Roster of Military Servicemen
as of 1911
This page contains the names of 375 men who served in the United States Military Services as of 1911. The military unit in which they served is given for most of the men. Death dates were given for some. Some names are preceeded with an *, which may indicate the individual was deceased at the time of the publication. Although it was not indicated anyplace in the article, this was done in several other portions of the book.
P.S. You will find an interesting historical note under the name Sierer.
- Abernethy, Alonzo, Lieutenant Col. 9th Iowa Inft.
- Adams, John, 62nd Ohio Inft.
- * Adams, Samuel
- Admire, James H., 65th Indiana Inft.
- Agens, W. M.
- * Ainsworth, Joseph 0., 32nd Wics. Inft. Died Dec. 7, 1908.
- Alexander, Joseph, 57th Ind. Inft.
- Alexander, Thomas
- Alton, John W., 118th Ill. Inft.
- Angel, H. P., 20th Iowa Inft.
- Anthony, J. J.
- Appleman, John
- Atwood, Andrew, 62nd Ill. Inft.
- Austin, I., 100th New York Inft.
- Avery, W. H. H., 113th Ohio Inft., Capt. 42nd U. S. Colored Inft.
- * Ailsworth, Byron, 7th N. Y. Sharp shooters. Died March 5, 1902
- Bacon, Julius W.
- Bachus, Frank, 3rd Ill. Inft.
- Barber, John P., 14th Vermont Inft.
- Bailey, J. J., 30th Wisc. Inft.
- Barnes, Nathan, 83rd Ill. Inft.
- Bannister, E. B., 105th Ill. Inft.
- Batenian, Thos.
- Baer, S. A., 124th Penn. Inft.
- Bartlett, Thos., 105th Ill. Inft.
- Beedy, J. J., 27th Iowa Inft.
- Bennett, Thos., 5th V. R. C.
- Bennett, J. D., 112th Ill. Inft.
- Beck, Christopher
- Beatty, L. C., 50th Pennsylvania Inft.
- Bill, Jacob B., 1st Ill. Lt. Art.
- Biggs, W. A., 55th Ill. Inft.
- * Bidlack, E. T. Died May 4, 1910.
- Bleakley Tobias L., 37th Wisc. Inft.
- * Blackman J., 52nd Ill. Inft. Died Jan. 15, 1910.
- Blackman, G. W., 50th Inft.
- Bock, F., 2nd Miss. Lt. Art.
- Bond, L. L., 13th Wisc. Inft.
- Bond, A. J., 32nd Iowa Inft.
- Bowmann, Wilson, 3rd Mass. Inft.
- Boeck, Henry, 2nd Iowa Cav.
- * Borden, Edward, 20th Iowa Inft.
- Branch, M. L., 184th N. Y. Inft.
- Brown, Thos., 31st Wisc. Inft.
- Brown, L P, 29th Iowa Inft
- Brown, James E., 24th Iowa Inft.
- Bronson, Isaac, Henshaws Battery Ill. Vol.
- Brockett, W. R., 14th N. Y. Inft.
- Brittan, D. W., 3rd Col. Cav.
- Buck, Wm.
- Butterworth, C. E., 13th Iowa Inft.
- Buchecker, Dan'l, 25th Wisc. Inft.
- Burns, Richard, N. Y. Inft.
- Byam, Lorens, 28th Wisc. Inft.
- Casey, P. J., Single Service
- Case, B. W., 3rd Col. Cav.
- Carr, L. T., 21st Ind. Inft.
- Castenson, Robt. G.
- * Cheeney, Itmar, Ill. Inft.
- * Chapin, David, War of 1812.
- Chase, R J, 35th Iowa Inft
- Chatten, John, 20th Iowa Inft
- Clark, Isaac G.
- * Clark, Dan'l, 22nd Wisc. Inft.
- * Conrad, F. J., 51st Wisc. Inft. Died Aug. 2, 1880.
- Conery, Rilan H.
- Conaty, Wm., 46th Ill. Inft.
- Colamore, I. W., 21st Maine Inft.
- Cook, Archibald, 2nd Penn. Cav.
- Cook, George F., 1st Wisc. Cav.
- Cook, Samuel, 26th Iowa Inft.
- * Colpore, T. M., 1st Wisc. Inft.
- Comstock, Wm., 48th Ind. Inft.
- Crouch, F. L., 65th Ill. Inft.
- Crawshaw, A., 14th U. S. Inft.
- Crakes, Wm., 3rd Mich. Inft.
- * Crandall, Albert, 13th Iowa Inft.
- * Crandall, George, 13th Iowa Inft.
- * Crawford, John, 2nd Iowa Inft. Died April 23, 1903.
- *Cushing, J. P., 8th Mass. Inft. Died Feb. 11, 1881.
- Cue, Joseph, 65th Ill. Inft.
- * Darling, B. F., 9th Iowa Cav.
- Darling, Edwin, 9th Iowa Inft.
- Day, Edwin, 79th Ohio Inft.
- * Deal, Edward, 134th N. Y. Inft.
- * Dean, Horace F., 26th Iowa Inft.
- Dettmer, Henry, 10th Ill. lnft.
- Douglass, W. R.
- Doty, Thos., 9th Iowa lnft.
- Drake, Theodore, 3rd Wisc. Inft.
- Drumm, I., 12th Inft.
- Dubois, F., 12th Inft.
- Duncan, J. P., 135th Ill. Inft.
- * Duncan, Charles, 3rd U. S. Cav.
- Dury, James
- Eaton, S. R., Sergeant
- Edwards, Wm., 3rd Iowa Cav.
- Edwards, John, 9th Mich. Inft.
- Enright, George, 26th Iowa Inft.
- * Eyer, Samuel, 45th Penn. Inft.
- Fackar, J. W., 22nd Iowa Inft.
- Facklar, Henry H., 7th Iowa Cav.
- * Familton, W. R., 44th Iowa Inft.
- Farley, Onlon, 20th Iowa Inft.
- Faust, Joseph, 66th Ohio Inft.
- Featherston, W. H., 14th Ill. Cav.
- Fienhold, F. W., 104th Ill. Inft.
- Fish, Isaac J., Mexican war.
- Fitzgerald, Morris, 23rd Ill. Inft.
- Ford, Henry C.
- Francis, James, 18th Ind. Inft.
- * Francis, Joseph, Ind. Inft. and Mexican war.
- Franks, Henry
- * French, Aaron F., 3rd Vermont Batt. Died Dec. 8, 1901.
- * French, Ralph, 92nd Ill. Inft. Died Oct. 8, 1892.
- Gable, Uriah
- Garlough, B. W.
- Garten, G. W., 59th Ind. Inft.
- Getty, Robt., 92nd Ill. Inft.
- Gill, Dr. D. H., 2nd Iowa Cav.
- * Gilmor, Isaac, 1st Lieut. 2nd Iowa Cav. Died Apr. 8, 1909
- Gibson, Francis, 1st Minn. Inft.
- * Gilbreath, J. S., 6th U. S. Cav.
- Goodrich, Ward
- Goodrich, Wm., 11th Iowa Cav.
- Golden, David
- Gould, John, 132nd Ill. Inft.
- * Graham, S. M., 18th U. S. Inft. Died Feb. 20, 1899.
- Gregg, Robt. 188th Penn. Inft.
- * Grosshart, Henry
- Grimes, Lumas H., 42nd Ill. Inft.
- Grimes, W. R., 42nd Ill. Inft.
- * Gulick, H. S., 26th Iowa Inft. Died May 12, 1896.
- Harker, T. W., 31st Wisc. Inft.
- Hardy, Albion P., 7th Maine Inft.
- Hardy, L. E., 1st Maine Inft.
- * Hart, James P., 4th U. S. Inft. and Mexican war.
- Hauckett, Henry M., 21st Iowa Inft.
- * Havens, J. D., 33rd Wisc. Inft.
- Hefflefinger, R., 13th Ill. Inft.
- Hershberger, John, 2nd Cav.
- Herner, Elias, 7th Ill. Cav.
- Hester, George, 156th Ill. Inft.
- * Heston, G. W., 71st Penn. Inft. Died April 17, 1902.
- * Hitchcock, Chauncey, 7th Wisc. Vol.
- Hitchcock, Charles, 31st Wisc. Inft.
- Hoffman, P. B., 44th Iowa Inft.
- Hoffman, T. J., 44th Iowa Inft.
- Hoffman, John, 14th Iowa Inft
- Holmes, W. W., 15th 0. V. M.
- Holmes, G. W., 26th Iowa Inft.
- * Hover, W. W., 96th Ill. Inft. Died Feb. 3, 1909.
- Huie, John, 4th Ill. Cav.
- Hunt, James, 18th N. H. Inft.
- Huntington, G. W., 15th Ill. Inft.
- Jackson, Alfred, 15th Iowa Inft.
- * Jackson, W. W., 134th N. Y. Inft. Died Feb. 12, 1908.
- James, John, 31st Miss. Inft.
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jobe, Henry, 95th Ill. Inft.
- * Johnson, Abram, 78th Ohio Inft.
- Johnson, Joseph, 13th Iowa Inft.
- Jones, S. L., 12th Penn. Inft.
- * Jones, Lyman M., 19th Ill. Inft.
- * Kellar, David, 15th Penn. Cav.
- Kelly, Pat, 10th N. Y. Inft.
- Kennedy, E. R., 6th Iowa Cav.
- * Kenyon, W. A., 1st Minn. Inft. Died March 13, 1872.
- * Kepford, Jacob, Iowa Inft.
- Kuykendall, J. C., Iowa Inft.
- Keyes, C. H., 33rd Ill. Inft.
- King, J. B., 27th Iowa Inft.
- Kingdon, W. H., 1st Minn. Inft.
- Klinkefus, Reinhart, 65th Ill.
- * Knowles, Martin
- Landon, George, 23rd N. Y. Inft.
- Lansar, Nathan I., 9th Iowa Cav.
- Laughery, Romalus, 151st Ill. Inft.
- Laughery, Joseph, 65th Ill. Inft.
- Laughery, Sam, 8th Iowa Cav.
- Law, Francis M.
- * Lawton, W. H., 81st N. Y. Inft.
- Lawton, Chas A., 1st N. Y. Heavy Art.
- *Lawson, George C., 31st Wisc. Inft.
- Leese, Jacob, 6th Ohio Inft.
- *Lentz, Enos, 22nd Iowa Inft.
- Levan, Frank, 31st Iowa Inft.
- Lewis, M. B., Ohio Inft.
- Lewis, Edwin, 3rd Wisc. Inft.
- * Lewis, J. H., W. V. Art. C, Battery B, 4th Reg. Art. Died March 17, 1907.
- Leycraft, Fred, 124th Ill. Inft..
- Linderwood, Aaron, 22nd Iowa Inft.
- * Linge, John, Mexican war.
- Lindley, George E., 103rd Ohio Inft.
- Loechrier, John, 21st Penn. Inft.
- Lorens, Christian, 13th Ill. Inft.
- * Lorentzen, H. J., Captain 9th Wisc. Inft.
- Lownes, R. W., 4th Ill. Cav.
- Lucas, E. R., 26th Iowa Inft.
- Ludlum, Alex
- Lung, Wm. H., 46th Ill. Vol.
- * McArthur, J. E., 26th Iowa Inft.
- McCarthy, P. A., 106th N. Y. Inft.
- McClellan, John L., 21st Penn. Cav.
- * McConnel, W. H., 230th Inft. Died Oct. 23, 1883.
- McCracken, Ed., 46th Iowa Inft.
- McElwain, Myron, 7th Wisc. Inft.
- McHenry, W. A., 8th Ill. Cav.
- * McIntosh, Hugh, Iowa Inft.
- McKenzie, Sylvester, 8th Inft.
- McMeans, R. J., 2nd Iowa Cav.
- McMinimee, J. S., 160th Inft.
- McNeal, Nath., 31st Ohio Inft.
- * Macamber, George, Mexican war.
- * Mahoney, Patrick, 16th N. Y. Heavy Art.
- Malone, Thomas, 52nd Ohio Inft.
- * Marshall, Wm., 8th Ill. Cav.
- * Mather, F., 54th Ind. Inft.
- Mathews, A., 44th Iowa Inft.
- * Mathews, Carey, 30th Wisc. Inft. Died Dec. 20, 1871.
- * Matlock, W. H., U. S. Navy. Died Dec. 31, 1910.
- * Maynard, J. W., 12th Ill. Vol.
- Meyer, Ferdinand, 13th Ill. Inft.
- * Messenbrink, Fred, 105th Ill. Inft.
- Messenbrink, J. H., 2nd Minn. Inft.
- Messenbrink, Louie, 105th Ill. Inft.
- Menchin, Henry, 1st Ill. Art.
- Melton, J. S., 14th Missouri Cav.
- * Miles, E., 4th Missouri Inft.
- Mitchell, J. H., 17th Ill. Inft.
- Miller, A. H., 55th Ohio Inft.
- Molony, M., 147th Ill. Inft.
- Montgomery, R. R., 7th Iowa Inft.
- Morris, H. C., 112th Ill. Inft.
- * Mooney, L. P., 8th Ohio Inft. Died April 28, 1911.
- Morray, P. E., Penn. Inft.
- Moore, W. B., U. S. Inft.
- Moore, M. M.
- * Munson, J. H., 1st Iowa Cav.
- Murphy, John, 17th Wisc. Inft.
- Murray, (no first name given) , 1st U. S. Art.
- Murdock, W. H.
- Nash, C. D., 8th Ill. Cav.
- * Nash, Danford, 20th Ind. Art.
- Nash, H. C., 153rd Ill. Inft.
- Nash, S. D., 105th Ill. Inft.
- Naumann, A. A., 31st Iowa Inft.
- * Newcom, Tilton, Mexican war.
- Nichols, H. J., 2nd Vt. Inft.
- * Noll, Levi, 64th Ohio Inft.
- Norelius, A., 3rd Iowa Inft.
- O'Gorman, John, U. S. Navy.
- * Olson, E., 132nd Ill. Inft. Died Nov. 15, 1894.
- Osborn, John, 55th Ill. Inft.
- Overing, R. J., 9th Vermont Inft.
- Owens, Edwin, 18th Wisc. Inft.
- * Owens, J., 34th N. Y. Inft.
- Palmer, Herbert B.
- * Partridge, F. D., 11th Wisc. Inft., also Mexican war and Blackhawk war. Died March 21, 1896.
- Patchin, Lorenzo, 127th Ill. Inft.
- Patterson, Isaac, 20th Iowa Inft.
- Patterson, J. C., 31st Iowa Inft.
- Patterson, Griffith, 12th Ill. Inft.
- Paup, Wm., 31st Iowa Inft.
- * Pease, Henry, 14th Vermont Inft. Died June, 1892.
- Pembrook, John W., Cogswell's Lt. Art.
- Phelps, A. T., Capt. 5th Iowa Cav. Died Sept. 26, 1885.
- Pilate, Thomas, 2nd Ill. Inft.
- Pithan, John, 26th Iowa Inft.
- Plugh, Henry, 6th Iowa Cav.
- Plimpton, S. W., 11th R. I. Inft.
- * Pooler, George, Ill. Inft.
- Porter, W. A., 2nd and 23rd Iowa Inft.
- Powers, J. F., 10th Penn. Inft.
- Prentice, Chaney
- Prentice, Franklin, 1st Iowa Cav.
- Prentice, Jacob
- Quigley, John A., 26th Iowa Inft.
- Reed, John M.
- Reley, M. H., 6th Kansas Inft.
- * Reynolds, John, Ind. Inft.
- Richardson, J. L., 20th Iowa Inft.
- * Richards, Newton, 34th Iowa Vol.
- Rice, S. S., 24th Iowa Inft.
- Richman, J. W., 4th Iowa Cav.
- * Rhodes, O. B., 15th N. H. Inft. Died Dec. 1, 1897.
- Rhodenbaugh, Wm. W., 18th Ill. Inft.
- Robertson, Dan'l, 47th Iowa Inft.
- Robins, H., 32nd Ohio Inft.
- Robbenault, A., 111th Penn. Inft.
- Robbenault, Jeremiah, 199th Penn. Inft.
- Robbins, H., 32nd Ohio Inft.
- Rudd, John R., 15th Inft.
- * Scaggs, W. H., 3rd Col. Cav. Died May 30, 1907.
- Schultz, Gotlieb, 9th Wisc. Inft.
- * Scofield, Percy, N. Y. Inft.
- Scoford, George, Eng. Corps.
- Scott, A. M.
- * Seeber, Wm. H., 10th N. Y. Art.
- Servoss, John, 54th Ohio Inft.
- * Sewell, L. A., Ill. Lt. Art. Died March 4, 1905.
- Shanahan, Tim, 42nd Iowa Inft.
- Sherwood, Sidney, 18th Iowa Inft.
- Shopshire, T. J., 3rd Col. Cav.
- Sharp, T. M., Iowa Inft.
- Sierer, Edward, 1st Missouri Cav., 4th U. S. Vet. Vol. Inft. Sergt. of the guard at execution of Mrs. Surrat.
[Note added by us: Mary Surratt (correct spelling) was the first woman to be executed in the United States. She was found guilty of conspiring to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln. She was executed by hanging July 7, 1865.] - Siglin, Isaiah, 17th Ill. Cav.
- Simmons, A., 6th Minn. Inft.
- Simpson, B. M., 43rd Ohio Inft.
- Sisterman, Henry
- Skinner, Joseph
- Slagg, Joseph, 23rd Wisc. Inft.
- Slater, John C. H., 20th Wisc. Inft.
- Small, Christian, 2nd Iowa Inft.
- Smedly, J., 33rd Iowa Inft.
- Smith, M., 105th Ill. Inft. Died Jan. 24, 1905.
- * Smith, R. M., 2nd Iowa Cav.
- * Smith, E. H., 26th Iowa Inft. Died June, 1911.
- Smith, M. N., 30th Wisc. Inft.
- Snow, M. H., 16th Iowa Inft.
- Sowles Velie, 2nd Ill. Art.
- Spence, Wm., 15th Iowa Inft.
- Strahan, W. H., 3rd Col. Cav.
- * Staller, Sam'l, 16th Penn. Cav.
- Stamper, Wm., 1st Iowa Battery
- Streeter, S., 3rd and 7th Wisc. Inft.
- * Stocking, C. P., 95th Ill. Inft. Died Oct, 22. 1896.
- Strong, A. L., 37th Mass. Inft.
- Strong, Simeon
- * Swan, T. J., 88th Ill. Inft.
- * Talcott, Ed, 75th Ill. Inft.
- * Talcott, Divaldo, 75th Ill. Inft. Died Sept. 1, 1908.
- Taylor, A. S., 24th Iowa Inft.
- * Taylor, Rufus
- * Taylor, George E., 7th N. Y. Inft.
- * Tiernan, James L., 26th Iowa Inft. Died Nov. 15, 1894.
- Theobald, John, 50th Wisc. Inft.
- Thomas, J., 3rd Col. Cav.
- Thompson, Frank, 16th Inft.
- * Thompson, Calvin, Iowa Inft.
- Thornbrue, A., 9th Iowa Inft.
- Town, Salem H., 75th Ill. Inft.
- * Trinkle, Alexander, 23rd Ind. Inft.
- Underhill, N. P., 114th Ohio Inft.
- Vassar, John G., 23rd Ill. Inft.
- Vertrees, J. W., 15th Ill. Inft.
- Walker, Theodore, 1st N. Y. H. A.
- Warbasse, J. L., 1st N. J. Inft.
- Wasson, H. K., 8th Iowa Cav.
- Watson, George, 5th and 58th Penn. Inft.
- * Waterman, Dr. Alfred
- Weatherby, J. S., Ind. Inft.
- Westcott, H. H., 43rd N. Y. Inft.
- * Whaley, Chas B., Ohio Inft.
- Whitcher, Selden, E., 44th U. S. Inft.
- White, Thomas, 2nd N. Y. Lt. Art.
- White, Benjamin, Ill. Inft.
- Wiggins, M. G., 11th Iowa Inft.
- * Wiggins, B. H., 5th Iowa Inft.
- * Wiggins, Delmo, 5th Iowa Inft.
- Wilson, A. D., 141st Ill. Inft.
- Wilson, Wm. S., 124th Ill. Inft.
- * Wilkenson, R. L., 94th Ill. Inft. Died Jan. 2, 1882.
- Wildman, Joseph, 105th Ill. Inft.
- * Wingrove, Wm., 15th Iowa Inft.
- Wise, J. U., 44th Iowa Inft.
- * Woolsencroft, John, 104th Ill. Inft.
- Worley, Jacob, 39th Iowa Inft.
- Wood, Wm. O., 52nd Ill. Inft.
- * Woodruff, J. H., 4th Iowa Inft. Died Dec. 16, 1904.
- Wright, G. L., Lieut. Col. 3rd Iowa Inft.
- Wright, L. R., 5th Iowa Inft.
- * Wright, M. D., 1st N. Y. Inft. Died July 21, 1909.
- Yelkey, Chas., 127th Penn. Inft.
- * Zell, Andy, 20th Penn. Cav.
Source: History of Crawford County, Iowa, Vol. II. 1911. S. J. Clarke Publishing, Chicago