Jensen, Mrs. Henriette (1900 - 1947)
SchleswigMrs. Edward Jensen Died Monday After Long Illness
Funeral services were held Wednesday for Mrs. Edward Jensen. Services were held at the Gottburg Funeral Home and Frieden's church.. Rev. A. F. Rinne read the following obituary:
Mrs. Henriette Jensen, nee Tamm, a daughter of Edward Tamm and Mary Johannsen, was born February 16, 1900, in Morgan, Township, Crawford County; and departed from this, life after a lingering illness at her home Northeast of Schleswig early Monday, morning January 27, 1947. She reached the age of 46 years, 11 months and 11 days.
As a child she was baptized, and on April 5, 1914, she was, received into Frieden's church through confirmation by the Rev. W. Wetzler.
On November 15, 1922, she was united in marriage to Edward J. Jensen. Shortly after their marriage they moved to the Tamin. farm northwest of town. Here they lived until 1931, when they purchased a farm in Hayes Township, Ida County. About six years ago they built a modern house which she greatly enjoyed since that time. She was a great lover of flowers and because of this their home was a very attractive one.
Mrs. Jensen was a faithful member of Frieden's church and of the Women's Guild. She was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother, and a good neighbor.
Mrs. Jensen had been in failing health for some years. A year ago last December she had a severe , case of the flu from which she never completely recovered. She sought aid at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester last March but they were only able to give her temporary relief. After her return home she grew steadily worse, and has been bedfast since last September. Her husband and daughter Helen cared for her during these past months and sought to make her as comfortable as possible. She always had high hopes of regaining her health.
She was preceded in death by her mother in 1918; her father in 1931 and her sister Clara, Mrs. Nick Hollander on January 31, 1936.
She leaves to mourn her death, her husband, one daughter; Helen, Mrs, Marvin Knudsen; a son in law and a grandson, Marelle; and. one sister, Gertrude, Mrs. John Jepsen of Quimby, Iowa, besides many other relatives and friends.
Burial was made in the Morgan cemetery. The pall bearers were: Wm. Namanny, Harry Lutz, Otto Evers, Gunnar Johnson, Henry Jepsen, and Henry Hohn.
Submitted by Bob Kuehl
Ida M. Jensen (1895 - 1961)
Died September 27, 1961
Funeral services were held for Ida Maria Jensen Sept. 30, 1961, at 2 p.m. at the Zion Lutheran church in Denison with Rev. C. W. Schmidt officiating. Hymns were sung by the Lutheran Ladies' choir with F. H. Grienke, organist.
Ida Maria, nee Heide, the daughter of the late Ludwig Heide and Marie, nee Jacobsen, was born in Goodrich township September 24, 1895. In early infancy she was baptized and later confirmed in the Lutheran faith in Denison.
She was married to Peter L. Jensen on Dec. 26, 1917, a union to which two children were born. They farmed north of Denison until retiring to make their home in Denison 13 years ago. Mr. Jensen died in July, 1956. The departed had been in poor health and died suddenly at her home on Wednesday morning at the age of 66 years and 2 days.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Helen Jepsen, of Denison, and one son, Arlo Jensen of Denison; five grandchildren, two brothers, Albert and Rudolph of Denison; besides her husband, two brothers, John and Wilhelm, preceded her in death.
Pallbearers were Arnold Gluesing, Wilbert Groth, Walter Jensen, Leslie Neubauer, Harry Sachau and Edward Wigg.
Submitted by Joyce Heide
Jensen, Mrs. Lena (1868 - 1938)
Schleswig (1938)Mrs. Jacob Jensen Stricken Fatally At Her Home Tues.
Mrs. Lena Struck Jensen, daughter of Hans Struck and Anna Aldag, was born March 23, 1868, in Rock Island, Illinois, and departed from this life June 7, 1938. She reached the age of 70 years, 2 months and 14 days.
Mrs. Jensen passed away very suddenly Tuesday morning at her home in Schleswig. She arose Tuesday morning and was busy working in her yard. She visited several times with her neighbor, Mrs. Frieda Jurgensen, and appeared to be in good health. However, about 11:30 her granddaughter, Gladys Jensen, found her upon the back porch when she returned from Bible school. She called the neighbors and help was summoned. Her doctor found that death was instant. Her unexpected death came as a shock to her children, relatives and friends. Mrs. Jensen. was a pioneer resident of this community, living here for over, sixty years.
She was united in marriage to Mr. Jacob R. Jensen on March 29, 1889 in Grant township, Ida county, by the Rev. Mark Herman. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen made their home on a farm in Morgan township until they retired in 1925, when they moved to Schleswig. They reared seven children and were privileged to see them all grown and established in their own homes.
Mr. Jensen preceded her in death October 18, 1936. She was baptized and confirmed in Friedens Evangelical church and had been a faithful member for many years. She was also a member of the Women's Union.
Mrs.Jensen leaves to mourn her death her devoted children. Six sons: Rudolph of Ida, Grove; William, Edward, Bernhard, Hugo and Frank Jensen of Schleswig; one daughter, Della, Mrs. Walter Paulsen of Anthon; 11 grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Ed Reimer and Mrs. Henry Kuehl, of Schleswig, two brothers, Edward and Julius Struck of Schleswig, besides many other relatives and friends.
Funeral services will be held Friday, June 10, at 1:30 at the house, and 2:00 o'clock at the Friedens Evangelical church. Rev. Renne will conduct the services. Burial will be made in Morgan cemetery. The pallbearers will be six of her nephews, Albert Reimer, Otto Kuehl, Victor Struck, Roland Struck, F. H. Reinking and Theo. Stender.
Submitted by Bob Kuehl
Peter Jensen (1893 - 1956)
Died July 23, 1956
Funeral services were held for Peter Ludwig Jensen, July 26, at 2 p.m. at the Zion Lutheran Church in Denison with the Rev. Roger E. Raebel officiating. Hymns, "Heaven Is My Home" and "Rock of Ages" were sung by the Lutheran Ladies Choir with F. H. Grienke, organist.
Peter Ludwig Jensen, son of the late Henry Jensen and Louise nee Muller, was born in Goodrich township Jan 15, 1893. He received baptism in early infancy and was later confirmed in the Lutheran faith.
On Dec. 26, 1917, he was united in marriage to Ida nee Heide and to this union two children were born, Helen (Mrs. Louis B. Jepsen) and Arlo Jensen, both of Goodrich township. They farmed in Goodrich township until eight years ago when they moved to Denison. In 1949, Mr. Jensen suffered a heart attack and again last Monday morning about 7:30.
Preceding him in death are his parents, a brother, Henry and three sisters, Mary, Emma and Anna (Mrs. Sam Christiansen).
Surviving are his widow, his daughter and son, two brothers, Charley and Louie of Denison, Mrs. Hannah Dethmann of Charter Oak, Mrs. Lena Dockwiler of Moville, Mrs. John Sachau of Denison, Mrs. John Moeller of Schleswig, Mrs. Fay Woodruff of Denison, and three grandchildren, Connie and Roseann Jepsen and Arlene Jensen.
Pallbearers were Milroy Henningsen, Darwin Heide, Harold Jensen, Walter Jensen, Harry Sachau and Edward Wigg.
Submitted by Joyce Heide
Jensen, William Henry (1892 - 1965)
Schleswig LeaderObituary of Willie Jensen Who Died June 14
Funeral services were held for William H. Jensen who died June 14 at the Ida Grove hospital after a lingering illness were held Thursday, June 17, from the United Church of Christ with Rev. R. J. Ratzlaff officiating. Mrs Ray Martens and Mrs Harlan Buffum sang "Day by Day" and "Rock of Ages." They were, accompanied on the organ by Mrs John Evers.
William Henry Jensen, the son of Jacob R. and Lena, (nee Struck) Jensen, was born on March 3, 1892. He was a life, long resident of this community farming on a farm northwest of Schleswig until 1946 when he retired and moved to his home in Schleswig.
He was united in marriage to Catherine Timmsen on September 28, 1927 at the United Church of Christ parsonage by Rev: Kuelhorn. To this union one daughter, Gladys was born. She preceded her father in death on March 28, 1965.
He was a member of the United Church of Christ and was a member of the church council for four years.
He attained the age of 73 years, 3 months and 11 days.
Survivors include his widow, Catherine, a son-in-law Gerald Hedstrom, three grandchildren, five brothers: Hugo, Edward, Rudolph, Barney and Frank and one sister, Della Paulson. He was preceded in death by, his parents and his daughter.
Pallbearers were Norman Paulsen, Burdell Jensen, Marvin Knudsen, Charles Noll, Wm. J. Petersen and Ray Jensen.
Interment was in Morgan cemetery.
Submitted by Bob Kuehl
Jepsen, Lena (abt 1880 - 1909)
Schleswig Leader, November 12, 1909
This community was shocked Saturday to hear of the death of Mrs. Will Jepsen at the hospital in Denison. Deceased had been taken there two weeks or more ago, and on last Monday was operated on for appendicitis. She rallied nicely from this operation and on Friday underwent another one. She failed to rally from this one however and died Saturday morning at 9 o'clock.
Lena Jochims was born in Scott county and was aged 29 years, 3 months and 9 days at the time of her death. She is survived by a sorrowing husband and two little daughters, one aged six years and another four.
Deceased was ever a kind friend and counselor and was loved by all who knew her. She took an active part in social affairs and will be greatly missed. But it is in the home, where as a faithful and devoted wife and companion, a kind and loving mother, will her death be most deeply felt and mourned.
The funeral was held Monday from the Church of Peace here and the remains laid to rest in the cemetery near here. The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved one.
Submitted by Bob Kuehl
Jones, Cecil James (1894 - 1918)
Denison BulletinNovember 13, 1918
Cecil James Jones
1894 to 19 Jul 1918
Mrs. Will Schouten received word Friday of the death of her nephew, Cecil Jones, in France. Cecil was well known here having lived near Dow City for several years. He attended school here about two terms and then moved with his parents over near Charter Oak. He attended the Methodist church, Sunday school, was a member of the Standard Bearers, and attended these meetings quite regularly.
About three years ago his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Jones moved to Denver but he remained here until a year ago last April when he went to Denver and the next month, he and his two brothers, Earl and Harold enlisted in the army and were stationed at Camp Logan, Colorado, for several months. They were then sent to Camp Kearney, Linda Vista, California, and from there Cecil and Harold were sent to France while Earl was sent to Camp MacArthur, Texas. They have been in the service, now, for about one and one-half years. Cecil had the rank of sergeant.
He died October 17, 1918 at the age of twenty-five years (25). The cause of death was an attack of influenza followed by pneumonia. Died of pneumonia/complications of the flu in France while serving in the Army.

Cemetery: Oise-Aisne American Cemetery
Cemetery Burial Plot: Plot A Row 34 Grave 13
Cemetery City: Fere-en-Tardenois
Cemetery Country: France
Submitted by Lynn Breese
Jones, Harriet J. (1844 - 1922)
The Denison Bulletin and Herald, Wednesday, June 28, 1922MRS. L. M. JONES PASSES ON
Dies at Home of Her Daughter at Armour, South Dakota
Word came to Charter Oak last Friday, like thunder from a clear sky, that Mrs. Lyman M. Jones, mother of Frank and Pit Jones and Mrs. Bert Wright, had died that day at the home of Mrs. Wright at Armour, S. D. Frank Jones, of Moorhead, being the nearest to the resting place of Mrs. Jones' husband at charter Oak, he was asked to make arrangements for the funeral, which he did. Rev. R. E. Willis, the local pastor, being away at Okoboji on work of the parish, a minister was brought from Moorhead. Services were conducted at the Presbyterian church in Charter Oak.
Harriet J. Humphrey was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, June 23, 1844. Later she moved with her parents to Jackson county, Iowa, where she was united in marriage to Mr. Lyman M. Jones on the 9th day of May, 1866. Her husband was a veteran of the Civil War.
To this union were born six children, four sons and two daughters, all of whom are living except one son, R. M. Jones, who passed away April 5th, 1922, at Denison, Iowa. The living children are Harry M. Jones, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. W. N. Schouten, Hudson, Colo.; Frank Jones, Moorhead, Iowa; Arthur Jones, Gaston, Ore.; and Mrs. B. L. Wright of Armour, S. D.
The husband and father passed to the life beyond Feb. 25, 1911. Mrs. Jones was a devoted Christian and was a member of the Baptist church at Dow City, Iowa, for 30 years, having been a Presbyterian in her earlier life.
Mrs. Jones would have attained her 78th birthday on the 23rd of this month. She has had excellent health for one of her age until recently. The recent loss of her son was a trying experience to one of her age and weakened her strength and hastened the end.
She passed away suddenly and peacefully while sitting in her chair at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. L. Wright, at Armour, S. D., Thursday, June 15th, at 1 p. m. It was her wish of many years to pass away suddenly or at least without a period of illness and suffering, and this wish was granted her.
Besides the children mentioned she leaves one brother, W. D. Humphrey of Santa Anna, California, fifteen grand children and one great grandchild.
Mrs. Jones was an old resident of Crawford county, having lived at Dow City, Denison and Charter Oak for many years. She was laid to rest at Charter Oak beside her husband.
She was a devoted mother and leaves precious memories in the hearts of her children.
---Charter Oak Times.
Submitted by Robert Jones
Jones, Lyman M. (abt. 1836 - 1911)
Denison Review, March 1, 1911Death has again been in our midst and taken one of our veterans. Mr. L. M. Jones died at his home in the east part of town Saturday morning, Feb. 25th, after a long illness.
Mr. Jones was a veteran of the Civil war and was seventy-five years old. He was one of the pioneers of Crawford county.
He leaves his wife and six children to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father. R. M. Jones and Mrs. Bert Wright reside in Charter Oak, Frank at Schleswig, Mrs. Cora Schouten and Harry, near Dow City, and Arthur at Salem, Oregon. They were all at the bedside of their father with the exception of Arthur, when he died.
Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. J. J. Bushnell of Rock Rapids, officiating.
Submitted by Robert Jones
Jones, Romant Monroe (1872 - 1922)
The Denison Bulletin and HeraldDenison, Iowa, Wednesday April 12, 1922
Funeral Held Friday Afternoon
Friends Pay Last Respect to Romant M. Jones
Services Occurred at Home of L. B. Romans in this City
Interment in Charter Oak Cemetery.
Romant Monroe Jones (better known among his friends as "Pitt" Jones) was born at Center Point, Linn county, Iowa, on March 23rd, 1872 and passed away April 5th, 1922, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Romans in Denison.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman M. Jones. His father was a veteran of the Civil war and his parents were residents of this county for many years, residing first at Dow City and then at Charter Oak. His education was received in the public schools of Dow City.
In 1894, he moved with his parents to Charter Oak, where he accepted a position in the store of C. Schurke. "Pitt," as he was commonly called, was a man of many friends, was always good natured, a hard worker and a man square in all of his dealings. He was not an aggressive salesman, but a man who attracted trade, which made him one of the best salesmen in the town. He was very fond of music and was a member of the Charter Oak band and orchestra for many years. In the earlier history of the town, the presence of a band was due largely through his untiring efforts.
Mr. Jones was united in marriage to Mathilda Schurke at Charter Oak, Iowa, on November 1st, 1899. To this union was born four children, namely: Violet Mae, Melvin Lyman, Romantus Carl and Wallace Emil, (deceased).
Four years ago, the family moved to Ankeny, Iowa, where he was engaged in the mercantile business until his health failed two years ago. Following a severe attack of pneumonia, he developed tuberculosis from which he was unable to secure relief. When it was found that his illness was of a serious nature, he went to Colorado, remaining there with his sister for about a year, later returning to Ankeny, Iowa. About a year ago, he came to Denison, where he remained until the time of his death.
He was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Ankeny, Iowa, and was also a member of A.O.U.W. Lodge No. 3 at Des Moines. He leaves to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father, his devoted wife and three children, his mother, Mrs. Harriett Jones of Hudson, Colo. Who was with him the last three weeks of his illness; three brothers, Harry of Denver, Colo.; Frank of Moorhead, Iowa; and Arthur of Portland, Oregon, and two sisters, Mrs. W. N. Schouten of Hudson, Colo. And Mrs. B. L. Wright of Armour, South Dakota.
The funeral services were held at the home of Mr. And Mrs. L. B. Romans on Friday, April 7 at 2:30 o'clock p. m. with the Rev. Watson, pastor of the Methodist church of Ankeny officiating, assisted by Rev. M. M. Cable, pastor of the local Methodist church.
He was laid to rest by the side of his son, Wallace, in the Charter Oak cemetery.
The out of town relatives in attendance at the funeral were Mrs. Harriett Jones of Hudson, Colo., Frank Jones and daughter, Miss Ferne of Moorhead; Mr. And Mrs. B. L. Wright of Armour, South Dakota; Mr. And Mrs. Roy Lohrman of Ida Grove; Mr. And Mrs. Paul Schurke of Baxter; Will Schurke of Ankeny; Mrs. Barney Schurke and L. J. Hecker, both of Des Moines.
Submitted by Bob Jones
Melissa T. Jordan (1838 - 1916)
Denison Review 1-12-1916
"Aunt Melissa" to Great Beyond
Mrs. Melissa T. Jordan, Pioneer Resident of County, Died at Her Home in Deloit Last Friday
Had Many Friends in County
Funeral Services Held Sunday From Family Home, Elders Chambers and Butterworth Officiating
Mrs. Melissa L. Jordan died at her home in Deloit on January 7th at the age of 77 years, 7 months and 18 days, following a prolonged illness which was brought about by the infirmities of old age.
Aunt Melissa has been a resident of Deloit for a great many years and is one of the old settlers of Crawford county, loved and admired by a host of acquaintances. While she has been a sufferer for several years and confined to her home, she was cheerful throughout and received the loving care of her children who did everything possible for her comfort during her declining years. The fact that her son, Mr. M. E. Myers, who resided near her, was constantly in attendance, was a source of great satisfaction to her.
Melissa L. Donaldson was born on May 20, 1838 in Ceyuga county, Ohio and came with her parents to Iowa in the spring of 1846. In the spring of 1855 she was united in marriage to Mr. William G. Myers and to this union five sons were born, namely: A. G. Myers of Denison; W. W. Myers of Lamoni; M. E. Myers of this place; J. G. Myers of Aitkin, Minn., and C. T. Myers of Laurel, Neb. Her husband, William G. Myers, departed this life on the 22nd day of December, 1864.
On the 17th day of June, 1865, Mrs. Myers was married to James Jordan and this union was blessed with eight children, namely; Olive E. Lentz, deceased; James S. deceased; J. A. Jordan of Long Pine, Neb; B. A. Jordan of Dixon, Neb.; John A. Jordan, deceased; Clara and Clarence, deceased; and Mrs. A. M. Justice of Dixon, Neb. Besides these children she leaves thirty-one grandchildren and eight great grandchildren to mourn her death.
At the age of thirty she united with the Baptist church and remained a faithful worker until 1862 when she affiliated with the Latter Day Saints church, of which she was a member up until the time of her death. Aunt Melinda will be missed by her many friends, not only in Deloit, but over the entire county.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Elder D. R. Chambers of Magnolia and Elder C. E. Butterworth having charge of the services, which were held at the family home. All of her children were present at the funeral except one son, J. G. Myers who resides in Minnesota. The funeral was largely attended by friends and relatives who gathered to pay their last tribute to this estimable woman. The remains were laid to rest in the little cemetery adjoining Deloit. The pall bearers were C. W. Winey, E. R. Patchin, F. A. True, C. J. Cose, F. J. Brogden and S. Horr.
Submitted by Melba McDowell
Jurgens, Mrs. Hans (1857 - 1912)
Schleswig Leader - May 24, 1912The death of Mrs. Hans Jurgens of this vicinity occured Monday, hemorrage of the brain being the cause.
Deceased was born in Germany in 1857, where whe was also married. With her husband she came to America in 1892, settling in this county. In 1892 they went to Nebraska where they lived for three years. They came back in 1895 and settled on a farm near here.
Deceased had been in good health until about a year ago when she suffered a paralytic stroke. Since then she has been in poor health.
But one child was born to this couple and it died in infancy. She leaves to mourn her death besides her husband, an adopted son.
The funeral was held in the church here on Thursday and remains laid to rest in the Morgan cemetery. The sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing husband.
Submitted by Bob Kuehl
Hugo Jessen (1889-1921)
Hugo Jessen commits suicide.Takes Strychnine in barn on farm Thursday.
July 16, 1921
Financial Difficulties Thought To Have Deranged Mind
Funeral Services Held Sunday.
Hugo Jessen, prominent young farmer of near Deloit who disappeared Tuesday morning leaving a note that he had taken poison and would be in the Boyer river committed suicide by taking strychnine and lemon extract in the barn on the Earl Thoms farm on last Thursday morning.
About 6:30 A.M. Thursday Emil Thoms saw him in a nearby cornfield. He hurried to the phone and called Sheriff Greene who being busy sent out Deputy Sheriff Ed Gary and an assistant. In the meantime Mr. Thoms had gathered together the neighbors and tried to get near enough to Hugo to talk to him. The deceased probably being mentally unbalanced for the time did not recognize his neighbors and would not let them come near him. Finally he ran into the barn. The neighbors then thinking he would be safe waited for Deputy Sheriff Gary and his assistant who were then on their way to the farm in a car.
They arrived in a short time and Gary immediately went into the barn. Not finding him there he climbed into the loft. Jessen probably seeing them come up had taken poison and was in a dying condition when he was found on the top of a pile of hay. He was rushed into a car and started for the hospital at Denison, but the car had only gone about two miles when he died. He was taken back to the farm and Coroner Clauson held the inquest on that afternoon.
Hugo Jessen, the deceased was the son of Momme and Emma Jessen who now reside at Whittier, California. He was born on a farm near Deloit on Sept. 11, 1889 and passed from his physical life at the place of his birth on Thursday morning, June 16th. As many a day has begun so were the early years of this young man very promising. He was a willing and obedient child and grew into manhood, energetic and ambitious. Before him were all the possibilities of a thrifty and higher life. How true the words of the wisest of all men, Solomon when he said, "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."
About nine years ago the deceased joined in the bonds on matrimony with Miss Hertha Heide. Four children, two girls and two boys were given to them. Besides the wife and the four children, the deceased is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Momme Jessen of Whittier, Cal., and one brother Henry of Sterling South Dakota and three sisters, Mrs. Frieda Grill of Lake View, Mrs. Ida Lafrentz living in the northern part of this county and Mrs. Amelia Thresher of Buena Park, Calif. The Bulletin joins the circle of a large host of friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved family.
The funeral services were held at the Jessen home on Sunday afternoon with Reverend Bergman of this city officiating. Interment occurred in the Morgan Twp. Cemetery near Schleswig.
Transcribed by Mary Klauer