Methodist Church
Deloit, Iowa
1.Schwieder, Dorothy. Iowa Pubilcations on Line. History of Iowa . Retrieved September 9, 2014 from: http://publications.iowa.gov/135/1/history/7-1.html
2. Meyers, F.W. History of Crawford County Iowa, A Record of Settlemetn, Orgaization, Progress and Achievement Volume I. Chicago : S. J. Clark, 1911. Vol. 1.
3. Daily Journal Stream Print. History of Western Iowa its Settlement and Growth. Sioux City : Western Publishing, 1882. p. 461.
4. Krueger, Helen Lehfeldt, Meyer Sandy. Deloit, Iowa Sesqui-Centennial History Books. Denison : Denison Print, 2002.
5. Iowa GenWeb Crawford County, Iowa. Deloit News from the Denison Review 1873 - 1893. Crawford County Iowa : Iowa GenWeb, 2014. Denison Review. Retrieved September 11, 2014 from: http://iagenweb.org/crawford/newspaper/deloitnews.html#firstone
6. Iowa GenWeb Crawford County, Iowa. All About Deloit. Denison Review. July- Dec 1898. Retrieved September 11, 2014 from: http://iagenweb.org/crawford/newspaper/deloitnews6.html
7. McCarter Family . Orphan Photos Katherine M. Clift. Retrieved from: http://www.mccarterfamily.com/somebodypage/photos/katherine_clift.htm
8. McCarter Family. Winnifred Katie Clift Orphan Photo. Retrieved September 11, 2014 from: http://www.mccarterfamily.com/somebodypage/photos/winnifred_clift.htm
9. Newspapers.com. The Correctionville Argus. Oct 3, 1913.
10. Iowa GenWeb Crawford County, Iowa. Histories Deloit 1914. Retrieved September 11, 2014 from: http://iagenweb.org/crawford/history/deloit1914.html
11. Iowa GenWeb Crawford County, Iowa. Deloit News 1916. Denison Review. 1916. Retrieved September 11, 2014 from: http://iagenweb.org/crawford/newspaper/deloitnews7.html
12. Iowa GenWeb Crawford County, Iowa. Deloit News April-July 1917. Denison Reiew. 1917. Retrieved September 11, 2014 from: http://iagenweb.org/crawford/newspaper/deloitnews9.html
13. Iowa GenWeb Crawford County, Iowa. Church Histories. 214. Retrieved September 11, 2014 from: http://iagenweb.org/crawford/church/churchcontent.html#history
14. Boysen, Sharon Fink . Letter, Deloit Iowa : s.n., Unknown.
15. Boysen, Sharon Fink. Letter, Deloit Iowa. May 8, 1983
16. Bell, Dennis. President Denison United Methodist Men. The Denison United Methodist Church Letter. 1992.
1. Deloit Methodist Church circa 1900, photo compliments of the Deloit Sesqui- Centennial History Books (2002).
2. Deloit Methodist Church circa late 1880. Photo compliments of Loritta Larson Mackie.
3. Deloit Iowa Methodist Church and Parsonage 1915, Photo complements of Jamie Lou Lynch.
4. Deloit Methodist Church (1955). Student pastor Roger Swanson in his painting clothes. Photo provided by Loritta Larson Mackie.
5. Alter all the work by Reverend Reth and men (1963). Photo complements of LeRoy and Clara Winey by Mary Winey Mays
6. The church basement after work done by Reverend Reth and men (1963). Photo compliments of LeRoy and Clara Winey by Mary Winey Mays.
7. Deloit Methodist church 1983 100th Anniversary, Photo compliments of LeRoy and Clara Winey by Mary Winey Mays.
8. Deloit Methodist church Easter 1991. Photo complements of LeRoy and Clara Winey by Mary Winey Mays.
9. Deloit Methodist church circa mid 1990's. Photo compliments of the Iowa Methodist Conference Archive.
10. Deloit Methodist Church circa mid 1990's. Photo compliments of the Iowa Conference Archives.
11. Deloit Methodist Chruch 2002. Services are no longer held at the church. Photo compliments of Mary Winey Mays.
12. Deloit Methodist Church 2002. Services are no longer held at the church. Photo compliments of Mary Winey Mays.
Deloit Methodist Church History |
1840-1909 |
1910-1949 |
1950-1989 |
1990-2002 |