Evangelical Lutheran Church in Clinton County

This comes from the "Directory of the German Evangelical Lutheran Congregations of the Missouri Synod in Clinton County, Iowa".  1917 is written on the front.

Present officers of the congregation:
President: Rev. Hugo Grimm
Secretary: Prof. Max Bockhaus
Treasurer: Mr. August Koehn
Trustees: Messrs. Wm. C. Roeh, August Koehn, and Adolph Bendtschneider
Elders: Messrs. August Reinke and Roy Steege
School Board: Rev. Hugo Grimm, Messrs. August Reinke and Roy Steege
Board of Revision: Messrs. Ferdinand Lassen, Richard Tadsen and Hans Huelse
Board of Charity Fund: J. F. Bendtschneider and Nick. Martinsen
Ushers: Messrs. Roy Steege and Adolph Bendtschneider

History of the Church.
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Congregaion was organized in the year 1856 with about a dozen charter members, all of whom have been called to the other shore.  The first resident pastor was Rev. B. Oswald, who belonged to the General Synod of the Lutheran Church; he served the congregation from Nov. 1861 to Nov. 1865.  His successor was Rev. A. F. Lutz, of the Iowa Synod, who was pastor of the congregaion from Dec. 1865 to Dec. 1867.  From January 1868 to the present time the congretation was under the auspices of pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other states.  Their names are: Rev. Claus Seuel, from Jan. 1868 to October 1874; Rev. Friedrich Lusky, from November 1874 to November 1875; Rev. John Fackler, from November 1875 to December 1882; Rev. H. W. Grumm, from March 1883 to August 1889; Rev. H. a. Meyer, from January 1890 to May 1892; Rev. P. Meinecke, from June 1892 to June 1895; Rev. C. A. Theo. Steege, from September 1895 to January 1906; Rev. Hugo Grimm, From January 18th, 1906 to the present time.

According to the records on hand during the 62 years' existence up to July 31st, 1917, of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, 3021 persons were baptized into the Name of the Triune God, 792 confirmed, 647 couples united in marriage and 518 persons given a Christian burial.  The present pastor baptized 689, confirmed 234, and officiated at 336 marriages and 302 funerals.

The records also show that, since the organization of the congregation, many families have either moved away, died out or severed their connection with the mother church.  this is the reason why St. John's congregation at present has a membership of only 370 communicants and 675 souls.  But if we consider the present time of indifference and unbelief, we have sufficient reason to be thankful to God, that our labors have not been in vain.

In St. John's church the Word of God is preached in its purity every Sunday of the year at ten o'clock, A.M., and also every Wednesday evening during the Lenten season and on the main festivals, such as Christmas, New Year, Good Friday, Easter, Christ's Ascension, Pentecost and Thanksgiving Day.  These services are generally held in the German language, to which every one is welcome at any time.  Usually two services are held monthly on Sunday evenings in the English language, to which especially our American friends are cordially invited.

School History

The school is supported by the congreation without compulsion whatever.  Voluntary and common contributions are paid.  The business management of the school is placed in the hands of a school board, chosen by the congregation, the pastor acting as supervisor of the school.

St. John's Lutheran school was instituted in 1868 by Rev. C. Seuel.  Twenty-two years later, the first Lutheran teacher was called, Prof. H. D. Rosenberg, who built up the school to a high standard.  The following instructors succeeded him: Mr. A. Ilten, 1897 - 1903; Oscar Steege, 1903 - 1904; Rev. Theo. Steege, 1904 - 1905; Mr. Victor Catenhusen, 1905 - 1908; Mr. A. T. Landsmann, 1908 - 1912; Mr. Wm. Kath, 1912 - 1914; Mr. Max Bockhaus is the present instructor of the school.

Ladies' Aid Society

The Ladies' Aid Society has a membership of 74 and meets every first Thursday of each month in the church.  Only members of good standing belong to the society.  They are of great help to the pastor and the congregation in general by making free donation for church purposes, by calling on the sick and aged, etc.  May God bless the society also in the future.  Its present officers are:

President: Mrs. Margareth Roeh
Vice-President: Mrs. Laura Boysen
Treasurer: Mrs. Cordelia Bendtschneider
Chairman and Secretary: Rev. Hugo Grimm

The present members are:  
Andresen, Elizabeth Luckritz, Bertha
Asmussen, Anna Martinsen, Amalia
Bendtschneider, Anna Meyermann, Elinore
Bendschneider, Cordelia Moeller, Louise
Bergmann, Sophia Otto, Katrina
Berry, Lizzie Pauls, Dorothea
Bockhaus, Marie Paulsen, Caroline
Boysen, Laura Ploog, Auguste
Brandenburg, Wilhelmina Ploog, Johanna
Buell, Katrina Rathje, Marie
Christiansen, Anna Rausch, Dorothea
Claussen, Caroline Rebelsky, Caroline
Claussen, Katrina Reimer, Elise
Cords, Margarete Reinke, Bertha
Dalchow, Frances Ridder, Dora
Dierks, Margareta Roeder, Wilhelmina
Diesing, Bertha Roeh, Margaretha
Dreschsel, Katrina Rockrohr, Fredericke
Dressen, Caroline Rosenberg, Elise
Drews, Elise Schnepel, Margarete
Miss Gabel, Josie Schmidt, Anna
Grimm, Caroline Schroeder, Caroline
Hansen, Hedwig Schwartz, Auguste
Hansen, Ingeborg Schwartz, Fredericke
Hebeler, Anna Sitan, Margarete
Hoffmann, Katrina Steege, Ida
Holk, Katrina Tadsen, Anna
Huenger, Elise Tallet, Emilie
Ingwersen, Johanna Taufmann, Mina
Jones, Julia Thiessen, Anna
Johannsen, Marie Thompson, Anna
Klinge, Sophia Wascher, Caroline
Koch, Caroline Wenzel, Marie
Koehn, Anna Widderich, Katrina
Ladehof, Wiebke Miss Wilke, Katie
Lassen, Augusta Wulf, Bertha
Leekband, Marie  

Young Peoples Society

The Young People's Society meets every first and third Tuesday of each month at 8 o'clock, P.M. the young people are also doing good work in the vineyard of their master.  May the society prosper in the future.  The present officers are:

President: Mr. Leonard Roeh
Vice-President: Miss Esther Grimm
Treasurer: Mr. Edward Drews
Secretary: Miss Annie Reinke
Librarian: Mr. Karl Dahm

Directory of the Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Grand Mound, Buena Vista and DeWitt.


In 1896 Rev. C. L. Broecker began to hold Lutheran services at Grand Mound and on February 28, 1903, organized the Trinity Congregation.  A constitution was adopted and signed by 10 voting members.  Services were first held in the M. E. Church.  Later the congregation purchased two lots in north Grand Mound.  Upon one of the lots a church and school building was erected at a cost of $3500.00 dedicated to the service of the Triune God on December 17,1905.

Soon after organizing the congregation Rev. C. L. Broecker followed a call to Milwaukee, Wis.  He was suceeded by Rev. F. O. Lothringer, who faithfully served the congregation from August 2, 1903 to Easter 1915.  The present pastor, Rev. Louis Eschbach, being called April 7, 1915.

In the year 1911 a parsonage costing $2500.00 was built on the congregations property.  In 1915 a furnace was installed in the church basement and in the spring of 1916 the Ladies Aid had the church and parsonage wired for electric lighting.  In 1917 the church bell which had become damaged, was replaced by a new one, weighing 1500 pounds.  By the grace of God the congregation in course of time increased and grew, so that it now numbers 195 souls.

Services are conducted in German and English languages.  German services are held every Sunday alternately.  English services every fourth Sunday evening.

The congregation from the beginning provided for the religious instruction of her children by instituting a parish school, which is conducted by the pastor.

As a further means of providing for the spiritual welfare of her children a Sunday-school was organized in the spring of 1916.  This school has five classes with 56 scholars on the rolls.  The present officers of the Sunday school are:

Superintendent: Herbert Buhmann
Vice Superintendant: Carl Meints
Teachers: Mrs. L. Eschbach; Harry Meints, Miss Hulda Meints; Miss Anna Brockmann; Mrs. Anna Ahlff.

Ladies' Aid Society

The Ladies' Aid Society was organized March 5, 1909.  This society has done much for charity and for the local church and parsonage.  Officers and members of Ladies' Aid:

Mrs. Sophie Schmidt, President
Mrs. Alvina Jensen, Treasurer
Ahloff, Anna Nielsen, Juliana
Batzen, Anna Paulsen, Helen
Butzloff, Annine Rock, Louise
Eshbach, Etha Schmidt, Sophie
Fortram, Maria Schroeder, Rose
Gloe, Pauline Schwien, Louise
Grimm, Emma Schwien, Mary
Hinz, Hulda Singlemann, Minnie
Jessen, Alvina Soenksen, Hedwig
Laasch, Catherine Vogt, Tine
Meints, Catherina Vetter, Lena
Meints, Hulda Wieck, Mary


Services every second Sunday at 10:00 A.M.
Sunday school every Sunday at 11:00 A.M.
English services every fourth Sunday at 8:00 P.M.

Officers and Voting Members

President: Niels Nielsen
Trustees: Wm. Schwien, Ed. Jessen, Chas. Schmidt
Treasurer: Ernest Vetter
Secretary: L. Eschbach
Collectors: A. F. Soenksen, Henry Schroeder

Schmidt, Chas. F. Jensen, Edw.
Paulsen, Chas. R. Rathmann, H. F.
Nielsen, Niels Soenksen, Wm.
Vetter, E. H. Schroeder, Henry
Rock, Wm. K. Soenksen, A. F.
Brockmann, C. L. Fortram, Gustav
Schwien, Will Block, Wm.
Schwien, Carl Nielsen, Henry
Lucht, Fred Eschbach, L.
Vogt, Chr.  

Immanuel's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Buena Vista, Olive Township, Clinton County, Iowa

Immanuel's Evangelical Lutheran congregation was organized April 16, 1871 by Rev. C. Seuel, then Pastor at Lowden, who also ministered to the Lutherans of the settlement near Buena Vista.  A constitution was adopted and signed by nineteen voting members.  One of the first investments of the congregation was the buying of an acre of land for burial ground and church.  In 1872 lumber was hauled and the building of a church commenced, the corner stone being laid September 22, 1872. On the 23 day of March the building of 20 ft x 32 ft was completed and dedicated to the service of the Triune God.  In 1875 a parsonage and parish school were built on a 1/2 acre adjoining the congregation's property.  From the records we also note that on August 27, 1876 a library for the free use to all members was called into existance by the congregation.

Rev. C. Seuel was succeeded by Rev. H. Englebrecht, who after a brief stay followed a call to Chicago, Ill. in 1873.  For the next three years Rev. J. H. Brammer the present pastor of the Lowden congregation, ministers to the little flock.  The congregation now feeling strong enough to support its own pastor called Rev. W. Mallon August 5, 1877.  Rev. W. Mallon was called to magnolia, Iowa and was succeeded by Rev. C. A. Bretcher in 1878, the vacancy being filled by Rev. C. A. Mennicke from Rock Island, Ill.  After five years service Rev. C. A. Bretcher was called to Hanover Township, Crawford County, Iowa and was succeed by Rev. Alexander who served only a short time, being compelled to resign on account of poor health.

June first, 1884, Rev. w. H. Baehr was called.  He was succeeded by Rev. J. H. Brammer, who from September 20 1886 to April 19, 1896 ministered to both the congregations at Lowden and Buena Vista.  From July 26, 1896 on Buena Vista, Grand Mound and DeWitt joined to one parish, calling as their pastor Rev. C. L. Broecker.  To be more centrally located the pastor from now resided at Grand Mound.

In 1902 the congregation found it necessary to build a 16 ft. addition to their church to accommodate the increased attendance.

Rev. C. L. Boecker was succeeded by Rev. F. O.Lothringer, August 9, 1903 who successfully served until 1915.  The present pastor Rev. Louis Eschbach, was called April 7, 1915.  From the beginning the congregation saw and recognized the great need of training its children in one thing needful to make them good citizens of the state, and above all, good citizens in their divine Lord and Master's Kingdom.  To that end they provided the proper means, religious and seular instruction of their children.  In the first years they employed a teacher, later when they had their resident pastor, the pastor instructed the children.  Since the pastor resides at Grand Mound the children are sent to the Grand Mound parish school for religious instruction. 
At the present time the congregaion numbers approximately 165 souls.

The Sunday school is attended by 25 scholars with Mr. Louis Vetter acting as superintendent.

The Ladies' Aid Society was organized May 24, 1917.  The constitution being signed by the following officers and members.

Mrs. Bertha Mueller, President
Mrs. Catherine Laasch, Vice President
Mrs. Mabel Mueller, Treasurer
Mrs. Amanda Lehan II, Secretary

Bertha Mueller Mabel Mueller
Amelia Mueller Bertha Arnold
Anna Grau Minnie Schwartz
Mary Buckmann Minnie Grau
Anna Binning Anna Mueller
Amanda Lehahn Maymie Mueller
Katie Juber Minnie Timm
Mary Kohnert Fredrecka Draale
Catherine Laasch Mary Kanneberg
Martha Mueller Emma Dosland
Lina Vetter Carrie Nerhus
Ida Schwartz  


Services every other Sunday.  German and English alternately.

Officers and Voting Members

President: Chr. Buckmann
Trustees: Fred Kohnert, Joh. F. Mueller, Aug. Vetter
Treasurer: John Laasch
Secretary: L. Eschbach
Fred Mueller Richard Kuehl
Adolph Wendel August Wriedt
Claus Binning Carl Dralle
Chris. Buckmann W. F. Mueller
Fred Kohnert G. F. Mueller
Fred Laasch Gus Binning
Fred Schwartz Adolph Binning
Wm. Grau Chris. Grau
Ludwig Meier R. F. Mueller
Henry A. Mueller Fred J. Mueller
Joh. Kuretzfeldt Henry Kohnert
August Vetter Joh. H. Binning
Henry Dralle Joh. Ehlers
Henry Mueller Joh. Laasch
John Mueller Fred Grau
George Mueller Elmer Binning

Evangelical Lutheran Mission, DeWitt, Iowa

The first Lutheran pastors to hold services at DeWitt were from Davenport.  Later the pastor of Grand Mound took charge of DeWitt ministering to the Lutherans in DeWitt and vicinity.  A congregation, has as yet, not been organized, but it is hoped, that in the near future the organization will take place.  Some 125 souls are under the pastor's charge.

Regular services in the German language are being held every other Sunday at 2 o'clock P.M.

A Sunday school has been called into existance in early spring of 1917, at the present time has thirty-two pupils on the rolls.

The present teachers are: Misses Hanna Prange, Hattie Scharff, Viola Eschbach.

The Ladies' Aid was orgainzed May 2, 1917.  A constitution was subscribed by the following officers and members:

President: Mrs. Anna Scharff
Vice President: Mrs. Margaretha Soenksen
Treasurer: Mrs. Bertha Soenksen
Anna Scharff Emma Jaeger
Margaretha Soenksen Antonetta Arendt
Bertha Soenksen Dora Meggers
Maggie Greve Alma Brandenburg

In January 1917 a number of young people orgainzed a "Luther League". The "League" meets every second Friday of the month.

Officers and Members:
President: Herman Hinz
Vice President: Mabel Levesen
Treasurer: Carl Soenksen
Secretary: Martha Scharff

Herman Hinz Mabel Levesen
Carl Soenksen Amanda Meggers
Edw. Soenksen Arthur Grave
Amanda Soenksen Aug. Jochemsen
Emil Scharff Joh. Grave
Agnes Scharff Ernest Soenksen
Hattie Scharff Mathilda Meggers
Martha Scharff Aug. Jeager
Henry Jaeger Hanna Prange

Emanuel's Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod
C. Jobst, Pastor

German services Sunday at 10 am
English services every fourth Sunday at 10 am
Parochial school from September to Palm Sunday every year.
Instruction for Confirmation both in German and English.
Sunday School both in German and English throughout the year at 9 am.


It was the year 1873, when Rev. Stiegeeyer, then Pastor of the German Luther Church in Center Grove, about 10 miles from Charlotte, first carried on mission work among the scattered German Lutherans in Charlotte vicinity.  And the proper step to Build up a good congregation for the tim present and future was soon done in starting a parochial school for the Christian education under the leadership of Prof. V. Koescielski.  Rev. Stiegemeyer's work was crowned with success.  In the same year 1873 a congregation was organized and a suitable church edifice was erected with a small parsonage as annex on a lot at the east end of the village.  In the year 1875 the Lutheran flock had increased so that they deemed it their Christian duty to call their own minister and they sent a call to Rev. C. R. Riedel, who accepted, and served the congregation faithfully 17 years when he resigned on account of advanced age.  In the year 1883 a little schoolhouse was built on the church grounds; in the year 1915 this building was enlarged to render better service.  In the year 1892 the congregation was at last successful in its calling of a successor of their previous minister.  Rev. H. Niemand of Wisner, Nebraska, accepted the urgent call sent to him and served also very faithfully and worked very diligently 12 years until he broke down from persistent strenuous work which finally caused him to hand in his resignation.  In the year 1904 Mr. C. H. Oldsen, cand. theol., was called to fill the vacancy.  During his official work of 7 years the congregation grew outwardly and in 1906 passed the laudable resolution to beautify their church property by erecting a modern stately parsonage west of the church.  And this by no means small enterprise was carried out fully and to add thereto, some time later the church building was enlarged and renovated inside and especially enriched through the purchase of a nice pipe organ costing $600.00, a gift of the esteemed Ladies Aid Society of the congregation.  In the year 1911 Rev. Oldsen resigned and entered another field of business.  The congregation had to call again and their present minister accepted.

Officers and Communicant Members
President: Rev. C. Jobst
Elders and Trustees: Hermann Glahn, Fred Grill, Peter Rickertsen
Collector: N. M. Grantz
Secretary: Henry Ladehoff
Treasurer: Adolph Ketelsen

Andresen, Christopher, Mr. & Mrs. Andresen, Hilda
Andresen, Olga Andresen, Arnold
Andresen, Marvin Andresen, Ingwer, Mrs
Andresen, Dora Ball, Christine, Mrs.
Bartels, Catharina, Mrs. Bartels, Frank
Bartels, Anna Bielenberg, Anna
Bielenberg, Willie Bielenberg, Marine
Boldt, Christine, Mrs. Boldt, Frank
Busch, John, Mr. & Mrs. Christiansen, N. C., Mr. & Mrs.
Christiansen, George, Mr. & Mrs. Christiansen, Walter, Mr. & Mrs.
Christiansen, Ernst Christiansen, Louis, Mrs.
Dahlstrom, Arthur, Mrs. Dunn, Lillie, Mrs.
Fallesen, Peter, Mrs. Fallesen, Swenne
Fallesen, Marius Fallesen, Anna
Fallesen, Olga Friedrichsen, Friedr., Mr. & Mrs.
Friedrichsen, Andreas, Mr. & Mrs. Friedrichsen, Minnie
Glahn, Hermann, Mr. & Mrs. Glahn, Edmund
Glahn, Ernst Glahn, George, Mr. & Mrs.
Glahn, Magdalena, Mrs. Gluesing, Fred, Mr. & Mrs.
Gluesing, Elsabea, Mrs. Gluesing, Johannes
Gluesing, Fred Gluesing, Henry
Goldensoph, Dora, Mrs. Goettsch, Louis, Mr. & Mrs.
Goettsch, Meinert Grantz, N. M., Mr. & Mrs.
Grantz, Walter Grantz, John, Mr. & Mrs.
Grill, Fred, Mr. & Mrs. Grill, Henry Jr.
Grill, Marine Grill, Malinda
Grill, Henry Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Grill, Fred Jr.
Grill, Loretta Hansen, Claus, Mr. & Mrs.
Hansen, M., Mrs. Hansen, Henry M.
Harsch, Fred Herzberg, Margaret
Hoeft, J. H., Mr. & Mrs. Hoeft, Carl E., Mr. & Mrs.
Hoffmann, Ben, Mr. & Mrs. Hoffmann, Henry
Hoffmann, Leona Hoffmann, Irene
Hoffmann, Luella Illemann, M. H., Mrs.
Illemann, Esther Jacobsen, Carl, Mr. & Mrs.
Iensen (Jensen ?), Nicolaus, Mr. & Mrs. Jensen, Auguste
Jensen, Anna Jensen, Johannes
Jensen, Nicoline Jensen, Carl, Mr. & Mrs.
Jobst, Carl, Rev. & Mrs. Jobst, Lydia
Jobst, Ruben Jochimsen, August
Ketelsen, Emil Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Ketelsen, Carsten, Mrs.
Ketelsen, Adolph Ketelsen, Thomas P., Mr. & Mrs.
Ketelsen, Thomas C., Mr. & Mrs. Ketelsen, Emil Jr., Mr. & Mrs.
Knutsen, Peter, Mr. & Mrs. Knutsen, Henry
Ladehoff, Henry, Mr. & Mrs. Ladehoff, John
Lamp, Henry, Mrs. Lamp, Peter
Lamp, Alma Lamp, Theresa
Lamp, Carrie Lamp, Anna, Mrs.
Lamp, Peter, Mrs. Langheim, J. M., Mrs.
Langheim, Eddie Langheim, Olga
Langheim, Meta, Miss Lassen, Henry, Mrs.
Lassen, Emil, Mrs. Lorenzen, Emma
Lorenzzen, Auguste Luth, Thomas
Mattke, Gustav Mattke, Arthur
Meggers, Albert, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Meggers, Albert Jr.
Meggers, George Meggers, Carl, Mr. & Mrs.
Meggers, Minnie Milder, Johanna, Mrs.
Michaelsen, Michael, Mr. & Mrs. Naeve, John, Mrs.
Naeve, Irene Oldsen, C. H., Mr. & Mrs.
Otto, Viola Paulsen, Carl, Mrs.
Paulsen, Martin Paulsen, Cornelius, Mr. & Mrs.
Paulsen, Marine Paulsen, Inez
Paulsen, George Paarmann, Hermann, Mr. & Mrs.
Paarmann, Emily Paarmann, Theresa
Paarmann, Carl Petersen, Christ, Mr. & Mrs.
Petersen, Peter Petersen, Anna
Petersen, Cornelius, Mr. & Mrs. Petersen, August F.
Petersen, Adolph, Mr. & Mrs. Petersen, Eddie
Petersen, Alfrieda Petersen, Ruby
Petersen, Virtus Petersen, M. C., Mrs.
Petersen, Bernice Petersen, Carl, Mrs.
Petersen, Steffen, Mrs. Rickertsen, Peter, Mr. & Mrs.
Rickertsen, Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Robinson, Mary, Mrs.
Scheer, Edwin A., Mrs. Schlemme, Lillian
Schoening, Elsie Schoening, Lillie
Schoolmann, Rosa Schoolmann, William, Mr. & Mrs.
Schoolmann, Christ Schoolmann, Elmer
Schroeder, P. F., Mrs. Schroeder, Louise
Schroeder, Cora Schroeder, Gartus
Soenksen, Carl Soenksen, Anna
Soenksen, Amanda Soenksen, Theodor
Soenksen, Lillie Soenksen, Bernard
Soenksen, Bohne, Mr. & Mrs. Stenzel, Carl, Mr. & Mrs.
Stenzel, Adele Stenzel, Clara
Stenzel, Kathryn Stenzel, Martin, Mr. & Mrs.
Stenzel, Carl Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Stenzel, Arthur
Stuedemann, Ben, Mr. & Mrs. Thomsen, Siegfried
Voss, Catharine, Mrs. Weber, Nicolaus, Mr. & Mrs.
Weber, Peter Williams, Chas., Mrs.
Williams, Henry Mrs. Wiese, Harry, Mrs.
Wiese, Carl Wiese, Johny
Wiese, Willie Wiese, Anna
Wiese, Herman, Mr. & Mrs Wiese, Frank, Mr. & Mrs.

One of the important factors of our Church here is its Aid Society. It meets the first Friday of each month for work and social purposes and discusses ways and means to help the church and to perform works of charity. A great deal has been accomplished by our ladies.  Church and schoolhouse both show evidences of their love and care.

Following are Officers and Members.
President, Secretary, and Treasurer: Mrs. C. Bartels
Vice President: Mrs. Carsten Ketelsen

Mrs. C. Ball Mrs. C. Bartels
Mrs. Wm. Endorf Mrs. M. Glahn
Mrs. N. M. Grantz Mrs. Fred Grill
Mrs. M. H. Illemann Mrs. C. Jobst
Miss Lydia Jobst Mrs. Carsten Ketelsen
Mrs. Henry Lamp Mrs. J. M. Langheim
Miss Meta Langheim Mrs. Henry Lassen
Mrs. C. H. Oldsen Mrs. Caral Paulsen
Mrs. Corn. Paulsen Mrs. Peter Rickertsen
Mrs. P. F. Schroeder Mrs. Henry Schumacher
Mrs. Carl Stenzel, Sen. Mrs. Nic. Weber

There are a lot of advertisements in this booklet so I will put them on this side:

People's Savings Bank of our Beautiful Grand Mound.  J. W. Reihman, Cash., Henry Meller, Pres., J. W. Kelly, V. P., R. C. Quinn, Ass't Cash., E. L. Reihman, Bookkeeper

Vetter Bros. & Blunck, General Merchants, Grand Mound's Leading Store

(German) Gebruder Brumer, Deutiche Uhrmacher

Bickelhaupt Motor Co., Clinton Iowa, Dodge Bros. Motor Cars

Champion Feed Milling Co., Clinton (Lyons Station)

Iowa State Savings Bank, Lyons, Iowa

Roff & Moeszinger, Druggists, Eastman Kodaks, Lyons, Iowa

John W. Judge Real Estate and Insurance, Buell Block, Lyons

Thompson Cash Grocery Store, Lyons

Carl C. Claussen, The Service Grocer, 716 W Main, Lyons

W. A. Sewell & Company, Lyons

First National Bank and Lyons Savings Bank, Lyons

C.Krupelmann, Jeweler, Lyons

Stuedemann's Dairy, 119 S Sixth St., Lyons

Becker Seed Co., Corner Main and Eighth St., Lyons

Art Embroidery Shop, Clinton
Frances Smith & Co.

Borbeck-Lohberg Lumber Co., Lyons

Madsen Bros., Dealers in Fresh and Smoked Meat, 424 N Second St., Clinton

The City Tailors, H. D. Baumeister, Prop. 516 Second St., Clinton

A. J. Tingleff for Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Shoes, Trunks, Satchels 218 Second St., Clinton

DeLange Drug & Optical Co., Fourth Ave & Second St., Clinton

A. Carstensen & E. A. Boysen Staple and Fancy Groceries, Corner 3rd Ave & 2nd St., Clinton

N. D. Goff, Jeweler, Revere House Block, Clinton

Hass Bros. Corner Grocers, 122 S Second St., Clinton

R. A. Champlin Auto Co., Salesroom & Office 117 Sixth Ave., Service Station 516 N Second St., Clinton

John J. Blodt & Co., Druggists Clinton

Fowler Coal Co.

Yellow Fellow Taxi Cab Line, A. A. Daehler, Proprietor

Nis Nissen, Dry Goods, Shoes and Furnishings, 112-114 Fourth St., Clinton

Schall's Chocolates, Clean and Delicious

Petersen Bros. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Corner First Ave & Fourth St., Clinton

Cass Estabrook, Funeral Director 120 S Second St., Clinton

Excelsior Steam Laundry 123 Fifth Ave., Clinton

Henry Specht & Son, Harness and Auto Necessities

A. D. Webster, Everything Photographic

Eldridge Battery Co., Willard Service Station

Milo John Drug Co., The Rexall Store Opposite P.O., Clinton

Cope Bros.  The Peoples Photographers, Oldest Photographic Firm in the City, Over 211 Fifth Ave., Clinton

W. E. Henning & Co., Druggist Corner Second and Fourth St., Clinton

P. D. Petersen, Grocer, 216 S Fourth St., Clinton

Julius Stoecks, Successor to Ferguson, Photographer, 312 S. Second St., Clinton

Martin Morris and Co., Expert Clothiers

Doyle's Cleaning Shop, 207 Seventh Ave., Clinton

Godskesen Hardware Co., 616 S. Second St., Clinton

R. L. Glendenning & P. J. Clarke, Electrical Contractors, 405 S. Second St., Clinton

A. D. Baker Electric Co., Langan Bldg., Clinton

Lichtenstein Bros. Selling Good Clothing, Hats and Furnishings in Grand Mound since 1903.

A. H. Dohrmann, Dealer in Shoes, Clothing and Gents' Furnishings, Charlotte

Cranny Motor Co., Charlotte

Mrs. E. Snyder for Fine Millinery

Mueller & Steadman, City Garage, Calamus

Mueller Brothers, General Merchandise, Calamus

A. C. Peterson, General Hardware, Heating, Plumbing, Calamus

H. H. Dosland Lumber, Coal and Building Material, Calamus

M. G. Nonnenmacher, Furniture and Undertaking, DeWitt

P. H. McGinnis & Son N. F. McGinnis, Undertakers and Embalmers, DeWitt

G. H. Christensen Farmers' Store Dry Goods and Groceries, DeWitt

W. H. Walker & Co., Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes and Crockery, DeWitt

Geo. Hayes & Co., Double Tub Washers & Electric Power

Mousel's Studios, Portraits, DeWitt

DeWitt Savings Bank

First National Bank, Farmers & Citizens Savings Bank, DeWitt.  A. M. Price, Pres.; C. H. Arthur, Vice Pres.; L. N. Williams, Cashier; Paul Siegmund, Asst. Cash.

Farmer & Merchants Savings Bank, Charlotte

R. A. Rowland, Fresh meat, Charlotte

Hoeft's Plain Price Variet Store, Charlotte

Langheim, Druggist, Charlotte

A. H. Dohrmann, Dealer in Shoes, Clothing and Mens' Furnishings, Charlotte

Charlotte Trust & Savings Bank, Charlotte.  Officers: C. W. Beeby, President; Martin Dolan, Vice Pres.; F. L. Butzloff, Cashier; B. E. Marlowe, Assistant Cashier.  Directors: Jurgen Rathmann, Fred Jeager, M. H. Illeman, Martin Dolan, c. W. Beeby, B. E. Marlowe, R. M. J. Winey, R. T. Troy, F. L. Butzloff.

Illemann & Stenzel, General Merchandise, Charlotte

Cranny Motor Co. Authorized Ford Sales and Service, Charlotte

E. A. Rockwell, Funeral Director, 319 S. Second St., Clinton

J. C. Fenlon, Wholesale Flour, Grain, Salt, Hay, Coal, Coke, Wood and Ice.  131 Fourth Ave., Clinton

N & N for Your Clothing and Furnishings, 520 Second St., Clinton

Frank Moore Electric Co., 204 Fourth Ave., Clinton

Hart Bros. Auto Livery. 209 Sixth Ave., Clinton

Marcellus Bros., Gents' Furnishings, Shoes, Hats and Caps, 804 S. Fourth St., Corner 8th Ave and 4th St., Clinton

Smith & Oakes Fuel and Building Material, Sixth Ave. and First St., Clinton

Arlen's Purity Drinks

Murch & Taylor Jewelers, 233 Fifth Ave., Clinton

Jacobsen-Thompson Co., Reliable Merchandise, 242-244 Fifth Ave., Clinton

Herrity's Bakery, 810 S. Fourth St., Clinton

Ernest Carlson, Hardware, Stoves, Furnaces, Tin and Sheet Metal 806 S. Fourth St., Clinton

J. C. Conrad and Sons, Staple and Fancy Groceries, 412-414 N. Second St., Clinton

The New Clinton Laundry

Gabriel Lumber & Fuel Co., 122 Fifth Ave., Clinton

Kraft's, Kraft-Doran-Peterson Co., Clothing and Furnishings, 223 Fifth Ave., Clinton

Olson Bros. Hardware, Grand Mound

Buehler Bros. Market 310 S. Second St., Clinton

D. B. McFarland Photographer Lyons and Fulton, Buell Block, Lyons; Lincoln Highway, Fulton