Fabulous Anniversary Party at G. M. Curtis Mansion - 1889
From: The Clinton Daily Herald; Wednesday Evening, September 4, 1889, P. 3
Transcribed by a Clinton County IaGenWeb volunteer.
A Fete Champetre Given by Hon. and Mrs. Geo. M. Curtis at their Beautiful
The handsome Fifth avenue home of Hon. and Mrs. Geo. M. Curtis was more than
usually attractive and beautiful last evening. The event was a lawn festival
given in honor of the seventeenth wedding anniversary of the host and hostess.
Five hundred invitations had been issued which were generally responded to in
person, the recipients well knowing that the party could not fail to be
delightful when given by such successful entertainers as Mr. and Mrs. Curtis.
The house was beautifully lighted from cellar to garret, but the lawn was the
most attractive, both to the eye and comfort of the guests.
A pink netting enclosed the lawn from the street, innumerable colored Chinese
lanterns were suspended about the grounds, and here and there appeared large
Japanese umbrellas, under which were placed rugs and chairs where guests might
sit and exchange the latest bits of gossip. Three headlights completed the
illumination of this beautiful spectacle, but their brilliant rays failed to
penetrate the retired nooks which were to be found here and there – just the
place for a quiet tete-a-tete.
The scene, as viewed through the pink netting from the corner of Fifth avenue
and Fourth street, with the many colored lights, suspended in tier above tier,
the brilliantly illuminated house rising in the background, and the soft,
silvery effect of the moon upon the whole, was indeed beautiful and reminded one
of a fairy grotto.
A commodious tent was erected at the north, under which delicious refreshments
were served, and the Hinrichs orchestra, stationed on the porch, which was
decorated with large flags and lanterns, discoursed sweet music during the
evening, while the eclipse of Jupiter by the moon – an event which seemed
prepared for this special occasion – furnished a diversion in the program of
That the true party was a complete success, and that each guest went home with a
pleasant consciousness of having enjoyed a most delightful evening, is true, and
the host and hostess have added another triumph to their list of receptions, and
to their renown as cordial and hospitable entertainers.