Farm Bureau in Brookfield Twp.
This comes from the Elwood Centennial booklet, 1972. It was sent to us by Tom Upshaw.
Brookfield township has played a very important part in the
strengthening and organizing of Farm Bureau.
Back in September 1912, the first County Extension Agent, M.L.
Mosher, and County Superintendent of Schools, George E. Farrell;
held a series of meetings in the Brookfield township rural schools
during the day, followed by a night meeting at the Elwood school.
This date marked the beginning of Extension and Farm Bureau in the
counties in Iowa, and the nation. The organization was first
organized as the Clinton County Farm Improvement Association in 1915
with Warren Walrod of Dewitt as President.
The object of the organization was to effectively organize, advance,
and improve the agricultural interest of Iowa economically,
educationally and socially throughout the united efforts of its
volunteer members.
A Brookfield township young man, John W. Coverdale, helped organize
and set up Farm Bureau first in Brookfield township, then in the
county, and within two years throughout the state of Iowa by 1918.
John W. Coverdale was the secretary of the first executive
committee, and Charles F. Coverdale, his brother, also of the
township, served on the first state executive committee representing
District 2.
Brookfield township has always been very active in Farm Bureau
affairs both in men's and women's programs. She has had nine of the
twenty-six county Presidents, besides Vice-Presidents, Secretaries,
and Treasurers, and also five of the twenty-three county chairmen.
The first township director was Harry Atzen who served in 1920-21,
and the first township women's chairman was Mrs. Glen Hicks.
At first both the men and women had their meetings together, but by
1926 began to hold meetings separately.
Farm Bureau and Extension separated in 1955 because of government
requirements, but in Clinton County they still work closely in
carrying on their programs.
Brookfield township Homemakers still continues to be a very active
group with monthly meetings.
She also continues to have representation on the county board
the directors.