 1862--Remained at Gasters landing several hours. Distance from
Helena 170 miles last evening & then turned round started up the river.
Had pretty good times, plenty of Port wind, etc, etc, etc.
20 Jul. 1862--Sunday. Landed several times during the day & arrived at
Helena at 12 M. Rec'd a letter from Charles Stertz.
21 Jul. 1862--Remained in camp today. Rec'd letters from Jonathon, Tom
Beal, Diannah Beale, K. Ningt, Uncle C. Beal.
22 Jul. 1862--Remained in camp, no special news. Everything quiet in
camp. Rather warm.
23 Jul. 1862--Remained in camp, no special news. Rec'd 2 months pay 34
Dol etc.
24 Jul. 1862--Remained in camp. Answered Jonathons, Tom Beales, & kate
Ningts letters.
25 Jul. 1862--Remained in camp, no special news.
26 Jul. 1862--Went with a party for cotton at Genl Pillows Brother's
farm some four miles from Helena.
27 Jul. 1862--Sunday. Remained in camp. Had Preaching by the Rev. Mr.
28 Jul. 1862--Monday. Remained in camp. In the evening at 1 A.M. were
ordered out in a double quick & marched until day break then halted.
29 JUl. 1862--Slept some three hours & then resumed our march towards
Trenton (Phillips County Ak). Arrived at Trenton at 4 P.M. 7 camped.
30 Jul. 1862--Remained at Trenton until noon & then marched right about
towards Helena at which place we arrived at 7 P.M. Col. Vandervere of
the 9th Iowa Cav. was in command of this expedition. Raining all day.
31 Jul. 1862--Remained in camp. Rec'd a letter from Jonas Cook.
1 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp, no special news.
2 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp, everything quiet etc.
3 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp, everything quiet in camp.
Page 9
4 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp. Met with a painful accident in the
evening with powder etc. My left hand burnt severely & eyelashes burnt
5 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp. Rec'd a letter from Jonathon Beale.
6 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp, nothing special. Answered Jonathons
letter. also expressed $25.00 for Charles Beale, Dixion, Ill.
7 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp, nothing special.
8 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp.
9 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp. Very warm.
10 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp. My hand is improving.
11 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp. Chuck etc, etc. Rec'd letter from Mollie
12 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp. Had a little Chuck, etc, etc. Paid
pretty well.
13 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp. Everything quiet.
14 Aug. 1862--Remained in camp. Rec'd a letter from West End.
15 Aug. 1862--Left camp at dusk & went on board the boat McDowell & laid
there till morning.
16 Aug. 1862--Left Helena at 6 A.M. and sailed southward. It is quite
17 Aug. 1862--Passed Gasters landing at 9 A.M.
18 Aug. 1862--Landed at 4 A.M. at Milikins Bind and went on a scout some
8 miles from the river. Capt some 20 rebels & considerable property.
Gunboats also captured Fairplay before we landed. Lieut. Col Bowen
Blackhorse. Also Crabtree Bobtail.
19 Aug. 1862--At 6 A.M. passed Yazoo River & went down as far as the
canal above Vicsburg. Anchored several hours. Then right about up stream
20 Aug. 1862--Still anchored at mouth of Yazoo River. The scouting party
not returned yet. Scouting party returned at in the evening. Capt two
field pieces & Bursted four seige (sic) guns.
21 Aug. 1862--Started up stream at 7 A.M. Anchored at night.
22 Aug. 1862--Took in anchor and sailed at 7 A.M. up stream.
23 Aug. 1862--Took in anchor and sailed at 6 A.M. Went as far as
Greenville. Landed & had a sharp little skirmish. Whipped them out &
left. Went as far as Gasters landing & anchored.
24 Aug. 1862--Laid around Gasters landing all day. Sounded several times
during the day & anchored at night fall.
25 Aug. 1862--Took in anchor at 6 A.M. & sailed several miles, landed,
had another sharp skirmish with some rebels. Lost one man killed two
wounded. Went on board & left. Reinforcements reached us at dusk. Sailed
up stream.
26 Aug. 1862--Still sailing for Helena at a brisk rate.
27 Aug. 1862--Arrived at Helena at daybreak. Went off the boat & went to
camp & took breakfast. Rec'd three letters one from C. Stertz, another
from Tom Beale, one from Elizabeth.
28 Aug. 1862--Went on board the Meteor & sailed north.
29 Aug. 1862--Still sailing at a brisk rate. Arrived at Memphis at 10
1/2 A.M. Landed several hours. Lent John Koe five Dol.
Page 10
30 Aug. 1862--Passed Fort Pillow last night & New Madrid at 6 P.M. Had a
very time (sic). Lent Joseph Parker five dol. Passed Ill. no. 10 at
31 Aug. 1862--This morning found us at Cairo, landed, left at 1 P.M.
Here Maj. genl. Curtis took the cars for Chicago, Ill.
1 Sep. 1862--Had a heavy rain last night.
2 Sep. 1862--Arrived at St. Louis at 1 A.M. Landed & at 10 A.M. started
for Benton Barracks. There (sic) 8 or ten new regiments at this place.
Sent 20 Dollars with Joe Mastoller to pay over to C. Beale.
3 through 13 Sep. 1862--Remained in camp.
14 Sep. 1862--Went to St. Louis. Returned at 1 A.M. Was in the theater
on Brodway (sic).
15 Sep. 1862--Remained in camp. Attended theater on 259th Brodway St.
Louis, Mo.
16 through 25 Sep. 1862--Remained in camp.
26 Sep. 1862--Remained in camp. Corp. Everett Comp. A (sic) wrote out
charges against I. W. Stephens.
27 Sep. 1862--Moved to town. Quartered on Washington Ave. between fourth
& fifth street.
28 Sep. 1862--Remained in camp.
29 Sep. 1862--Remained in Quarters today. Rec'd two months pay etc, etc.
2 Oct. 1862--Rec'd letters from Jonathon, Mollie, and Charles Beale,
also one from Jake Walker (brother of Catherine Walker, future wife of
Dennis Beale.)
3 Oct. 1862--Rec'd letter from Kate Walker & Diannah Beal.
5 Oct. 1862--Remained in camp. Rec'd a letter from Kev Ning.
8 Oct. 1862--Remained in camp. Answered all letters rec'd up to date.
9 Oct. 1862--Remained in Quarters on Washington Ave between fourth &
fifth St. Louis, Mo. "This is my birthday."
10 Oct. 1862--...commenced to get up petition to send to Secretary
11 Oct. 1862--Remained in camp.
12 Oct. 1862--Sent a petition to war Dept concerning this Bowens
20 Oct. 1862--Remained in camp.
21 Oct. 1862--Remained in camp.
25 Oct. 1862--Remained in camp all day. Had a severe toothache all last
& today had it drawn. Pretty cold & blustery last night. Some two inches
of snow on the ground this morn.
26 Oct. 1862--Remained in camp today.
27 Oct. 1862--Remained in camp. Rec'd a letter from Jonathon. Got up a
petition and sent it to Maj. Genl. Curtis.
1 Nov. 1862--Left Benton Barricks (sic) & moved to Schofield Barracks at
St. Louis.
7 Nov. 1862--Remained in camp. Ordered under arrest by order Capt. M. W.
Williams etc. "for disobedience of orders etc."
16 Nov. 1862--Remained in camp released from arrest. Wind & rain all
Page 11
19 Nov. 1862--Remained in camp. "Had a chill."
20 Nov. 1862--Remained in camp. Lieut. T. G. Price of the 9th Mo. Cav.
was introduced to Comp D by Lieut Dickenson & gave a short inaug.
Treated rather cool by the company. Bowen was present.
21 Nov. 1862--Remained in camp. Mr. Wm Riley left for Nachusa Ill (E. of
Dixon) at three P.M. Scofield Barracks St. Louis, Mo.
25 Nov. 1862--Remained in camp. C. Freeman paid us a visit. First
acquainted with him at Chicago, Ill. He is now Capt in the Navy.
26 Nov. 1862--Remained in camp. Commenced Boarding at Boarding house
today. Rec'd copy Petition from Comp. A. & C to send to Genl Curtis.
27 Nov. 1862--Remained in camp. Rec'd letter from Jonathon. Got up
petition & sent to Genl Curtis, Number of men signed petition sent to
Genl Curtis: Comp D, 62 men; Comp B, 37 men.
3 Dec. 1862--Skirmish at Salem Mo. one year ago.
4 Dec. 1862--Went to Benton Barracks St. Louis, Mo & hurt myself while
on horseback.
5 Dec. 1862--Remained in camp. Had charges preferred against Lieut. Col
W. D. Bowen, Ger C. Everrett & myself.
17 Dec. 1862--Left Myrtle Street prison & went to Hickory Street
Hospital. Sick from the effects etc. rec'd fourth inst.
25 Dec. 1862--Went out and had a big dinner with the Boys at their
Boarding house, by invitation of Comp D. also went to the City Hospital
& saw the surgeon in charge & then returned to my hospital. "Lieut
Dysart along" etc. D. Beal.
26 Dec. 1862--Hickory Street Hospital. Mike Daily stopped in front Hos
drunk. Capt Curry of Comp B ordered him to his quarters or he would help
him on. Mike turns his horse and says 'see that, you do it' and
dismounted. Capt Curry choked him, put him on his horse. Mike drew
revolver. Curry killed.
27 Dec. 1862--Left St. Louis MO. at 6 P.M.
29 Dec. 1862--Arrived at Columbus Ky at 1 A.M.
9 Jan. 1863--Left Columbus.
18 Jan. 1863--Arrived at Helena Ak.
