Tillmans, Mrs. G.
Schleswig Leader - July 2, 1914 - ManillaRev. and Mrs. W. R. Wetzeler and son, Walter, and Johannes Lohse and sister, Miss Anna, autoed to Manilla Tuesday, rev. Wetzeler conducting the funeral services there of Mrs. G. Tillmans, wife of Rev. G. Tillmans, minister of the German Evangelical church at that place.
Koerner, Alma Christine
Schleswig Leader - February 5 1914 - SchleswigAlma Christine Koerner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matth. Koerner, died of heart failure at her home here in Schleswig on Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 11:30 P. M. She had been sick only a few weeks, and her sudden death was quite unexpected.
Miss Koerner was born on April 29, 1871, at Staberdorf on the Island Femahrn. She came to this country with her parents in 1883 and has lived here in Schleswig and vicinity continously since. An aged father and mother, one brother and three sisters survive her.
Funeral services will be held from Friedens church next Sunday at 1 o'clock P. M.
Frese, Lydia Marie
Schleswig Leader - March 6, 1913 - Goodrich Twp.On Thursday of last week the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Frese, of Goodrich township, and took to the great beyond their daughter, Lydia Marie. While her death was not wholly unexpected it was a terrible blow to the fond parents.
For some time she had been suffering with pneumonia and and all that human hands and skillful aid could do was done for the suffering daughter.
Deceased was born on April 30, 1899, and died on February 27, 1913, having attained only the age of 13 years, 9 months and 27 days.
The funeral was held Sunday, Rev. Frese of Denison officiating. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all.
Jochimsen, Eddie
Schleswig Leader - March 6, 1913 - VailMr. and Mrs. Hans Miller and son Alex, Emil Keuhl and Mrs. H. S. Boysen returned from Vail Saturday where they had been to attend the funeral of Eddie Jochimsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jochimsen.
Tarpy, Vincent
Schleswig Leader, February 5, 1914 - West Side15-year-old Vincent Tarpy was shot and instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a double barrel shotgun while out hunting near West Side on Sunday, Jan. 25.
John Reimer and Carl Evers Family
Schleswig Leader, January 9, 1913Train Kills Six Near Denison
On Friday night about the hour of twelve o'clock, while returning to their house in Paradise township from Denison where they had been to attend a show, Mr. and Mrs. John Reimer and family and her brother Carl Evers and his son were fatally injured when the fast mail on the Northwestern ran into their rig at the McHenry crossing about a half mile west of Denison. All were instantly killed except Minnie, the daughter of Mr. Reimer, who is still in the hospital at Denison and will recover. The dead are:
John Reimer, age 38
Bertha Evers Reimer, age 22
Walter Reimer, age 5
Stella Loretta Reime,r age 1 years
Carl Evers, age 31
Herbert Evers, age 5
Minnie Reimer who is still in the hospital, and the only survivor of the fatal party, asserts that they saw the train coming but that they had ample time to get across the crossing. It is evident that they did not judge the speed of the fast mail and just as they were on the track the large locomotive ran into them with the result stated above.
The funeral was held at the opera house in Denison Monday and was attended by about twelve hundred people. Rev. Wetzeler of this place officiated. Interment was made in the Morgan township cemetery two and one-half miles south of here.
Mr. and Mrs. Reimer were buried in a double grave, with the infant daughter Loretta in the same casket with the mother. Walter was laid to rest in a separate grave. Mr. Evers and his son Herbert were put to rest in the same casket.
Marten, Fred
Schleswig Leader, October 9, 1913 - Charter OakLast Thursday Fred Marten of Charter Oak was almost instantly killed when he was struck by a passenger train. He had started to the country with a load of lumber and when crossing the railroad track the train caught him and the load just as they were upon the crossing. Mr. Martens received such injuries that he died shortly after being taken to the Waterhouse hospital. One of the horses was instantly killed and the other suffered a broken back.
Plotz, Henry M.
Schleswig Leader, October 9, 1913 - DenisonHenry M. Plotz, living five and one-half miles northeast of Denison on the Jas. North farm, was instantly killed Wednesday morning while helping his neighbor thresh. They had finished the setting and were getting ready to move when the accident occurred. Mr. Plotz was in the act of helping raise the extension feeder when in some way they backed the engine onto him, crushing him to death. Mr. Plotz is a brother-in-law of Elmer H. Watson, carrier on route 2 of this place.
Morgan, Infant
Schleswig Leader, June 3, 1915 - SchleswigTWIN SON CALLED BY GRIM REAPER
Death is implacable and without remorse. This time it staled in Schleswig it claimed the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Morgan who was born to them with a twin sister on Thursday May 16th. The little cherub since birth was not strong but all that loving hands and medical skill could do was administered to restore it to health and to the parents who a few days before beamed with happiness. Short funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the home before a large assemblage of friends. What was mortal of the little one was buried in Morgan township cemetery.
Ryan, Thomas
Schleswig Leader, March 4, 1915 - VailThos. Ryan, of Vail, was instantly killed by the cars last week at that place. He jumped from one train directly into the path of another one and was crushed.
Mohr, Peter
Schleswig Leader, June 10, 1915Peter Mohr, as respected resident of Schleswig died in his home Monday evening. Funeral will be held today at 1 o'clock from the home, Rev. Wetzeler officiating. Obituary will be printed next week.
Brodersen, Mrs. Peter
Schleswig Leader, March 11, 1915 - Charter OakMr. and Mrs. Max Wulf attended the funeral at Charter Oak Tuesday of her sister, Mrs. Peter Brodersen, who died in a Sioux City hospital last week.
Werneburg, William
Schleswig Leader, November 11, 1915 - Battle CreekWilliam Werneburg, a prominent stock dealer of Battle Creek is dead. He is a brother of Herman Werneburg who resides near here. The funeral was held yesterday at eleven a. m. at Grant township church, Rev. Schwenk officiating. The deceased was well known to many in this vicinity.
Kettleson, Mrs. Paul
Schleswig Leader, February 12, 1914 - Ida GroveMrs. Paul Kettleson, who lived some fifteen miles northeast of Ida Grove, was burned last week. She took a lantern and went into an adjoining room and while there must have been stricken with a paralytic stroke, for she fell on the lantern and was so terribly burned that she died in a short time. Her husband is deaf, the oldest man in the township, aged 85, and did not know of her fate until he went to look for her.
Maloney, Mike
Kadoch, Fred
Schleswig Leader, October 14, 1915
Mike Maloney died Tuesday afternoon and Fred Kadoch died Wednesday morning at the Denison hospital from injuries received at Denison at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning when the walls of the plumbing establishment of Kadoch & Buckley, collapsed and fell to the ground. Four other persons were injured but not seriously.
The building adjoining the plumbing establishment had been taken down to make room for the new Goldheim block and in some manner the Kadoch & Buckley store wall became weak and tottered over. Mr. Kadoch had both legs broken and his chest was crushed.
Miss Marie Kadoch was also severly injured. Before her father died he asked that his daughter be brought to his bedside as he had feared she had perished in the ruins. At the sight of her father's condition the daughter collapsed and has since been in serious condition. Lantzenhuser, a commercial salesman was moved from the ruins in a serious condition.
Fred Kadoch and family are well known here being related to Mrs. Hans Jess, Jacob and Henry Stockfleth and Mrs. Adolph Jochims of this place.
Petersen, Loren
Schleswig Leader, January 15, 1914 - Battle CreekLoren Lorenz Thomas Petersen, the little four-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petersen of near Battle Creek, died of acute indigestion at the hospital in Battle Creek on Sunday, Jan. 11th. Funeral services were held at Friedens church in Schleswig on Wedensday, Rev. Wetzeler officiating, and the little body was then taken to its last resting place in the Nissen cemetery. Mrs. Petersen is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Petersen of this place.
Schroeder, Cornelius
Schleswig Leader, December 17, 1914C. SCHROEDER DIES OF HEART FAILURE
Cornelius Schroeder, a respected resident of this community residing five miles southeast of Schleswig, was fatally attacked with heart-failure at 5 o'clock p. m. Friday while engaged in doing his chores in his barn. Death ensued immediately. The deceased was a popular young man yet in his thirties with a bright future. Implacable death took him when he was strong and healthy enjoying life and the association of his loved ones, which shows that death is without remorse. He is surved by a loving wife and child and besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder of Schleswig, many other relatives.
Impressive funeral services were held Tuesday at the home, Rev. Frese of the German Denison church officiating. A large congregation from Schleswig and the country endured the cold in order to pay a final tribute to their dead friend. The wife and relatives have the sympathy of all in their sadness.
Winters, Marcella Fae
Schleswig Leader, October 16, 1913 - West SideWest Side Journal: Marcella Fae, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winters, died Thursday, Oct. 2, 1913, at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mooney. The little one was born July 21, 1913, and lived to be only 2 months and 11 days old. Funeral services were held at the Mooney home last Sunday afternoon at four o'clock and the remains of this innocent little body were tenderly bedded in our Silent City. Rev. Senseney of Denison conducted the services.
Carstens, Irvin Willie
Schleswig Leader, December 18, 1913Card of Thanks
We hereby wish to extend our most sincere thanks to all those kind neighbors and friends who were so helpful during the recent illness and death of our dear little boy, Irvin Willie.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Carstens.
Crewdson, Dr. A. B.
Schleswig Leader, December 18, 1913 - Charter OakOn Monday evening Dr. A. B. Crewdson, veterinarian at Charter Oak, was instantly killed when his auto turned turtle about a mile east of that place. He was accompanied by the Charter Oak barber, Hanson, who sustained a fracture of his right arm in the accident.
Boll, Carl
Schleswig Leader, August 19, 1915CARL BOLL, RESPECTED RESIDENT IS CALLED
Carl Boll, a respected pioneer citizen of this place died Sunday in his home after many years suffering with diabetis. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon from Friedens church and were conducted by Rev. Wetzeler. Interment took place in Morgan cemetery. The funeral was largely attended. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and two sons. The obituary will be printed next week.
Schmidt, Mrs. William (Witt)
Schleswig Leader, September 18, 1913Just before going to press The Leader was informed of sudden death of Mrs. William Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witt of Schleswig, which occurred at her home, southeast of town, this, Thursday, evening.
Hollander, M. A.
Schleswig Leader, November 18, 1915M. A. HOLLANDER DIES SUDDENLY AT 4 A. M.
M. A. Hollander, age about thirty years, a prominent young Ricketts business man and a son of Mrs. Marie Schmidt of this place, died suddenly at four o'clock this morning at his home in Ricketts presumably of heart failure. Tuesday morning Mr. Hollander had two ribs broken when he fell over a toy wagon, as he stepped from the store steps with his arms loaded with groceries. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
M. A. Hollander, or "Mag" as he is best known in Schleswig, came to this town many years ago with the Schmidt family from Charlotte. After being in business here for four years he went to Ricketts. He was a fine fellow and was well known throughout Crawford county. His early demise is a shock to Schleswig. The obituary will be printed next week.
Grohman, Sylvia
Schleswig Leader, March 18, 1915The remains of Mrs. Sylvia Grohmann of Bloomfield, Nebr., a former well known resident of Schleswig were buried yesterday at this place in Morgan cemetery. The services were held by Rev. W. R. Wetzeler of Friedens church. Mrs. Grohmann formerly lived here where she had many friends.
Kracht, Reimer
Schleswig Leader, March 19, 1914 - West SideGeorge Hoiten was at West Side Sunday where he attended the funeral of Reimer Kracht, an old friend of his. Mr. Kracht had been a sea captain for many years and he and Mr. Hoiten had been neighbors together in Germany from their boyhood days.
Cook, Adolph
Schleswig Leader, May 20, 1915The Sutherlin, Oregon Sun has the following to say concerning the sudden death of Adolph Cook, a former resident of Schleswig. Mr. Cook formerly conducted a wagon shop here and was a well liked man.
Despondent over the fact that he had but a short time to live, owing to an incurable cancer in the roof of his mouth, Adolph Cook, one of the best known citizens of Sutherlin and a man universally esteemed, swallowed a dose of strychnine about 8 o'clock Monday morning May 10, and died from its effect about an hour later.
About a year ago Mr. Cook cracked a nut in his mouth and a piece of shell caused a slight abrasion of the skin on the roof near his palate. He was an inveterate smoker and this is thought to have aggravated the wound until a specie of cancer developed. Not until a few weeks ago did he consult a physician, when it was found that owing to the location of the cancer and the growth it had made it would be an impossibility to do anything in the way of permanent relief. Mr. Cook was informed of the seriousness of the case, and while temporary relief was given, he apparently lost all interest in his surroundings and began to brood over the fact that his life was drawing rapidly to a close.
Adolph Cook was born in Germany on July 9th 1854 and was therefore 60 years 10 months and 1 day old at the time of his death. He came to America when 25 years old and located at Niles, Mich. From there he went to Manning, Iowa, and later to Schleswig. At the latter place he married Mrs. Mary Emmeline in 1903.
Mrs. Cook, who accompanied the body to Clinton, Ia., will go on to Chicago where she will spend the summer with her daughter.
Cook, Viola
Schleswig Leader, May 21, 1914Viola, the little 7-months-old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hill, died at the Ida Grove hospital last Friday evening, after an operation for sceptic anthritis several weeks ago. The little one was thought to be improving nicely until a few days before her death, when she was taken with spasms. The funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon and burial was had in the Morgan township cemetery, Rev. H. Schwenk officiating.
Mengis, Joe
Schleswig Leader, May 22, 1913Word was received here Saturday announcing the death of Joe Mengis, former manager of the Kiron lumber yard, and one of the band boys here, being a member of the local organization here for a number of seasons. He died at his home in Odebolt from consumption.
Wulf, Rudolph
Schleswig Leader, April 23, 1914 - BoyerOn Wednesday of last week there died at the hospital in Denison, Rudolph, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wulf of near Boyer, from the effects of an operation for appendicitis. Rudolph attained the age of ten years and three months, and besides parents three brothers and two sisters survive him. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Wetzeler of Schleswig last Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and burial was had in the Stockholm township cemetery.
Stegemann, William
Schleswig Leader, July 23, 1914Wm. Stegemann died at 10 o'clock Tuesday evening, July 21, at his home in Schleswig. Death was due to hardening of the arteries.
A full obituary will be given next week.
Funeral services wiil be held at the residence on Friday at 1 o'clock p. m. in charge of Rev. W. R. Wetzeler. Burial will be made in Nissen cemetery.
Christiansen, Edward A.
Schleswig Leader, March 25, 1915Edward A. Christiansen, of Sioux City, died in a hospital at that place Monday night after ailing since January. He was a brother of Chas. Christiansen of north of town and was well known here. For many years he was engaged in business at Battle Creek and later moved to Sioux City and engaged in the automobile business. The funeral will be held tomorrow at Battle Creek.
Gottburg, Johann
Schleswig Leader, February 26, 1914Claus Gottburg informed us on Tuesday that he had just received the sad intelligence of his father's death, Johann Gottburg, at his home in Ellingstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, due to the infirmities incident of old age, being 95 years and 6 months old. Of the children living in this country, besides Claus Gottburg, there are Mrs. Martin Friedrichsen, northeast of Schleswig, and Mrs. Chris. Kruse at St. Hillaire, Minn., who formerly lived in Schleswig.
Wittmaack, Henry
Schleswig Leader, October 28, 1915HENRY WITTMAACK DIES IN MINNESOTA
Henry Wittmaack, a former resident of Schleswig and vicinity died on Wednesday October 20th at his home near Marshall, Minn., after being afflicted five years with tuberculosis.
The remains were accompanied to the August Wittmack home by the bereaved wife and August and John Wittmack. The funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at one o'clock by Rev. W. H. Schwenk from the German Emmanuel Lutheran church of Grant township. The remains were buried in the Grant township cemetery.
Henry Wittmack was born in Germany and came to America when but 12 years of age accompanied by his brother John. They came to Ida county, Iowa, to settle where their brother August had come to before them.
In 1907 he was married to Miss Addie Janssen. To them two daughters and one son were born. Just previous to the family's move to Minnesota Mr. Wittmack conducted the Tie Barn in Schleswig. He was industious, and a man liked by all. The great white plague marked Henry five years ago and he was called after being sick but forty-five minutes.
Besides his wife and children he is survived by three sisters, Dora Petersen and Mary Hamer of Ida county, and Maggie who is located in the west. The bereaved relatives have the true sympathy of all in their affliction.
Boysen, Maria Sophia
Schleswig Leader, April 30, 1914Mrs. Maria Sophia Boysen died at her home in Schleswig on Wednesday, April 29, at 1 p. m., of heart trouble and the infirmities due to old age.
Deceased was born in Husum, Schleswig Holstein, Germany, on March 19, 1840, thus attaining the age 74 years and 41 days. She was married to Hans Martin Boysen in 1865, who preceded her in death 7 years ago. They came to America in 1882.
Seven children survive her; Peter, Bernhard and Henry, of Schleswig; Mrs. Christina Brodersen, Battle Creek; Cornelius, Ida Grove; Mrs. Mathilda Schuett, Tacoma, Wash., and Mrs. Sophia Hamann, Danbury, Iowa. Funeral services will be held on Sunday from Friedens church.
Hollander, Ingerborg
Schleswig Leader, December 30, 1915FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN DENISON
Mrs. Ingerborg Hollander, age 63 years, of Denison, who formerly lived in the vicinity of Schleswig for twenty years, died suddenly in her home in Denison on Tuesday morning at eleven o'clock of pneumonia. She had been sick for a few days. The Leader has not learned of the hour and time of the funeral but interment will be made in the Morgan township cemetery beside the remains of her husband.
Mrs. Hollander was born in Germany and came to America twenty-one years ago with her husband. They resided in Crawford county but eleven years when her husband died.
The deceased is survived by three sons, Asmus Hollander of Schleswig Casten and Henry Hollander of Denison. By two daughters, Mrs. Henry Jepsen and Mrs. Henry Riessen of Schleswig.
A year ago Mrs. Hollander held a farm sale at the place that is now occupied by Henry Stockfleth and purchased a fine home in Denison and expected to spend the closing days of her life where her sons Henry and Carstens conduct a café and bowling alley.
She was taken ill with pneumonia and before her many friends could realize it she was dead and passed to her reward. She was a kind and noble woman, according to the verdict of her many friends, and her death is regretted by all who knew her. The relatives have the sympathy of Schleswig and vicinity in their affliction.
Carnes, Baby Boy
Schleswig Leader, December 30, 1915The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Carnes passed away Friday afternoon after being upon this earth but a few days. The little one took sick and all that medical skill and tender hands could do failed to give relief. The funeral was held at the home Friday and interment was made in the Morgan township cemetery. The parents have the true sympathy of their sad bereavement.
Hansen, Baby Boy
Schleswig Leader, September 30, 1915The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hansen died Tuesday at noon. The little one had been in delicate health since its birth seven weeks ago. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m. Rev. Wetzler officiated. Interment took place in Morgan cemetery.
Lally, P. E. C.
Schleswig Leader, December 11, 1913 - DenisonAttorney P. E. C. Lally died at his home in Denison Tuesday, Dec. 9, from cancer of the stomach from which he suffered nearly a year.
Thomsen, Paul
Schleswig Leader, March 12, 1914Thos. Lorenzen went to Denison Sunday to attend the funeral of his uncle, Paul Thomsen.
Levin, Hans
Schleswig Leader, December 10, 1914 - KironHans Levin, a respected resident of Kiron is dead.
Ipsen, Baby Boy
Schleswig Leader, August 7, 1913The two months old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Anthon Ipsen died last Thursday. The little one was laid to rest in the Nissen cemetery, Friday. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all.
Tank, John
Schleswig Leader, October 16, 1913John Tank, an old and respected citizen of this place, died Tuesday night, death being caused by a stroke of paralysis.
He was 71 years of age and leaves to mourn his death, a wife, daughter and five sons.
We are unable to get an obituary for this issue of the Leader and are compelled to wait until next week for its publication.
Brandt, Raymond
Schleswig Leader, April 23, 1914Raymond, the little seven-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brandt, living four miles east of Schleswig, died last Saturday. Funeral services were held on Monday and interment made in the Morgan cemetery, Rev. W. R. Wetzeler officiating.
Larson, Chas. A.
Schleswig Leader, August 12, 1915 - KironChas. A. Larson, a respected citizen of Kiron, died last week.
Kruse, Baby Son
Schleswig Leader, October 22, 1914 - KenwoodThe 8 weeks old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruse of Kenwood died this week.
Johann Kruse
1869 - 1953
He had been in the hospital for three months prior to death, retired farmer. Lived at 1330 4th Ave. North in Denison. Funeral Services held at Bartcher Funeral Home on July 4, 1953 with Rev. Schmidt (Lutheran) officiating. Pallbearers were nephews: Alfred, Rudolph, Gilmer (Gilmore) Gottsch, Ed & Emil Ewoldt, and Orville Thiedeman. Information provided by Pfannebecker (former Maxwell) Funeral Home in Denison, Iowa.
Submitted by Thomas KruseFrances Lorraine Grimm
October 24, 1997
Frances Lorraine Grimm, 85, of Denison died Wednesday at Eventide Lutheran Home following a lengthy illness. Funeral services will be held Monday at 11 a.m. at the Brethren Church in Garrison with burial in the Garrison Cemetery. Fratzke Funeral Home of Storm Lake is in charge of arrangements.
Memorial contributions may be made to Eventide Lutheran Home or the Crawford County Area Hospice.
Survivors include her daughter, Elizabeth (Betty) Williams of McPherson,Kan.; seven grandchildren, including Jean Dahleen of Denison and T.J. Ray and Sarah Kline of Schleswig; and 14 great grandchildren.
A native of Garrison, she previously lived in DeWitt, Denison, Longview,Minn.,and McPherson.
Ethel Martens
Feb. 12, 1999
Funeral services for Ethel Martens of Des Moines will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Zion Lutheran Church in Denison. Interment will be at the Crawford Heights Memory Gardens in Denison
Visitation is at 4 p.m. Friday at the Pfannebecker Funeral Home, which is in charge of arrangements.
Martens, 77, formerly of Denison, died Thursday at the Fountain West Health Center in Des Moines.
Survivors include two sons, Clark of Denison and Craig of Mission, Kan.; one daughter, Cathie Sager of Waukee; four grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; one brother, Raymond Kies of Lake View; her step-mother Hertha Kies of Lake View; and a half sister, Etta Kowalke of Lake View.
Dorothy Todt
June 2, 1998
Dorothy Todt, 77, of Denison died Saturday at Crawford County Memorial Hospital. Funeral services will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Kiron Community Center.
Survivors include two daughters, Sharon (Mrs. Wayne) Baker of Kiron and Rena (Mrs. Carol) Skarin of Denison; two sons, Dale Jenkins of Odebolt and Ronald Jenkins of Colorado Springs, Colo.; five grandchildren; two step grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren; one great grandchild; and one sister, Margaret Larson of Denison.
Huebner Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. There is no visitation.
Virginia Mae Hass
January, 1944
Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hass Passed Away
Virginia Mae, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hass, nee Vernetta Greder, was born Jan. 28, 1944 near Dow City, and passed away shortly after birth.
She is survived by her parents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greder of near Denison, Mrs. Lena Hass of Manning, her great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hollander of Manilla and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greder of Ainsworth, Neb.
Funeral services were held at the Huebner - Johnson funeral home Saturday, Jan. 29, with the Rev. C. W. Schmidt in charge. Interment was made in the Lutheran cemetery, south of Denison.
Leonard Hans Berg
Leonard Hans Berg, age 55, of Kiron, Iowa, died Wednesday, February 6, 2002, of injuries sustained in a traffic accident north of Ida Grove, Iowa.
Memorial services were held 2:00 p.m. Saturday, February 9, 2002, at Bethel Lutheran Church in Kiron, Iowa.
Survivors include his wife, Jean (Teut) Berg; four children, Theresa, Brian, Timothy and Amber and three grandchildren.
Leona S. Olson
October 7, 1997
Funeral services for Leona S. Olson, 79, of Manilla will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at the United Presbyterian Church in Denison. She died Sunday at the Manning Regional Health Care Center.
Friends may call after 4 p.m. Wednesday at the Ohde Funeral Home in Manilla.
Survivors include her husband, Eldon, of Manilla; three sons, David of Indianapolis, Ronald of Everett, Wash. and Allen of Manilla; seven grandchildren and two sisters, Virgie Olson of Jefferson and Mary Ann Barnes of Ames.
Milroy Hottendorf
August 28, 1998
Funeral services for Milroy Hottendorf, 70, of Denison will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the Huebner Funeral Home in Denison. Burial will be at the Dow City Cemetery in Dow City.
Visitation is at 3 p.m. Friday at the Huebner Funeral Home, which is in charge of arrangements.
Hottendorf died Wednesday at St. Joseph Hospital in Omaha.
Survivors include his wife, Lois of Denison; two sons, Gary Hottendorf of Arion and Roy Hottendorf of Greenville, Texas; one daughter, Judy Lorenson of Omaha; nine grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; four sisters, Mabel Tech of Denison; Claire Winey of Denison; Lucille Lingle of California and Careen Hermerton of Oregon.
Carolyn (Petersen) Adams
Abt. 2001. No dates on newspaper clipping.
SHS Class of 1921 graduate dies in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Petersen received word of the death of Bill's aunt, Carolyn Petersen Adams, age 98, of Gainesville, FL, last week.
She traveled extensively with Sr. Citizen groups and was an avid Bridge player.
Carolyn was preceded in death by her parents Broder and Christine Lorenzen Petersen, brothers Hugo, Martin, Minehart, Broder P., Harry and a sister Hertha. She is survived by four stepsons and their families, nieces, nephews and friends.
Carolyn was a member of the 1921 SHS graduating class. Her parents built and operated a hotel and saloon at 2nd and Cedar in Schleswig and her father served on a committee, which secured the building of the Opera House in 1900.
Blanche Sander
Born 28 April, 1900. Died 17 April 1907.
Blanche Sander Died from Appendicitis
Little Blanche, the seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sander died yesterday after an illness of only a few days. She was found to be suffering from appendicitis and an operation was performed, but from the first, there was almost no hope. Everything was done, but there was no gain and she ceased to live yesterday morning.
The funeral will be from the church on the Willow, but interment will be made in the grounds near Dow City.